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Will this last forever? MDMA comedown

Hey everyone, it is month 7 for me and it has been quite a rollercoaster.

So I got off my amytriptaline and I was drug free for about 2 weeks. I kept up my exercise routine and work but my head pain was only getting worse. When it hit me that I was not making progress I got really depressed. Then one night the pain was too severe for me to sleep and I went crazy.

I went back to self harm and truly felt like I hit rock bottom. The pain was making me dillusional. Luckily, I decided to go to the ER before further I could do anything else I'd regret. From there I was evaluated as suicidal and I was placed in a psych ward for a week.

As bad as it sounds, being placed in the psych ward was exactly what I needed. It was comforting to see and talk to other people who felt as though they were on rock bottom, even if they were not in chronic pain. In the ward they went through a thourough diagnostic procedure and diagnosed my symptoms as trigeminal neuralgia. TN is a rare and painful condition that causes burning, stinging, pulsing, and pressure in the eyes, jaw, and sides of forehead.

Whether or not I actually have TN, Im glad I was diagnosed with it because the med they use to treat it has RELIEVED SO MUCH PAIN. I take Gabapentin (Neurontin) 300mg 3x daily and my pain is manageable. It is still there, but manageable.

So thats my past month. Not sure if I have made progress or not, but Im just happy to have some pain relief. None of my doctors think mdma has any connection but it pretty clear they are wrong.

Im not trying to say any of you have trigeminal neuralgia, Im just sharing my experience. Keep posting and best of luck on your recoveries!
im sufferin jaw pain actually..but it comes and goes, i think it caused by bruxisms.

mcmayo3...are you suffering anxierty and so on?or just pain because that supoused neuralgia...
what do you suffer exactly..i mean where , just your jaw, your forehead...all your head?? i realized that me left jaw sounds little bit, that means bruxismus, not neuralgia, bruxismus is related with anxiety, mdma is related with bruxismus. could it be that?
Bruxism (teeth grinding) is a cause of trigeminal neuralgia so you may be on to something.

Yes I do suffer from anxiety/depression but I think they are pain related. If I was not in pain I would not freak out about my health so often and I would be alot happier.

I will be very specific about my pain. In my jaw I feel tightness/pressure that gets really bad sometimes but is normally dull. On the top of my head I get a similar tightness that can be very painful at times. Around my eyes/temple are I get alot of pain. When it is really bad it feels like my eye is going to pop out of my head, but it never does :) I also notice when I have alot of one sided pain one of my nostrils gets congested and I get an ear ache.

So those are my pain symptoms. Have you had luck treating your bruxism? Does a mouth gaurd help? If you are still in alot of pain maybe you should consider Gabapentin, it helps me have head pain less frequently.
I have only pain in my jaw, eyes and head are good now, its only muscular, its muscular yours too?. I will have a guard for my mouth cause you are right, bruxism can cause neuralgia but with a lot of time pressin the mouth system, and 7 months dont seems to be a lot of time to get it. i realized that people sufferin from anxiety induced from mdma worse thant our havent any jaw or muscular pain. i mean that we had it from the begginin, but bad anxiety make it worse than before, so you must think that you will get it with time or with a pressure situation likes mdma makes you feel.

my pain is bareable .gabapetin...secondary effects? i dont want to kill my sex drive again like with lexapro, althought it helpd me, i think.
If you pain is manageable then your probably better off without Gabapentin. It is an anticonvulsant so it does not affect your sex drive but it does make you drowsy/dizzy. For me drowsiness/dizziness is better than the pain so I guess it comes down to the individual.

Im glad to hear you have less pain. I do plan on trying the mouthgaurd and some other options for treating Bruxism, glad you mentioned it! Im seeing a jaw/facial pain specialist in a few weeks so I'll keep you guys updated. Hopefully I can beat this and I wont need Gabapentin for the rest of my life but Im feeling okay now. Just gotta take one day at a time.
hello everyone!first post on the forum freshly joined.
Just read through all these comment and felt I have to write too!
I am used to be an MDMA user too which came from a romance after an ugly breakup with my addict guy i decided to march on the road of self destruction even tho i never did drugs before..that was over a year ago.I jumped on the wagon big time.An intense period of mdma use made me end up in a bipolar people treatment (always been depressive)because i was half time absolutely crazy hyper then had these images about me dying in terrible ways smashing myself on staircases or been completely trashed by a car..randomly..

