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Etizolam - My drug hell

Interesting. The "etizolam shakes" have done a proper number on me over the past few months - more than anything since my gbl days. Personally i find them to be a consistent and reliable downer that keeps off the booze at the very least. I agree with you though when you say they are a poor mans benzo. I find them a lot messier than xanax and even feel they got a slight carisoprodol vibe to them, though fuck knows how. Any yeah, etizolam is definitely no one punch knock out artist when it comes to insomnia.

Snap ! With the shakes thing.

How long and in what sort of quantities have you been taking Etiz ? If you dont mind me asking.

Ive developed a bad tremor recently. Not sure exactly what its down to. I currently use around 5mg per day, for about 12 months before that i was on strictly no more than 2 mg a day. I had a couple of weeks when i just couldnt get enough and was up to something like 15mg.

Im gonna try quitting the fags again tomorrow. I know that will help, even if only a little bit.
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Hello people! I just got 112 of these in the mail from a famous vendor. They used to(?) ship blistered Etilaam-1 until they got robbed or something.

Anyway. I opened the package and had been expecting blistered but saw these neon colored ones (Etilaam is more purple, kinda like the Upjohn 90 Xanax's). Took two of them as I usually do with Etizolam and expected the sweet sugary taste (diazepam style) but instead got this lemon juice flavour someone else mentioned.. Felt kinda alarmed at first... I know some benzos are SLIGHTLY bitter tasting such as alprazolam but this was a lot. I didn't spit them out however cause I badly need these to even stay out of bed or do laundry and shit (addiction and mental health mash-up; rebound!). Im starting to feel them hit, but it's too early to say wether it's etizolam or not, but it's definitely a benzo!

You got the superior back yard press. If you have tasted pyrazolam then you will recognise that cut...Don't worry they are OK but they aren't as proper as the etilaam.

A few vendors got ripped off recently with these when they thought they were buying blistered product.
Hi, I'm new here. I bought some in a jiffy bag from what I thought was a reputable online company, they did not do much for me. They are darker blue with a score down them, white inside. I bought some Etilaam in a blister pack from another vendor with the proper manafacturer, dates etc and they seemed much better - they are a lighter shade of blue with a score down. I just took four of the jiffy ones now and not much is happening, considering 1=10mg of Diazepam I should be on the floor. I have no tolerance to these things either, this is medical not recreation usage - Doctors just don't listen to their patients, might as well have been talking to a call centre worker reading a card. Beta Blockers, useless.

I still say the original company looks legit, but do some give out bad batches, make them themselves, I'm just confused. thanks.
Hi stnv758, welcome to BL:)

There have a been a few reports of weak or inactive Etiz tablets, it sounds like you may have ended up with some, I would contact the vendor and complain.

I'm not aware of any reports of problems with blister packed Etilaam so I'd stick to those in then future, if possible.
Hi stnv758, welcome to BL:)

There have a been a few reports of weak or inactive Etiz tablets, it sounds like you may have ended up with some, I would contact the vendor and complain.

I'm not aware of any reports of problems with blister packed Etilaam so I'd stick to those in then future, if possible.

Thank you for the reply. I only need them for anxiety - I have Avoident Personality Disorder, just extreme shyness really and the useless Doctor's help was to 'join a club' Well ten years of misery later my latest Doc at least gave me some beta blockers but they just do the physical effects where as I need something to calm my mind. Hopfully I will go back and see him and see if I can get something 'more addictive' were his words. Like getting blood out of a stone - they much prefer to dish out anti depressants with dozens of side effects rather than a simple benzo that actually works.
Getting a long term benzo script out of a GP in the UK these days is unlikely TBH.

Be careful self medicating with Etiz, just like benzos your tolerance will rise and dependency is a real possibility if you start using everyday and escalating the dose.

Check out the The-EADD-Mental-Health-Support-Thread :)
Thank you for the reply. I only need them for anxiety - I have Avoident Personality Disorder, just extreme shyness really and the useless Doctor's help was to 'join a club' Well ten years of misery later my latest Doc at least gave me some beta blockers but they just do the physical effects where as I need something to calm my mind. Hopfully I will go back and see him and see if I can get something 'more addictive' were his words. Like getting blood out of a stone - they much prefer to dish out anti depressants with dozens of side effects rather than a simple benzo that actually works.

