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Where is the most painful place you can get a tattoo?

I started to giggle the other day at a guy with some seriously bad face tattoos. Typical tear drop, spider web and gothic text on his neck.

He stopped and asked me what I was laughing at and I told him I was thinking about his wedding photos.

He replied, "fair call" and continued walking

fuck sake lol lucky he didn't chin you
Everyone says the ditch area hurts but it wasn't that bad for me. My tattoo artist said I was the only person who got both ditches done in the same day.

For me I find near the wrist smarts a bit. My tattoo artist said the side of his hand was really painful.

Whether or not you get it done in color plays a huge role. Grey wash is rather fast and painless but getting oriental style tattoos that require layers of color take much longer and you are going over the same area repeatedly so yeah it hurts more.

For me the most painful thing was getting a tattoo over and area of my body that had been injured which would be my elbow. I have a large amount of bone shards for a lack of better words in my elbow and that shit fucking hurt. Even my artist was having trouble as the bones moving about made it difficult for him to tattoo the area.

Knees fucking hurt. I almost forgot that. So basically when you tattoo over bone, tendons/ligaments, and sensitive skin like the side of the hand it smarts a bit. I would imagine getting your ballsack tattooed would hurt but I really have no interest (yet) in tattooing there.

I find the back is a bit uncomfortable and I hear the stomach is the one that drives the most complaints according to my tattoo artist he ended up having clients decide to stop after just the outline was inked on.

My tattoo artist has a sign that says "No complaining or I will charge extra" and I mean basically you are paying for a service. If you want a tattoo sit there and take the pain.

I will say that areas like shoulder caps or really the whole upper arm outside area does not hurt much and that is where your typical tattoo is but the inside of your arm smarts like a mofo.

Pain is relative and I can sit through a tattoo without really noticing the pain. It is mostly like a scratching feeling to me and well some areas hurt more to be scratched. The trick is to try to enjoy the pain, meditate a bit, or talk with your artist. I usually go to the same artist because we get along well and talk the whole time.

People do pass out from pain and my artist was really nervous doing both my ditches and a shitload of other work all at once so he started with the ditches to see if I could handle the pain. Personally I would rather just do 6 hours or so at once versus going in for an hour here and there. I have seen a grown man pass out and they did call and ambulance. Sometimes people pass out on their first piercing because they build up so much in their head and usually it is the navel piercing, no offense to women but often times you will see 3 or 4 young women come in and say they want to get their belly buttons pierced.

I find unskilled artists usually don't say a damn thing the whole time and are very heavy handed which does play a role in how much it hurts as well as the quality of the tattoo. If an artist is heavy handed they fucking suck and your tattoo is gonna come out to dark. My artist is rather light handed but really layers on the color so after a few layers it gets painful so also I suppose getting shit in color hurts a great deal more.
The guy doing mine said he wouldn't do it until the opiates had 3-4 days to drain from system as they don't want to risk tattooing people where the blood maybe thinned or some problem. I found that very encouraging as he clearly is a proper operator who cares for his customers and isn't just a money grabber.

I'll be getting colour, green/brown hues on the poppy pod and red on the stop sign over it.

I did this to myself in about 20 minutes so I'm sure I will handle the pain=D
I've had lots of tattoos on opiates n on suboxone maintenance. In fact my whole sleeve was done on subs.

My tattooist is rough but i wouldn't say he sucks. He's won awards, has done some fabtastic work n is often busy. Tattoo artists work differently that's that is my only complaint is that he's rough n everyone says this but I go him because he's good n i aint paying for a crap tattoo

If ye cant stand the pain use remla cream.

Sometimes I'll find a tattoo so relaxing I'll fall aslee - that may have been the codrine though. I found that when on high doses of subs i became more sensitive to pain than on lower doses...... or maybe it was the fact I was having a sleeve done.

I look like a crim now. Yo you motherfuckers :D

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I had a 3 hour session done on my sleeve after I'd been up all night and sniffed a quarter of coke, then had a bag if H to bring me down, didn't tell the tattooist like but I didn't bleed out on the chair.