So i read up on things and what worked for me was a carefully planned eating plan.you have to make sure you eat well also since your brain uses so many different minerals for your nerves to fire properly and transport information you should get some good quality strong multi vitamins, multi minerals, essential oils (take at least double dose as dsugested for the first 2 weeks) and defo go for high dose of 5HTP. I seriously overdosed on that but it was great help!just keep taking it gradually throughout the day because the effects wear off in approx 4 hours.
Also if you can go couple of minutes to sunbed and could do exercise that would help a lot too.
First you have to replenish your chemical balance and then start your hormone production again by doing thins to what your body naturally react with their production (like sun rays and vigorous exercise).In max 2 weeks you should start to feel better!
Dont start with antidepressants they are bullshit!
Write a diary!
its a bit of a naughty one but for me small doses of ketamin also helped.wouldnt suggest it if you have an addictive personality but it is accepted for its antidepressant effect in small doses. then cut it when you feel better.i tend to mix it in during the night then take really micro dose the day after..it helped me with the muscle cramps and pains (since it makes your whole body mellow down)

Trust me it works!also every drug user should pay extreem attention to bring the right nutritions in your body and be kind to that magic factory you live in!
Good luck!drop back a msg how it went if you decide to go for it!
It cured me.
now i use mdma just very rarely and always mixed with small amount of ketamin which seems to take the edge of all the negatives off it still get the muscle pains and cramps sometimes if i go a bit over the top but the psychological effects are cut to minimum other than being horny for two days after the night hahaha but i think thats one i can deal with.
For muscle problems magnesium and salt replenishment also helps a lot!

Hope you get better very soon!xxx
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are you advisin pro-ketamin instead of antidepressants? even if ketamin is mixed with "youdontknowwhatstuff" what can affect your system in worse way than mdma?

@mcmayo: when you realized of your facial pain? 2 month...3month? do you fell something odd in you jaw?
put the fingers in both sides ears, and move your jaw...do you hear somethin rare? if its, in what side?
the pain come in waves? i mean...weeks goos weeks bad? the mouthguard could be the answer ;) until we stop bruxism (odd but happens, my anxiety stop, its not a normal anxiety...people sometimes are years in it! i feel lucky)
maybe we destroy our jaw like been punchin in it every night only for press to much cause the intense anxiety. But that will happen if you fall from your skate, or in a car accident...
Hey CarlOs and Futura,

I remember the days when I desperately wished for a pill to fix the problem.
In fact much of my contribution to BL arose from my endless search for information - with the hope of a valid treatment as my primary motivation.
Regretfully, I came to the understanding that if a successful treatment were available it would be WELL known among neurologists.

Most puzzling to them is the lack of effectiveness of SSRIs in people like us.
It fails to provide the primary endocrine benefits seen in other people.
This may be due to a failure in targeting the prefrontal cortex.

Tianeptine lacks many of the risks of SSRIs - it isn't nearly as activating or stimulating and is thus unlikely to cause severe anxiety as seen with some SSRI patients.
But many former SSRI users suffering through withdrawal have attempted tianeptine to aid in recovery.
Generally they report temporary benefits only.

Tianeptine modestly invokes a DA release in the Nucleus Acumbens, which is the cause of its opiate-like effects, even though it has modest effects on DA receptors.
It also lowers extracellular serotonin although it has no effect on the SERT.
Its effects are believed to be indirect and it shows no real effect on serotonin structure in the long-term.

A great paper that I haven't read - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2902200/

It probably has little risk, so it is worth a try.
And I am certainly interested in your follow up reports.
Just be prepared for a temporary effectiveness, including a fading of the opiate like effects.


I must advise caution LOUDLY.