I totally agree with ATM and i have simillar personality issues as yourself. Ive been taking Etiz continuously for about 18 months now i think. . If you did start taking Etiz you would find it fantastic for the first few weeks. Then when you realise youve become dependant its a millstone around your neck. Benzos have side effects too, long term use can lead to depresssion, lowering of IQ, man boobs, and it would also seem possible that tremor is another 1. When you stop or taper off theres the possibilty of rebound anxiety and insomnia, at a level much worse than you had to begin with. Try and weigh all this up before you start. ;)
The pink 2mg 'pellets' from unscrupulous vendors are still the same high quality as they have always been for me, had 1 last night and after coming round this morning found out I actually had 3, whoops!
just got hold of etizolam for the first time so not sure what im in for, vibrant blank blue pills with a scoreline - look a little suspect to me:\ I know this isn't drug ID but are there actually knock off eitzolams and can anyone let me know which brands are legitimate? Not sure what to expect, had experience with alprazolam, diazepam.
If you get blister packed ones they should be genuine. As ATM says there's been no reports of fake etilaam in blisters (that we know of)

Most of the RC 'bathtub' Etizolam pellets are etiz, just at very irregular amounts per pill.
The dark blue scored ones seem very weak to me. The light blue unscored ones that are white in the middle seem pretty consistent and work just fine, even with tolerance I can get comfy with 5 of those
Not sure what to expect, had experience with alprazolam, diazepam.

For me, etizolams are kinda like a mixture of both. They are a little muddier than alprazolam, almost like ativan or even soma/carisoprodol if you've experienced those before. To my mind, the closest thing to alprazolam thats out there now is pyrazolam, while etizolam leans more to the diazepam camp IMO.
Snap ! With the shakes thing.

How long and in what sort of quantities have you been taking Etiz ? If you dont mind me asking.

Ive developed a bad tremor recently. Not sure exactly what its down to. I currently use around 5mg per day, for about 12 months before that i was on strictly no more than 2 mg a day. I had a couple of weeks when i just couldnt get enough and was up to something like 15mg.

Im gonna try quitting the fags again tomorrow. I know that will help, even if only a little bit.

Yep sounds a lot like my usage patterns. I generally keep most substances under control (albeit within the context of using drugs daily for last 10 years or so - everythings relative i suppose). But yeah, i always had a weakness for benzo's. At the mo i can expect to get through anything between 5 and 10/12 mg a day. That said, i still have 30mg left in my medicine cabinet and dont have to go to work until next weds. A 100 pack of tramadol, sports re runs on youtube and severe inactivity over next four says should stand me in good stead for when the pack runs out. Either that or i just say fuck it and order another batch - which i def will btw, its just that i like to taper down and then leave atleast a couple of days before i set the whole thing rolling again.
Do these have definite addiction potential then? I'm a stim-head by trade and only use them for comedowns or for the occasional evening where I feel the extra need for a good nights kip. Normally if I have a bag of drugs around I use until it's empty but etiz I can hold back and store them for when wanted/needed.
Yeah i definitely agree with mydrugbuddy's observation there. They certainly do have addictive potential, psychological and physical, but the propensity to use a drug often enough to develope a tolerance ( tolerance and withdrawal symptoms are two sides of the same coin so far as your body is concerned), seems much to come down to individual differences IMO.
I used them daily for an extended period (a few months) and went more or less cold turkey, give or take the sharp reduction in intake over a week or so once I realised I was running out and wouldn't be able to get more.

I felt utterly rotten when I quit, to the extent that my ex was willing not only to nurse me through it but let me drink alcohol to alleviate the symptoms, something over which we split up in the first place.

I've done similar with diaz and not suffered so much, at least physically.

So yeah, just like any standard benzo, the relief they provide from everyday anxieties can be very seductive indeed, especially if you're going through a bad time.
If you've got a taste for benzos then yeah etizolam is really addictive.
As for withdrawals, I dont understand people that say they can abuse these for a few weeks without any wd's. I've had typical benzo withdrawal symptoms after runs on etiz, even brain zaps. So go easy with them!!
I must say that I suffer more when coming off these than I would traditional benzos. Which os something I need to start considering, as it happens.

Etiz had a similar deceptive subtlety to xanax for me. Though it's not quite up there with xanax in the recreational stakes IMO.
For me, etizolams are kinda like a mixture of both. They are a little muddier than alprazolam, almost like ativan or even soma/carisoprodol if you've experienced those before. To my mind, the closest thing to alprazolam thats out there now is pyrazolam, while etizolam leans more to the diazepam camp IMO.

You honestly think pyrazolam are like xanax???? Come on mate good alprazolam knocks you on your arse. Pyrazolam have next to no sedative qualities. I don't really go in for this whole benzo comparison game, they all have unique, varied and useful qualities.

I got a free sample of 5 (very generous) yellow pyrazolam today. They are a new batch. I will report on them at some point.

So far combined with one etiz I am in a very nice place:DIt's making watching Blackburn Rovers that much more bearable...just8)
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