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Why is meth use looked down upon?

I totally understand that, but meth is not the type of drug where I want to place bets and see if "joe" or "jill" can use responsibly, VERY FEW people can use hard drugs responsibly and still be a functioning member of society. Crystal meth is very powerful, and mentally addictive, i highly doubt these low down dirty addicts made a conscious decision to use it, and neglect they're health, break laws, go to prison and be homeless.
I'm the percentage where I can't use certain hard drugs responsibly, as it's addictive nature consumes the fuck out of me. We'll I am calmer and have more self control nowadays being 30yrs old, but since I was 14 I have been running wild using drugs and while it negatively affected my life, two state prison sentences, multiple rehabs, FINALLY I have a grasp over my addiction, i have my own family and.children now and that's more important to me.
Been using for 8 years and I can easily hide my addiction from almost anyone. I'm a daily smoker but sleep at least a few hours everyday except the occasional all nighter binges and I limit those to no more than 3 days. Look at my profile pic, I swear to God that's really me lol do I look anything like a dirty toothless scabby zombie? Im in rural Nor Cal and believe it or not there are plenty of meth users around here that look and act so normal you wouldn't have a clue they fuck with drugs. I can pull off the sweet innocent young lady look to cops and older people without much effort. I'm also pretty good with makeup so maybe that has something to do with it because honestly I can't imagine life without it. Forget diamonds, makeup is a girls best friend. Anyways I'm probably one of the rare few on here that doesn't have a whole lot of negative stuff to say about meth but I will admit that it's the most addictive thing on the fucking planet IMO. I guess some people might assume that I'm just lucky I haven't really hit rock bottom yet. Meth has causes some problems for me, I won't deny that, but nothing severe enough to consider it "life ruining." It has definitely changed my life but not necessarily in a bad way. In the first 2 years of using I came pretty close to fucking up my life a few times but that was mostly due to the constant sleepless binges and hanging out with the wrong people aka typical shady tweakers. I never been robbed at gun point or had my life threatened or been involved in violence other than a few fist fights. Oh wait oops I almost forgot, I dated this guy a long time ago for only a few months who was an abusive twacked out psychopath and he tried to strangle me outside in broad daylight and thank god some people helped me and called the cops. Besides that jerk the tweakers I've been around don't seem anymore violent than any other drug users/alcoholics/normies. Paranoid and delusional at times? Yes but usually pretty harmless. I did end up in a psych ward for a few days when I was 19 because I was coming down and fighting with my family and they called the cops on me because I said I wished they were dead. It was all verbal though, I yelled and said some horrible things but no physical violence. I hate thieves and don't associate with anyone who steals from me. I've had shit stollen in the past but only a handful of times and it happened behind my back, not like an armed robbery thing lol thank god. I wouldn't say my life is great but I'm content with myself at the moment even though I'm still using. The thought of quitting is overwhelmimg and stresses me out but I know that day needs to come soon. As of now I'm going wash out my pipe and load it up;-)
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Having been strung out once on Oxycontin, and then more recently meth, I think it's pure ignorance to say meth is any worse. When I had that physical dependence of opiates, I'd rob my own grandma to get well, but with the meth, if I run out, so be it. I'll crash, but it's not so terrible that I just can't handle it. People who say it's pure poison have no knowledge of the drug whatsoever. With meth, as long as you keep yourself up physically, your bodily decline is slow. I'm not really trying to justify it, but saying meth is worse than any other drug is absurd. They all fuck with you, they all get you high somehow, and they all can cause major problems. Talking about extremes, as in the worst possible scenario the drug could cause you to be in, it's all bad, and one shouldn't be labeled as worse than the other. Just my opinion.
Ignorance and stereotypes is why.

If you think you're having a hard time being a meth user, imagine if you were a heroin user.

Right??? I was a IV heroin addict for several years- during that time I was homeless at one point (domestic violence shelter 2 other times), almost lost my kids when my own mother reported me to CPS. Initially began by cashing in mutual funds and 401k's which spiraled quickly to lying, scamming, and pawned my car for $200.... not to mention 6 separate ODs and going to jail/ having warrants...I'm sure some of you can relate...
(3 years later)
Now I'm a pretty regular- almost daily meth user and have been able to maintain well- work full time, get a LOT more accomplished, and I swear it's helping my dental hygiene because I probably brush, floss pick, mouthwash no less than 5 times a day for fear of dreaded meth mouth lol.

