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Your Crazy Life.....Tell us a story of a crazy experience youve had cuz of drugs


Bluelight Crew
Dec 18, 2003
This is a story thread peeps. I would like to hear a funny story you got about a time you got, or didnt get, drugs, or did them, or the place you had to go to, etc.

I feel like if i never did drugs i would not know so many crazy unique ppl, or have been to as many crazy places that you would never think you would end up in, and in general it just seems like the underworld of drugs just ends up bringin you to meet people n places that you would never even know about if you werent in it. I mean what straight n narrow individual can say that they held somebodys baby as collateral, or had to trade a pixie stick and a pencil for a condom and then trade that to a crackhead for a cigarette, which you traded to another crackhead for a hit off their rock? Shit like that, stories you dont hear everyday.

So, This thread got 2 parts.

Part 1 is, Do you think that you would have as much "colorful" experiences and people that you know if it wasnt for drugs? Do you feel like that enriched your life, and see all those tales from the hood/pipe/needle/bong as chapters in your life that you will tell and re tell like a old war vet? Or do you feel like the strange things you done and seen have took away from the normality of your life?

Part 2 is, just tell a short story or anecdote about a time u had, related to getting/doing/gettin robbed for/crazy adventures you have went on for drugs, u get the idea. Everyone got at least one story like that but some of us got hundreds.
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Il answer my own question first to get it goin i guess.....

Part 1: I feel like I seen more than some shit that i say "Only in this world could this ever happen...." definately. I jus shake my head and smile and be like damn its a crazy life sometimes. I see it as a good thing. It just made my life fuller n while some of it is bad shit that i seen I rather take the bad with the good, cuz a life where the craziest thing i ever seen was drivin by a car accident or somethin just wouldnt cut it. I feel like one of those world travelers with tales from different countries except its with drugs instead of travel.

Part 2: One time , me and my man were walkin the block in a un named NJ ghetto at like 11 30 at nite, long story. Anyways, the bike cops stop us and they are interrogatin why are we there.

We had stopped on teh way home from a road trip so it wasnt our local usual hood, we never been to this one before. So, 100 miles away from home, right as the cops are askin what we are doin in that hood...This girl Shaniqua that my man went to rehab with just appears on the sidewalk walkin towards us...Out of all places, and all people, this girl has to show up , just randomly in this place and time.....He sees her out the corner of his eye...and were standing TALKING TO THE POLICE and as she come right by us she stops and she goes.....


:eek: :X :!

That was one of those moments we just laugh about now, becuz it was pretty much the worst timing that I think i ever seen in my life.
ahahaha ^^^^^ good one.

hmm Part 1 - Yea I got a whole bunch of shit good and bad that has come from drugs an drug related experiences that never woulda happened without it. Its a whole new world, especially if you get involved in moving them. I wouldnt trade all the memories for anything tho. Had more then one person say damn....something interesting is always happenin in your life haha...

too bad interesting usually involves cops or break ins or robberies or revenge.... but still... without it life is kinda boring now
Well shit wheres your story? Thas the part i was lookin forward to readin the most. :)
ahah.... alright .... well here is one,
I was hangin out rolling a spliff with some friends in a park abosltuely trashed, and this guy calls me up for 100 candies, so I leave to make the chop but on way back to the place i was smoking to meet him, him an a bunch of his friends jump me kick the shit outta me etc... an steal all my shit ... waving guns aroud an stuff....of course being sober i would have known this would happen, as It was told an demonstrated he had tried this stuff before and wanted me out of business.... haha live and learn i guess, this stopped for a bout a day my ragin alcoholism to stop my paranoia.(paranoia which would have been wel served.)
hmm.... had a crack head offer to pay me in sexual favors instead of cash for some pills she wanted.... was kinda freaky as she was whored out an about 15 years older then me being only 17 at the time.
i took 9 vics today before class, then i nodded out in class.
the teacher woke me up to hand in a paper on the front desk and i got up and fell over.
untaMe said:
i took 9 vics today before class, then i nodded out in class.
the teacher woke me up to hand in a paper on the front desk and i got up and fell over.

