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Why is meth use looked down upon?


Feb 6, 2013
I know it's bad for you and the addiction potential but why are people more accepting of let's say coke use or taking OxyContin. Even my friends that don't use are really against it but I could be using coke almost everyday and they won't say a thing about it and think its normal. I know there are the tweekers on the street stabbing people and doing other stupid shit so maybe that's why meth use has a bad name for itself. I mean crack is looked down upon to but still nowhere near the way meth is looked down upon. I end up just keeping it a secret from most of my friends that I use because of the judgement nd the fact that they mite not be my friend anymore if they knew I used. Like people who occasionally smoke crack aren't seen as much different but the occasional meth user is just looked at as slum I just don't understand why. Is it people's egos or the way society has portrayed meth? Why aren't people as accepting to others decisions as say I am orzo me of my friends. I mean I would understand the lieing thieving tweeker being looked at as skim but I don't partake in crime or am violent and neither are the people who i use with so why are we looked as the same as those who rob people and stab people. It shouldn't be the habit that is looked down upon rather their actions. Any other opinions on why it's frowned upon so strongly. I'm not to sure about heroin because I don't know anyone who uses and I don't plan on using myself but that seems to be looked down on pretty strongly too
When I was addicted to gas, and I mean addicted....I went thru a hellish psychosis. In the wrong setting. Broke a neighbors window cuz I thought cannibals where after me and I went to jail. They stuck me in the medical ward and as I was detoxing my skin was turning a zombie greaan. I thought I had died and that was death....My body was shutting down and my organs where using up all my blood so the skin was like adrenaline. After about three weeks my skin came back to normal. They put me it detox cuz they thought i was just detoxing and not going thru a psychosis. I was in jail for two months. I thought everybody in there where going to chop me up. I can see where meth get's a bad rap. because of what it does to the ppl who use it....I used everyday almost for two years until crap hit the fan. Lost a beautiful gf, lost day's of my life, my mind is still screwed up and I almost lost my life. Ya I would pic a lortab over a bowl of ice anyday...and I can see your point but until you have been thru something traumatic including Oxy's and what not....Then then your view point changes......I know my limits now. I have been as far as I can go without dying....and I will never touch that crap again......You know here where I live they busted a meth house and they where using there own piss to make it. Now thats just sick. Smoking someone else's piss......But how much do you do. I'm not judging you and I don't wish it upon anyone that you go thru the hell I went thru....Meth has stolen so much from me and my careless choices where the factor. So it's my fault in the end...... I just don't like to see ppl I used to only smoke bowl's now slamming it.....It just seem's like any other drug and watch out for H because that's what is becoming a epidemic. I understand your qoustion. I just hate what it did to my life.
because meth is a pretty fucking harmful and addictive drug, and it has driven many users to develop very destructive habits, causing a lot of media attention.

amphetamines were the first drug that I decided to quit altogether and have never looked back since i made that decision.
It's so fucking destructive. Physically, mentally, dentally, etc. It really doesn't take long to mess yourself up.
Tweeker's aren't the easiest lot to get along with, either. Some are fine, don't get me wrong. I've just known a lot of meth users that ranged from annoying to be around to downright fucking dangerous.
I use probably 2-4 times a week not crazy amounts I just smoke it had a decent ally bad coke habit wasted all my money on it so I switched to meth because its cheaper and lasts longer. I've been through a psychosis from mixing Molly meth and weed and it wasnt fun at all also was my second time ever using meth railed two lines of it nd shift just got wierd. Kept on hearing police radios saying there looking for me kept seeing cars drive by seeing shadow people following me. I ended up staying at a skate park all night and hid in the bathroom most of the night. Was 15 at the time don't know y I even started at that young but luckily I was sent to a program for a year nd went another year without using. But I'm also on antipsychotics nowadays for bipolar so it gets rid of the paranoia nd lowers the chances of psychosis. But I never want to go through that again. Had another episode from coke cut with meth nd was hearing my thoughts as if they were being told to me hearing voices nd other random noises. The tv had subtitles on nd certain letters were brightened as if telling me a message. When I looked at a piece of paper it had red squiggles moving around like static in the middle and orotund the circle of static was an on going code of letters symbols and numbers going on nd on in a faint red inc. luckily I stayed calm and handled it well because of the antipsychotic. This one was from being up for three days nd not eating anythng nd using an 8 ball of coke heavily cut with meth. The first psychosis was from mixing drugs and weed because weed has bad effects on me for some reason. Only can smoke it once nd a while in little amounts or I get panic attacks or hear things or suffer from severe derealization so I've really cut back almost stopped completely and defiantly don't mix it with anythng except benzos. But ever since I've started using meth overall my life has been better ive been over all happier and still hold down a job spend less money then when I was using coke and am doing school. I sort of use meth to get stuff done because usally I'm unmotivated nd lazy nd will sleep all day nd not do jack shit for weeks.
Meth is a really horrible drug. I mean, the psychosis that users often end up in makes "responsible users" highly unlikely. It's just so addictive, too addictive, imo. We have a really horrible ice problem over hurr.
the worst thing about meth is how badly it fucks up your judgement