I think the biggest reason I'm having some success is because I do it very discreetly, alone, and tell NO ONE. Also I force myself to sleep around 11 with benzos every single night- this is SO important, probably the most. A few times I skipped the first night and on day 2 could def feel things deteriorating -mentally as well as physically (my pupils are way bigger after no sleep- maybe someone can explain the science behind that to me?). By the end of day 2 I'm pretty sure I'm starting to look crazy.

Years ago I had a few good runs with meth with my roommates which were months I can only summarize as 24/7 crazy- the kicking the windshield out of my own truck, trying to figure out which roommate was hiding Raman noodle seasoning packets in places like my socks or in books on the shelf insanity lol. So I DEF see why meth gets a bad rap, definitely- if not kept tightly in check you can fast forward to rock bottom in as little as a week or too on a good bender.

Also- product quality plays a HUGE factor- high purity professionally manufactured product is really not even remotely the same substance as the uncrystallized, nasty shit that reeks of Coleman fuel and was made by someone who has no clue what an isomer is. It's like doing a taste test between my nasty microwave Tony's $2 pizza and an authentic Chicago deep dish... then announcing to the world that pizza tastes like cardboard and gives you diarrhea.

But the drug of choice snobbery is ridiculous and annoying- Benzos for example have made people do some of the dumbest things ever imaginable, and doesn't anyone remember crack lol (it was low class 'ewww' drug of the 80's. ANYTHING people go crazy over and can't quit will cause insanity- the list goes on and on... (bath salt zombie attack on homeless man???).

So PLEASE (!) let's stick to the science and quit perpetuating nonsense (like meth accounts for over half of OD deaths!!! Statistically it only accounts for roughly 6% of all ER drug admissions...), also I promise you every weirdo tearing through Walmart isn't a crazed tweaker on the verge of a violent attack lol. Lets all stop judging each other and dispel myths and nonsense with hard science like we do best. End rant (sorry)...
One Reason is because once you're addicted, you start doing stuff you thought you would never do in life just to obtain a bit of meth.
Eh just get full onion's at a time , I pay more for my Cigarettes (a pack a day usually less)then I do ice. I'm not disagreeing on the fact this drug wrecks your mental health
People tend to look down on anyone "outside" the "normal" bounds of their social circle. It's part of basic human inter-reactions. The old "Us vs Them".

Alcohol is considered "ok" by most of mainstream culture, there for if you use it, you are "one of us" as far as mainstream culture is concerned.

Cannabis is getting real close to mainstream acceptance, therefore users are increasingly "one of us"; but mind you it took a lot of work and decades for society to accept it.

Meth does not enjoy that status yet, therefore it's users are viewed as "one of them". This viewpoint is re-enforced by mainstream media, law enforcement, and those in power. A new viewpoint must be championed to society in general before it will be accepted. Oddly enough, Meth was easily obtained and socially acceptable in Germany during WWII. It was issued to military personnel and distributed to civilians to help keep the war machine going strong. American pilots were given "pep pills during long bombing missions as well, but it wasn't meth. I'm sure if America had access to meth it would have used it as well.

So you see, it's not the substance, it's the social viewpoint that changes. And that is largely driven by propaganda. Meth users need to change that viewpoint by fighting against that propaganda with facts and evidence. it's unlikely to change on it's own.
User's and addicts are separate issues.

If one casually uses a substance and does not meet the definition of addict one can still be looked down on due to the current stigma.

If anyone is an addict of any substance, even alcohol (an accepted drug) then it is their addiction not the substance that drives social stigma.

For the record I have never used meth, nor am I likely to in the future. It's just not my thing as I am naturally wired.
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I dont think the average non drug user would care what level of use another person has if they wandered past someone having a puff mate.

Point is, meth users are looked down on. Why? Its a dangerous highly addictive drug that is more known for the bad times than good.

Thats why. Theres threads here about how great many different RCs are and comparing notes, not so much with amphets.

The best people to actually discuss it without the bullshit are other meth users .

Drug users can be mistaken as being open minded simply because they use one or another drugs but its not really true. Everyone has their oreferences and adversions so if someone wants to discuss it theyre best off finding people who relate to that and not give a shit about others.
I see, no open discourse. We shall just have to agree to disagree.

