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Cocodamol - The drug of the credit crunch? plus other codeine/dihydrocodeine queries

I get both mate lol

DF118 40mgs and 2 brands of 30 IR. Read ages ago they don't make dfs?
OTC 600m codeine linctus in the UK that can be bought everyday

This is more for the basis of information than anything else that will probably help people addcited to either prescription opiates or even heavier ones. 60mmg of codeine linctus is technically available over the counter in 600ml bottles with no other active ingredients.

No if you go into the shop everyday and do this you are likely to be stopped as it's obvious no one has that bad of a cough plus the bottle should last at least a few days. However online it can be bought very cheap, we can discuss prices but it ends up about 1/th (1/5th with p+p included) of what you would have to pay for 2 boxes of solpadeine max and you don't have to do a cold water extraction.

I thought this may be helpful for the people wanting a one off good experience or people who have opiate addictions. It certainly helps when I overdo my meds. It's actually one of the best methods for detoxing I've found aswell. If you have 10-20 bottles that can be enough if done right to get off a half a gram a day heroin addiction or a heavy pod addiction. So I'm sure its enough to get someone off of a morphine or oxy addiction.

Of course don't try and get addicted to the stuff but at least you know its readily available and is delivered to your doorstep.

I'm actually able to do this at more than pharmacy at a time. So 3 a day costs me less than a bag of heroin. And that amount is enough to crave off most addicts withdrawals, then gradually taper.

Hope this helps either people have a good time, manage a bad one or completely get through and over an awful one.

Even works out cheaper than buying 100 30mg codeine at most places. about 1/4 the price. I'm even considering selling my fortnightly script and just doing it this way for my pain. There are many website willing to do it on a reular basis and I have been told some places will sell up to 10 bottles at a time.

To the mods, I hope my generalistion of the prices is enough to not get this post locked if it is then I will edit it as it has been great to get me through some tough times.
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Didn't think they sold it anymore?

They are its just some chemists as entire companies wont without prescrption, they simply say they dont have or wont sell espescially if you are taking other opiate meds. Online UK ones don't care as much and are much more blaggable.

The online uk ones are legit though, they sell prescription stuff aswell as long as you can prove your prescription.
yup. addictive, cheap and full of shit too. read the other ingredients that are put especially the care+ sugar free one, makes me hive up like a bitch. don't forget the bells version which contains chlorophorm and once you drink the entire bottle you will bitterly regret it. the care+ with sugar one is alright, mixed with sprite and jolly ranchers but once again there is an ingredient put in it stop you abusing it much like the sugar free one, found its not as potent. there's also a superdrug version that is a pile of jackshit too.

<Well-known orange-branded supermaket chain> also has their own version in an orange bottle that i'm pretty sure doesnt have codeine in it. or it does and its nowhere near as strong as 15mg/5ml.

the only good codeine linctus i can get my hands on is the prescription one that doesnt have any additives and crap piled into it to stop abuse... its not as simple as it looks, if you get any of them, make sure its the care+ with sugar version or be prepared to take a whole load of shitty side effects with it
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This is probably better suited for EADD, I don't know if they'll keep it open but I'm going to shoot it on over there.

However online it can be bought very cheap, we can discuss prices but it ends up about 1/th (1/5th with p+p included) of what you would have to pay for 2 boxes of solpadeine max and you don't have to do a cold water extraction.

Yeah but it's still 10 times the cost of just buying a couple of 99p packs of Co-codamol. Why would anyone buy solpadeine? That's top price.
This is fairly well-trodden territory in EADD, although it's good to see that your intention was to provide other people with information that may help them. That's what it's all about isn't it?

Embarrassingly enough I'm unable to find our main OTC codeine / DHC thread, which is a great source of info, and to which I was going to append this thread. If anyone can furnish us with that link it'd be great.

As I say, it's been covered several times so once I / somebody competent can find the relevant thread then it'd be better to continue any discussion right there.
This is fairly well-trodden territory in EADD, although it's good to see that your intention was to provide other people with information that may help them. That's what it's all about isn't it?

Embarrassingly enough I'm unable to find our main OTC codeine / DHC thread, which is a great source of info, and to which I was going to append this thread. If anyone can furnish us with that link it'd be great.

As I say, it's been covered several times so once I / somebody competent can find the relevant thread then it'd be better to continue any discussion right there.

It was my personal intention as it has helped me when I've been withdrawing or wanted to get off other shit.

I didn't realise it had been discussed or was known about.

Thats why I personally dont want to see it closed as it won't be seen.

A codeine addiction isn't great but at least its available, legal and helps when your thinking 'i'll get just one more bag'. Its much easier to dose when detoxing.

If I do want a buzz, which yes I'll admit I sometimes use it for, I know I dont have to go meet my scummy smackhead dealer in a dangerous spot.

It is addictive though, which I wish on no one.

I hope you don't mix the threads or close this one as I think it will be most helpful visible. It has been a life saver at times and has got me off scipt meds, pods and heroin on different occassions.

I'd also like to point out another concern that was raised here, be careful which brand you buy. Make sure you only buy the ones with codeine themselves in it, others can be dangerous.

