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Your Crazy Life.....Tell us a story of a crazy experience youve had cuz of drugs

What drugs were you on with the above story Faded?
I had smoke a shit load of marijuana and did some roxicodone as well... It was weird because on marijuana I never had a bad experience but that day I did and it was like I felt like I didn't even smoke pot at some points. Then being opiated didn't help I was like feeling stimulated at points from the sativa and then couldn't move from the indica (the highs went back and fourth the guys mixed different kinds within the blunt). Then on top of it when I couldn't move from the weed I felt trapped cause I was also opiated as well and there was no way I could get out of the car and run if I needed to... And of course I probably should of at one point but was so high I couldn't. I was just so scared and happy to be home. Sadly I had a worse experience early this morning at a motel party with smoking synthetic cannabis and I took too big of hits and went into a bad trip and on top of that I was extremely drunk so yeah it was hell.... Nothing happened (well to me like I wasn't taken advantage of but could of been) sadly my friend was kind of being taken advantage of but I stopped the guys from doing shit. Now think of how hard it was to be tripping hard and trying to stop your friend from doing things she would regret. Ugh, I need to stop getting in bad situations.....maybe ill write about it later but right now I feel like shit /:

The best friend I called when in the other situation came to my rescue last night. She got me out of the motel luckily cause there was no way I could of left by myself. I tried so hard to have my other friend leave but she wouldn't listen and she only cared about this guy she has a fling with and not me or my best friend (also her friend) so we just came to the conclusion that yes we need to lookout for each other but there comes a point in time where your overall safety is more important. So we left her there which sounds horrible but she put us in the situation and luckily we convinced her to comeback to our hotel. But yeah lol sorry for ramble wasn't even the story but wow I'm so glad to have a best friend like her.... A friend who leaves church to save your ass. She was coming to party with us but at our hotel but she came and "rescued" me from the motel and we dodged cops cause my eyes were so red and I was extremely intoxicated walking in the middle of the night.
the however many times i've jumped out of a car on a kc highway or at a gas station in the wrong area to do that at, thinking i'm going to get raped.

investigating abandoned city buildings after you do a shot of meth..my friend was going at the corner with a plunger because i explained it was hobo territory. i'm pretty territorial of my shit idk bout you guys..

my first high speed too geeked and my face was going numb, picked up some dope right after we got away

waking up to mossberg being cocked, still in the afterglow of having had a poisoned shot/cotton fever-like shit goin on, and an hour or so later one of the guys i was living with calls me from the hospital saying he tried to kill his chemist and his wife when he was in an artificial k-hole. said he was entering the gates of hell.

when i saw a pile of coats hanging on a coat rack, and a rope hanging from the ceiling in front of it turn into a manna kin, with my bookshelf-turned-shadow person to the right of me and something obscure to the left having to do with the couch.

however many times i've sat around twisting a bowl fucking with guns too big for myself to even try to defend myself with, in fact it'd probably been yanked and turned on me if I tried LOL.

trying to come up with 1,400 to pick up in the morning, while in another state completely the entire night tripping on acid. and there's no awake, sober drivers, and your partner that makes the money magic happen, fell out on you all night and thus your whole trip on these 4 hits is consistent with freaking out about it. and then my friend wakes up and in 20 minutes we're ready, that bitch has a wand hidden somewhere, swear! we go to pick up and there's a cop in the parking lot right in front of my dudes trailer, they leave and then come back right as my guy comes out and didn't even see them till he turned back around after our handshake. "this was too easy, did we just do that??? TAKE MY PHONE I'M DONE FOR THE WHOLE WEEK"

my hotel got kicked in (weell the last time it did,) I was geetered and went all nancy drew and went up to see what's goin on, with the place surrounded by DEA FBI and marked/un-markeds, you name it. came up there out of the curiosity and almost went to jail for disorderly conduct..i realized i was high right when i got up close to where our room was. that moment when the narcs officer says "SO YOU'RE ____???" was prettyy discouraging, but seeing the district attorney there and knowing that my dude was snitching and everyone else was, was a big ++ for me. cause that was my "team" or whatever..my twack stars going nowhere with their lives but be that as it may the people that i also lived with and associated with on the big things. so talk about first-hand knowledge, ! the people saying my name were explaining to the cops that I was coming back that night to pick up some shit, and all i had was a clear hotel trash bag with my clothes in it, I said "DOES IT LOOOK LIKE I'M COMING BACK TO GET DRUGS FROM THESE PEOPLE ? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A TWACK PACK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS"
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The most messed up thing that happened to me was my boyfriend called to see if I had a "J" and was going to be over in 5 min. Well he showed up and talked to my bro who was dealing. 30 sec later the cops show up and bust him. My freaked boyfriend ratted on bro. He disappears for 3 years. My bro gets jail time. I'm 16 at the time. That was messed up we had City under siege recording. It's a show like cops at the time. I hate fken pigs. They all suck.
Having the cops bust into my friends house for a warrent for holding a hostage as they had heard shouts (just us drinking and smoking). Was drinking some good ol cheap cider and smoking some fat bongs out of a gask mask + regular. We also had a huge pile of mdma (unknow amount but over 1gram+ for us to use as we wanted). Now my friend was housing a cannabis dealer at this time in his one roomed flat so in this one room about 10 of us are here with 3 or 4 bongs, an old kinda 60's heavely scottish grass dealer and some black guy that was wanted for armed robbery + all of my friends. Well the cops shout out the door police open up etc etc, and im having a bong just as they say that, i decide not to panick in my fucked up state and finish the bong so we chuck the mdma down the toilet in a panick and the big black dude jumps out the window as he keeps shouting about having 16 warrents. The grass isn't thrown away the old dude just hides it somewere in the kitchen cupboard and my mate who owned the flat opens the door. Turns out its alright and the police were good humoured and new what it was like to have a drink and a smoke they just wanted to make sure no one was being held and tortured or some shit like that. Funny thing is at the same house with the same people they got another call for the same shit and had the police at the door again (I wasn't there thankfully haha). Doesn't sound so interesting written down but at the time it was pretty crazy, specially cuse they thought we were torturing someone haha.