The same thing could be said about smoking crack, because it's hard to use casually. See down here in Ft Lauderdale/Miami meth is just not common. If it was, I never heard of people using it. I might have liked to have at least tried it to see what all the hype is about. Best I never got the chance. But many people seem to have the perception that it's a real destructive drug.
Well hey bigfan!!! Wow. sounds like you are good and I'm glad. :)

8ball, welcome to bluelight. it's nice to see intelligent new people on here.

I cannot tell you why this our culture vilifies meth the way it does.

I can however tell you that meth hurt me more than the other drugs I took. It hurt me more than oxycontin or heroin.

It took my health.

I'm clean. I have no effects anymore from heroin. I have no effects from alcohol.

But meth left me very unhealthy indeed.
How did it affect your health if u don't mind me asking. I know it's not very healthy for the body but the reason I use is because when I wasn't using I was physically healthy exercised nd eat healthy but I was still depressed well not depressed but numb to live I had nothing to live for nothing to look forward to I was finished with life nd was waiting to die but would never attempt suicide or anything I was just waiting. Had little to zero motivation pretty much some psychological problems. But since starting to use meth I have something to look forward to at the end of the week. It also made me less numb and is giving me my personality back and makes me over all more motivated and instead of waiting to die I'm living my life like a normal person should. It's made me think that maybe I should have an amphetamines prescription because I've tried several ssri's and one put me in a hypomanic episode while the other made me sleep away a month of my life. So yea my physical health is being damaged but the price is living happily. I would choose a good mental health over a good physical health anyday. It's weird it seems as if its helping my life my family and doctor even have noticed a difference and say this is the best they've seen me.
I totally understand the reason you use. I am glad it is helping you in your life.

I understand how hard it can be to find that prozac doesn't work and kpins don't work and hard antipsychotics don't work.
I understand the search and the frustration. I understand how meth can lift you out of all that and into a new place.

If meth wasn't good, no one would use it. But since there are multitudes of us who ended up trying it one way or another, meth has to be good. As evil as I had always heard it to be, I still tried meth. I enjoyed it so I tried it again.

I felt a lot better for a long long time by using meth.

You might find that feel good for years while on meth.

For me, taking the occasional break, I would notice pain. The only thing that took the pain away was more meth.

I don't know why I stopped. I did not have to stop. I did not get tired of the drug. But anyway, I quit.

That's the when the pain really started.

I have not discussed it with anyone* and I'm not inclined to paint a picture now. Thank you for your interest though.

I'm not trying to get you to quit so please don't take this as some stupid cautionary tale. It is nothing like that.

Do You.

I'm only trying to shed some light on your topic question.
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Out of the main stream drugs it is probably the most brain damaging, that and MDMA.
It also causes many of its users to do shady things to get more money while they are tweaking.
It can seriously change your looks, faster than other drugs.
And the addiction potential is insanely high, i'm not even an upper person but i could see how fast meth was pulling me in.

Meth is bad news
Ignorance and stereotypes is why.