woooooooo crazy life mannnnnnnnnnnn!!!!
One time I jsut finished fucking my ex gf when i hear cops outside. Turns out they are there to bust her crack head uncle who does runs for dealers all day and lives downstairs in the basement. So they bust him right outside his apt door downstairs with .5 of crack. SO the crack dealers run up stairs into my gf's house come into her room ( im just putting my pants on) and throw an
1 1/2 Oz's of crack onto my lap and say hide that. When it hit my lap it opens up and crack fly's everywhere. He's like pick that shit up. As im picking all this crack up another dealer comes up into the room and slips and spills 40mg oxycontins everywhere. SO we pick up the crack together and i managed to grab 3grams for myself..LOL They never noticed. we then picked up the oxy's. After that they give me a choice i can have a 40 or a hit of crack..Well since i stole 3 grams of crack a 4o would be nice to come down eh? lol so i choose the 40. Meanwhile the cops are down stairs busting my gf's uncle..He didnt rat out and they never knew the dealers went up stairs..so the whole point of them throwing everything around was pointless.

crazy story...never even knew the shit that was going on downstairs there till that day...ohh yeah i had ketamine on me 2...so i had a fun night after that.
This has always been one of my fav. drug stories: My friend has a plane..on 4/20 I was rolling in said plane, on E, making out with my other rolling friend.

Priceless. I guess it isn't that exciting if you weren't there..but yeah, it's a good story.
I also posted this in the benzo+alcohol stories thread

When I was 13 I did some benzos for the first time (+ cheap vodka) with some chick and her deppresed 17 year old cousin (who had the most jacked up wrist I have ever seen from cutting herself so much). She shared with me her K-pins script and traded me something like 3.5mgs for some concerta. I heard she is dead now. The whole experience natrually is a bit of blur but some of the parts which I remember are:

1) Her father kicking me out of their house for swimming in her pool naked at around 3am.

2)Walking up in kfar saba (some random town about an hour away [by car] from where I live) all bloody and with no shirt on and these two girls with me

3)Going with these two girls to their therapist apoinmentand then going out their aunt for brunch while their apoinment toke place (with a new sick Eazy-E shirt which they apperantly bought me)

4)Accidently puking up my brunch all over their aunts car on the way to pick them up

5)Going with these two girls to a tattoo shop where they each got one of those generic slut tattoos right above their butt.

6)At around sunset we finally got back home and instead of going home to get some sleep we all pitched in some money and bought a few bottles of cough syrup and some hash. It should be noted that neither of them ever took any drug before.

7) at around 8pm things got even weirder, after all consuming our DXM and shit load of hash (+ more k-pins for me) we were walking around town and the girls cousin started panicking and thought that we were planning to kill her (if you hadn't noticed yet she wasn't the most mentally stable person).

8) the last thing that I remember is finding myself back at their house with their father chasing me out while whipping me with a broom stick.

Her Mother wanted to report me to the police for drugging up her daughter and the girls cousin but in the end let me off.
The whole experience was fucking crazy and left some scars on my then fragile little 13 year old mind.
I have a few more epic benzo tales but I'll save those for another time.
Yesterday was my birthday and I was parked on a relatively quiet residential street waiting for my friend to roll a blunt, there were three other people in my car. Anyways, this guy walks out of his house and I think nothing of it. But then he walks right in front of my car and starts making hand gestures. He starts freaking out and says "why the fuck are you parked here?" and i just start up my car and start driving forward but he won't move and he's making it so i'd have to run him over to leave. i have no fucking idea what is going on. then his daughter comes out of the house and starts yelling and hops on my windshield. at this point i keep telling him to move or i'm going to run him over. if i didn't think he already got my plates i would've gotten out with some friends and fucking laid him out and left him fucking limp in his own front yard. anyways, i get my car over to the curb as much as i can because the guy is in front of my car screaming and yelling. i tell all my friends to just get out and walk away from the car, i'm talking to mainly my friend that's holding about a half. i get out of my own car and start walking and the guys daughter is following me, i was going to just get out and toss my weed somewhere but his daughter thinks i'm trying to run. anyways, i realize that i don't have my shit and that it's still in my car. i go back to my car and see my other friend who was still in the car trying to drive it away from this guy, he went down the court and started speeding straight at the guy and his fucking dog and i thought he was going to run him over. he just parks it again and gives up and then i hop inside for a second and grab my weed. at this point i see a cop go across the street that is ajacent to the court and park. now, there's my friend who's down at the bottom of the court with this girl and he's holding so he's out of there pretty fast. my other friend is still in the car but i have the weed in my hand and i book it for about a mile or so and eat everything i have while running as i picked up enough distance on the cop. my friend who was holding managed to get away completely while the guy was chasing me and my other friend actually ran towards the cops because of this fucking crazy guy. yeah, i stopped running after i'd gotten rid of anything and just stopped and put up my hands. anyways i get arrested and after i seem relatively compliant after a while they say that they want me to call my friend that ran (they already knew his name) so they undid my cuffs and let me call him but i managed to switch the number under his name so it went to the wrong person and i just ended up calling my lawyer. it turned out the guy whose house i parked in front of for maybe a few minutes had problems with vandalism and i guess he thought he caught whoever was fucking with his car. somehow the cop didn't see the bag i got out of my sunroof and i explained to him that i was running from the guy who was very belligerent, and since the cops were across the street and i think he was just running and didn't think to say "stop police", ect i was fine. i never once got searched, i was in handcuffs for about 30 minutes and then the guy just said to leave.
a5l6o5n2 said:
I also posted this in the benzo+alcohol stories thread