Another time me an another mate and my fiancee had a half ounce of some pretty good proper hash and a few grams of green after smoking constantey for a full day we went to meet that same old very very scottish old fashioned dealer and he was trying to set up an xbox at his house, and boy was this 60 - 70 year old confused haha. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud cuse hes a pretty serious guy (last time i saw him he was on the main road chasing a boy with a knife screaming 'im gunna stab you pal'. Well he was drunk and he started raving like a madman about these prongs and asking if we had them on are xboxs, i thought the word prongs was so funny and the way he said that I had to leave right away and as soon as I got out the door I actually fell over laughing, it took me like half an hour to get home as I was still pissing myself properly and finding it hard to breathe I kept laughing so much so I kept falling over. I literally laughed all day and whenever I thought about it I started pissing myself over it over and over again. So much I got so sick of it and took a few valium and knocked myself out. Not that funny as well but whatever, ive never laughed all day at something so stupid as 'The prongs'.

Also when I was on a date with my fiancee I took what I thought was a small amount of mxe but was actually 150mg+ and I started M-Holeing like fuck while I was watching Puss in Boots 3D with the glasses and everything at the cinema and I was supposed to be going out with her for a meal afterwards but instead started throwing up my guts so much it was unhealthy all at the back of the cinema haha. Had to get the bus home as soon as it was over and I was able to walk, fiancee wasn't that happy.

+ Ive done some crazy shit like fiending for drugs, being incredibly angry / violent and being stupidely insane while deliours from lack of sleep and tripping. Sometimes if I have a good few days free and plenty of drugs in my stash i like to do a fear and loathing in las vegas and stay up for a few days taking drugs getting into my own wee adventures, most of this I can't remember and the whole time seems so weird that every second is a crazy drug experiance. Sorry I just wrote so much about fuck all, i just had some stims and my typing seems to be very precise and is getting out my energy haha
I had smoke a shit load of marijuana and did some roxicodone as well... It was weird because on marijuana I never had a bad experience but that day I did and it was like I felt like I didn't even smoke pot at some points. Then being opiated didn't help I was like feeling stimulated at points from the sativa and then couldn't move from the indica (the highs went back and fourth the guys mixed different kinds within the blunt). Then on top of it when I couldn't move from the weed I felt trapped cause I was also opiated as well and there was no way I could get out of the car and run if I needed to... And of course I probably should of at one point but was so high I couldn't. I was just so scared and happy to be home. Sadly I had a worse experience early this morning at a motel party with smoking synthetic cannabis and I took too big of hits and went into a bad trip and on top of that I was extremely drunk so yeah it was hell.... Nothing happened (well to me like I wasn't taken advantage of but could of been) sadly my friend was kind of being taken advantage of but I stopped the guys from doing shit. Now think of how hard it was to be tripping hard and trying to stop your friend from doing things she would regret. Ugh, I need to stop getting in bad situations.....maybe ill write about it later but right now I feel like shit /:

The best friend I called when in the other situation came to my rescue last night. She got me out of the motel luckily cause there was no way I could of left by myself. I tried so hard to have my other friend leave but she wouldn't listen and she only cared about this guy she has a fling with and not me or my best friend (also her friend) so we just came to the conclusion that yes we need to lookout for each other but there comes a point in time where your overall safety is more important. So we left her there which sounds horrible but she put us in the situation and luckily we convinced her to comeback to our hotel. But yeah lol sorry for ramble wasn't even the story but wow I'm so glad to have a best friend like her.... A friend who leaves church to save your ass. She was coming to party with us but at our hotel but she came and "rescued" me from the motel and we dodged cops cause my eyes were so red and I was extremely intoxicated walking in the middle of the night.

Yes, it is good to have friends like that..............& yes, there are guys out there willing to take advantage of women in the wrong situation for the girl............

As for synthetic pot, ive never done it myself but have had 2 cousins & several friends do it & they all say its not worth it because of the side effects. I had one friend do a few hits outside my friends bar & when he came inside to watch the football game with us, he fell out of his chair & when he tried to get up, his legs were wobbly. He also stated his chest started to hurt........people need to stay away from that synthetic shit...............