I believe this is a medication that is special.
Its strong immediate effects do fade and allows the user to feel like continued dosing has little effect past the first week or two.
This is the danger.

Although you may not sense it continuing to work at all, it is slowly building up in your tissues.
After about a month of modest dosing there is a good possibility that you will need to TAPER down your doses.
Regardless of what you perceive only blood tests will reveal when you are approaching the toxic range.
And the difference between almost too much and WAY too much could be only one or two doses!

Just eating too much salty popcorn at a movie last week caused me to change abruptly!
I was fine until the next day.
Upon awaking I felt like my lithium was just invading my whole body and brain.
Utterly sickening.

I laid on the couch for six hours waiting to feel ok.
Only drinking lots of fluids and pissing it all out made me return to earth.
Trust me - this is a medication that requires supervision.

Acute on therapeutic toxicity is a term that means a lithium patient suddenly increases their dose, perhaps modestly, and enters a toxic reaction. This can reach poisoning status that involves long-term neurological impairment.

Be careful with this alkaline metal my friends.
Its first few doses will AMAZE you, probably more than the tianeptine.
I really releases BDNF in the higher brain.
But it is quite strange to experience and you must lower your doses over time.

It can hurt you, so please be VERY careful.
If you plan to forge ahead despite my warning think about it VERY logically.
The smaller the doses the slower the onset of toxicity.
No matter what, do not take doses past 180mg of the carbonate.
It may very well be that former MDMA users have a lower threshold for problems versus most bi-polar patients that use this stuff.

All of this being said, I believe that lithium had more potential to intervene in the crisis of MDMA brain damage early on.
The initial months of insanity may have been prevented entirely by this medication.
I wish I had known.

Nothing else in all of my research even comes close to its potential for early onset depression/psychosis in MDMA users.
Except ECT.

How's the lithium going ?

I have stopped pregabalin, and found that I was OK.. it wasn't doing much for me anymore, which is good and bad. It helped when the symptoms were really bad, but I still had problems that it didn't help with. I stopped the pregabalin and those initial really bad symptoms didn't come back, so I'm just the same. It has served its useful purpose but is of no use any more.

I'm still taking tianeptine, although I'm not sure it's very worthwhile.

I am on day 2 of lithium orotate - dietary supplement :eek: !! 125mg in the morning, which equates to 5mg of elemental lithium. A tiny amount, although some say it is 'stronger' than the carbonate form, mg-for-mg, but still, it's a tiny dose. I'm sure the doc will be a little alarmed when I tell him next week all the same.

I'm still taking tianeptine 3x day but it only induced minor weirdness when I took the afternoon pill today.

Obviously it's very early days, but it's possibly quite remarkable indeed. I feel like I've taken something SSRIy but without the weirdness.
I suspect there are SSRI-like flimsy willy effects though. I may return to buspirone to tweak that side effect. (I stopped the buspirone at the weekend).
HOLY SHIT YES. I hear a stretching/clicking sound on the left side of my jaw. The pain does come in waves, I get it everyday but morning are always much better than nights. Thanks for the insight, I really look forward to seeing the jaw specialist now. I doubt I'll find a miracle cure but the mouthgaurd thing is something to look forward to.

I really like your diary idea! It sounds girly but keeping a journal has helped me alot through this situation. It keeps you organized and gives your life structure.

I dont agree with the whole ketamine thing, sounds dangerous. After suffering through so much I figure you would stop using MDMA completely but Im not your mom so I wont try reprimand you. Try to be as safe as possible.
Carlos, su situacion es temporal, pero hay que evitar MDMA durante mucho tiempo. Haga su mejor esfuerzo para comer bien, mantenerse activo y hacer cosas que mejoran su estado de animo.

