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Why is meth use looked down upon?

Meth is evil, man. Period. It has a shitty reputation, yet it's well-earned. Personal responsibility is huge. I believe that if you do a drug, it's on you to maintain and try to enjoy without fucking up and blaming your fuck-ups on that drug[/QUOTE]

These are two ideas that contradict each other. If meth is evil then it really doesnt matter what character the person has cause they have ingested an evil entity. But if personal responsibility is at play, then the substance really doesnt matter and cant be labeled evil.

I agree with the personal responsibility of drug use and i think its a big cope out to blame meth or anything else. These are the addicts that are in extreme self denial and their ego wont let them look at their part in their behavior.

I understand some people can have a dislike for it and im sure its justified. But in my life ive seen alcohol cause way more destructive then meth could ever do. But you dont see it on tv and their isnt this collective thought, even if some people have no idea about meth, that its a evil thing. Like someone said, a community that hadnt even seen it thought it was just a horrible thing. How ignorant is that kind of thinking? And just how did they all come to this same conclusion?
I'm just letting you know why meth has a bad rep, really bad rep. Of course it's not fair to people who use meth responsibly and don't fuck with others, but meth impairs judgement a little more than most drugs in that area. At least with alcohol u'll eventually pass out, not stay up for a week straight and possibly experience paranoia and then psychosis.

Let me just ask one question: would you feel more safe and chill hanging around the average methhead on a binge, or the average dopehead on a nodding binge?

Meth + people = a kinda well deserve bad rep compared to other drugs TBH. Like I said, it's not fair to all meth users, but such is life.

And here is a child of the propaganda feeding machine.
I understand some people can have a dislike for it and im sure its justified. But in my life ive seen alcohol cause way more destructive then meth could ever do. But you dont see it on tv and their isnt this collective thought, even if some people have no idea about meth, that its a evil thing. Like someone said, a community that hadnt even seen it thought it was just a horrible thing. How ignorant is that kind of thinking? And just how did they all come to this same conclusion?

I have worked in bars for the last decade of my life but there is no way I have seen alcohol cause more destruction to people's lives than meth. By no means think I'm biased as meth as my DOC but it slowly took away everything that was good in me in 6 months. I keep an open mind, but it changes people. Sure its a generalisation as there will always be exceptions to the rule. But generally speaking, long term abuse causes a lot of destruction to lives and THATs how they come to this conclusion. Because it is based in truth.
It is just like anything else. Some people can use it responsibly, others cannot. I have a prescription and I take it the way I am supposed to. It works fine. But I have heard about moms who take their kids ADHD meds and get hooked on them and get into big problems....Ha ha. My husband would be that house"wife". If I let my bottle around where he can get into it, he helps himself. Next thing I know he is up for three days straight. Then when I am out of my medicine, and have to start hiding them, there are consequences. It is the behaviors associated with addiction just like anything else. Not to mention what it does to your appearance when you abuse it over the years. Those PR ads with the nasty looking meth heads don't help anything. And my dentist hates that I am on adderall - shoving the Biotene at me all the time, and I have to go in like every month or so. That part is just the way it is. Opiods don't destroy your mouth the way stims do and that causes a huge stigma.
If your going to do it. Then be responsible. Everyone has different limits. Know yours and keep in good health.
...because Tina likes to run the show.