I know a lot of people like mixing opiates with weed but I will never do it again myself after taking a few vicodin & hitting the bong an hour later..........boy was it a weird feeling after feeling awesome on the opiate buzz & then all of a sudden feeling really weird & sick. Did it once & got very dizzy & thought I needed to go to the hospital.........took about an hour before I started to feel okay.........screw that, no more weed for me since I take pain meds for my back.
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Yes, it is good to have friends like that..............& yes, there are guys out there willing to take advantage of women in the wrong situation for the girl............

As for synthetic pot, ive never done it myself but have had 2 cousins & several friends do it & they all say its not worth it because of the side effects. I had one friend do a few hits outside my friends bar & when he came inside to watch the football game with us, he fell out of his chair & when he tried to get up, his legs were wobbly. He also stated his chest started to hurt........people need to stay away from that synthetic shit...............

I know some a lot of people like mixing opiates with weed but I will never do it again myself after taking a few vicodin & hitting the bong an hour later..........boy wasit a weird feeling after feeling awesome on the opiate buzz & then all of a sudden feeling really weird & sick. Did it once & got very dizzy & thought I needed to go to the hospital.........took about an hour before I started to feel okay.........screw that, no more weed for me since I take pain meds for my back.

Yep, I never did synthetic cannabis before that night and vowed to keep it natural. But of course dumbass me decides to totally say fuck it and try it and not stop at one hit. I was like shit I don't feel anything and boy did it come on strong. I can't believe the shit is even legal.... Nowhere close to weed except for the one point where I could stop laughing but then the rest of the night I felt like I had a psychotic break.

Yeah, weed and opiates usually are okay with me. Except that one day it wasn't..... Luckily everything ended up okay. Sorry to hear about your shitty time doing both together :\ didn't sound too good.. Sadly, some drugs react negatively with one another with certain people ect. I guess yours is opiates and weed and mine is synthetic cannabis and alcohol...well synthetic cannabis period man that stuff blows.
Probably the most fucked up shit happened when I went on a two week MDPV/phenazepam binge. After about a week of no sleep I was getting ready for bed and thout, aw shucks, I'll just do a tiny little shot of MDPV and watch a movie first. So I pull out my spoon and my vial of MDPV, and start to poor it into the spoon, but then I start hearing footsteps coming from upstairs(I live with my folks). So I decide to do my shot in the bathroom. So once again, now I've got the powder in the spoon and I'm sucking up 10 units of water, and I swear I hear my dad walking up from the basement (whichc you get to through another door from the bathroom I was about do shoot my gear in) so I run back into the living room where I was before, and I throw a blanket over me, and illuminate the works with my cell phone. I keep hearing people talking, and footsteps, but I tell myself I'm just being paranoid. I get out from the blanket and lean up against the living room door to do my shot, and to prevent anyone from entering and catching me. I feel the MDPV hit me, but something feels a little different, almost like the lighting in the room has changed and it all appears goofy. I start hearing footsteps again and figure it's my father walking downstairs. For some reason at this point, I'm convinced that he knows I'm getting high, so I just sit back on the sofa, and giggle to myself. But of course my father never comes down, and the situation, stops seeming funny to me(though it wasn't to begin with). I hear footsteps coming up from my basement, and then I hear my neighbors outside saying something like "yeah a swat teams raiding there house, cause you know, there son has a drug problem and supposedly he has a lot of drugs on him."I'm terrified. I curl up in a fetal position and wait for the cops to storm my living room and arrest me. I keep waiting and they don't come. I start to wonder if I'm having a psychotic episode, but then the living room door swings open a tiny bit, and I sear I see the scope of a sniper gun peek through, as well as a little red laser dot on the wall. I almost shit my pants. At this point I actually begin to talk to the cops that I think are outside my door, saying things like " please, just take me in already, I'm not armed." they don't respond but I can hear them talking to each other in whispers, and moving back and forth. I can see the silhouettes of there boots from the small crack under my door too. So for the next to hours I'm just sitting there, rambling about how I have no weapons, and how I will be very cooperative, but they just keep murmuring to themselves and shifting back and forth. Eventually I have to pee, very bad, but I'm scared to move, so I say out loud "listen, I'm just going to go to the bathroom in the kitchen, okay? I'm not trying to escape." so I run into the kitchen and piss in a coffe cup for some reason. Then I start to think about how I'm going to be thrown in jail, and I need to calm down, so I eyeball a rather large dose of phenazepam, just dipping my finger into the Baggie and licking it, and then take about six mg of clonazepam on top of that. I lay down on the kitchen floor and start to feel uncomfortably calm, and my breathing is very shallow. I realize that I might be overdosing on benzo's so I take the MDPV vial and just dump a huge amount of it into a glass of water and gulp it down, trying to counter act the benzo's. Of course now I start to fear I'm overdosing on the MDPV. Pull a plate down from my cupboard and put it on the floor, I then lie face down on the floor, my face over the plate and begin to drool uncontrollably, all the while still talking to the swat team that I believe is going to arrest me. Eventually I wake up in the morning face down in a plate filled with some bile and a shit load of saliva, and there's a cup filled with my urine sitting on top of our trash can. My mom comes into the room, and I actually asked her why the cops left. Obviously that day was very very unpleasant.
I haven't posted in a log time but i liked a lot of the stories in this thread so I figured I would add my own. I had a terrible H habit for about 10 years and like many other addicts there were many times I would run out of money. One of the craziest things I ever did happened about 8pm on a random night and I was out of money and starting to get sick. I never liked stealing from my parents and since I had done it recently I went into their room to just "look around" in the hopes some idea would pop up. So while going through my moms drawers i see an envelope with 8 100 dollar bills in it and the envelope is clearly marked $800. So there was going to be no way I was going to be able to take a 100 and try to play it off like she made a mistake. So I sat there thinking, knowing I am about to get sick and money sitting right there in front of me. And then all of a sudden an idea popped in my head. Where I cop in Paterson NJ I was dealing with a few regular dealers that I would call and met, but there were tons of dealers in the open air market of paterson like in the 4th ward. So you can just roll up to them any time of the night and they are out there serving. So I decided to rip off a top right corner of one 100 dollar bill and the bottom corner right corner off another 100 dollar bill I found in my moms room and carefully tape it to a single. Then fold that single up 4 times so that all is showing is the 2 corners of the 100 dollar bills i ripped. (i know this might be confusing trying to explain this) So my plan was going to get me a bundle (at that time they were $80) or it was going to get me kiled. I rolled up to the spot, told the guy I needed a bundle and 20$ in change. He took my "100 dollar bill" and just slid it in his pocket and gave me my stuff. So i winded up getting a bundle AND 20 bucks for 1 dollar. Im sure he was pissed at the end of the night, but hell I was robbed plenty of times in paterson. bout time i got one back :)
One from the back in the day file. I'll post more later..:)

