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Will this last forever? MDMA comedown

Wow you really know your stuff.

Me and all my friends took the drug on an empty stomach around 4pm. All my friends said they felt it kick in around 7/8 but it didn't hit me until 11 so there is definitely some credibility to your theory.

I have stopped all smoking, drinking, etc.. but its a good point to not be around people who smoke weed. My friends smoke alot but they respect my situation so avoiding that wont be a problem.

I am in pretty good shape but I have stopped exercising due to headache pain. Clearly that was a mistake so despite the pain I look forward to running again and I'll be sure to order all the supplements you have listed.

Thanks again for your help, this is a real life saver.
Most of what I know is what information I have gathered from other members on BL and of course my own personal experience. be sure to conduct your own research on everything also.

Just a thought whilst I have it. Approaching this in a slightly more less hap hazzard way please can you list all the medication you are on with a very brief explaination why you were put on it and also how you think each one has affected you (ie its effectiveness).

Me and all my friends took the drug on an empty stomach around 4pm. All my friends said they felt it kick in around 7/8 but it didn't hit me until 11 so there is definitely some credibility to your theory.

Can I just confirm this you all took it by mouth (swallowed) at 4pm and no one felt the effects until 7/8pm?

And for yourself took at 4pm and no effect until 11pm?

Was the drug in any form of capsule? Was it a crystaline structure?

I have stopped all smoking, drinking, etc.. but its a good point to not be around people who smoke weed. My friends smoke alot but they respect my situation so avoiding that wont be a problem. [/QUOTE

To be brutally honest history of scitzophrenia vs weed is a VERY VERY dangerous mix. Take a look online and read about it. very very unpleasant illness. All drugs illicit drugs for you I would avoid for the rest of your life. You are so young please dont fuck it up by putting yourself through this hell.

I am in pretty good shape but I have stopped exercising due to headache pain. Clearly that was a mistake so despite the pain I look forward to running again and I'll be sure to order all the supplements you have listed.

Of all the sups listed there the one to be careful of is lithium. Some report great recovery from it others can be allergic to it. Some countries it is prescription only. There are ways getting round this but you have to be very careful. If you can get out and exercise that is great. Just try and force yourself to exercise as much as possible.
Wow, I'm just reading all of this and realising how many people have been through the exact thing that I did a few years ago. A complete personality meltdown from too many drugs (mdma and weed, mainly).
I basically went from an exceptionally outgoing, sociable and happy guy to someone who had very public emotional breakdowns and extreme paranoia in social situations (even one on one occasionally). It was unbearable, and I alienated myself from a lot of people during that time.

The things that got me through were (first and foremost) the support from one particular friend. He would feel uncomfortable hearing it, so it's never been expressed, but I think I owe him my life to some extent. Also, joining the gym and focusing on my degree. Moving into a new flat with positive people, stopping weed for a month and then just quitting it altogether, and other drugs too. Eventually I got a girlfriend which did wonders for my self esteem.

I'm so much better today than I was a few years ago, so if anyone goes through the same thing, just know that it does get better, and in a lot of ways you not only return to "normal", but you become stronger for it. It took a very long time in my case because I was in denial about what needed to be done, but once made steps for improvement, it got better.
Glad to hear that license to pill, its comforting to hear people have gotten over this.

Ok so I am currently taking 50 mg of amitriptaline which was prescribed primarily for headaches but also for anxiety/depression. It seems to help me sleep but it has not helped with the headaches or anxiety and my depression got much worse once I started it. The side effects are tough (drowsiness, dry mouth). I plan on slowly weaning off it in the next few weeks.

Another supplement I take is Petadolex(50 mg twice daily). It is a butterbur product that has alot of reported success with migraine pain and I think it helps.

Besides my other vitamins the above things are the only things I am currently taking besides vitamins.

I was put on Ativan (1mg as needed) after the first 2 weeks of suffering and it really helped alot. When I was on it I felt great and had no headaches or anything. After taking it a month my doctor had me stop because benzos can be very addicting.

After Ativan I was put on the muscle relaxant Baclofen (10 mg 3x a daily) which was horrible, I was constantly in a zombie like daze and still had the pain/anxiety. I was put on it because my doctor thought tight neck muscles may have been causing my head pain.

I was prescribed Topomax for headache pain a few days ago but I do not plan on filling the prescription because clearly meds are not working.

So my friends and I wrapped the mdma in paper and swallowed it. I dont know the exact times it kicked in but what I listed are good estimates. This might be a dumb comment but Im not sure if other countries use military time so in that case we all took it around 16 and it kicked in for my friends around 20 and for me about 23.

