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Your Crazy Life.....Tell us a story of a crazy experience youve had cuz of drugs

I'm sure I have some better stories, but this one sticks out in my mind:

Rolling pretty nicely, one of those highs that come on slowly and last all night. We meet one of my friend's friends, who is one of those typical Jersey tools. Literally a caricature of everything I hate in those kinds of guys. But of course we're rolling, so we see nothing wrong with him. In fact, I help him sell ecstasy to my roommate, then we take him halfway across campus to find him a party. Leave him on a corner and walk away, just to find that there's an all-night dance marathon going on. Debate the situation, and basically run back to him to tell him. Awkwardly do so, then leave.

If I wasn't rolling, I probably would have hated him moments after meeting. But instead, we found him a party and made him money. What?
Just started reading this stuff and I cant stop. Wanted to post mine before I forgot. Im young so I hope I will get some better ones.

I was going over to my friends house and we had a bottle of absolute vodka. It was my step dads birthday so my mom was going to pick me and my two friends up in about 3 hours to take us to the restruant. Well we decided we would drink a little bit before hand. We put 2.5 shots in each. One for each of us. I ended up drinking one of my friends becausee she thought it was two strong. And with not much tolerance chugging down around 5 shots mixed with cranberry had me with a pretty good buzz.

About 20 minutes after finishing the two drinks, my mom called and said she would be there in 10 minutes. She showed up in 5. We were not worried that much until we got in the car. My mom looked over at me, and asked if I could drive. I started getting scared, and tried to tell her no, but she kept insisting. She stepped out of the car and switched sides. I looked back at my friends and they looked scared to death.

I hopped into the driver seat and started the car up. I was never more nervous in my entire life. The restaurant was about 20 minutes away. There were cops everywhere, and I was shaking like crazy but my mom never noticed. I am usually a pretty bad driver and I knew this was going to be the end of me.

But somehow we made it. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and stepped out of the car. As I walked away my mom said that I did an incredible job, and it was the best she has ever seen me drive. ahah
One weekend i decided to go on a MDMA binge and was snorting it. After going sledding with some friends we went back to the one's house and continued the party. I ended up get super high and was getting massive jaw clenching and shaking. My one friend gave me an ativan to calm me down and i've never had an ativan or any kind of benzo before. Well I ended up driving home, i live about 45 min away, and there were parts of the night i dont remember driving. I would black out and almost drift into people in my truck. Well im on the last stretch of road to my house, less than 5 min away and end up blacking out and there was still snow on the ground, i come too with my truck driving in the ditch on top of snow (like the ridge when a plow truck plows ditches) and look up with trees coming towards me. I slam on the brakes and gas at the same time and then slowly come to a stop and bump into the trees with my bumper (i have a huge bush guard on my truck) and my truck gets stuck.

So i lock my truck and start walking home, during this time i was coming down from the MDMA and was hallucinating. Looking into the bushes i was seeing things following me, this didnt scare me because i knew it wasnt real. Also on the road it look as though there were tree branches everywhere but really there wasnt. It took me an hour to get home, i pass out on my couch and my parents come home the next day and were like "where's your truck?" told them it was in the ditch. Called a tow truck go it pulled out and luckily there was no damage. And then nursed my MDMA hangover.
Second time doing 4-AcO-DMT, first time with my one friend T. We all take 35mgs, but it seems to hit her the hardest. Eventually, she pretty much goes catatonic, not speaking, unresponsive to any external stimuli. This led to us having to shove her into the back seat of my car like a dead body multiple times. Literally just shoving flesh and bones, as my friend's neighbor watched on semi-suspiciously. Then, her and I drove off while I was still tripping (bad idea I know), and stopped in a parking lot. I tried over and over to talk to her, get her to talk to me. It was so frustrating and because I was still being affected by the 4-aco, I almost had a breakdown in my car at that moment. Craziness.
I have had some utterly unspeakable crazy times. I would definitely be a lot more boring if it had not been for drug experiences. Most of my times were MDMA/GHB and some meth/alcohol. Most were very good, bonding, fun, interesting times. But for a time I got stuck with some ex-prisoners who were in prison gangs, smoked a lot of crack and meth and didn't do much else. They stole a ton of money from me, and clothes, other items. That's when I learned there are real tweakers, mere speed-users, rollers, etc., and how friggin different they are. So i have seen the upper crust of society and the very bottom too.