Act 1: Benzos, booze, and the police

It was a normal Saturday during summer break. I had been selling pot for about 3 months at this point, and I had two close friends and a bunch of "clients". I also had a group of friends from school that didn't know I smoked, as much as I wanted to sell what I had I also tried to keep it on the down low.

So I'd just re-upped the night before, and I think I had about a quarter pound or so left. Not the greatest smoke in the world but better than that seedy bullshit everyone else was selling around my home town at the time.

My close friends C and J come over, and they have this kid I know from school (I'll call him "B") riding with them and some mooch we'll call "D". C and J wanted to buy some smoke and shoot some pool on my table and hang out for awhile. B wanted some smoke too, but was too paranoid to ask me outright. J told me B wanted some smoke, and rather than give it to J I just went out to the garage and hooked him up myself. Let him know it was cool to come by and see me and that since he'd helped me out a few times over the years (non-drug related matters) that I'd kick him a little extra the first few bags.

Anyway...now that B knows all is well I decide to kick out my personal stash. I turn these guys on to some "hydro" I had gotten about a week before, start handing out blue xanax, and pop the top on some 151. We're having a grand old time shooting pool for a few hours.

At some point B gets a call from some asshole that's at the local skating rink. This asshole basically tells B that first chance they get him and his buddies are going to "jump" him. I'm already pretty drunk by this point and this asshole has gotten C, J, and myself riled up and "D" is playing a long because he's enjoying the free drugs (he was a mooch, remember?). J grabs the phone from B and tells this guy that he doesn't have to wait, 'cause we're on the way to beat the shit out of him right now.

So off we five go, piled into C's car for the 10 minute drive to the skating rink to whoop some random dudes ass. For some dumb reason that I can't remember (think we might have no planned on returning home) I had three bags of weed on me (two ounces, and a small bag of the "hydro"), hand scales, extra baggies, and a bottle full of assorted pills. Everyone else in the car is holding too, save "D" because he was a broke mooch.

We get there okay, and after 15 minutes and multiple calls its obvious random asshole has bitched out and won't come outside. We decide to roll out and smoke a blunt.

We're on the highway heading back towards my house to some familiar backroads, by this time J is in the front rolling up the blunt. He's in the process of breaking up what I guess is about 6 grams of bud when C swerves into the on-coming lane and nearly hits a state trooper head on at 55mph.


State trooper does a quick U-turn and next thing I know we're pulled over. J has stashed the weed he was rolling under his seat. C is fucked up on xanax and 151, B is bugging out and D is too. Thoughts are racing through my head but I'm trying to maintain...

So trooper asks for C's license, he doesn't have it. Trooper asks C to get out of the car (fuck fuck fuck!) and they g back to the trooper's car for a pow-wow. J hops out of the car at this point (you dumb fuck!) and claims the car is over heating and asks if its okay to check the engine. Trooper tells him that's fine. J pops the hood and once its up I can see him stashing crap down his pants through the crack where the hood meets the rest of the body work. I look over at B, he's EATING the bag I had sold him and isn't trying to be non-obvious about it at all. D suddenly becomes the expert on the law and is telling me things like "Clip your scales to your arm pit hair dude!" despite me constantly telling him to shut the fuck up.