The drug was a very fine white powder, it almost looked like sand. I bought it from the dealer in a small plastic bag and no capsules were involved. I believe it was a crystalline structure.

I completely agree with you about my family history and all drugs including weed. I don't plan on smoking ever again and I will make sure to not be around my friends when they smoke.

I plan on ordering the supplements you listed later today and I will wait before trying lithium. Luckily I already have omega3 so I will start that.

On the bright side of things I have managed to get my job back and I am starting to work again. It is tough with the head pain but now that I am not worried about having some kind of fatal illness, i can manage.
Hi Man...
Fist of all my imrpovements:
im on meds. 15 mg lexapro actually, I have been 2 weeks very good, just jaw pain and brain zaps that doesnt dissapear at all...but I hope little by little.
mccabe...how its your jawn pain? Very bad? Your history seems like mine, im too a uní student actually...how are ü managin this?
Can u xplain how its ur anxiety?
by if you need to share ur thougts, and here, pm me and add me skype or something, u will be better :)

Any ssri?
Hey derok, glad to hear you're making progress.

My jaw pain has dulled down a bit but its still pretty constant. My worst symptom is definitely my headaches, I wake up with a headache that intensifies with stress throughout the day. At times it gets very severe, almost feels like my brain has a heartbeat. When you say brain zaps are you referring to sharp pains in your head?

I haven't been able to manage my studies at all really, I withdrew from college after a week into my first semester. The pain really got in the way of my focus. Hopefully, I will improve for semester 2. Are you having success managing your studies?

My anxiety is mostly worrying about my health. There are times I will try to go to sleep with a bad headache and I worry about dying in my sleep or if my brain will just stop working but I know that isnt realistic.

I have not tried an ssri yet, although my psychiatrist was thinking about prescribing me Celexa which is very similar to Lexapro. Has Lexapro been helping you at all?

Thanks for the encouragement, I wish you luck on your recovery!
this is my 6 month too..im feel really better, im going out with friends, im studyin german in erasmus, and so on. But actually i feel little upset , as i told you im on lexapro 15, dunno is it helpin but im improving so...what can i say ;) . today i will try 10mg and tapperin , during the procress i realized that it goes and comes , like a wave with lot of amplitud, but everytime you feel little better than before, then you feel little worse but not so worse like the last time you felt worse. i will draw you but i think you understand, and furthermore, every cicle takes more time to feel worse again. everytime i feel improvement i tapper my dose, i have done from 20mg to 15mg now and later to 10 mg, i will go on this way.

Brain zaps for me is like you feel "something" in one place of your head like blood pressure, but is not such as pain, but is really disturbing even, is like something is not going good in your brain :S , im so hipocondriac so...

Do you have teeth chatterin? something like that? hands tremblin? for me i have to say every 2 weeks are decresin the frecuency of this tremblin, i guess is a dopamine recovery (futura and me told lot about this)

Only one doses 100mg does that to you??

how is your anxiety? what kind of cicles it does? always the shame? are you having good days? one thing that helps me is not to have time to think, you get paranoid and that makes your anxiety worse, play videogames, go out, dont be alone as you can avoid it...someday you could do it and see this like the worst thing in your life, but dont feed paranoid thougths, i thinnk is like take more mdma and make it worse.

and the jaw pain? somedoby knows about it? i have go to the denstis...told me it is chronic issue and you have to deal with it :-S , please if somebody have had this shit from a comedown...some advices!! the main problem is that it reminds me that im fucked everyday...:S so its not a good beginin to start.

My studies are going better, the first month i tried not to avoid laboratoy and exams
...even i was sufferin absolutely terror, i was there moving my legs nonstop , and my hand tremblin. i have passed 2 exams of 5 , so im very proud of me for do it ;) i want to research pharma now (things change your mind) i want to research about no secondary effects antidepressor, i for that is why in gemany too stuidiyn chemistry. well guys...now you know a lot about me. hehe my drugs history seems to continue in a beatiful way.

thanks everybody, as i said, pm me if you want, ill give you my skype.
Tchüss ;)
I completely understand the brain zap pain you're in. Its like a feeling of pressure/tightness on one side of your head. The pain is incredibly uncomfortable and it always gets my anxiety going because it is such a strange sensation. Im very hypochondriac about it too but it helps when I remind myself that its being caused by a chemical imbalance and that it will go away eventually.