When I was 13 I did some benzos for the first time (+ cheap vodka) with some chick and her deppresed 17 year old cousin (who had the most jacked up wrist I have ever seen from cutting herself so much). She shared with me her K-pins script and traded me something like 3.5mgs for some concerta. I heard she is dead now. The whole experience natrually is a bit of blur but some of the parts which I remember are:

1) Her father kicking me out of their house for swimming in her pool naked at around 3am.

2)Walking up in kfar saba (some random town about an hour away [by car] from where I live) all bloody and with no shirt on and these two girls with me

3)Going with these two girls to their therapist apoinmentand then going out their aunt for brunch while their apoinment toke place (with a new sick Eazy-E shirt which they apperantly bought me)

4)Accidently puking up my brunch all over their aunts car on the way to pick them up

5)Going with these two girls to a tattoo shop where they each got one of those generic slut tattoos right above their butt.

6)At around sunset we finally got back home and instead of going home to get some sleep we all pitched in some money and bought a few bottles of cough syrup and some hash. It should be noted that neither of them ever took any drug before.

7) at around 8pm things got even weirder, after all consuming our DXM and shit load of hash (+ more k-pins for me) we were walking around town and the girls cousin started panicking and thought that we were planning to kill her (if you hadn't noticed yet she wasn't the most mentally stable person).

8) the last thing that I remember is finding myself back at their house with their father chasing me out while whipping me with a broom stick.

Her Mother wanted to report me to the police for drugging up her daughter and the girls cousin but in the end let me off.
The whole experience was fucking crazy and left some scars on my then fragile little 13 year old mind.
I have a few more epic benzo tales but I'll save those for another time.

kfar sabah? where are you from?
this is when i was fifteen. it was like may and it was a weekend. around noon or so, we decide to venture to the grocery store to pick up some dxm filled triple c's. before we leave, i fill up a water bottle with orange juice and vodka and my friend b and i split it. i ended up drinking most of it, so by the time we got to the store, i was kind of drunk.

once we get there, we decide to split up, so as to avoid looking too suspicious. me and one of the guys go and jack a few boxes to share with everyone else.

we head back and by this time, im feeling relatively sobered up. we take our pills as we walk back to the park. we see another one of our friends and stop her so we can give her some of the pills. she agrees to take them and meet up with us later.

so we all dose and get all fucked up on dxm. good times. as we walk back to my house, i decide to stop and puke on soeone's lawn. this was very soon after i dropped the pills, so i did throw up one whole pill, which was a little bit of a waste, but it was all good. at this point, it was my first time throwing up from the pills, so i was all high and scared that an ambulance was going to come and take me away.

i got it together and we just ventured the neighborhood randomly for the remainder of our high. my mom left around 5 p.m. to go out with osme of her friends, so we knew she wouldnt be back for a while. everyone congregated in our apartment and we all made arrangements to get forties.

within a hour or so, music was on, forties were out, and people were coming in and out. at around 9 pm or so, i see cop cars in the parking lot. one of my neighbors was standing below my balcony and when she saw my confused face, she informed me that the cops were on their way ot my house. (how she knew this, i dont know. we think she narced)

everyone gets into my room. we take all the booze and put it behind some of my bedroom furniture. i (stupidly) answer the door for the cop. she asks me the usual, whats up with the music? have u been drinking? can i come in?

she somehow didnt notice how drunk i was, so i just told her i was playing music a while ago with one of my friends and they left and no she couldnt come in, the house was a mess, and of course i hadnt been drinking. she eventually asks for my moms phone #, i give her some bullshit, she drives off.