Most painful place I've felt, well wouldn't really call it pain as I dont find them painful, but the most uncomfortable and tender was my wrist when getting my sleeve, the further down my inner arm he got the more tender it felt.

I find them relaxing. Stick my earphones in and let them go at it.
My ass up to just below my kidneys was the most painful for me.

Though I'm tender there due to surgeries and metal pins and sciatic nerve exposure.

Left side above hip was also sore.

Collarbone and shoulder least painful, enjoyable after a fashion even.
I read some of you saying there is an issue with tattoos and opiates?

I have been on chronic pain management 6 years and I have never had an artist say anything.

I could see something like an NSAID thinning the blood, but a straight up opiate?
Nor me.... I was on 900 codeine and the other times suboxone whilst having tattoos..............

I was always told the inside of the upper arm was worse for most people, I have a band that doesnt go all the way round, more of a large Celtic knot, it did hurt more on the soft skin on my inner arm but I kinda get into Tattoo pain, makes me feel all sparkly and alive, havent had one since 2008 though

Under the upper arm hurts like you're begging God on your last moments on Earth..... Elma is your friend here :)

Under the upper arm hurts like you're begging God on your last moments on Earth..... Elma is your friend here :)

I'm too fukin hardcore for such creams ;) I honestly kinda got into the sustained pain, from experience I have a high tolerance of pain compared to many I've been able to make any comparison to.

I can't really have anymore, well maybe one day. I developed a skin condition in my 20s that prevented such things, I have 3 but would have had a great deal more. I wouldnt have any done below my elbow of face hands etc, simply because of my work, people can still be quite strangely negative about tattoos and piercings, I'm aware this isnt the case for all professions or circumstances but I do wonder when I see youngsters ( 19-20) covered in them, you have your whole life to create this art and you may not always want inky footballers tattoos all over the shop

tbh tattoos in general look terrible, i have none myself , they either make you look like a criminal or a moron. Just my personal opinion no offence.

I doubt mine fall into that category TBH, I have a Celtic knot band on my upper right arm which is sorta 3d with blue and whiteink used in the black outline, above that on my shoulder is my favourite, a circular Celtic knot really hammered in in black with a blue orb centre matching the blue in the one below.

The other is on my left shoulder and is a black sun design, my wife has one the same, the intention was to have them both on lur backs but my back is wonky so mine is on my shoulder.

You can't see them in the shorts I wear to work (love my cufflinks) which was a big consideration, you can see the band in a T shirt, people at work are often confused by them, speccy techy and tattoos does not compute.

I've been quite friendly with a local artist for years and still pop in to see him, I've seen some truly awful stuff on people but each to there own I guess but there are work situations where they can be a significant problem
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Sorry to hear you have a skin condition. You're right about having tattoos too soon, to be honest, Allen. I had two, extremely regrettable tattoos in my early 20s (which I've had laser treatment and re-tattooed). I wish I could re-tell people not to be so quick to have so many and plan them throughout their lifespan. I get you about the below elbow, face, neck - there are a lot of people very much still negative unfortunately. When I return back to work I'll have to wear a blouse or something. I'm hoping that one day people will change these kinds of stereotypical thinking - after all it's just art on people's skin and no one considers art on a canvas, thugus or owt do they?!

This recent trend to full sleeves or huge back tattoos does seem quite a commitment for young folk. I didnt have another done for a few years after the first, I like the idea that it's permanent but you need time to fully understand that IMO.

I like that kind of permanency, I have jewelry that I never take off and a piercing that has only ever been removed to change the bar.
Soles of the feet?

Having managed to hit veins in close enough proximity to footsoleskin to know how unfeasibly painful it is I would go with that. Palms of the hands are about equally as painful though to be honest (again, injecting drugs not ink).

Failing that...



... probably stung a bit too.
It took me three years having me sleeve done..... I'm dreading coming off suboxone to be honest, because I've never had any of it done without being on opiates - and I hope I don't end up regretting it LoL...

Yea I understand attachment to jewellery. I've a black tourmaline necklace, a Hindu type necklace, a pink ring given from my Mam n a St Christopher (that I've misplaced somewhere, but hopefully not lost...)