I know of too many naive guys who try it at a bathhouse and then thats all she wrote. They become empty bathhouse tweaker zombie messes. All they care about is the next slam and the next bareback random dude to fill him up. They loose all real human emotion and self respect. A slave to it, not even the ability to have meaningful sober sex. Everything because a dirty raunchy death wish. The dudes this happens too almost certainly get HIV. Dont think for a second that i dont know my careless risky decisions could put me right there if i don't think a little more. Meth is one hell of a mind trap.
Because it's known for being the cheap, white trash drug made in Gatorade bottles in the trailer parks of midwestern America. And in RV's.
Because it's known for being the cheap, white trash drug made in Gatorade bottles in the trailer parks of midwestern America. And in RV's.
Nailed it, people see it as a bathtub made drug. Faces of Meth didn't help that, either. I have no problems with pure shards, glass grade highly pure mexican clear.. But, it turns me into a porn fucking monster. If I do it, and it is rare, but I'll get jazzed about just watching porn non-stop and busting non-stop for hourssssssssss on end. It doesn't make me watch any 'strange' porn, but I'm more likely watching dp's, GB's, gagging, all that, and it gets me going and basically drooling over it. Never had sex on it though, although if I did I wouldn't wear a jimmy and that's a recipe for disaster. You could be a big ol' slut and I'll still HIGHLY LIKELY go in without one on shards. (Talking women here, fyi, and maybe I shared too much but I'm being honest).. Most gay men, like ol' boy said slam tina and just get pounded out by fucking 10-20 dudes in a night all unprotected, and HIV is so prevalent in that community because all ambitions go out the window and you just go fucking wild doing absolutely goddamn disgusting things. (Watched a Doc on it, intervention, and drrugs inc.)
To me, the horrible reputation meth has been given is due to a total lack of knowledge about the drug and the majority of new users thinking they will be totally fine and won't let themselves fall victim to it's stranglehold.
I say this because that's exactly how I looked at it the first few times I used. After a few months of fairly regular use I found myself struggling to stay off it and would do what I could to get my next fix.
Luckily I was able to see that I was becoming one of those users who gives meth it's horrific name. I forced myself to get clean and in that time I learnt as much as possible about the effects it has on the mind, body and appearance of a prolonged user.
I've since returned to regular use and have done so for the better part of a decade. I eat my three main meals a day, sleep for an average time of 10 hours a night, even after having a smoke and will always make sure I'm keeping my brain stimulated. I work Monday to Friday with the occasional Saturday and haven't had a day off in almost 6 years.
I've managed to incorporate my addiction into my life and whenever I start using more than my allocated amount, I detox myself for a week or so.
Not all meth users/addicts fall into the group that has turned it into a major problem.
When the time comes, I'll get off it for good, it will be difficult, but I will have experienced every aspect, good and bad, and was able to walk away.
Methamphetamine doesn't appear to evoke the public's disapprobation more than does any other so-called "hard drug". Now that I think about it, the only illicit recreational drug that public opinion does not considered incredibly deadly, extremely addictive, potentially life-destroying, abominable, and deserving of criminalization is cannabis.

I think cocaine, crack cocaine, PCP, heroin, etc., are just as frowned upon and disliked as methamphetamine. It just so happens that meth is currently having its turn on stage (i.e., media attention, public consciousness, and so forth) to be subjected to negative hyperbole, demonization, castigation, outrage, and moral panic.

But all other drugs had once been in the spotlight, too. Crack cocaine's moment of infamy and hysteria was around 1985 to 1995; PCP was decried and demonized around the 1970s; cocaine took its turn to play the bad guy around 1975 to 1985; LSD was the worst thing imaginable to overwrought and concerned parents everywhere in the 1960s; Methaqualone (better known as Quaaludes) played the villainous treat to society from about 1970 until its discontinuation and subsequent ban around 1985.

My point is that meth only appears worse now because it is simply the psychoactive boogie man of the era. It seems every decade has required one since at least the 18th century. Mass hysteria is frequently spurred by widespread adolescent drug use (which is seldom not a delusion; a nation-wide folie à deux, if you will).

The irrational hysteria will soon subside, and the public's attention will be diverted to denigrating another pernicious psychotropic that erodes social mores and sanctified values and epitomizes decadence, debauchery, and societal decay.
My thoughts? Because it isn't acceptable to society. Is that inherently meaningless? Yes!!!

If you can't get away with something then don't do it. How do you figure out what you can and can't get away with? That is the question of the ages, is it not... and then what do you do about your past? Avoid a polygraph? Sucks, you close doors on yourself every time you imbibe methamphetamine conscious of this fact or not. Can you obtain redemption over it? No, not really! And that's essentially the problem, suddenly it's too late and you're just then figuring out what the fuck. Better late than never? Sure, but not with meth! If you knew better why the hell would you? And if you didn't, it is still equally your fault. Sometimes you get disillusioned with life and say fuck it, then you wake up into a world of hurt and you will never truly know what the fuck, like what would have been so much better if you had just avoided this bad boy. Or the other kingpins of despair (crack, heroin).

I mean if you knew better than why would you? But then again, do people do stupid shit even if it's for a good reason?

