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Your Favourite Quotes and Sayings

A Mark Twain quote---'The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible'
I'm gonna try to quote this off the top so forgive my errors. Helen Keller said : "security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. The fearful are caught as often as the bold". That is my favorite quote.
“Your friends will notice at once that glib vacuities fail to impress, and hate you, and tell lies about you. It's worth it.”
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

I am not young enough to know everything.

The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.

The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

I can resist anything but temptation.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

But what is the difference between literature and journalism?
...Journalism is unreadable and literature is not read. That is all.

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.

There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.
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"The singer was a neurotic drinker
Instruments collide and we all get drunk"
"As you get older you will understand more and more that it's not about what you look like or what you own, it's all about the person you've become."
Ok when did someone pick the UK up n chuck it in the North Pole. I'm freeeeeeeezing!

'If you can't expose your mind to the possibility of being wrong, you will never in your life be right'.
And we'd say, "Please, we don't wanna decorate the Babylonian symbol of evil." It was horrible.
The more i feel like i have learned the less i feel like i truly know.

not sure who that is but it always rang true with me
Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. -Mahatma Gandhi