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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

How would you feel about your kid accessing Bluelight?

So you wouldn't like your child coming on this site as it is due to the suggested glorification of abuse, but you'd appreciate them accessing a harm reduction resource? Surely Talk To Frank would suffice in that case? Drugs Forum at a push?
Getting slightly suspicious now.

Yes I would like them to speak to Talk to Frank but how honest are they gna be with the speaker in order to get proper advice?

I don't think it's very respectful to Bluelight for me to be discussing other Harm Reduction forums. That's like me going to McDonalds and eating a KFC.

Yes I would like them to speak to Talk to Frank but how honest are they gna be with the speaker in order to get proper advice?
Isn't there a website for Frank? I don't think you actually ring up and Frank answers. And I wouldn't eat either. :D
The nearest thing I have to my own child is my now grown-up sort-of common-law stepdaughter (we're as close as if she were mine). I know she smokes a fair bit of weed and takes the odd pill. At the moment she is dead set against heroin, because she's seen what it has done to her mother; there remains the distinct possibility, though, of some sufficiently-unpleasant experience in future turning her towards it. Statistically, with a family history ..... Well. I'd want her to be able to read some of people's actual real-life experiences, no sugar-coating, just the highs and the lows. Lest she end up thinking she will be fine as a Weekend Warrior; for all too soon, the weekend runs from Thursday to Tuesday, and you need a little midweek toot to get you over the Wednesday Hump .....
Mr "new alt every day of the week" is getting so easy to spot it's not even that fun anymore.....

Surely someone of his collosal interlect could try an incy wincy bit harder :)
Id be surprised and a bit disappointed if they didn't come to me first to be honest. Bluelight is useful if you have no other reliable source of information, but like most Google research it is inconsistent and easy to read only what you want to read.

To be fair there isn't that much to taking drugs safely. Know your product, know your dose and know your limits. Having a real life support network to pull your head out of your arse before you become an addict or worse is to me more important. There are far more interesting and healthy websites out there for children.
For sure.

Like I said, I'm close to her. Easily close enough for her to ask me for advice about drugs (she has before).
I'd set up an alt, start a thread titled 'where do you hide your stash?' find out where they hide it then pinch their drugs.

Little picks.
I think It's incredibly sensible. If my kid was gonna take drugs, I'd want them to at least do their research first and do it as safely as possible.
You don't need a license to parent. At least if you legalise heroin you could regulate your child's smack habit using a prescription
That guy seriously needs help.

Surely you know who that was Busty?
Of course but I don't let him get my knickers in a knot

Actually mate I was rather impressed with your coolness. I couldn't stand the cunt when he was a member. To have so sad a life where your kicks come from pathetic attempts to troll the drug site that banned you is about as desperate as it gets.

He really needs help.
Actually mate I was rather impressed with your coolness. I couldn't stand the cunt when he was a member. To have so sad a life where your kicks come from pathetic attempts to troll the drug site that banned you is about as desperate as it gets.
agreed. best thing everybody can do is report troublesome posts and not comment in the thread. thanks.

I know it's not your fault ali and I appologise for having a go at you the other week (was uncalled for) but is there nothing you can do? Its happening pretty much daily...