Yes I repeated myself a bit, but it's [one] of the question of the ages and I figured I would share my thoughts (if they're really mine, or someone else's? society has opinions?? yeah, I wish I knew/had known/could simply talk to myself and explain this sort of thing, but oh well!).
Methamphetamine is a wonderful medication in small doses. The majority culture frowns upon it but that's no reason to deny experimentation. In the states you lose friends, usually self-righteous pot heads and alcoholics, if you admire meth. Not so much in Asia.
Nailed it, people see it as a bathtub made drug. Faces of Meth didn't help that, either. I have no problems with pure shards, glass grade highly pure mexican clear.. But, it turns me into a porn fucking monster. If I do it, and it is rare, but I'll get jazzed about just watching porn non-stop and busting non-stop for hourssssssssss on end. It doesn't make me watch any 'strange' porn, but I'm more likely watching dp's, GB's, gagging, all that, and it gets me going and basically drooling over it. Never had sex on it though, although if I did I wouldn't wear a jimmy and that's a recipe for disaster. You could be a big ol' slut and I'll still HIGHLY LIKELY go in without one on shards. (Talking women here, fyi, and maybe I shared too much but I'm being honest).. Most gay men, like ol' boy said slam tina and just get pounded out by fucking 10-20 dudes in a night all unprotected, and HIV is so prevalent in that community because all ambitions go out the window and you just go fucking wild doing absolutely goddamn disgusting things. (Watched a Doc on it, intervention, and drrugs inc.)

LOL I think one of the reasons it's looked down on is that people go on and on about how much they like to freakin' beat off while they're on it and how much they love porn, or (if they're gay) about how they like getting trains ran on them by 20 dudes, or (if they're straight) how they like to shove turkey basters full of meth up chick's asses after a 72 hour fuck session. Jay-sus, it makes it hard for a morally upstanding working class lad like myself to use and not feel dirty, with all these goddamn degenerates around! lol

I do think that one of the reasons it's looked down upon is that it's well known that protracted, chronic meth use makes one crazier than a shithouse rat.
Propaganda like the Montana Meth Project.. I'm pretty sure faces of meth was debunked anyway. Its a shame the media demonizes these drugs, yet dextroamphetamine has nearly identical physiological and pharmacological effects. Same toxicity. As with all drugs, when abused, they do have nasty side effects.
I think that it's mostly association with impoverished rural dwellers.

Yeah the white trash connection is still commonly exploited by the media broadly based on false assumptions, dated facts, or fabrications. One of the main false belief is that the drug can only be produced in rural areas owing to the strong smells produced during synthesis -and the occasional explosion- that would attract attention in populated areas prevented meth from being produced in urban areas. Even when that was somewhat true it didn't prevent the drug from reaching city streets but there it had to compete with other illicit stimulants. Later urban meth labs have become relatively common although they require better controlled conditions to evade detection.

So it is true though that meth did originate from the heartland but that had little to do with being the broke hicks of media meth lore. Locally produced meth was much more available to country-dwelling drug users -rich or poor- than the imported stimulants like cocaine city folk were familiar with and considered "cleaner" perhaps not realizing what funky chemicals were often being used to cut their "purer" coke... which was made by the South American version of hillbillies, not the sophisticated labs some seemed to imagine. I sometimes wonder how many body parts of exotic insects or rat turds I have freebased in my day. Purity my ass.

Preposterous stereotypes based on ignorant comparisons between Gotham City and Hickton are very familiar to me and still a source of amusement. I am 50 years old and have always lived in large cities but my folks were from a rural area and we had a summer cottage where I spent all of my summers until adulthood. Many of my friends and relatives who still live over there are highly educated people which hasn't stopped some from using meth because there was no coke to be had except from that half-hippie half-nut guy who lived on a hillside and you had 14 yapping dawgs of various degrees of inbred-induced retardation chasing your car trying to bite the spinning tires as you were driving uphill (interestingly the dogs were losing all interest as soon as you stopped your vehicle). Unless you fancied "coke" that was more Cow Brand than Columbian (if you were lucky) you stuck with meth. But for some reason the media puts pictures of the Guy on the Hillside when doing meth stories. Oh ye fools.
OP: I had the same opinion as you, and I will say I did take it for a couple years (railed it, never smoked or IV) with occasional breaks for a week here or few months there for travel (at which point I never searched it out where traveled to or even thought about it till I came back), I modeled while on the drug, it never harmed me physically. Oddly my skin actually got radiant and smooth , but that may be because I was obsessively taking vitamins , like vitamins and taking care of it, because of what I'd heard about meth users. In the time I used I met a lot of people who also used (though I never hung out with anyone who used regularly and no one around me ever knew that I used).

They ranged from normal, business people, students and things like that to the typical tweakers you'd think of (kind of, not as bad, because those types scare me). I kept finding out that people I knew (and I am not white trash at all nor are the people I know) were taking it. I finished grad school while on them, and I also did a lot of soul searching I wouldn't have otherwise done to find things out and work things through I never would have worked through. It changed my life and while that doesn't mean I want to do it again, I am ultimately glad I did it for those reasons .