My stories are kinda out there. I used to work in porn doing camera work but I was also friends with them so we used to roll a lot of tape ourselves. At the TIME we thought it would never go anywhere, but even though I had thrown out most of the footage (cuz it was of A LOT of female models, most of whom did NOT sign a legal release at all) one of the guys kept some of them and got a hair up his ass about something and sold my vids and some other ones to a few guys online, who then posted some of the pics and gave out my real name and location. so, not so good there. But the other FUN story i have is I was about 24 I guess, and I went to Disneyland and California Adventure with a couple friends, who had colds so they were sober. but I had my trusty E and GHB/1,4BDO with me, and I had THE MOST FUCKIN FUN ever! It was winter and no one was there, so we got on all the rides, I felt like a 5-yr-old, it was one of the most happy memories I have with drugs involved! :)
During my coke binging phase, I somehow got stuck at the absolute worst intersection in my city at 2am. I was fucking terrified of getting jumped, and I had this green throw blanket with me, so I wrapped it around myself to prevent anyone from coming up behind me and grabbing my backpack. As I walked down the street, I had an idea. I figured that if I acted just as crazy as the crackheads and junkies around me, no one would bother me. So, pretending that the blanket was my wings, I ran down the street screaming like a pterodactyl and flapping my arms. All of the junkies just sat there and stared at me as I flew by them, screeching. I'm sure they were thinking, damn, I want what that bitch is on! Once I reached the end of the street and was in a slightly safer area, I continued walking to my destination, which was these passcode-locked changing rooms in a big sports field. I figured I'd hang out there where it was safe and wait an hour for the buses to start running. There were still lots of sketchy folks around, so I kept the blanket wrapped around me. I got into the changerooms, locked the door behind me, and did a whole bunch of coke in there until the buses started running again and I could go home.

Another time, I railed coke all night off a gangster/meth & crack dealer's desk in his warehouse in a bad part of town, while my ex worked out a deal with him. He was selling his mom's BMW to the dude for 10g's so we could buy a fuck ton of drugs, do half and make a profit off the other half. The dealer planned on using the car for illicit activities. The deal never actually pulled through for some reason I don't remember and we ended up with no cash, no coke, and no car..

There's more fucked up tales but lol, those are the two that stand out most in my mind. Coke's one helluva drug, especially when it's the one in control
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one time I went to go buy a QP of weed from this dude from out of town who I had never met. He took our money and never came back. A couple months later, he came back into town, and said he would pay me back, but never answered his phone and kept avoiding me. By some miracle, I walked into a walgreens to get a pack of cigs and there he is, charging his phone in the corner. It was a process, but somehow he got the weed he owed me and payed me back, it was super dank too, better than i even expected. I know he has an opiate addiction and that's why he stole the money in the first place, and I was really wary dealing with him the second time becuase i thought he was scheming to jack me again but by some miracle I got my weed. I heard that after he stole the money he bought a QP, took a train home, got caught, and went to jail. Maybe karma had a part in him paying me back?
During my coke binging phase, I somehow got stuck at the absolute worst intersection in my city at 2am. I was fucking terrified of getting jumped, and I had this green throw blanket with me, so I wrapped it around myself to prevent anyone from coming up behind me and grabbing my backpack. As I walked down the street, I had an idea. I figured that if I acted just as crazy as the crackheads and junkies around me, no one would bother me. So, pretending that the blanket was my wings, I ran down the street screaming like a pterodactyl and flapping my arms. All of the junkies just sat there and stared at me as I flew by them, screeching. I'm sure they were thinking, damn, I want what that bitch is on! Once I reached the end of the street and was in a slightly safer area, I continued walking to my destination, which was these passcode-locked changing rooms in a big sports field. I figured I'd hang out there where it was safe and wait an hour for the buses to start running. There were still lots of sketchy folks around, so I kept the blanket wrapped around me. I got into the changerooms, locked the door behind me, and did a whole bunch of coke in there until the buses started running again and I could go home.

Another time, I railed coke all night off a gangster/meth & crack dealer's desk in his warehouse in a bad part of town, while my ex worked out a deal with him. He was selling his mom's BMW to the dude for 10g's so we could buy a fuck ton of drugs, do half and make a profit off the other half. The dealer planned on using the car for illicit activities. The deal never actually pulled through for some reason I don't remember and we ended up with no cash, no coke, and no car..