i summon my friends out of the room and the festivities continue. more friends arrive as other friends leave. i am at some point left alone with a shitload of md20/20 and i keep drinking it. i try to call a friend of mine but misdial and end up talking to some hispanic guy. im trying to talk spanish to him (i dont know any fucking spanish lol) and hes laughing and im thinking this is a huge success i already know how to speak spanish, what the fuck am i taking classes for? anyways, one of my friends who does speak spanish comes in and takes the phone away from me.

last thing i remember is sitting on the kitchen counter laughing as my head bangs from one cabinet door to another.

how 'they' sell H around here (they being the ones i know): get on X road and call. they will then tell you to go to A road and make a right and then a left on B road, whatever. it always changes and pretty much all they do is sit/stand on the road.

to the story: so me and 2 friends are going there and once we turn on A road, we pass the drug task force van in a car that has no rear view mirror and a really fucked up/broken windsheild. so already paranoid from the get go. this is about 2pm on a saturday. well we first end up passing the car we were supposed to park behind and turn around. we end up behind the car, and realize it is running w/ nobody in it. on the other side of the street are 2 old white guys putting a wheelchair in a van and bullshitting, which we didnt like obviously. the guy is down the street, and slowly walks up to the car and asks what we want. he then gets in his car and after about 2 mins or so, is still in there. WTF!? it takes that long?!

we then notice another van pull up behind us w/ one guy in it in his mid 30s or so. we think hes just waiting to be served like us, but then gets out of the van and goes up talking to the old guys. we hear "police" from one of em and realize its time to get the fuck outta there. but the guy that was in the van is standing in the middle of the road and the dude is still in his car doing his deal. well my friend pulls up and the guy stands there and he yells out 'scuse me and just starts driving towards him and swerves around him almost hitting him. we made it outta there quick (and didnt get anything).

still dont know what ended up happening. the best we can figure is that the guy in the van lived at the house we were parked in front of.

i dont think i have any other stories off the top of my head at the moment, but lacey, this is a GREAT thread idea. im looking forward to reading more of the stories.

(wow, this is one of the longest posts ive made in a long time!)
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Yo,Im glad yall like the thread! :D I got tired of readin threads where once in a while somethin really funny comes up. and since i know that EVERYONE got at least one story like this, and some of us got plenty like i said before, i hope the thread would last a decent amount of time and people will always come here to post, cuz i love hearin that shit.

Aight, Ill tell a not so crazy one, but one with a MORAL OF THE STORY. But it aint a bad one trust me.

One halloween me and my man are headin up to my boys house for a party. He had called us around 8:30 and said the cops came, and everyone left. So in his mind, as long as we wait like a hour or so, then everyone can come back and get the party started again. So around 9:30, 10 he hits us up again and says its cool everybodys back over there and its all gravy. This was one of those kids whose mom is never around cuz shes single and dates lots of dudes who live far away, so we were all like 17 or so and he got this house to himself like 10 outta 12 months.

His mom was mad bipolar, like she would call and say "Im not comin home tonight, have a party just clean it up and dont get in trouble" and then later on in the same night, shed calll back and say "I CALLED THE NEIGHBORS AND THEY SAID YOURE HAVIN A PARTY! IM CALLIN THE COPS!" Well thats what happened that night, and thats why the cops came the first time.

Anyways, now were back to the beginning of where the story really starts, were on our way up when we see FOUR cop cars parked in a parkin lot , the one which is right before the turn to go to his street. So we like shit....Passed by the turn, and went in the back way, blowin up his phone like crazy "YO THE COPS ARE COMIN" etc. We go chill somewhere else for like 20 minutes, buggin, cuz everyones underage drinkin n smokin n trippin and they sold mad weed outta that house.

Well....Fast forward a couple nervous, buggin out, "God damn they got our boy in cuffs right now" moments.....And i get a call from his phone. Im like HUH? Thinkin its the cops or some crazy shit. Well its him, and he goes "Yo, i thought u guys are comin up, can u pick up a pack of newports?" like nothin even happened. WHAT? He goes "yea, the cops came.....I had jus finished ripin a bong and my face is painted like a clown......."

"Yo, what happened, is everyone aight, what the fuck , did they bust anyone?"

"I just told them they cant come in."