The first time I railed it I had a three day long psychosis. I won't go into that, it was actually what spiraled into my little need for awakening, because at the time I wasn't even sure if it was the meth that did it. I had no idea meth could cause what I saw, heard, felt and experienced those three days. It was intricate and I would like to point out that, I was logical and rational in every other way. So don't think your logic and rationale will save you necessarily. There were different species of beings there and I trusted some, was wary of others, refused to act on any info given either way. I didn't doubt they were real, but I did doubt something they told me and realized if that had happened Id find news of it online etc. I was thinking about how if it was true I could talk to someone about it without mentioning them because (except for one who I thought was just a person) I knew they wouldn't believe it and I didn't want to explain it. After that, I only hallucinated a couple more times, usually when I hadn't taken it in awhile (I would see mild things compared to that first time, which to this day I cannot neurologically, scientifically explain as being meth so I'm not sure if it was something else in what I took or even if it was real... but after that I only saw shit like ghosts or shadow people).

The last time I tried taking it after months being away was the last time. I didn't get euphoria, I got high (as in up), but that's when I realized I'd fucked up my dopamine. For me that was my biggest fear, and the reason I never planed to take it as long as I did. The time I was in the town where I was going to take it 'just while I'm here' kept getting rolled back further (due to unrelated reasons). So the 'I only have a week anyway, may as well' kind of spanned into half a year before I even realized. Ive dealt with trauma, death, tragedy (none drug related) ups, downs, I thought I had pretty much experienced the spectrum of human emotion and that there was nothing worse or better really. I was wrong. The empty, hopeless, nothingness type of numb is not like any numb I've experienced. After a day I wanted to kill myself (and I have really gone to hell and back in my life without that thought once crossing my mind) I thought I'd been through it all. Be sure you are fully ready for that. Cause I figured I would stop before anything happened, but time has a way of moving very slow (cause you are awake so long) and very quickly all at once. If I could go back I may have stuck to coke while I was where you're at . It doesn't do to your brain what meth does to your brain.

Also, the other difference is the way meth heads, all meth heads act. Unlike some other drugs (I think, Ive never tried crack or heroin) it doesnt make you do bad things for meth as much as it makes you think you are doing good things in general, regardless of the reality of what you are doing. Most meth heads have a perfectly logical, and often noble or self righteous, reason for everything they do, but they are also stubbornly aware of how crazy that reason would sound if you didn't know the context (aka the running track playing in their minds for weeks or months) I never got it either, and I would never steal or hurt anyone, I actually became even more empathetic on meth (and I was a bleeding heart already). But the paranoia.... oh the paranoia .... it creeps up on you, it becomes rational, you go visit family and think "do they know? are they going through my stuff? Why would they hide it from me, why not confront me?" .. its all plausible things (you are taking meth, they would maybe find it, they may not know how to tell you) that spiral steadily ...you ask them if they were in your things to give them an opening, sure your things are not where you left them -memory loss and some form of sleep walking while conscious often makes you feel things are not where you left them- and they still deny it, but you can see they are not telling you everything, they're lying -probably because theyre worried by your obvious demenour and distress- this goes on or awhile and they keep not telling you the truth, even considering that it may be because they are worried, you don't get why they wouldnt then tell you that...until you are going through your families things, not to find money, but to prove they are hiding something from you cause you want to know what it is (even though you are the one hiding something)

... I have never taken heroin.... but ... coke never did that....with meth things get weird. And then things get ...nothing...empty...hopeless. Is it worth it to you?
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It's rather amazing just how many 'normal' people use stimulants other than caffeine/nicotine. Especially in academia - every Prof. I know personally has a solid regime of psychotropic substances they swear by, but refuse to be open about it - thinking they are the only one! Hell, the entire department either uses Amphetamine, Modafinil, or Methiopropamine!
From my experience i wouldnt count people in academia as "normal".

There is so much egocentrism.
The work itself is sometimes boring, repetative and exhausting.
There is a lot of pressure to succeed.

Uppers give ego boost endurance etc.. So it seems kind of obvious for me that they are used in academia. They fit perfect.
Amphetamines are to smart people such as professors as steroids are to narcissistic, obsessive compulsive bodybuilders. I think the biggest threat from methamphetamine, in particular, is how much it can degrade one's looks--no teeth, for example, or bad skin. The way that tweakers get aggressive and even delusional sometimes after IVing 500mg of ice repeatedly doesn't help methamphetamine's public relations effort, either. They also love to shoplift. Desperate people are not high on the social totem pole.