There's more fucked up tales but lol, those are the two that stand out most in my mind. Coke's one helluva drug, especially when it's the one in control[

Wow your ex got got his moms whip ripped off? haha how does that happen?
There are many weird chemical fueled times in my life, probably to many. I've posted some before, mostly about my friends because they were usually the ones losing it, at least on the psychedelics, the benzos/opiates/alcohol/etc. I was just as gulity as them I suppose. When I was 16 my friend and I trip sat for two friends who exchanged some weed with us. The night started out annoying as I specifically instructed them not to eat the shrooms before getting to my place. Of course they ate them like two minutes after hanging up with me. Everything was fine until my friend started playing a video game, usually these kids were cool, but right after my friend said "God?!? What are you doing, your killing everyone!!", I know the shrooms were probably a bit too good. After that I figured i'd get them out of the house, fast forward to around an hour and a half later were in a Mcdonalds trying to grab some food really quickly for them, I brought one of the tripping friends in(he was in better shape at the time)while my friend stayed outside(also should mention we were pretty high). Anyways I sit my friend down at the table grab my wallet and get a 20 out. My friend had put his winter cap down(one of the kind with ear flaps/etc.)and i'm just handling the 20 when all of the sudden my friend exclaims far to loudly, "WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU CAN'T JUST SNORT COCAINE OFF A MCDONALDS TABLE!!!". Everyone in the Mcdonalds obviously instantly looked over and thank god I didn't have the bill rolled up or anything because they stared for a second but could see nothing was going on and looked away. I tired to calm my friend down by distracting him with some sillyness so I took his hat and pretended to snort it, I should have known he was to gone for that and instead of just laughing he said "Dude.....you cannot snort a hat.....?"and I was just like "Welp, i'm pretty fucked...", I could see it was messing with him so I told him I was kidding and I was going to go grab some food/to stay there and not move. I went up, came back a few minutes later and hes gone, I only really turned my head to tell the person the order though so I didn't know how he slipped out. I went out quickly, grabbed my friend and we started looking. A minute or two later he called my phone and said something like "I thought we were friends and you just left me all alone...", to which I was like "I am so sorry but I told you I was just going to order food, which I have so where are you?", he says he at the Boston Market, which is a few hundred feet away. We run over just in time to witness him smash his Razor(that was a nice phone at the time lol)on the ground and begin punting possibly the nicest car in the parking lot, a Caddy. Of course it has an alarm and the workers run out, amazingly just stand there and watch him punt the car a solid ten times at least. The owner seems truly horrified but does nothing. I think everyone was just so shocked at what was happening and I for sure thought my friend must have broken his foot from how hard he was kicking the side of the car but all the sudden(forgot to mention that the entire time he was chanting "Fuck you, FUCK EVERYONE!!!!")he abruptly yelled "FUCK THIS!!!" and just ran off like a track star. My friend and I just stood there stunned and the owner of the car was like "Do you boys know him?!?" to which we were just like "...No that shit was crazy!" then just left to go back to our other friend. Thankfully he was so far gone that he was just like a child and stayed were we put him. My friend tried to give him a cig and he just ate it. My friend tried to get him to spit it out but he just tried to bite his hand. Later on that friend who was totally non peaceful swung on me, albeit in literal slow motion so I just dodged it and said "Whoah man its me!" and he focused his eyes forever and finally mumbled something a bit coherent. We went to a Giant Eagle to find our find who was working and enlist her help as she was getting off. When we met her, the car assaulter phoned us to our astonishment. He told he he just ran almost the whole way home, stopping at our school and attempting to break in to kill our principal(the guy was a perfect student but this prin. expelled him because he left his knife in his jacket, in his car which he brought out but forgot then he came back for it and got expelled). After that we met back up with our friend and she informed us she feed the still fairly fucked friend baby food.