So I'm pretty sure I'm fucked... Our driver is obviously FUBAR and I know its a matter of time before they start pulling us out of the car, find all the shit, and I'm pretty sure D is going to roll over on me even though he doesn't have shit on him AFAIK.

I shit you not, this is what happens next: C comes back to the car with a warning ticket, buckles up, and we drive off. That's it....wtf? C even tells us that he had forgotten his address and other details when asked by the trooper so they could look up his drivers license/record on the in car computer. I was fucking shocked that we drove away from this. I mean how lucky can you get? This guy almost plowed a trooper at 55mph in broad daylight, reeked of liquor and pot, and could barely talk and they allowed him to drive off? How lucky can you get?

I have some more stories but this is getting a bit long, so I'll come back another time and post another one. Good thread. %)
Then Mark said to Esther and me that he had a present for us too. How exciting. At that point I would have been pretty happy with a mouthful of Gummi Worms too. He delved into his cargo pants again and handed us each a flimsy pair of cardboard glasses with funny lenses. We put them on and the cool lenses – which we have subsequently learned are called “holographic diffraction grating” – turned the lights in the warehouse into a shower of fireworks and trippy visuals. We were, needless to say, entranced. Then Mark dropped his bomb. “You know what they are, right?” I think Esther and I were too high to converse. “I got you both a pair of magic glasses!” It took a second to sink in but, in an instant, we were no longer on a dance floor in a warehouse in San Francisco, 1999 but were sitting at the top of a meadow on Hampstead Heath 8 years earlier arguing over who’s turn it was to watch the sunset through a cheap pair of sunglasses.

magical :)
I was robotripping with my friend a few days ago and I was so high I started falling asleep on someones porch but then my friend shook me awake cause she was getting freaked out. So we got up even though we could barely walk and then when we started walking I legit kept falling asleep while standing in the road. She then shook me again saying "stop falling asleep you're freaking me out!". I apologized and somehow got my shit barely together.... We then went to a park where I was tripping the fuck out and dude I saw this house and then these shadows moving. I got scared and was thinking it was those three little pigs and I was like you can't fool me little pigs! Then I started acting like I was the big bad wolf but then I realized I was high and the shadows were actually wood. Yeah that was pretty weird.
Had picked up like 10 tabs of lucy off of one of the trailer park kids with my boy Kyle. We pick up a bottle of kamchatha with the last ten bucks we had and go drop off 8 of the tabs at my girls house. We both pop a tab and start making screwdrivers, while smoking from an ounce of bud. About a half hour later, we hop in his Volkswagen Bug and go cruising around on Sierra Hwy. Pick up McDonalds, smoke a blunt in the parking lot (while unbeknownst to me like 3 cop cars are parked there, and all of the cops are eating inside; i'm really glad I didn't actually see this, would've sent bad vibes but my buddy did). So I eat the roach and we book it out of there down to Soledad, and start driving back to the pad. Start mildly tripping, and tripping out on the lights from the freeway and the lines on the road. All of a sudden, someones brights come on in our rear view, low and behold it's the long arm of the law and they are running our plates. We keep driving and eventually he just turns away. We tripped out on the fact that literally a day before, my bud was using stolen tags and had no insurance. Anyway, it scared the shit out of us and we just rush back to the pad. That was when I was back in Cali.
Best thread ever! It is pretty grim listening to someone talking about tripping usually, but when it involved pure madness it's always good! Particularly liked the one with the guy telling his mum he was God!!! Sounds intense!!!
Anyways, like most of you I have plenty of these, this is the one that I tell most often though...

I used to write a lot of graffiti, A LOT. And for two years me and boy ran things in a large northern English city....One Saturday I get a call after midnight from him saying there was a big party somewhere local and he was near so we should hook up and bomb (eg. tag(gay word)) as much as we could on the way there. In front of me was 0.3 of some EXCELLENT cocaine of which 0.5 I had already done in, a g of mandy and enough weed for days. My plan was to have a quiet night in and wash the rest of the coke up with some ammonia, however the party was on and he was only 15 mins away so there was no time to wash up. So i snorted all the ching in two big lines, and proceeded to get ready for the evening. This involved going round the house finding every graffiti implement I could get my hands on and stashing it all in my big coat. I left the house 10 mins later with 4 tins of spray paint, 3 homemade pens, a bottle of ink for refilling, a bottle of paint,and a bleach bottle full of gloss paint (for silly drippy mess), a shoe polish container full of ferric chloride (metal etch), sandpaper for scratch tags, the mdma and weed.

I hook up with my boy at the top of the road and by this point all I wanna do is chat my fucking face off. My friend was a touch more sober than me so he convinced me that chatting was not the aim of this 30 minute walk but vandalising everything is sight. I duly obliged.

5 minutes later and the ink and paint is flowing. We crossed the road in order to hit up this huge road sign. It was too high to reach so I get on all fours so he could stand on my back to write on it. We finish up and continue walking...Seconds later a silver fiesta rolls up next to us. The gorgeous female driver shouts "oi lads" and I think hello! Free ride to the party and some pussy! However...she then flashes some piggy ID at us as her fellow copper gets out and approaches doing the same. Shit! Undercovers!!! Dusting at this point just didn't appeal for some reason so I awaited our inevitable arrest.

