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Would you offer drugs to a family member?

I think if MDMA was regulated and legal it could be used with parents in some situations (such as therapy) with amazing results.
I was going to offer my parents so ecstasy to help them get over their petty arguments. They said they might give it a go after I convinced them that it wasn't so dangerous. I went to get them pills. I bought the pills and I tried them the night before. They were dodgy sharks so naturally I returned them to the dealer.

It was ages before decent pills came back and my parents no longer wanted to try.
i wish i could roll with my little brother ( he's 18 ). he'd be a perfect candidate, aside from the fact that he suffers from ADD and rapid-cycle bipolar disorder, and had been on an ever-changing lineup of meds, including but not limited to lamictal, strattera, prozac, wellbutrin, methylphenidate, and lithium (poor kid). as a result of being forced to take so many meds, he's very anti-chemical (illegal and prescribed). he's never even been drunk before. aside from those minor details (haha) he's very bright, very perceptive, fiarly world-wise and very liberal and open-minded, which makes me think that rolling may have the potential to be an awesome experience for him.

sometimes i wonder, if i'd gotten him to roll before he fully developed this disorder, would it have veered him off of that dark road, or would it have made things worse?

yeah, the human mind kindof sucks sometimes.
I don't have any younger brothers or sisters, and I drink and would smoke with my parents, but never X.

For my cousins, I would never get the ones younger than me drugs (until they were 18), and the older ones I wouldn't offer, but if they came to me and asked I would probably roll with them.
The first time I rolled I got some for my little brother and his friend as well. It was fun, we had a great time. I've rolled with him a couple of times since. He is about to turn 21 and I'm 27. I tried to get my mom to do it and she was all for it, or so it seemed....She chickened out and said she would stick to pot. I think she would have had a most enjoyable experience, but to each their own.
i've given my little brother (he's 19) ketamine & pills. he had an amazing time on ketamine but concerning the pills experience; i only gave him one (i thought that was sensible given it was his first time) & they weren't very good so he didn't feel much. we're definitely going to do it again now i know he isn't overly sensitive. :p i know i should have given him more at the time but i love him too much to fuck around.

the person i really want to try pills with is my dad. he said that if they had been around in his day then he would have done them. i think it would help so much with the stress in his head & maybe make him reconsider the important things in life. blah blah etard blah blah. i think i'm right.
Some of my cousins had laws problems because of drug use and dealing. I never did business with them, and never told them about my use, even if one of my cousins saw me with the HUGE pupils from an acid buzz.

I prefer that my family knows not too much about what I went by...
I'm currently working on building a relationship with my brother who's 13. When my parents go out i'll but him a beer or two and have a few myself. I'm trying to be the cool but caring older brother. When he's older I'd love to be able to smoke dope with him... but anything harder I don't think so. I'd feel resposible if anything happened to him even in the long term.
Oh and i'd love to get my parents blazed so they'd chill the fuck out a bit!:)
Tryptamite said:
I'm currently working on building a relationship with my brother who's 13. When my parents go out i'll but him a beer or two and have a few myself. I'm trying to be the cool but caring older brother. When he's older I'd love to be able to smoke dope with him... but anything harder I don't think so. I'd feel resposible if anything happened to him even in the long term.

Not ragging on you or anything, but what happens when he makes a wrong choice like drunk driving? Or becomes an alcoholic when he gets older? I'm not saying that will happen, but wouldn't you feel partly responsible for handing your 13 year old brother alcohol? That just plain irresponsible. I understand if he was a bit older...Well, a lot older. 13 is just way too young! I don't care if they are exposed to that shit elsewhere, you, as a role model, shouldn't be letting your very young brother consume alcohol. What would you do if your 13 year old kid was drinking? How would that make you feel? I dunno, but I would be plenty worried.
i'd love to get my parents to roll....especially when they'd start bitching about something id be like "here! take a chill pill, hoe!" and shove it down their throats. lmfao! j/k =P
I'm moving this to DC because the topic isn't ecstasy-specific. They might already have a thread like this over there, in which case I'll leave it to the DC mods to merge the two.
My little bro is 17 & is a bit of an alcho already.
I wouldnt get him into drugs ever, but if somehow he did get into it id make sure his not ignorant & tell him everything he should know. Hopefully scare him off it a bit.

Id love to do acid with my mum one day but she quit all drugs an extremely long time ago.
Styrofoam Cheeto said:
Not ragging on you or anything, but what happens when he makes a wrong choice like drunk driving? Or becomes an alcoholic when he gets older? I'm not saying that will happen, but wouldn't you feel partly responsible for handing your 13 year old brother alcohol? That just plain irresponsible. I understand if he was a bit older...Well, a lot older. 13 is just way too young! I don't care if they are exposed to that shit elsewhere, you, as a role model, shouldn't be letting your very young brother consume alcohol. What would you do if your 13 year old kid was drinking? How would that make you feel? I dunno, but I would be plenty worried.

my dad started exposing my brother & i to alcohol when we were young, i was 11 or 12 when he first bought me a beer...actually i think it was a hooch lol but anyway... we both have a healthy attitude towards alcohol even now because it was never anything to rebel against. we were taught it's something to respect & you should know your limits. i think keeping something away from a youngling will only make them go wild when they get their hands on it.

in short. i think giving your brother the odd drink now & then is more than being a 'cool' brother, it's setting down a healthy relationship with alcohol.
I started smoking bud when I was 15 and turned my brother on to it pretty much streight away he was 13.
Since then weve become closer friends over the years cause wed always be hanging out to chop up and shit which is good because we use to fight really bad. But now where like best friends
Im almost 21 now and hes 19 weve tried almost everything together for the first time except acid which I tried with a friend but it wasnt long before I bought him out to doof in the bush with us.
He doesnt really need me to look out for him but i try to.
I keep him informed of what were doing and how everything works as he isnt really one to want to research things.

Weve had some pretty amazing moments together and I have yet to meet anyone who is as close with there brother as I am.
meladori said:
my dad started exposing my brother & i to alcohol when we were young, i was 11 or 12 when he first bought me a beer...actually i think it was a hooch lol but anyway... we both have a healthy attitude towards alcohol even now because it was never anything to rebel against. we were taught it's something to respect & you should know your limits. i think keeping something away from a youngling will only make them go wild when they get their hands on it.

in short. i think giving your brother the odd drink now & then is more than being a 'cool' brother, it's setting down a healthy relationship with alcohol.
yea i agree. thats very true. im a rebel and i love to do everything my parents wouldnt allow me to do. now that im older and my parents offer me a drink from time to time, i just say no. i honestly think its better to have your kids do it right in your face than to do it behind your back.
my younger brother and I will do pretty much anything together. he actually got me to smoke the first time. i'll honestly take a weekend trip just to see him, smoke, drink and stay up bullshitting til 3/4/5am. drivin around blazin in the empty town we grew up in at 2am is the best thing... nostalgia.

got a few cousins I would never offer anything too out of respect to their parents/them. if someone doesn't seem interested, i'm not one for turnin them on.

have tried pretty much everytime i see myg randma (weekly) to get her to smoke hahahaha. she needs to so bad. my mom as well.

drink with my dad, he'd do drugs but he can't for his job. i'm kinda glad, he'd fuck himself real bad hahaha.
i try to get my dad to do mushrooms all the time. he was a 60's hippie doing acid and all the good stuff, but he never did mushrooms or even knew about hem until i started doing them. I also offer him acid, but he says been there done that.