Other times include my friend losing it at a festival(the one who assaulted the car, lol)and asking the staff if they were his mother and showing them his penis and screaming about whether it was still attached or not. He ate mushrooms and LSD that night. A long time ago that friend and I tripped together at his house which was sketchy as his parents were a bit funky. They were gone though but.... Anyways I ate a lot of DXM and my friend ate a lot of dramamine. He lost it and during his super paranoid freak out, he stopped because I could not stop laughing, his sister heard him yelling and came to the door. My friend was like "I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR MANAICAL LAUGHING.....YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY, YOU"VE LOST IT!!!!!!!!!......FUCKKKKKKK!!!!!". His sister looked at me and knew me well enough to shake her head furious but I just could not hold it in, I was tripping so hard and it was all so ludicris, minutes earlier he was yelling at our non existent friends about some conversation they apparently were having. I tried holding my mouth but the damn burst and my friend looked absolutely infuriated. He cranked back and let go the most theatrical and dramatic slap ever. It just smashed into my face and it was pure silence for a few moments, until his sister just burst out laughing because she couldn't hold it in any longer. My friend was just like "YOUUUUUU!!! I NEVER THOUGHT IN ALL MY YEARS THAT I WOULD BE BETRAYED BY YOU!!!!!". Shortly later he forced me to leave exclaiming he was seeing his parents drive up. I was tripping far to hard to tell my mom how to get his house so I called and he said he could give me directions perfectly, why in the world i trusted that crazed man is beyond me because he told me directions to a dead end street that wasn't even to close to his house. I had to get his sister and get her to talk to my mom. It was so awkward on the road home, mainly because everything was distorted and I thought she would surely wonder why my friend couldn't give proper directions to his own house. Nothing was ever said though. Another friend who was to cocky about tripping came to trip with me one day. I took 2c-e/i and he took five hits of LSD. I knew this trip was going to shit when I was flipping through the channels to put something good on and he wanted to watch Harry Potter, not that that actually matters but when the smallest thing would happen like someone casting a spell, he would exclaim "OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT". After calming him down about a completely invisible nose bleed and convincing him that even if his nose was bleeding that this has happened six million times to him before so it was no difference now. That calmed him down but eventually he was exclaiming completely crazy things. He started off about talking about his death and how he was dead. This progressed to him taking his pants off and starting a trend where he would narrate everything that was happening. He started lff by trying to go to weird places. He would say something like "OKAY OKAY OKAY.....ALRIGHT, I AM MOVING SLOWLY.....SOOOOOO SLOWLY OVER INTO THE CORNER.....SLOWLY!!!" to which I would always reply "....Alright sounds good." except for when he tried to slink into the corner where my bong was. The best line of the night was when he thought he discovered the solution to all his problems which was "OKAY.....I"M GOING TO MOVE VERY SLOWLY.....SOOO SLOWLY TOWARDS THE WINDOW AT WHICH POINT I WILL SLIP THROUGH IT AND BE GONE......OKAY?!? THEN ALL THE PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED....RIGHT?!?", was a second story. Thankfully I got a friend to come and pick him up before he did anything worse as he was starting to destroy things, like pushing my Xbox 360 off the table and ruining his weed/cigs. When he was leaving he refused to take his shoes or his guitar that he had also damaged. He said since he was dead he didn't need them.

When I was 17 my friend called me and we decided to go get more drunk(we were both already drunk). He came and picked me up. It was late so we had to go to a 24/7 Giant Eagle. The nearest one with the booze we wanted was down the street so we headed out. My friend is by far the best intoxicated driver I have ever seen. The only way to tell hes drunk is if you talked to him. So many times i've seen him drive up the street and never would have guessed he was drunk until he opened the door and the aroma of ethanol wafted out. Anyways the only problem with him driving drunk is hes cocky regularly so when hes drunk sometimes it gets bad. Usually though you just watch him tell him "No that lady was not revving her engine at you to race..."/etc. This time though we were both plastered and high so on the way to Giant Eagle I let into the debauchery. As we were turning into the Eagle's lot he was like "Watch this!" and instead of saying "Fuck no you do nothing!", I was just like "Okay!". He tries to drift his car a tiny bit on the turn but it was winter and there was snow on the road so we skidded a bit and instead making the turn we nudge into the snow bank right next to the entrance of the lot. I was instantly like "Nice job dumbass now were fucked!", we were on a main road which made it pretty fucked, thankfully like I said though it was winter and late at night so only a few cars passed us. I still thought we were fucked though because he was drunk as was I, I just finished packing up a big pipe which was in my hand when we hit, plus I was underage. Thankfully though we were able to rock the car back and forth and get it out. We just parked and ripped the pipe for a second and then grabbed some shitty liquor. Also one time after I made up some GHB, I had the container from it which obviously was coated with G. It didn't look like much and without thinking to hard I washed it out and drank it. Honestly don't know what I was thinking(had done similar but it was always strong but never like this, lesson learned!). I remember taking a couple hits, then next thing I know I wake up on the bathroom floor with a puddle of drool next to my mouth and dizzy as a mother fucker. It took me a second to recollect my thoughts and realize there was way to much G in there. It wasn't to crazy but considering someone could have just comeover to my place and would have seen that I was laid out looking like a dead man in a G coma, it would have probably turned crazy. To many stories about driving around with way to many chemicals in the car, most of the time smoking bongs or pipes as well. Theres a bunch more I might come back and edit in sometime.
So I was going to pick up a QP with a buddy. This was a while ago so I don't mind sharing.