They come over in their nike air max and north face jackets looking pretty cool for undercover swine! My heart is racing to fuck, and I immediately become conscious of the fact that my face was doing the fucking charleston and that my next criminal damage arrest meant certain jail...

"So what are you up to then gentlemen??"

"Errr, just on the way to a party"

"Well we saw you acting suspiciously back there, so you are going to be searched on suspicion of going equipped for burglary." I'm thinking what the fuck?! But realised that they haven't noticed what we were actually doing! I started getting a bit lippy at this point got cuffed up and the search began...The bonnet of the car is soon sagging under the weight of a hefty graff supply. I'm staring straight down the barrel of a 6 month stretch due to my record.

"What's all this then??" Pork chop asks. My mate, who isn't cuffed and playing it cooler than me says "We're artists on the way to a party. We get booked to do live painting."

They buy it!!! Stupid fucks!!! The search continues however and then I start worrying about the drugs, the man porker soon finds my weed (fortunately I only had a henry on me) and passes it to his partner.

"I can tell you are wasted, and you stink of weed but we were expecting to find you 'going equipped' " meaning screwdrivers and crow bars. Then it gets weird...she passes the weed to my man and goes "right you, go and put this down that drain over there and we can forget about the weed" RESULT!!! So he goes off and does as she says. The search is nearly over, and i'm tripped out by whats happening and start feeling like i'm gonna pass out from the massive line I just did. The g of mandy is in my condom pocket (change pocket?) of my jeans, the geezer puts his finger in and my heart drops. Now, police must search these pockets a thousand times and as you know there ain't much room in them! He literally fingers the fucking wrap up and down, then looks me in the eye, winks, and acts like it weren't there!!! DOUBLE RESULT!!! Fuck knows why he did it, too much paperwork probably.

I get uncuffed and then find myself in the ridiculous situation of being handed back all my vandalism materials (they must have been such dumb cops to not realise what we were up to) and we are sent on our merry way.

As soon as the car is out of sight, my boy doubles back and stoops down at the drain to produce the bag of weed! So it turns out he hadn't actually dropped it down but wedged it in between the bars!!! Ha ha ha! They could have nicked the two most wanted writers at that time and given us nuff drug charges. Needless to say we had a sick party %)
Ahh sheiittt. This one time i got addicted to opiates.

Fucking crazy shit man.
This one time I took some acid and I suddenly started to trip.

This other time I took some seroquel and woke up in another room of the house on the couch.

Crazy stuff.

OT :D : I'm sure I did some really crazy shit when I was a full-blown benzo addict but ofcourse, I don't remember.
Once on pentazocine I felt totally crazy, but it got me nodding very hard so I didn't care. I thought of it as crazy dreams. :p
It's a freaking weird opioid.
Crazy Story - How I Earned and Lost ~$500,000 - Also Post Your Own Crazy Stories

EDIT: I know it's a very long post, but it's also a very cool story that's worth reading. It was certainly worth living.

I'll start by saying that I'm changing minor details of the story I'm about to tell for security reasons. The events described are actual experiences I had, ones that I've never shared before on Bluelight. I feel comfortable telling this story here now because I'm no longer involved in any sort of illegal business, and it's been a LONG time since I was. Despite being incriminating in nature, no one has any proof that I did this (certainly not law enforcement). In fact, no proof exists, except a few tidbits that only I know about. With no proof available, I can easily claim this as fiction for my own amusement, should I wish to.

It's the story of how I gained nearly half a million dollars, and lost it all due to some bad luck and a serious addiction to opiates.

I have to start with another story that becomes important in the main story. It started in Prince Edward Island, a province of Canada.

I was dumb when I was younger, and I did some very stupid things. One of the things I did, at one point, was drink quite a lot, and then take quite a lot of benzos (I believe it was nitrazepam). Well, as expected, I blacked out. When I awoke, I was naked, in a farmer's field, with three 40 ounce liquor bottles next to me (one full, one half full, and one empty). I had no idea where I was, or even how long I'd been blacked out. After hopping through a couple backyards, I was able to find some clothing to wear that was hanging out to dry (luckily!). My next step was to figure out where the fuck I actually was, and so I got to have an awkward conversation with a random person after knocking on his door. I asked him where I was, and what day it was, knowing I looked like a crazy person. He told me I was in New Brunswick, and the date he gave me was two days after I'd started drinking. So I had traveled, while completely blacked out, two provinces away, and had lost two whole days doing so. I ended up hitchhiking back to PEI. To this day I still have NO IDEA whatsoever as to how I managed to get that far, and also no clue as to what I did for those two days. But apparently I took ridiculous amounts of the benzo, because my memory was completely shot; just barely functional really.

Alright, that story becomes important later.

