Withdrawal & Craving MEGA-thread

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Been clean almost a month of crack and heroin. Felt fine the entire time after a nice detox which left me without sleep for about a week but now I am sleeping, somewhat.

What sucks is last night was the first time a shot of coke seemed like a grand idea. All today I keep thinking about. This is the only time that I have tried to get clean and actually wanted it. What sucks is now that I feel normal and am okay with what I have going even though I have no job and am in a less tha ideal living situation i.e. not my own place. The idea of getting one more speedball seems dandy.

The fuck is wrong with this shit. Seriously insiduous.
Ran out of klonopin 3 days ago at a dose of 4mg/day, been on the same dose for years. Pretty goddamned unpleasent, too anxious to even answer the phone... agoraphobic. Gabapentin seems to help slightly in high doses, as does an average dose of inderal. Just gotta make it another 2 days.
Been clean almost a month of crack and heroin. Felt fine the entire time after a nice detox which left me without sleep for about a week but now I am sleeping, somewhat.

What sucks is last night was the first time a shot of coke seemed like a grand idea. All today I keep thinking about. This is the only time that I have tried to get clean and actually wanted it. What sucks is now that I feel normal and am okay with what I have going even though I have no job and am in a less tha ideal living situation i.e. not my own place. The idea of getting one more speedball seems dandy.

The fuck is wrong with this shit. Seriously insiduous.

taking some dxm will fix it. you'll not want those drugs then.
Im almost out of percs and it sucks. 2 lousy percs left. No MScontin until atleast thursday im guessing. Im just starting to feel the first bit of sickness now and it sucks ass.
Surprisingly im not that dopesick this morning. This is very surprising actually because right now i should be sick as a motherfucker. Im guessing the codeine i took yesterday is holding it off because i can't see gthe 300mg's of tramadol i took last night doing much if anything. It never did anything in the past but lift my mood a little. It doesent explain the lack of stomach cramps, hot/cold flashes, diarehea, the fact that my skin feels like it's not crawling along with everything else.
WARNING: LONG. (sorry)

I was addicted to PKs (mostly roxis) from mid 2006 to early 2008. Before that, I used other drugs recreationally from late 2004. Before that I had never used drugs of my own free will (explanation to follow)...

I was abused as a child, from as early as I can remember. When I was 14 I got infatuated with a man I met online and within 6 months was convinced to come live with him, and left my family. They did not care enough to stop me. I had just turned 15 and was going away with an adult and any sane person should have seen he was a bad guy. I guess when you're a bad guy, you don't regard people like you as bad. A lot of stuff happened, but keeping to the topic, he would drug me with god knows what and alcohol, and that was my intro to drugs... you think that would have kept me away, but no... he was/is a very dangerous person.

I lived with this man for 4+ years and escaped in the middle of the night. I told my parents we had a fight, that I never wanted to talk about it again, and that was that. I got a job within a week and had no problem keeping it together for several years, though I was doing drugs recreationally most of the time. All of a sudden I was having flashbacks, burning myself, doing some crazy manipulation for drugs and basically heading in the direction of suicide. I called a therapist and eventually found one I liked. I went to an inpatient PTSD program (after a quick taper of subs), at 15 days clean. It felt like life had begun again. But it was fleeting.

Here's my current situation. I have a GREAT team of a therapist and a psychiatrist who also does therapy. I am starting EMDR, which is an exposure therapy to help with PTSD symptoms. I should also mention I have DID, used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder, from cultish abuse from birth to around 12 years old. I am not being totally honest with either of them about my drug use. I'm not using a lot of drugs, but for example... I get scripted 1mg of kpin for sleep every night, but 2 weeks worth is usually gone in 4-5. I have been smoking weed on the regular for about 3 weeks, but last night I threw away my pipe. I've done roxies twice this week.

I am not in danger of needing to detox, but I know they would not think I was ready for EMDR if they thought I was misusing drugs at all. They would wait until I wasn't. Have I mentioned how much all of this costs? I'm spending about $1k per month on therapy, which is all I get through disability (actually I get a bit less). I am still in contact with my family, especially my mom, although I have made it clear I will not perpetuate the lie, and my family knows what I think about my childhood and how fucked up my dad and his "friends" were. My mom is also not innocent, but I seem to find it easier to overlook that in her.

Okay, this is turning more into a rant now. I know I should tell them I've been fucking around a bit, but I don't want to delay facing the dark corners of what happened to me in my family of origin and with the guy who basically kidnapped me... I feel like I'm ready to do it. I don't want to keep secrets anymore.