We head from his house to a pharmacy to meet up with these people that were going to take my money and go meet the dealer. My buddy who knew these people is one of my closest friends so I knew I wasn't about to get ripped off. On the way to the pharmacy, we pass a mall. There are undercover cop cars and fire trucks all over the parking lot and smoke billowing in the air from a CAR ON FIRE.

We get to the walgreens. I hand my buddy my money and he gets out of my vehicle and into theirs. He sits there for about 10 minutes talking to them and gets back out. He gets in my car and hands me the money. He says "hey, do you remember that shit that was going down in the mall parking lot?" I was like "yeah man." He was like "well dude had a bunch of priors and got pulled over in the mall parking lot." He apparently rolled down his window and the cop immediately smelled the bud and called for back up. The dude was gonna go away for a long time considering his record.

He apparently went to open the door and slammed the cops arm in the door, beat him up and then torched the car and ran.

I talked to my friend more recently about this and from his knowledge, the guy is still on the run.
Wow your ex got got his moms whip ripped off? haha how does that happen?

Lol I have no fucking clue what happened. We told her that someone stole it and she reported it. They found it in a city a few hours drive away with its back windows smashed out. Apparently the police also arrested someone inside the car..
Damn that's shitty... Well I guess I can tell a story....So It all started off when my homie and I wanted to sneak out, take his moms whip out and pick up some other homies and drink a fifth while driving (we were 15 at the time)....so we got the car and picked up some some our crew and we started to kill the fifth....well we were smashing on the road and we hucked the bottle at the stop sign and then started driving to the road....well we decided we wanted some food so we hit up Micky D's....so were finishing our food in this empty parking lot and decided to do some doughnuts, so were driving in circles (were in a suburban) and we hit a curb and was just spinning out of control and hit a curb or something and came to a sudden stop. We hop out and we inspect the tires and my friend who was driving was like "Well....I think we won't do that anymore...." hahaha

Now the part when we got back to my homies home (The one that I was staying the night with) So we get to his place and sneaking back to his place but there a few obstacles....we have to climb on top of his wooden fence to get up to his sisters window.....we get on the fence and we both start walking like drunk ninjas to the next plat form. we get to the other side, and start climbing up the house to his sisters window....we get to the window and were trying to be silent n' sneaky and get the window open and my homie gets inside the room then all of sudden his dog starts barking! we were like oh shiiiiit! I hopped into the room dog still barking, then we heard his mom coming up the stairs so my homie wakes up his sister and telling her to distract his mom and she runs down the stairs and starts talking to her, and we dipped into his room....hahaha we put a movie on and we passed out....shit was crazy! hahaha oh the good old days....
I kind of told this on other parts. Anyways I ended up getting a message from a member and we talked a little and I went to bed. Then the next day I'm super tired from work and think I'm going to chill at home and when I'm relaxing I go on bluelight to see my pm's, I had another from the random guy. And we ended up talking for a little and then on aim like in less than an hour he ask if I want to go to philly with him tonight... He lives an hour from me. I thought he was joking but he wasn't.... He told me he had a nice car with a sick ass system. I was like shit then um why not? We added each other on facebook just to see who each other was and then after that hour of talking we had each others numbers and were talking while getting ready.

I'm doing my hair and he tells me he's going to be punching my address in his gps in a few minutes. I'm like holy shit this is happening! Then anyways I tell my mom I'm hanging out with this guy and she's all paranoid... Like who is this? Don't leave the area, if he's crazy get out of the car and don't go back in? Why are you going? I was like calm down and lied to her about who it was and I would text her during the night to say I was fine.

So fast forward an hour later, he tells me he's in my area. I say by to my mom and I end up going out to meet him. He said he would get out of his car and talk to me like introduce himself so I wouldn't be scared/worried. He did exactly that and I said okay and I went in his car. He was one chill ass guy! I had a completely good vibe off of him and he explained how he was new to the area and wanted to meet new people ect.