There are other ones that are good for detoxing gees linctus and kaolin and morphine mixture. With the kaolin one there are very simple none chemical methods to seperate the morphine from the kaolin. I think you only get 20-30mg of morphine or so, but thats as good as 300mg codeine and can be very helpful.

Even dextromethorphan can ease withdrawls to some extent as can loperamine.

I've used all in a planned and successive way to come off of things.

You can use them to get high legally aswell. I feel they are all beneficial and I hope this thread does not get merged as it will get lost in the ether.
This is fairly well-trodden territory in EADD, although it's good to see that your intention was to provide other people with information that may help them. That's what it's all about isn't it?

Embarrassingly enough I'm unable to find our main OTC codeine / DHC thread, which is a great source of info, and to which I was going to append this thread. If anyone can furnish us with that link it'd be great.

As I say, it's been covered several times so once I / somebody competent can find the relevant thread then it'd be better to continue any discussion right there.

This the thread? was just reading through it lol

Cheers Danny. Nice to know somebody's on the ball. ;)

I forgot the redirect too, like the half-arsed excuse for a mod I am. Does anybody want a voluntary, thankless, unglamorous, occasionally fulfilling job on an internet drugs forum by any chance?
ERRR.......No thanks ;) its much more entertaining from this side of the fence!
Bastard. :D

Did I mention that it's a great way of looking cool and impressing select members of the opposite sex? Because it really isn't.
How many co-codomol 30/500mg tablets would it take to have an effect on a person who has no tolerance ?
I found a few of these in my brothers room (about 6, maybe more)
Was just wondering if doing a CWE would be necessary because I've never done one before (Although from what I've read it's simple)
Can anyone give me the effects / comedown / day after for co-codomol ?
If you have no tolerance it's a little tricky to say as people have varying natural tolerance to opioids. Somewhere in the range of 200mg is probably a good starting dose, so you could try 3 or 4. Redosing doesn't really work though. Have some antihistamines to hand, codeine can be very itchy!

Really, if you are ingesting more than 2g of paracetamol in one go you need to do a CWE. Again people's ability to handle paracetamol varies, and you wouldn't find out until it was too late that you had taken too much. If you took them all then 3g as a one off would probably be okay, but ideally yes you should do a CWE, it's a good habit to get into. It is very easy!

CWE megathread

Codeine isn't all that long lasting - for me the main effects only last an hour or so, with lingering effects for another hour or two afterwards. Have you got any opioid experience? Generally they make you feel warm'n'fuzzy'n'sedated.. codeine can feel a bit shallower than other opioids, it's hard to explain, but it can still be very enjoyable. The histamine release is quite prominent so expect to feel pretty itchy too, higher doses turn me bright red and make me puff up which isn't much fun - antihistamines essential!

I don't get a comedown after opioids but sometimes it can be hard to sleep once they have worn off and some people feel groggy the next day - YMMV.
I'd definitely second the 200mg recommendation. It' a good dose from which to assess whether codeine agrees with you, and if it does then it's definitely enough for a pleasurable experience.
The above is about right I usually do the whole bottle (256mg?) definitely CWE. T Shirt over pint glass and you'll be glad you did when you see the para.

Fuckin dirty buzz imo but i hate DHC which i caned as it was on hand.
Ok, so I've had a quick read of this thread, thought what the heck, bought a 32 pack of the regular 8/500's and coffee filters, and will have a bosh of this tonight.

Anyway, I noticed a mention that 7% of people are sensitive to codeine. When I've taken co-codamol for pain relief, I have noticed I get a bit of a light headed feeling for 20 minutes or so. Would this indicate I'm sensitive to it or is that normal? I guess it could always be placebo. If I am sensitive, would taking 256mg be dangerous? I'm worried if I use say 10 tablets to get 80mg and test that, find it doesn't do much, then I won't be able to redose with the rest.
You could be sensitive. Codeine is a funny one, some people are good metabolisers and some are poor metabolisers and some are in the middle.. You're right, redosing doesn't tend to work very well but you don't want to overdo it. What dose of codeine made you feel light headed? If it was two 8/500s it's probably placebo, if it is two 30/500s it is more likely to be an actual response to the codeine.

256mgs (minus CWE losses) probably wouldn't actually be dangerous, but you definitely could get unpleasant side effects if you are sensitive. Have some antihistamines beforehand whatever dose you do.
Cheers Effie,

I'm not really sure of the dosage of the tablets I've taken in the past. One time I probably have had the 30/500's because the woman at work who gave them to me has bad back problems, she was on an oral morphine drink at one point (I'm sure it was called Oxymorph but a quick google doesn't bring anything up, I remember seriously considering nicking a bit haha!) Maybe I've got an effect off the 30's, and expected it off the 5's?

Yeah I've got an anti-histamine, I also bought some Promethazine (Sominex) tablets, so I can have a poor mans Sizzurp haha! They're 20mg each, how many will do the trick? I've taken them before for insomnia, and anymore than 1 1/2 usually leaves me far too groggy in the morning than I'd like, so was thinking of taking 1.