So when I was in PEI, attending university (I was late in my 17th year, approaching 18 ), I habitually made the ~4 hour drive to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I'd pick up the various psychoactives that I enjoyed. Halifax is a port city, and it is very easy to obtain the substances that you're looking for there. By sheer luck, I met a person who ended up changing my life by offering me an amazing opportunity that I decided to capitalize on. This person was affiliated with a certain group that were involved in quite a lot of criminal activity. I'll call him "D" from here out. D helped me find some psychedelics and some opiates when most other people were completely dry (at least those I knew; I didn't live in Halifax, so I didn't know that many people). Since he helped me out when I really needed it, I offered to share what he'd sourced for me. D was pleased that I'd offered that, and took me on my offer. We did mushrooms and MDMA together, and then took some morphine in the morning after staying awake all night. We seemed to bond, and D seemed like an incredibly nice guy, considering the circles he generally ran with.

So this became a regular occurrence, I'd go to Halifax, trip with D, talk about all sorts of stuff (he was an intelligent man with a lot of experience and knowledge). We became very close friends. When he learned that I could "cook" various things, he asked me if I would do him a favour and produce some crystal. It was my first time doing it, and I had to study up and procure some supplies, and a knowledgeable assistant, but in the end I managed to get a fairly decent yield of good product. I gave it to D, and this is when he asked me the question that altered my life for the next few years. He asked me if I would move various products from Nova Scotia to PEI; in other words, he entered into a business relationship with me. He trusted me, after all our experiences together, and so he fronted me a moderate amount of various common psychoactives. I told him I wouldn't transfer heroin or meth (I also said I wouldn't move cocaine, but I eventually ended up doing that to a limited extent), but that I'd definitely move other things for him.

I took that first fronted supply, and brought it to PEI. D had given me a list of names and phone numbers, to find the people that D trusted me to offload to (I also knew a number of people who I could trust, too). These people were all either big dealers, who sold to smaller dealers, or the smaller dealers themselves who sold to users (though I preferred the bigger dealers because I could offload a lot more a lot quicker with them). With little difficulty, I offloaded everything I'd brought with me. It was easy, because compared to Halifax, PEI was dry as a nun's cunt. From that first transfer of goods, fronted to me, I attained ~30,000 dollars, of which I kept 11,000 as my profit, the rest going to D.

There was almost no security whatsoever driving to and from Halifax. Not ONCE while driving was I ever stopped by a cop, questioned, searched, etc. It was easy as pie, and I was never caught for it in the future movements I did for/with D.

I continued to move product for D, and began investing in my own products to bring over along with D's. Soon, I was making significant amounts of money, for very little work (though I did have to worry about getting caught, even though it never happened). Two years passed. I'd earned roughly $300,000, and helped D make even more than that by far. I was 19. I bought a house, a beautiful house that I'll always miss with bittersweet nostalgia. It had a main floor and a lower level. There were two living rooms with large windows. Five bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, an office/study, an ample attached garage, and a large kitchen. I had a decently sized wooden deck in the back through glass sliding doors. And to top it off, ~14 acres of land surrounding my house. In short, it was fucking awesome, the best home I've ever had.

Of course, by this time, I'd been using the products I moved with increasing frequency. I already smoked pot 24/7. I was drinking booze a lot. I was using a lot of benzodiazepines. I was binging on amphetamine, though I didn't do it ALL the time (I wasn't addicted to it). I was using coke intravenously (again, not addicted, though I did use a lot over time and at very high [dangerous] doses. There were other miscellaneous drugs that I was doing, but I won't go into detail on all of them. But, finally, I was also using intravenous hydromorphone heavily (to which I was very addicted). Ridiculous doses, multiple times a day. But at the time, it all seemed ok. I was making PLENTY of money, and I was able to support all this fun. Some days ran me hundreds of dollars, and occasionally I spent over a thousand in a day, just on drugs. Luckily, I didn't do every drug I was using every day, I usually stuck to pot/hash (every day), my benzos (every day), my booze (about a third of the time), my opiates (every day), and relatively rarely the cocaine (less than ten percent of the time). I was making a lot of money, but I was putting almost all of my income, at that point, straight back into my veins or my lungs. But I wasn't worried yet.

Time went by, and I made more money, and more purchases. I paid a year's lease at once for an excellent apartment so that my (now ex) girlfriend could live there, and we could choose to sleep at my house or the apartment, depending on present circumstances. No one but my girlfriend and a small collection of people I supplied to even knew I was involved in this kind of business. I was flying under the radar as well as I could, and it worked, because I was never investigated by law enforcement (to my knowledge, anyway). I no longer wanted to drive to Halifax so frequently, it was interfering with university and my social life in PEI. I saw less and less of D, which was unfortunate because the guy was like the older brother I never had to me. Instead of those frequent trips, I bought ten large safes (two varieties). I buried them in forested areas in ten different areas of PEI, and stocked them to the brim, after one more trip to Halifax to pick up the largest amount of product I'd ever moved. The amount of money I invested in this bulk purchase was ridiculous, over $200,000; and the value once I began to offload it was FAR more than what I'd paid. So I could stay in PEI, and when someone needed something (it had to be a lot of something, I wouldn't go for small amounts), I could go to one of my safes, carefully dig it up, and then supply the individual with their requested product, often with a bonus of something else just because I had enough to do that. I couldn't possibly offload all that bulk material I'd brought on that last trip, so I had to store it in these safes, until demand rose. I didn't know anyone, or even any group of people, in PEI who could possibly purchase it all. So I had to store it.