So in his gps we type in 30 th street to philly which is an hour and 20 away... We're going to philadelphia to cop some heroin off the streets... He had no connects since he moved here not too long ago and my connects were acting lowkey or didn't have heroin. So we are like fuck it and we're going to cop in the ghetto... We end up talking a shitload in the car and we can't believe we're doing this sober... We were like holy shit this is crazy. Especially when we made it to west philly. We got to university city area and you saw the nice cars then we had to find a gas station and ended up in the ghetto.

Everyone noticed his car cause it made a look vroooom sound and shit and was all tinted out. We also were blasting the music. Anyways we pull to the gas station and I text my friends that I'm in philly about to get heroin. They were like what how the fuck? But then skip forward we drive down past 44th street in the ghetto ghetto (never drive past 40th). We chose to stay in west philly and not north cause the guy was held up by gun point (gun straight to his head so he was sketched a little). Ends up we choose to park the whip after we notice many people who look like dealers on so many corners... We park the car at the laundry mat and light up our cigarettes...

We start walking down the street to this dude who was just chilling on a corner outside this food place. We cross the street and we greet him like hey man... Now let me tell you we were dressed nice and the guy I was with was a tall white guy wearing aeropastle lol so we were fucking nuts walking into the hood like that. I mean yeah I'm part black but still it was pretty funny. So when we talk to the guy and he talks back we then ask him if he's got h... He goes how much and we tell him. He's like yeah yeah and takes us to the side of the place. The woman hangingout side the place saw this going down and totally disappeared quick.

He's pulling shit out of his pockets and we give him space. We were like shit the first guy!!! How the fuck?! And then the guy tells us to get over there and we do and make the deal. The spot was dark with a dim light and we thought we saw two baggies like plastic ones and were like cool and gave the drug dealer a fair amount but can't state cause its bl...

So we hustle back to the car and omfg!!! I knew we should of looked at it more but we were kind of sketched and it was dark. They were two big crack rocks. Fuck!!! We got crack... The guy totally misheard us!! And the guy I was with put it in his mouth and took it out... His mouth went numb quick it was crack. We were like fuck and didn't have anymore money but for gas home.... We ended up saying fuck it and were like okay with it cause it gives us hope we can do it for the next time.

Since we both never smoked crack and we only had syringes in the back we had to find this quick market. Shit we accidentally pull between to cop cars and lol don't ask how but the guy ran into place to get foil. We had no other choice but to freebase it and then I'm chillin in the car with two crack rocks in the cupholder... In a car with illegal tint and between two cop cars. I was sweatin. Luckily they didn't give a fuck about the car and we were out of there quick.

We decide to go home but we decide to pull to the side and take hits on the side of the road. I took out a small sheet of foil and then rolled up a dollar bill and we started taking hits. Lol it hit quick and my whole mouth/lips went numb. So did his and no longer did we care that we didn't get heroin cause the crack made us so happy and without a care.... We punched my address back into the gps and started driving blasting some music through the sick ass sound system.

We decide to take hits when he was still driving and he took it and then I steered LOL... We are ready for the next piece and I go to break it. The shit broke in three pieces and I being clumsy/shakey (from crack) I dropped a piece down the side of the car seat!!!! I was like fuck but we'll look for it later and we take more hits. The second hit I forgot to mention was the best!!! It beat the first one, I felt like I was higher than high and he was super high as well and agreed about the second try. We stop at a rest stop and take more hits (so funny nobody knew) and I then get out of car so I can look under seat. Shit the drug made us fiend so bad that we looked forever and felt shit that we thought was it but it wasn't.... I apologized but he was like idc its only crack lol and I was like okay. And we drive and listen to we be steady mobbin by lil wayne while smoking cigs like they were nothing. We end up going to another toll booth and we pay but then park to side to take more hits lol.... It was so funny to blow the crack smoke out the window knowing everyone around you was clueless...

After we smoke more and I got fat hits, so did he we decide to look for that piece again (this was like the 4th time) but again we couldn't find it. We were like damn wish we could. So anyways he drives me back home and we listen to music and have the occassional cigarette...

It was such a crazy night and it was funny how we both only met that day. Didn't even know each other but ended up doing all that in a few hours. It was super fun and something I won't forget. We will never smoke crack again though cause we both prefer opiates and worthwhile highs (not ones that last 10 to 15 mins).

So he dropped me off and it was funny how my mother never knew what happened. She thought we were just in a town over and at this site seeing thing.... Not copping dope in philly, its sad how clueless she is.