It sounds like your jaw pain is alot worse than mine. My pain is a dull achiness behind my upper jaw, but it comes and goes. Have you had an xray of your jaw/neck? Does your jaw ever click or snap when you yawn? Over a year ago I had intense jaw pain for a month due to a snowboarding accident and I found out my jaw was misaligned. It was an easy fix for the doctor to adjust it. Maybe you could look into that if the pain keeps up.

I don't have teeth chattering or hand trembling but I do have leg spasms sometimes. I get them a few times a day but they could be completely unrelated. Not really sure.

Anxiety wise I have definitely been making progress. Like you said, I too am very hypochondriac so now that I know other people are going through this and that I am not dying I am having much less anxiety. I have had some good days, especially since I started exercising. Thanks for the advice, I have noticed that getting distracted by constructive things like exercise and videogames really helps anxiety.

Thats awesome to hear you are still managing your studies! You are much stronger than I am, I dropped out after a week. Your symptoms seem to be more severe than mine as well. I have a few months before I go back to college and I think I will be comfortable enough by then.

Yes I only tried mdma once and it was a 100 mg dose. Seems like everybody here took much higher doses than I did so I imagine your pain is harder to deal with.

Its funny how experiences like these can change your goals in life. Thats awesome that you are going the pharmacy route. Im sure you'll do well because now you have extensive knowledge of chemicals, medications, etc. Im going the biochemistry route in college but Im not sure where Im going with it yet.

Once again, thanks everyone for the support. Good luck to you all
Do not redose heavily.

Why couldn't the media get that message out?

As youngsters, all we heard was "drink lots of water" (so we downed our sodium whatsits and risked death that way instead).

There seem to be quite a few damaged individuals on this forum (myself, first bad comedown, others) who would have been fine if it wasn't for heavy redosing. I have taken MDMA - mostly pure stuff, usually tested.. always knew the smell, for around 10 years.

I've always hated "drug"-haters - demonisers (still do). But there is a real danger, that can be avoided if you don't get carried away like I did.

I should have known something was wrong when I started getting less high, but started getting the brain shocks when I tried to take a bit more the next evening. I always used to sometimes get brain shocks a few days after a heavy session, but lately (before the disaster) when I tried to redose the night after a not-high-enough night, I would feel just brain shocks, and decide not to take it any further (no pleasure, just shocks). I am left wondering now if the MDMA wasn't what it was supposed to be, but my man in Spain was always a good guy, and it looked good, and smelled good, and generally had the right effects to a point.

When I had my mad bender weekend of tonnes of drink/sleepy tabs/benzos/MDMA, and kept redosing masses of MDMA right through to the next night/morning, I blew a fuse.

I have basically ended any potential of drug fun for me now. I think I have destroyed the parts of my brain involved in MDMA enjoyment. All that's left for me is drinking too much, and trying to cope with feeling fucked up all the time.

With a bit of luck I'll find a medicine regimine that will help me move on and put it behind me, but I'll never be getting fucked up again. Not in that way anyway.

Take it easy out there. Don't push it to the limits :(
Nice post my friend. Sorry to hear about the condition you find yourself in.

One medicine you might like to look at is Coaxil


Its an antidepressant that is not available in the UK or USA

But cope is currently trialing it and a lot of things suggest this is the best AD out there for MDMA related damage.

Lithium is also a suggestion but you need to be very very cautious with this.
Thanks. Interesting that you mention tianeptine. It was next in line for my pharmacy order. I just decided in the end not to order it. I have previously tried amineptine a few years ago for general mood improvement/personality tweaking (from d.p's survectorsource@yahoo), but I read of horrid nighttime fear with tianeptine. You have me interested now though, perhaps I will order some.

I will try to read about how cope is getting on.

Thanks again.

Nice post my friend. Sorry to hear about the condition you find yourself in.

One medicine you might like to look at is Coaxil


Its an antidepressant that is not available in the UK or USA

But cope is currently trialing it and a lot of things suggest this is the best AD out there for MDMA related damage.

Lithium is also a suggestion but you need to be very very cautious with this.
This is a reliable and trusted source. Copes arrived fine and is the real deal.

I have just ordered a month supply to try it out.

<no sources please, this includes medications>

Hopefully cope will chime in on this thread. He will be on day 3 as of tomorrow.

I also have a 1kG bag of lithium carbonate I ordered as a lab supply to avoid prescription rules in UK. But.. I am a litle nervous to try it as it can give nasty reactions to some people.

If the AD doesnt work I will try the lithium and report back.
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cheers for the link. My usual pharmacy <snip> have it, and if buying 100 tablets, it's actually a tiny bit cheaper.
I have asked them if they can add it to my existing order which I don't think has shipped yet.