What stops me, I feel like a failure... they've seen me relapse over and over... I know they won't stop treating me, but I do know they'd be disappointed in me and stop the EMDR.

and thinking about this makes me want to get high and or hurt myself in some way. I know maybe this isn't the best place to dump all of this, but here I go anyway. Thanks for being welcoming. :)
Someone fucking stole my klonopin, one of my 'friends' robbed them. Now I'm going through withdrawal and I'm fucked. My doc wants a shit load of money to see him, so it's going to be easier to just buy some off the street but I'm having a horrible time finding any benzo what so ever, and usually they are all over. Why is my luck so bad?! I don't wanna have a seizure...


I'm sorry. I have done the same to my "friends", and vice versa, when I was really into my addiction. Good luck on finding some benzos. Don't risk your life; if you can't find any, go to the ER and tell them you are having panic attacks and can't deal with it... they should give you a small script of xanax or equivalent. This has been my experience (well, my friends'). Good luck.
Day 4 baby, I'm still truckin, detox from oxy/opiates. Doin it without subs, I dont know if it's the amount of vitamins I'm taking but I'm actually getting some sleep and I can make it through the day without wanting to kill myself. It's pretty awesome, also I have a positive mindset, which IMO is a huge factor in how you will feel. keep up the good work everyone, I wanna get higher than a kite, but I know it will only slow the process!

I'm sorry. I have done the same to my "friends", and vice versa, when I was really into my addiction. Good luck on finding some benzos. Don't risk your life; if you can't find any, go to the ER and tell them you are having panic attacks and can't deal with it... they should give you a small script of xanax or equivalent. This has been my experience (well, my friends'). Good luck.

Thanks for the kind words. I know if it comes down to it I'd go to the hospital, but last time something like this happened they would only give me fucking blood pressure medication and nothing else which is just ridiculous. I got a couple promising people I'm hoping will come through for me, and if not I will have to go see my doctor tomorrow and pay the damn money he wants just to see him (which I truly don't want to do).

Day 4 baby, I'm still truckin, detox from oxy/opiates. Doin it without subs, I dont know if it's the amount of vitamins I'm taking but I'm actually getting some sleep and I can make it through the day without wanting to kill myself. It's pretty awesome, also I have a positive mindset, which IMO is a huge factor in how you will feel. keep up the good work everyone, I wanna get higher than a kite, but I know it will only slow the process!

Good job! I wish I could have quit opiates without the aid of suboxone... now I've been on it close to a year and a half and I'm having trouble getting off of it. I'm down to about 2mgs a day or every two days, but I wake up all sweaty and have mild withdrawals so it really sucks. I can't get lower than the 2mgs every other day... oh well I'll figure it out somehow. Keep it up though man you can stay clean, and having a positive mind set is key to doing so like you mentioned.

Keep goin everyone. Did u end up seeing ur doc dp?

I went thru 3 days of dope w/ds last week before i caved in and scored for a week straight, blowing more of my money. I'm down to 1k and have no job. Its crucial i try to w/d again now and not waste anymore money..I've got 4 clonidine pills .1mg i found in the house, immodium AD, and 3 30mg adderals. I'm wondering wouuld it be smart to take addys during w/d? Im sure it cant help the sleep problem, but i usually cant sleep neway.

Last dose of iv dope was at 2p.m today, it is now 8 p.m and am starting to feel the slight w/d symptoms. Will keep use updated.
I was sick as a motherfucker today. Couldnt eat, felt dehydrated, couldnt stop sweating, was freezing and i felt as low as fuckin hell. Tonight i feel alot better for some odd reason. Maybe it's the codeine and tramadol i took or maybe it's just the fact that i finally got fluids and sugar in me.

Aye i can't wait till it's fucking friday.
Keep goin everyone. Did u end up seeing ur doc dp?

I went thru 3 days of dope w/ds last week before i caved in and scored for a week straight, blowing more of my money. I'm down to 1k and have no job. Its crucial i try to w/d again now and not waste anymore money..I've got 4 clonidine pills .1mg i found in the house, immodium AD, and 3 30mg adderals. I'm wondering wouuld it be smart to take addys during w/d? Im sure it cant help the sleep problem, but i usually cant sleep neway.

Last dose of iv dope was at 2p.m today, it is now 8 p.m and am starting to feel the slight w/d symptoms. Will keep use updated.

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow, but I really don't want too because I see him again in like 2 weeks or less and will have to pay $100 for this visit tomorrow than $200 for the visit in 2 weeks. Such a waste of money, but I need my klonopin...