Edit: would like to add this is dangerous and you shouldn't probably do it... Luckily everything went smooth that night for me but I was just lucky.
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it was a sight to see that day, a bunch of junkies running full speed down baltimore st in SoWeBo. luckily i got a ride to anoter spot from some cute blonde i met while waiting to cop. the cops busted a few ppl that day from what i heard. but mostly it was ppl selling or ppl who had already copped. the spot used to sell this dope called smackdown and it was blaze for scramble. they used to go thru g-packs left and right. matter of fact, had they not ran out that day i woudl have gotten popped. i was next in line to cop when they ran out and had to wait for the re-up. once the reup came the hitter went to the other end of the line then the cops came. ive had luck on my side quite a few times and i dont know why.

know i'm replying to an old post but, holy shit. i remember smackdown. i think anyone from baltimore that did dope through '05 and '06 remembers smackdown. i lived in east baltimore, so that's where i usually copped, but we knew this girl that lived in pigtown and she introduced us to smackdown. a lot of the time there wasn't any money for the bus so we would end up walking all the way across town just to get to her house so we could get it. this one time my friend was pretty ill and as we were passing camden yards he had to shit, so he ran over to the parking lot and shit right there. a bunch of people saw it too. so this was in the middle of winter, right. well, a week later we're walking by camden yards again and the shit is still there, frozen. yeah, that's my crazy story.

oh, i guess there's also that time when i was staying in an abandominium with this psychotic fucking crackhead who looked a whole lot like bruce willis.
I got lost in a college for 4 hours robotripping for the second day/night in a row, finally got out thinking I was a janitor ghost and got rescued by my friends i phoned, then the day after robo tripped again and slept in a cemetary, then my friend has a psychotic break :/

That's insane.... Good to always have friends to call though. I remember when I called my best friend so high out of my mind I couldn't even move. I thought the people I was with were going to kill me (and well one was playing with a knife and I heard them talk about something to do with raping me). I was like please if you don't hear back from me call my mom cause I'm probably dead... I accepted I was going to die especially after the battery went out. Luckily nothing happened and I went home. Ended up walking through the door and cried. My mom didn't even care I was high out of my mind she just immediately came over to me and hugged me. After that experience I almost never touched drugs again...
I got lost in a college for 4 hours robotripping for the second day/night in a row, finally got out thinking I was a janitor ghost and got rescued by my friends i phoned, then the day after robo tripped again and slept in a cemetary, then my friend has a psychotic break :/

So you the DXM had you thinking that you were "Zeke the Plumber?" That's a joke for any of you old enough to remember Salute Your Shorts on Nickelodeon back in the day. :)
once when I wisited grandmother i austria I had dosed nutmeg and then one full spiky green ball full of things from datura + 7full Atropa beladona berries,it was from botanical garden that was masterfully cared about so it was big fat pieces if yo can imagine it,I skip alot but basicly I didnt noticed any effects from the datura and beladona,the nutmeg wore off at the time but bad thing happened my mentaly sick,big coke addicted uncle have physicaly assaulted me and that made me run away from my house and family in foreign coutry

I walked without water,food,money,ID,mobile or anything excpet pipe,bong tube,lighter and little bit of weed from dawn to dusk without map with halucinations of my uncle and family chasing me everywhere! I was paranoid they might be in every car that past by on road as I walked on fields in night,the halucinations would come like every few minutes but It wasnt just like seeing totaly real person,I had this auditory halucinations like sounds of someone calling my name,breathing and closing in looking around where I am.

I was so scared of uncle continuing violence that I just runned and hidden everywhere,I was prone so much just hiding in total bug infested high grass shithole places.The worst thing there was no escape from them no matter how much I tried to run for safety,the halucinations were never like they saw me but like they were looking for me and were like 30-100 meters away.

so I walked so long way to another small vilage,there was some celebration going on with people with these classic dunno what it is kinda german white,green colored folk cloth? alot beer and grilled meat,so asked for help this little bit drunk men in his late fifties and he get me huge portion of grilled meet and water and showed me how can I get past borded to my home city of bratislava,I was about 85kilometers from home

so I continued to walk and got to another vilage with big lake it was and huge grape fields,this was good 16 hours after I ate that shit,it was summer,and I ate it at launch day before,I was never in this place but the halucinations of uncle was chasing me everywhere,it was like I am few meters away from being saw by him very often,I runned in crazy patterns in big grape fields around this vilage just trying to shake my uncle,I stopped and listened sounds,sounds so real,I cant ever desribe how extremly real these audio halucinations were,like there were metal wires in the grape frields holding grapes and dry air rich ground I could hear small stones hitting ground after falling from shoe of my unlce,I could hear wind shaking his t shirt gently,I could hear the wire being contacted as he walked by,I could hear him take a breath change teempo of walk,I could hear him looking around,I could hear his shoes getting deep in air rich ground as walked and this all with such realistic texture of sound across whole freqency range with totaly real position in space,like I could hear exactly where he was