This is a reliable and trusted source. Copes arrived fine and is the real deal.

I have just ordered a month supply to try it out.


You need x3 boxes as you need 3 tabs per day.

One month is approx $62 USD.

Hopefully cope will chime in on this thread. He will be on day 3 as of tomorrow.

I also have a 1kG bag of lithium carbonate I ordered as a lab supply to avoid prescription rules in UK. But.. I am a litle nervous to try it as it can give nasty reactions to some people.

If the AD doesnt work I will try the lithium and report back.
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It was too late to add to my order, so I'm going with your pharmacy (free delivery!) Thanks. Actually, they have some interesting stuff. They must be in France, going off the delivery estimates, and also some of the products (etifoxine. How can I have not head of that before? )
IM not entirely sure where they are but cope got his fine so i am sure uk and usa delivery will be fine.

My status email came today with dispatched so as soon as it arrives i will give you the heads up.

etifoxine. How can I have not head of that before?

I think theres a lot of stuff out there we dont hear about. In this whole quest I have realised how much influence the pharma companies have on what we are and arent given access to and trust me its got fuck all to do with the benefits of peoples health.
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Hello Carlos

Just wanted to add an update to this. <snip>

I have now been on tianeptine for two days.

Day one was quite an experience. Almost within the first hour I felt relief. My panic and anxiety immediately resided and my thoughts stopped spirraling. Taking two doses was enough for me the third dose was a little over powering.

Day two my mood is more stable and no more tears, no more panic, anxiety is reduced. So far this is the most effective antidepressant I have tried.

Please note! Its early days for me. I may well be in a honey moon period but so far so good.

The main observation of this AD is that the acting effect for me was instant.

Some users report a feeling similiar to opiates. It feels similiar to codine.

Side effects so far have been increased sensitivity to taste and a slight increase in food intake.

What I like about this AD is you could use it on an ad hoc basis.

I am also considering to add with this lithium carbonate at 20mG dose.
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Hello Carlos

Just wanted to add an update to this. Brand Medicines are a confirmed a good source for tianeptine.

I have now been on tianeptine for two days.

Day one was quite an experience. Almost within the first hour I felt relief. My panic and anxiety immediately resided and my thoughts stopped spirraling. Taking two doses was enough for me the third dose was a little over powering.

Day two my mood is more stable and no more tears, no more panic, anxiety is reduced. So far this is the most effective antidepressant I have tried.

Please note! Its early days for me. I may well be in a honey moon period but so far so good.

The main observation of this AD is that the acting effect for me was instant.

Some users report a feeling similiar to opiates. It feels similiar to codine.

Side effects so far have been increased sensitivity to taste and a slight increase in food intake.

What I like about this AD is you could use it on an ad hoc basis.

I am also considering to add with this lithium carbonate at 20mG dose.

That's great news. Were you in quite a bad way just prior to starting the tianeptine? I have come quite a long way from how I felt back in Feb/March, although it has been a rocky ride.
I am on day 3 of bupropion 150mg (sustained relief) in combination with my 3x10mg buspirone and 2x50mg pregabalin. Feeling pretty great these past couple of days, but we'll see if the stomach pains stay gone. I'm still drinking far too heavily but I guess that's boredom really. Just put tonight's bottle of Cava in the freezer..

I have tianeptine on its way to me but am hoping to not need to try it. Early days on the bupropion though.
Were you in quite a bad way just prior to starting the tianeptine?

Yes very bad way. I am no means fixed but improvements as described. Anxiety is still there but reduced. The main thing it has tackled so far is the panic.

I am on day 3 of bupropion 150mg

welbrutin i see a dopemine based AD. Interested to hear how this goes.

I'm still drinking far too heavily but I guess that's boredom really.

I am 50/50 with the drink in the end this doesnt help. I know its difficult some days I feel like drinking to oblivian.

I have tianeptine on its way to me but am hoping to not need to try it. Early days on the bupropion though.

Yes the mix wouldnt work. Please let us know when the med gets through. The only worry is customs but that company are rock solid so fingers crossed :)
Just was wondering what exactly are you guys suffering from. I have taken MDMA for a long time (20 years) on and off. I had a strange experience back in February and now have been suffering palpitations etc. I was told by doctors it could be anxiety but it is definitely giving me heart flutters etc. I have now got increased blood pressure and my although my ECG showed "abnormal" my doctor says its not significant. The last few months have been kind of difficult with some nights feeling like I am about to have a heart attack. Anyway I am still seeing doctors but have not mentioned anything about MDMA. What have you guys been experiencing?