If you think you're having a hard time being a meth user, imagine if you were a heroin user.
Thanks for your input. I'm not trying to quit but definitely cut back. I want to go back to weekend use nd am tampering down back to that as we speak. i would love to use every other week or twice a month like when I first started but once a week is really my goal. And also moving it back to just weekends not weekdays that's when I started using more to stay awake for work nd avoid the crash until the weekend which would lead me to use all week 4-5 days in a row. But after two to three days I am able to sleep and eat on it and takin a klonopin really helps me sleep at night nd eat during the day. Also when I use I try nd stay healthy by taking a multi vitamin and drink lots of water and brush my teeth nd take showers to help avoid meth mouth and that odor u get after a day or two
I would assume using heroin would be judged tremendously and looked at as skum but the truth is its not around me so I don't see it I've heard of some people around me getting into it pretty badly but don't know them personally. Funny thing is even my coke connect was like I can get anythng but I won't get u meth or heroin. I don't tell him about my meth use haha.
I also just realized that most main stream music talks about poppin pills and sippin on syrup takin oxy contin and snorting coke but never talk about using meth or heroin. This IMO sends a message that using those drugs is "cool" or the "in" thing to do and the way those artist promote it but I've had many friends become addicted to coke including myself until they had a big reason to quit like getting robbed or heart problems. So what makes meth or heroin worse then cocaine or opiates? Some food for thought. I know there are many artists that talk about heroin nd meth just their not mainstream and aren't really talkin about how fucked up they get but rather talk about the addiction. For example burn fetish and sky diver by eyedea and abilities both about opiate addiction whether its specifically about heroin or not I don't know but definitely about opiates. And then there's songs like a zip and a double cup by juicy j which just talks about getting fucked up. Of course juicy j is main stream and eyedea and abilities are not. I don't want to get started on the music people listen to nowadays. Promotes drug abuse and drug trafficking and is played on the damn radio. Where as the real artists writing meaningful stuff don't get the credit they deserve sorry getting off track but do you think music has an influence on what people's perceptions are on drug use? To me you should either hate most of it (with the exception of psychedelics i consider weed is a psychedelic and alcohol just because its socially acceptable even tho I think it's fuckin poison) or accept all of it. To me coke use should be looked as the same as meth use. Of course slamming would be looked down upon with any type of drug but let's say just railing it. What makes a regular meth user that rails different then a regular coke user that rails. Both are addicted just doesn't seem fair to me that meth users get the worse image.
Cocaine & amps are equally sinister believe me. Stimulants fucked me much worse than most other chems have by far. Ever since it 'turned' on me i haven't been the same. Cannabis sets me off as well even over 2 yrs since my last run. Fuck that noise. There's just no justifying it after a certain point, like once i fully understood its neurotoxicity & the never ending psychotic breaks i endured because of it.. just not my gig anymore.
Good luck with cutting back OP. It's a bitch to do, mainly because of the lethargy and depression, but it can be done.
I went from a 10 month daily habit to nothing and I survived.
I don't know why people view coke and dope in a lesser evil kind of light.
I suppose in a lot of people's view, coke is still a rec drug. Get a 8 ball for the weekend and get blasted with your friends type of deal. I doubt I need to say that it sometimes doesn't stay so recreational for the people that LOVE it.
Nothing quite so desperate or frightening to observe than someone on a IV coke or crack binge. Then the paranoia and scrounging for more/quest for more cash that often follows.
Heroin, I guess, is still viewed as somewhat chic. Many, many famous artists have used and it's fueled their music/art.
It doesn't make much sense that it's glamorized to a degree. I can tell you from first hand experience that a dope habit is far more unpleasant and daunting than a meth habit. Just mainly because there isn't that threat of constant sickness with meth.
I wish you luck with beating your depression/anxiety. SSRI's are a sham, IMO. Klonopin is a step in the right direction. It can be done.
You're clearly a smart, introspective guy. Get off the meth use train before that mind of yours starts to get eaten.
Just as example of that, I used for less than a year habitually. I noticed quickly after I stopped that I had lost a large degree of short term recall.
As a example, I still after 7 years of meth sobriety, have a hard time remembering what I was just watching on TV. It's bad shit.
One other thing. I'm not trying to be a grammar bitch, but.... I think a lot more folk would read your very worthwhile posts if you used paragraphs.
A block of text can cause someone to skip over a post that they'd otherwise be better for reading and/or have input on.
Good luck, meng. Keep us posted on your progress.