I knew the grape fields will not let me run away so I runed to center of small town and there was this ville with bush walls and big cultivated grass field,but it wasnt that big and I hidden in this bush wall for like half hour while the sun rised up,i dont remember much details but I gone from there deeper to town but I had more grape fields ahead I had most sureal hallucination of my life first I heard it,the sound,it made my heart beat and run for cover,first I heard the sound then I saw smoke comming from its motors.... it was helicopter with thermal camera looking for me,I runned so much it was terror there was no escape from it,not in this field so I aimed to town,I was walking in the streets of early morning nobody there it was like ghost town but alot cars were going here

I spend hours walking and hidding behind corner EACH time I would hear car comming close,I am not sure about this but suspect most of the sounds of car comming close but never reaching my like chaning course was halucination,I am not sure becose there was no difference in quality of this sensory information from real world event,I stuffed my pacs with what I believed might be halucinogenic plant of some sort as there was few trees with these green hairy balls of some sort,but man,the cars I feard my unlce might be in one I made my best to totaly cover myself from being visible from any person in any car that got close,I was in so many ppl personal properties,so many hidding and running

I was like filling with ppl it was nice hot sunny day and I made it to this big lake but then I saw another terror,I saw my uncle walking towards me in his blue t shirt,I always spoted him like 100-200 meters away and runned,I hidden in beach toilet for four hours I locked myself here,I could hear my unlce lurking around and looking at me from like tiny holes this structure had,but I am not sure if it wasnt all in my mind,I mean the little holes that he was looking at me

I am not sure at what points I put enough courage to open the door but I did so and runned like rocket,I was like I must GTFO outa there becose uncle is proly few meters away,my eyes were fucked up I didnt know why I everything is so ridiculously blurred when closer than one meter but it was from all the thing that eye doctors use to dilate patients pupils its in datura and belladona too,like I couldnt reed anything my pupils must be pitch black huge saucers like when you thumbprint lsd b2b cocaine overdone in bat country,like I had many crazy doses of psychedelics but it never made everything so much blurry at close.

I fucked around town for hours,there was some beach part event for whole town going on in beach,being not eating,not sleeping,not drinking in hot day continously running for 20+hours whole night and day I started to feel my energy being depleted and my feet begging for relax,my lips so dry,so next time I spotted my uncle at 120 meters I surendered,I slowly walked toward him he towards me on this sidewalk with trees near beach with alot ppl with sun still on,we got closer and closer and closer I had my eyes on him and at about 25 meters distance he just completly and totaly disapeared,like insta gone and it was this very moment I first had realization maybe had halucinations in last two days,it was like my mind will be blown but

I was so dam tired and exhausted and thirsty dunno but I just was like well whatever,ok lets go home.So I find this police patrol and tell them about assault they so I return to my unlce and grandmother,the uncle didnt beat me more and I sleept well but if you managed to read this mess of too old to remember in detail cool story then you might gained little bit knowledge why datura isnt fun,there was zero euphory or feeling being under influence,being intoxicated and thats so evil about it,your like this is all reality it isnt working but it isnt,the whole thing was like dreaming in reality,its dream but so real,dreams to real but you dont lay in bed you dream and walk in real world,thats dangerous

these halucinations so real it was,the mindstates I had at moment it was.... I like to remember it becose of crazy it was,and those halucinations I will forever remember,its fascinating for me how deep they were in complexity and quality,how the hell can brain make that I have no idea
That's insane.... Good to always have friends to call though. I remember when I called my best friend so high out of my mind I couldn't even move. I thought the people I was with were going to kill me (and well one was playing with a knife and I heard them talk about something to do with raping me). I was like please if you don't hear back from me call my mom cause I'm probably dead... I accepted I was going to die especially after the battery went out. Luckily nothing happened and I went home. Ended up walking through the door and cried. My mom didn't even care I was high out of my mind she just immediately came over to me and hugged me. After that experience I almost never touched drugs again...

What drugs were you on with the above story Faded?