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Etizolam - My drug hell

Don't doubt it for a second mate, i totally agree with you. The point i was making was in direct response to something someone else wrote, concerning the difficulties of weighing out 1 mg of etizolam with sufficient accuracy. I was merely pointing out that the etizolam is mixed with the binding reagent in an initial process, only after which the pills are themselves pressed. I was making a point about the drug manufacturing process alone. Obviously the tendency of vendors to mix batches is something else entirely, and if you go back and read what i actually wrote initially i think you'll find a statement pretty much exactly along those lines, in anticipation of any come back such as yours, so to speak.
poweder dissolved in PG is the only way to go with this stuff IMHO. It's not only brought me discipline, but also very reliable effects.
pleased that it has brought you discipline knock, i haven't had the powder yet due to that reason, but will do for xmas %)
pleased that it has brought you discipline knock, i haven't had the powder yet due to that reason, but will do for xmas %)

Yeah, the solution and liquid dosing is the key. I was just sniffing pinches of it before, which was a bit fucking mental to say the least.
Propylene glycol (PG) This is a chemical I confess i never even remotely knew the structure of, or even its optimal place along the solvent sprectrum concerning the dissolution of benzo's and their derivatives. Just been checking out the structure on the net now - looks chemically like a half way house between glycerol and ethanol. But that's another story and probably in breach of the confines of the thread. All the same knockando you made my data.

Yeah, the solution and liquid dosing is the key. I was just sniffing pinches of it before, which was a bit fucking mental to say the least.

Sniffing pinches of pure etizolam is some serious serious shit. I'm just saying that in case any slightly less experienced BL'rs glossed over that one. If you do attempt to do the same, and you don't have sufficient past experience and advanced tolerance that comes with time, then you will lose 4 days of your life to nonsensical blur...you hope.
I can't say shit though, i used to triple drop fucking ambiens and then go out on the piss.
^lol I did exactly the same thing once with ambien. By the time I'd walked to the pub I was already staggering and having to look through one eye as zolpidem gives me double vision really bad. Horrible drug!!!
I used to dissolve it in PEG at 1mg/ml or 2mg/ml usually, had a 200ml bottle of the stuff that i kept refilling and had gone though quite a few, in my insane bender a while back i mixed the PEG/etiz with 5 parts water and IV'd it. (dont think theres any high risk to that is there? Its what they use to dissolve benzos in hospitals if i remember right so long as the PEG is watered down loads)

Cant say i felt anything other than usual etiz effects, no benzo rush or owt. Still, PEG is by far the best solvent, and cheap aswel, litres are very cheap, i remember having 2l of food grade peg very cheap and glassware to fill up and make whatever solutions i wanted at the time.
100ml bottles off 99% PEG from sites that sell e-cigs are like a tenner, 100mg into that 100ml, wait a few days shaking reguarly and you have yourself a 1ml/ml etizolam solution! Much cheaper than pills

Also, the loose blue pills people local say their shite, and they liked the blistered etilaam pills. Dunno what the difference is myself, cant tell, but thats just what quite a few people have told me, and none the opposite
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Tried a few of these new Etiz, the ones that are bright blue but white in the middle, shot they taste awful if you let them dissolve, not in a chemical way they feel casutic I dread to think what's in there.

They did seem to work OK, 3 sent me off to sleep pretty good, I get the impression supply of the old Etilaam has dried up so for tablets its these or nothing. I'm not keen on powered, to much messing about and to much in my possession at once is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Just a little comment on concerns about different amounts in different pills. If you put an etizolam pill on your scale you'll see it weighs about 110 mg. That means 100 parts binding agent to one part drug.

:? I dont understand how you come to that conclusion. Just because every pill may weigh 110 mg (i admit that is at least a sign of something being consistent) I dont see how that guarentees each pill will contain 100 parts binder to one part etizolam. I know nothing about how pills are produced but if the pills come out of a big vat or something through a sausage machine type dispenser, the chopper could accurately make each pill 110mg, but that says nothing about the mixture itself ?

Anyway; white centres for the win. I enjoyed my first batch of orange 2mg pills, the 2nd batch seems considerably weaker and more variable. Dont think its tolerance as I've been cutting down.
^ I think those backyard-made 2mg pills are totally ridiculous, especially when the intended use spectrum in medicine lists a dose of a maximum of 1mg, mostly less.

People seem to forget that etizolam has more side effects than most of the classic benzos, and therefore tolerance is no excuse in ingesting that much.

Btw, why do people dissolve the powder in PG when there's ethanol, which is far more researched than this one? I don't now for sure but PG seems more toxic than ethanol?
^ I think those backyard-made 2mg pills are totally ridiculous, especially when the intended use spectrum in medicine lists a dose of a maximum of 1mg, mostly less.