Gracias por la oportunidad de practicar mi espanol! :D
mcmayo : for me is the same side , i hear that too in the left side of my hear, so you have to take a xrays or your jaw, cause in something wrong with your muscles and nerves caused for the pressure of this months, how to say it...is like we both fall down from a 5th floor of a buildin hittin with or jaws so unlucky that or muscles/nervs have been affected in bad way...so we have to see the facial jaw specialist and look for how is our nervs, struckd by the night punchin time. you got me? do u have days without any pain?

foreigner: siempre es un placer escuchar alguien que hable mi idioma, podemos practicar, a mi me encanta aprender idiomas y aún sigo en ello, actualmente intento aprender alemán en alemania :). No solo voy a dejar el MDMA, si no que voy a advertir a otros sobre que me ha pasado a mi, para que tengas en cuenta lo que no se dice, como químico lo considero un farmaco muy imprevisible, muy caótico, cuyo uso ha de ser controlado.
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Gracias derok! Hablo un poco de espanol tambien pero voy a usar ingles para que otros pueden leer.

Im glad we are on the same page about the jaw issue. I am getting an xray soon hopefully it will show the problem and it wont be too late to be treated. How often do you get pain? I get it pretty much everyday along with my headaches but it less severe with Gabapentin.

Have you had less pain since you started using the mouth guard?
I haven't been taking tianeptine any more, these past few days. Just the lithium orotate. I have been taking 2/3rd of a 125mg tablet in the morning, and another 1/3rd later in the evening. I tried to split them in two but they don't break very well (not scored).

This equates to a total of 5mg elemental lithium for the whole day, which is what you would get from about 26.5mg of lithium carbonate (the pharmaceutical sort). That's a pretty low dose, although there is talk that the orotate sort is more bioavailable, and some even throw about the figure of 20x bioavailability, but I'm not sure there's any truth behind that.

Anyway, I feel transformed. OK it's early days, but I feel like "half up", if that makes sense. If you consider MDMA intoxication to be "up", as in "I'm coming up", and my state of the last 9 months to be "down", as in "drastically down", then I suddenly feel "half up". I am apprehensive because it's so surprising. Am I feeling normal, or am I intoxicated? Is this how normal people feel?? Everything looks so much better than it has in a very long time.
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I believe this is a medication that is special.
Its strong immediate effects do fade and allows the user to feel like continued dosing has little effect past the first week or two.

I hope this doesn't mean that it "poops out".

Its first few doses will AMAZE you, probably more than the tianeptine.

Carlos i wonder if you could break your tablets apart better on a plate with a craft knife or something with a very fine blade
Carlos i wonder if you could break your tablets apart better on a plate with a craft knife or something with a very fine blade

I'm not sure. I am using a pill splitter that contains a sharp blade. They're really fat pills, of small diameter. Like "double stacked", lol :D
I expect to be taking the full pill every morning soon enough anyway. I just felt the need to wind it back a bit on day two - it was quite a strong feeling.
Buspirone helped immeasurably with my jaw. I was still feeling jaw pain after months until starting buspirone.

I also took pregabalin (much like gabapentin) for the anxiety. It helped quite a bit at first, but left quite a bit to be desired.

Good luck.
for me the pain is everyday, some weeks less some weeks more....im pretty sure i had it from a looot of time ago, because we both we were little anxious before. Now the anxiety increased, then bruxism too (even if we feel the anxiety low than before, still there, but enought to life, but that is our genetics, we deal with this from our birth.) and bruxism one time triggered takes mooore time to stabilize than anxiety.

the first mothns with bad anxiety...we in the night made more strontg bittin than never before, so our jaw articulation is maybe little bit detroyed. Now with low anxiety, bruxims still there but less strong bittin than before, but still dangeours for our nerves and muscles and cartiage. I mean...maybe we need to get use to this mouth guard for 5 years, maybe 2 maybe forever, but bruxims could be temporal, but damage in article no.

Today i will go to a sport shop i buy a boxing mouth guard only for this month until ill go to dentist or maxilofacial doctor to get the expensive but better guard. Maybe i wont sleep cause the guard first days but...i need really my jow to live, now its priority :).

mcmayo, estoy encantado con saber que hay gente interesada en aprender español, si quieres practicarlo de vez en cuando, no habrá problema.
did you get a mouth guard? if not im pretty sure that mdma -> anxiety -> bruxism relation exists, maybe its better to sleep with plastic everynight than to take meds.