LMFAO......I still remember that....Like damn could it all be so simple.....This trippin, clown face painted stoned as fuck 17 yr old just told em they cant come in. N that was that. So the moral of the story is....A lotta shit can be avoided by not lettin those piggies in. We were thinkin all our peeps are gonna get nabbed, its like all their 3rd or 4th or 5th offense, they gonna get busted for sellin, underage drinkin, etc, LOL! Not the craziest story ever but its a harm reduction parable. :)
My first time taking mushrooms:

I had stopped using all type of drugs due to the new girlfriend that I had been seeing. She didn't even like me smoking pot, plus I was looking for an excuse to quit for awhile since I was becoming burnt out on it. I dropped her off at her house for the night and started to drive back to my own house. On the way I got a call from my friend who told me that he had gotten a lot of an ounce of dank shrooms and that I should break my no drug spell. I was convinced so I continued to drive right past my house and straight to an ATM to get $25 to buy a half-eighth of mushrooms. I got to my friends house after picking up my friend Moses and we all ingested a half-eighth of shrooms along with 2 vitamin C tablets. I had not done any kind of drug for over two months so the effects were quite quick. A bong was being passed around the room and I took a hit. Immediately I felt the effects of the marijuana. We continued to smoke bong after bong until the four of use were all decently high. During the smoke sesh I had forgotten that I had ingested mushrooms so I closed my eyes and looked inwards to see if I could notice any of the effect. It just felt as though I was very baked so I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Everything that I was not concentrating on was breathing and I could almost see the positive energy emitted by everyone one the room. Dan came out of the bathroom and reported to everyone that he had just come out of his own dimension while he was in there. Everyone started to laugh, no one could stop. From that point on I was tripping my balls off. It was like the first laugh that I had during the effects of the shrooms amplified the effects and they didn't seem to wane. After playing Wii bowling for about a half an hour I asked my friend Will to go outside to have a cig. We first went into my friend's bedroom and put on some music and opened the window so we could here it outside. When we went outside we ended up staying out there for a good 30 mins. Right off the bat we noticed how incredibly bright the moon was. The world seemed to shine from its brightness. As we were outside talking I looked up again and saw that part of the moon was missing. I told myself that it was just the shrooms but then Will noticed the same thing. It then hit me. I had randomly taken shrooms for the first time/broken my no weed streak randomly on the night of the lunar eclipse. Fascinated by the way a lunar eclipse works Will and I stood outside for what seemed like an eternity pondering over how massive the universe is and how big of a shadow must have been cast by the earth to cover up the entire moon. I than began thinking about the universe as a whole and came up with a conclusion that I still hold to this day.

The universe can not be endless. There must be more than one universe.

I came to this conclusion by thinking about how if absolute zero occurs anywhere in the universe, the universe will stop working due to the chain reaction of molecules freezing to each other rather than constantly bouncing off of each other. If the universe is endless that means that there is an infinite amount of chance that somewhere in the universe absolute zero has had to occur somewhere. And since the universe still exists, it is easy to tell that absolute zero has not been achieved anywhere in the universe. And if absolute zero has not been achieved anywhere in the universe, the universe must have an end because if it was infinite there would be an infinite chance of it occurring somewhere. (I realized I just said the same thing about 3 times but I wanted to say my point. Haha.) I relayed this to Will and he agreed and gave me a hug. He told me that I had put the entire universe into context for him and it was one of the most profound feelings he has ever felt in the world. We then both started discussing the possibilities of our universe just being a galaxy on a massive, massive level and there is something more vast, made of of a substance that human kind has no idea what it is, with the same amount of universes in it as a universe has galaxies.

I still hold this belief to this day, and have convinced many others to believe the same way that I do about this subject including my Physics professor.
When I was much younger and crazier, I spent about six months playing poker for a living. Things went well for a while, then I went through a truly incredible month-long bad run and was down to my last $1000 -- quite literally the last money I had in the world, and my rent and bills were going to eat it up within a week. I had been awake for about 60 hours, playing poker online for probably 48 of them, tilting my ass off and stuck $4000. In other words, this was the worst possible time to take psychedelics, so of course that's what I did. I took 35mg of 2C-E, washed it down with half a bottle of wine, and went for a walk. When I was peaking, I came back to my filthy, neglected apartment and started to play poker.