Good luck stopping the dope, I know it's hard to quit I've been there man and been low on money, it just sucks completely. I hope to see you recover and are able to abstain from using.

Well I drove to the hood today to TRY and cop some dope...I'm startin to think its imposissble for me to quit cold turkey way, thinkin bout trying a short taper with subs soon. Anyway I got there, pulled over to park and a cop pulled down the street and pulled up behind me, got out and told me to get out of the car. They patted me down and searched the car illegally etc. I had nothing on me or in the car so I wasn't too worried. After they checked my I.D I was told to get out of there and if they seen me again I'd be busted for sure or stopped whenever they saw me. So this is an even bigger incentive for me to stop doing dope as I don't want a record of course. Now I'm obviously scared about goin back down there so hopefully I really will kick it this time! But anyway, took sum clonidine and the rest of my immodium, around 3mgs and am feeling a little better. Minor cold flashes and flu like symptoms pretty much. Hoping I can get sum sleep tonight, but who knows.

Almost at 48 hour mark.
Good luck, Georgie! Maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
dp, sucks that you can't reason with your doctor. I've been to three docs over about a year, trying to find one that actually gave a shit, and have not found one. I know if my regular psychiatrist had ability to prescribe it, he'd never do something like that. As it is, the guy I go to now gives me 60 and says "Take what you need, and come back when you need more - it's up to you to decide when you want to ween." In a way I like it that way, but he's the doctor, basically he's hoping I stay at two a day and isn't pushing at all for me to go down. But I don't take them steady like I should, and I do sell a few, not going to lie... ah well, I see him about every 6 weeks right now. The guy even told me when I first saw him that he thought my doc had the license or whatever (they know each other from school), but that he's happy to take me since he doesn't, it's "Good Business For Me!" ha. ha. He even tried to get me to stop seeing my regular guy and just come to him for everything. Yeah, okay.

Today I took 24mgs of suboxone, way more than I would "need" to not be sick, but I've been smoking weed and taking klonopin sporadically and didn't have any of that today. Felt pretty good for about an hour. I threw away my pipe, not that that would stop me from smoking weed, but it was a symbolic gesture, of my wanting to quit.

Also I know I can't use opiates for at least two days or it'll just be a waste. So I guess that's a good thing. Basically I consider this a "clean" day... and I haven't had one in a while. Tomorrow I am going to not take anything, at most one Sub and that's it. When I get my next two week script for klonopin (1mg at night) and ambien (10mg at night), I'm hoping I can stick with it. These long nights are killing me... and I take 2 other meds to sleep! It's crazy. Five more days, I don't know where to get any benzos on the street so that's that.

I am grateful, I feel lousy, but I'm not withdrawing. Things could be much worse.
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Hang in there guys, 420, 19, 25, PA
I'm doing the taper thing myself right now off opiates, and it's fucking hard as hell. But if their is one thing I've learned in life, it's that nothing stays the same. So I guess we can only try to do what we can to make it by, till this passes.
So excuse me while I go slam my head in the wall. Then when I wake up this will all be past me. Right? 8( I'll let you know how it works..... Well maybe I'll just try it tomorrow. Then on the other hand, I'll end up with a big dent in the wall... and that would really suck.
After getting off adderall two days ago (I was taking about 60mg every few hours), I am really scared that I won't be able to function for months. I guess no one can tell me how soon it'll be before I can do things like a normal human being, but right now it's only been a couple days and I'm in bed most of the time, everything feels like a dream, I'm confused, hallucinating slightly, no energy or motivation even to eat or take a shower... I have five days until I have to be at work again - anything I can do to make myself normal faster? I've just been letting myself sleep all the time, so far....
I want heroin. I want heroin. I.want.some.fucking.heroin.

The cravings are so bad, and I still have 31 days til I even get the chance. How do you guys ignore your cravings when can't or won't act on them? It's driving me so fucking crazy.
It's not that I crave actual amphetamine, but I crave the ability to go outside and hold my head up high.
I go out anyway, but I just end up having panic attacks or feeling cringeworthy.
Even though I have no shame, this comes from somewhere inside me, too deep for me to identify, so I am just left with the feeling.
Speed got me down, so I have, for the last three months, just been taking life as it comes on a day to day basis, or moment to moment if needed.
Even though I dont want the stuff, and even though I was badly agorophobic before starting speed, I crave the ability to just go out, and be comfy in my own skin.
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