Now, I had an interesting little booby trap in each of those safes, one that I designed with help from a good friend. There were relatively fragile glass tubes inside the safes, at their top. I had iron oxide, magnesium, phosphorus, and aluminium inside these tubes, along with an ignition device that went off if the glass tubing broke. What I had was a trap in each safe that would go off if the safe was violently moved or if someone attempted to break into it. When the chemicals that were inside the tubes broke, and the ignition device went off, thermite would be formed. As many of you reading this know, thermite can reach temperatures of over a couple thousand degrees Celsius. In my view, sure, if someone tried to break into or steal one of my safes, I'd lose my product. But, hell, I damn well wasn't going to let them have it, not when there were tens of thousands of dollars of my investments in each one. They'd fuck me over, sure, but I'd fuck them over, and hopefully (if they got in) they'd get a nasty burn not knowing the reaction was taking place (it may sound cruel, but they'd be stealing what I was living off of, so I couldn't care less if they hurt themselves).

As it was, only once did someone try to steal from one of my safes. They must have followed me to it, and seen where it was buried, because when I came back it was moved some distance from where it'd been buried, and it had markings consistent with someone attempting to mechanically break into the safe. When I opened it, of course, all of my psychoactives that I'd stored there were gone. No big deal, I thought, I could bear the loss. At this point, my total profits had been ~500,000, almost half a million dollars in just a few year's "work" (more like a few year's binge with occasional breaks to transport or meet up with people). I'd spent most of that on drugs, though, and I had less than ~25,000 dollars in cash. I had but two debts, which was ~80,000 dollars owed to D, who was giving me ample time to pay it back (we were good friends, and he knew I'd get it to him; I always had before), and the remainder to be paid so that I'd finally OWN my house.

But, alas, all good things come to an end, and in this case, I crashed and burned. This is where the benzo story from way up at the top of this post comes in. When I came back to PEI from that benzo-induced road trip, I'd forgotten the code I used on FOUR of my safes! I simply COULD NOT remember, and believe me, I tried everything I could think of. I still had five other safes (one having been ruined by the attempted theft of it), and I could get into those, but now I was out (my estimate) of 120-160 thousand dollars (sale value) in those safes. And I couldn't break into them, because of my blasted booby trap. Couldn't bring them to a safe cracker, because he'd turn me in the minute he saw the contents; not to mention the safes had to be moved very cautiously, so as not to break the glass tubes of the trap. In other words, I was FUCKED.

I had to take everything from the other safes, sell it all at vastly reduced prices to get rid of it fast for quick money (they also had considerably less product than the four safes I couldn't open because these five were the ones I most commonly used). I also had to sell my house ( :( ), and had to use much of the profit from selling it to pay what I still owed on it. Now I had no drugs, no home (the apartment lease was over), no prospects for getting more product until I paid D back with money I didn't have, and a severe addiction to hydromorphone to contend with on top of all that.

I spent a few weeks in hotels, which used up a significant portion of my remaining money. By the time I'd paid for those hotels and obtained enough hydromorphone to be secure and safe from withdrawal, I had next to no money left. And to top it off, I learned that there was a warrant out for my arrest.

I did the only thing I could do. I ditched province and went to Halifax. I explained everything to D, and he was remarkably understanding, but he still needed me to make it up to him (I mean, it was ~80,000). So I cooked crystal again for him for a while, until he agreed I'd made up for the money owed. Then he gave me 10,000 to help me move. I spent some time with my parents, was put in a psych ward for a while, and when I got out I used the ten grand to set up shop in Ontario.

I had it all, and I lost it all, and what I didn't lose went straight into my veins and lungs. Nothing at all to show for half a million dollars, except this story and all the experiences I gained living that life. I don't regret it all, I learned a lot doing this. But if only I'd saved some of that money, or quit while I was ahead, I'd be fairly set for several years of my life.

But one day, sometime in the future, I'm going to go back to PEI (after clearing up that warrant [which was for a crime I didn't commit, ironically]). I'm going to study the two types of safe I used, and I'm going to learn to crack them. Eventually, I'm taking back what's mine.

I drool like Pavlov's dogs when I think about it. :)

So, that's my story. Some things omitted, a couple things changed slightly, but overall, how it went down. I've always wanted to post this on Bluelight, and now that I have I feel great. No one but my ex-girlfriend, D, and a handful of dealers in PEI knew about all this, not even my family. I never got to show my family any of the money I made or the house I bought, because they'd know it must have been obtained through illegal proceeds. I've only told maybe 4-5 people other than those I mentioned above. It feels good to tell the story, I got to relive some of the good times.

Anyone else have any crazy/amazing stories like this? Not necessarily about making/losing money, but just experiences/adventures that are incredible and related to drugs.
So uhm... where exactly are these safes buried?

For posterity.