It was insane. I've never experienced anything like it, before or since. I felt like I was God, and I was playing as near to perfect poker as anyone ever has. I can't even remember most of it, but I remember the feeling, which was fucking magical. I was playing $10/$20 no-limit hold'em, way higher than I'd ever played before, and winning huge. I played for about another 10 hours, until the 2C-E completely wore off, and I won $12,000. That was almost as much as I'd lost in my horrible run. I slept for sixteen hours, woke up with the worst headache I've ever had, half-convinced the whole thing was a dream... but no, the money was there in my account.

The postscript to the story is a bit depressing -- I'd tried previously to mix drugs and poker, without a great deal of success, and my future attempts were equally mixed. Most of the time, it seems psychedelics make it harder to play well, especially when trying to keep track of multiple tables at once (this is almost a necessity when playing online). I never could recapture that feeling of being the Poker God, being able to put opponents on a hand with a stunning degree of accuracy, making audacious moves in big pots, being totally unaffected by bad beats, and just feeling destined to win. The next time I tried playing while high, I misread my hand at a key moment and lost a bundle.

Not long after that, I decided pro poker wasn't for me and reentered the work force. I hate having to be in an office all day, but there are jobs that let you work from home, and I'd rather do that than put myself through the constant rollercoaster ride of playing for a living. That's what I told myself, anyway, but the real reason was that I had experienced what it was like to be a truly great player instead of a merely good one, and the contrast was just too much to bear. Every time I'd misplay a hand, I would get really frustrated and depressed... and everyone misplays hands from time to time, so playing just wasn't as much fun as it used to be.

Psychedelics are unpredictable. That one time (and other times to a lesser extent) 2C-E turned me into Johnny Chan. If it worked on a regular basis, I'd be a millionaire. Ultimately, though, the lesson I learned from it all was that money isn't really that important, and putting your body and mind through such terrible stress (I'm talking about the poker, not the drugs) is not worth any amount.
Part I: I love my drug stories. I don't really get high anymore so I am not around the culture (which I miss sometimes). But its fun to tell my stories because all of my friends now don't get messed up; so one story that a stoner might reply with a "Ya. So?" my friends are shocked. lol. So yes I am glad for the stories but there are other ways to get crazy stories besides drugs.

Part II:
Preface: Yes, I know this was fucked up.

Back in the day (lol the druggies "Once upon a time") we had this friend named Chris that was a bullshitter. He was the kind of person that would tell stories found in the "Drug stories you have heard that sound like bullshit" thread. Well one night his parents are out of town so his place is the natural party destination. So we are all chilling smoking some bud and scheming on where to get more. Chris mentions that he knows where this huge plant is growing and we could go jack it. So we all tell him he is full of shit and to stop putting us on. He kept insisting the story was true so we called him on his bluff and said "Alright, lets go jack it then."
Of course he started making all kinds of excuses as to why we couldn't go do it, the main one being "It's too early, lets wait." That sounded reasonable enough but as the night went on we got bored and kept bugging him about it and he kept coming up with all these excuses till finally he said "Fine. You want to go jack it?"
"YA!!! Duh dude thats what we have been bugging you about!"
"Fine, lets go."
So apparently this magic plant is in the next neighborhood over so we just start walking most of us being too young to drive. As we get closer my adrenaline starts pumping and I am starting to get nervous. But why? This is probably all just bunk anyways. So we roll up to this house in the middle of the night and Chris says "Thats it. Thats the house." So we see it has a side gate that leads to the backyard, the land of the magical plant. We decide it would be best for only a few of us to go back there and some to wait outside for lookout (or they were too scared). I decide I am going back.
We hop the fence and land on the other side. We start heading towards the backyard but see that there is still a light on in one of the side rooms facing the pathway. One of us peeks in and sees that the owner of the house/magical plant has fallen asleep watching TV. My adrenaline was going full force and I could not believe I was doing this.
So we get to the back yard and my eyes are still adjusting to the darkness when someone whispers "Holy shit. There it is!"
"Where? I don't see it."
"Right there!"
The reason I didn't recognize the plant is because it didn't look like a plant, rather more like a Christmas tree! We all jumped on the plant, raping it mercilessly. There is no way we could've taken this plant, it was too huge! So we just tried to pick as many buds as we could as fast as we could stuffing them into paper bags scared as shit. After that we bounced and bounced fast. To make a long story not as long I will say that there were two more trips to the tree that night, and that coffee tables piled with bud you didn't pay for look incredible.
P.S. like I said I know it was fucked and I would apologize given the chance.
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