And I will post wherever I choose, with all due respect to you.
I've never met a functional meth user who wasn't addicted and abusing it (smoking it, high doses, etc).. sure they still held onto a job, but barley. The meth life is a dirty, dirty life and I've seen some fucked up shit as I used to live/be best friends with a meth dealer. It's not a fun life and looking back on it I feel so dirty and wish to never return back to it.
For me personally, I think it’s looked down upon because how it can turn someone very quickly. Psychosis doesn’t help meth image either. What it does to your body, face, teeth etc. but I feel that heroin gets the same bad rap too. Probably because of its addictive qualities and what you end up doing once you’re caught up in it. When I was iv-ing h I felt like people looked down on me way more than using ice. But I was also very deep into my heroin addiction at the time and thankfully I’m still semi “ok” with ice. Just my experience though
I love reading these rants lol. All drugs can become problematic. Do them, dont let them do you. You can for a while; but its when not if.
I've actually never run into tweakers, at least not the kind I've seen portrayed in the media and stuff like that. All the people I know are responsible with meth and don't seem to use it non-stop. I actually don't even do that, but I have no trouble sleeping at the end of the day no matter what I did so I'm probably not the best example to go by

I say it depends on the group of people you hang out with. In my circle, heroin is taboo and I don't even know where to look for it. Then there are people within that circle who deal meth while others in it don't seem to even know what it is, even though they use MDMA. I'd say people I know tend to look down on opiate users even if some of them sell prescription opiates, but it's like heroin is something perceived as somehow being different by them. I don't get it

It's all about perception and exposure, in my opinion
When I was using meth I lost my good paying job bc I was always late. Later I lost my house bc I was behind on the mortgage bc I spent all my money on dope. Then I ended up losing my kid bc someone hotlined me bc my electricity was shut off, and I pissed dirty.
Its destructive. I lost so much due to my addiction. Once I got sober I realized how weird I was on it, too. My personality was so different.
I also made alot of shitty decisions, like cheating on my husband. It lowered my inhibitions big time. The whole time you're using, you think you have things under control, but in reality, you dont.
I'm better on it, but again I'm not saying it's a good thing or that I'm a typical case. If I want to get strung out, I purposely stay at home and just do that. Nothing can distract me
Meth gets a bad rep around here because of the demographic that’s most often using it. A lot of people on meth in this area are in fact scammers, thieves, vandals, reckless, crazy, big drama, assholes staying in shitty rooming hotels that are drug havens or otherwise sketchy places. No one reasonable wants to be around that.

my small town has had problems with some (piss poor) tagging (spray paint), breakins, things stolen from bikes to cars, weird people hanging around peoples properties for hours hanging about like a creep. Either stoned out of their trees or hoping to break in or both.

Meth is huge here and it seems to be only the most fucked up people using it. Been here 5 months and there’s no good scene here at all. Honestly though, anywhere else I’ve been its far and few to find a decent methhead. Meth addiction is a ruiner.

it does something to people, it changes them for the worse. It changes their psychologies, their looks start to fail, the expression in their faces to their eyes turns kind of dark. The worst or most insane people I’ve ever met were methheads.

I’m a methhead and they freak me out. I freak myself out too with the places my head turns in psychosis when it happens.

It’s a dark place to be in meth land. People see that.
That sounds interesting. I guess I've never encountered a subculture around meth, if that's a thing. Maybe it does have to do with where you are, plus being in a small town I'm sure something like that would be much more visible

No doubt there's some kind of culture here. I've just never been exposed to it
That sounds interesting. I guess I've never encountered a subculture around meth, if that's a thing. Maybe it does have to do with where you are, plus being in a small town I'm sure something like that would be much more visible

No doubt there's some kind of culture here. I've just never been exposed to it
Theres a really fucked up subculture around meth online too. Check out tweaker nation on tumblr and the meth subreddit.

There’s a subculture in the gay scene revolving around crystal meth use are well, with chemsex or pnp “party and play”. I engage in this sometimes myself.

Facebook groups like “that’s methed up” exist too. Same kind of thing as the tumblr and reddit links. Reckless, flagrant shitty behavior being glorified. Meth groups often get taken down because too much sourcing starts happening.

There’s plenty of little subcultures around meth use, and they’re mostly not so positive or healthy. Meths got a culture for sure, a fucked up culture but it is a culture.

I’d dare say there’s even a bit of this on bluelight, and I’m one of the active meth addicts posting within this demographic here.

I’m not proud to be a meth head, that’s for sure. It’s associated with the shittiest people and behaviour for a reason.