I know what you mean. These tablets are clearly not intended for the therapeutic market. They are for people who want to binge and get wasted on the stuff.
:? I dont understand how you come to that conclusion. Just because every pill may weigh 110 mg (i admit that is at least a sign of something being consistent) I dont see how that guarentees each pill will contain 100 parts binder to one part etizolam. I know nothing about how pills are produced but if the pills come out of a big vat or something through a sausage machine type dispenser, the chopper could accurately make each pill 110mg, but that says nothing about the mixture itself

I'm pretty sure i understand your question, you don't see how the ratio of 100 to 1 is any safer than 1 to 1 right? That is a good question and i'm glad you asked it. Here's how it goes conceptually - the theory behind this is actually called "the law of large numbers". Anyway, say your goal is to get 10 etizolam molecules into your pill. The first method would involve you extracting roughly 1000 units of your 100 to 1 mixture in the expectation that you will get 10 etizolams floating around the mixture somewhere. The alternative method is to take 20 units from the 1 to 1 mixture, in the hope that exactly half will be etizolam and the other half binding agent. Now most people given these two situations realize that the chance of hitting 10 etizolam units is much higher in the first than the second, even when using numbers as small as this. When you consider that the numbers you are dealing with in an etizolam pill are well over the number of people on this planet (and thats just for the drug molecule) you can start to see how even just slight statistical aberations become functionally impossible.

All this sounds unscientific, yet thermodynamics and quantum theory achieve all their success through probability theory, and they were arguably the greatest achievements of 19th and 20 th century science, respectively.
Exactly, and last but not least for causing dependancy, hence having returning customers ;)

They really must start selling Scotch in 10ml bottles and cigarettes in singles, that would be a massive step forward :?

In all seriousness though I think you are confusing recreational and medical / therapeutic use of substances

and you cant spell dependency
In all seriousness though I think you are confusing recreational and medical / therapeutic use of substances [/SIZE]

Well myself and THC seem to be in agreement with each other. I recognise the difference between therapeutic and recreational use. But when even therapeutic dosing is at least pleasant, it's quite hard not to blur the lines between therapeutic and recreational use.
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I'm pretty sure i understand your question, you don't see how the ratio of 100 to 1 is any safer than 1 to 1 right? That is a good question and i'm glad you asked it. Here's how it goes conceptually - the theory behind this is actually called "the law of large numbers". Anyway, say your goal is to get 10 etizolam molecules into your pill. The first method would involve you extracting roughly 1000 units of your 100 to 1 mixture in the expectation that you will get 10 etizolams floating around the mixture somewhere. The alternative method is to take 20 units from the 1 to 1 mixture, in the hope that exactly half will be etizolam and the other half binding agent. Now most people given these two situations realize that the chance of hitting 10 etizolam units is much higher in the first than the second, even when using numbers as small as this. When you consider that the numbers you are dealing with in an etizolam pill are well over the number of people on this planet (and thats just for the drug molecule) you can start to see how even just slight statistical aberations become functionally impossible.

All this sounds unscientific, yet thermodynamics and quantum theory achieve all their success through probability theory, and they were arguably the greatest achievements of 19th and 20 th century science, respectively.

That wasn't really what i was asking tbh. But never the less, you have inadvertently answered my question. Which was 'just because a pill happens to weigh 110 mg, how can you be sure it contains 1 mg of Etizolam. Like i say though, your good answer has got that covered too. I'd love to see a behind the scenes documenatry at a pharm production company. To my knowledge this is one subject that's never been covered. I wonder why. :\
They really must start selling Scotch in 10ml bottles and cigarettes in singles, that would be a massive step forward :?

In all seriousness though I think you are confusing recreational and medical / therapeutic use of substances

and you cant spell dependency

I (stupidly) abused Etizolam more than once, but never in doses beyond 1,5mgs, and that dose was not even at once. I just spoke for myself, i don't have a problem if people ingest more, i just said those 2mg pills are ridiculous.

And thanks for the input about my spelling error. Damn me :|
Tried a few of these new Etiz, the ones that are bright blue but white in the middle, shot they taste awful if you let them dissolve, not in a chemical way they feel casutic I dread to think what's in there.

They did seem to work OK, 3 sent me off to sleep pretty good, I get the impression supply of the old Etilaam has dried up so for tablets its these or nothing. I'm not keen on powered, to much messing about and to much in my possession at once is a train wreck waiting to happen.

nah you can still get those in blister packs cheap -uk vendor but wont say any more than that...
I'm not sure what you mean by a continuous size scale,

This just means that the size of planet earth compared to a tennis ball is the same ratio as the size of a tennis ball compared to an atom. The earths radius is around 6.5 million metres while the radius of a tennis ball is about 5 cm (6.500000 m / 0.05 m = 130,000,000 ) So the earth is 130 million times larger than a tennis ball. Now dividing the tennis ball radius by the radius of an atom, which is about a tenth of a nanometre (0.05 m / 0.0000000001 m = 500,000,000 ) so the tennis ball is 500 million times bigger than the atom.

A chemical dissolved in a solvent to make a saturated solution will have it's molecules evenly distributed within the solvent. If you cool the solution down or start to evaporate it, the chemical starts to crystallise, and instead of a solution you've got a mixture of solvent atoms and relatively speaking enormous crystals of solid chemical, which aren't evenly distributed with each other (crystals lying at the bottom of the solvent).

Certainly this is true in isolation, however when making pills you are most likely gonna take the solvent with the etizolam in it and then add this to the wet binding mixture and then basically boil off the solvent, which is most probably gonna be between 40 and 60 anyway so just stirring a large container at very modest heat will do the trick (very much like reducing a sauce on the hob actually). Now in this situation you can see how the etizolams are not able to bind together to form crystals in any significant quantities since they are unlikely even to come into contact with each other - being out numbered 100 to 1 by binding molecules.
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