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Do you want kids?

Do you want kids?

  • I am male and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 121 33.6%
  • I am female and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 83 23.1%
  • I am male and I do not want kids

    Votes: 62 17.2%
  • I am female and do not want kids

    Votes: 38 10.6%
  • I am female and am undecided yet

    Votes: 22 6.1%
  • I am male and am undecided yet

    Votes: 34 9.4%

  • Total voters
L O V E L I F E said:
The fact that the world is overpopulated and full of potential pitfalls has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I can attempt to improve this imperfect world by increasing its population by one QUALITY human being.

Exactly :) Nothing wrong with raising a couple of well-adjusted, intelligent people who might go on to make the world a better place. It's a bit different from living in slums and having 10 kids under 8.

Of course, they could always turn out to be Hitler, but hopefully I'll be able to instill a bit more open-mindedness in them than that.

And thanks crystalcallas :D :D
Perpetual Indulgence said:
YES!! The feeling will change with age bullshit. Now I get "good for you!" on a solid decision.

What are relos?

Uh, its aussie-speak for relatives =D

No one says 'good on you' about my decision but they've stopped mentioning it which is fine by me.

A lot of stuff just goes unspoken in my family...so I'm kind of glad i'm in that category now :\
i definatly want kids some day, but only when i will be able to support them, and ensure that they will be able to have a good education, and a comfretable life. what is the point of life if you are not going to have children??
^^^lmao, relax. ;) No need for anybody to feel inferior/superior because they dont ever want / super want to have kids and vice versa. It's all relative my friend :)

And women want kids about age 3

I beg to differ as I only wanted kids when i turned 30! BAH! =D
aunty establishment said:
See? That's one of the 99% I'm talking about. I see it, and I know I'm supposed to think it's cute, but it just looks like a tiny retard in a dumb outfit to me. I know, I know. Hating children makes me evil. I'm sorry. It's just the way I'm wired.

That's one of the funniest things I've ever read on Bluelight.

As for myself, I have enough trouble taking care and feeding myself, let alone another person with my shitty genes. I don't want the responsibility because I know I'd screw up a kid's life. I don't want children.
socko said:
Is it only people who were lucky enough to have had happy childhoods who want to have children?

A female friend of mine had a traumatic childhood and she wants to be a mother and start a family more than anything. Maybe because she wants to experience what was denied to her, maybe she wants somebody to love her like only a child can unconditionally love his or her parents, maybe it's something else… who knows. :\

On the other hand some other friends of mine also had traumatic childhoods (alcoholic parents, abusive parents, etc.) and this is one of the main reasons they don't want to start a family of their own. There's no love and white picket fence in the image of the family they've been imprinted with.
I'm just too selfish. Tis the season to go shopping for Xmas gifts and to reminf me why I don't want any kids.
i'm recently a new mom...my daughter is 9 months old today! :)

to touch upon a few things i've read so far....
1) i think my clock's alarm started going off sometime after my 25th birthday too. i was so very adamant about not having kids, and for a lot of the same reasons i've seen here: not financially ready, work would get in the way, too selfish, didn't want to get fat, wouldn't make a good parent/didn't have maternal instincts, world's too fucked up to bring someone else into it, etc.

i've aborted one and had one, and i never had any regrets up until a few months ago for that abortion. didn't think i ever would. now i look at my daughter and can't imagine life without her, can't imagine what life would be like if i had done the same things again. :( (not knocking abortion - if you're not ready, you're not ready...or whatever reasons you may have)

2) being fat while pregnant and gaining weight.
fuck it. you are totally expected to gain weight. i do not know a woman alive who is 100% totally happy with the way they look, so there's no sugar-coating pregancy. you will gain weight. you will get fat. your legs and feet and hands will swell. your acne may get more pronounced or you may have acne when you've been clear your whole life. you will get tired. you will have to pee every 30 mins. you will get nauseous.

BUT, the flip-flopping of something growing in your belly is amazing. you begin to know your child's sleeping schedule. you can literally feel body parts as they develop and grow. you can feel your child hiccupping. all i did was rub my tummy to try to get her to move.

i had no experience with kids in my older teenage and college years. i hated kids - still hate teenagers, but that's a different story - didnt' want kids, hated kiddie things. but once she came out it was like i was a different person. i knew exactly what to do - i barely read any of the parenting mags or books - it was just like a switch went off and i was "mom". changing diapers, looking for sicky signs, breastfeeding (which freaked me out before i got pregnant btw), feeding baby foods, consoling her....all of this came naturally. i'm quite amazed, as is my husband.

kids aren't for everyone. i admire everyone's opinions and most people "just know" that kids aren't right for them. i'd definitely rather someone who knows they have certain illnesses or genetic tendencies, adopt kids or not have them at all because it causes problems for everyone. however i do not believe that it's egocentric to want to have kids. the biological purpose of life is to procreate, although that doesn't mean the social purpose of life is to do the same. don't have kids if you don't have time to take care of them or love to give them. money will work itself out....


oh, and i'm gonna post some pics of my daughter at another time. those 3 kids y'all posted are adorable!
I do now and have decided to go for it, too... maybe one, not thought as far as two...
I can hardly look after myself... never mind a kid.

I'm doing the world a favour by never having kids.
^^My position EXACTLY.

When I look around at all the people round where I live who should have followed that advice, but had so little self-knowledge they didn't even know it was the worst possible thing they could do 8(

I'm damn glad I have enough self-awareness to realise this beforehand, and save a kid a shitload of suffering....
Right now I dont want kids. I'm almost 22 so I'm still young but I have too many things I want to do in the next 10 years.

I know those maternal instincts might kick in eventually, but I don't want to be bringing a new life into this world until I can give it the best of everything.

All I can say is its not on my agenda at all and if it comes the time that I realise it may be too late, then I'm not gonna stress about it.
It would be a huge shock to the system to have kids now, I'm only 23.

I really do want kids one day however. I love kids, they say they most awesome things.
ok totally undecided ....

considering i about about 8 or 9 years of uni to go before i even start a very fulfilling career, i don't know where im gonna fit kids in

i love babies, and children i really do - i just don't know if my life will accomodate them - ever