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What's your benzo of choice: experiences and reasons...

This isn't on your list, but lorazepam (ativan) is a good benzo to try. 1 mg ativan is equivalent to 10 mg diazepam (also not on your list but probably falls under one of them). It lasts 10-12 hours though stops being felt after about 4-5 hours. I find it gives me a bit of a buzz, in that I get a bit confused and silly/giddy, followed by moderate sleepiness. Throughout the entire time though, it is extremely effective against anxiety, covering social, agrophobia, claustraphobia and all other phobias commonly associated with anxiety. It helps hangovers, stim come-downs and is good in social situations, though not to be mixed with alcohol. I find there are a lot of gaps in my short term memory associated with use of ativan, though the benefits outweigh the 'bad', by far, in my opinion.

Lorazepam is far from an RC benzo and not what I wanted to see on this list - it was introduced in 1977 and is one of the most well-known and commonly used benzos worldwide.

I have been prescribed lorazepam at 1-3mg per day for the last quarter of this year and it has worked very well; I don't find it sedating, it doesn't cloud my thinking, but it keeps anxiety and panic away just as well as Xanax or the other top anxiolytics.
Just beware that anyone looking to get on a regular regimen of lorazepam, make sure you have a doctor who fully understands the importance of a taper, or a backup stash of longer-acting benzos. Being strong in all intrinsic benzo effects, and having a short half-life with no active metabolites, abrupt lorazepam withdrawal is the worst I have ever experienced from benzos, even after 1-2mg for 8 weeks.
I didn't write down my reasons and I don't want to get this topic closed.

So.. I made me a top 5 with my personal experiences with the substances.

#1 Bromazepam
Lexotan, no benzo ever got me even remotely as euphoric as bromazepam. in the 12-24mg range it works wonders for anxiety - and on top of that it makes you feel, well as I said, euphoric. Atleast that's my experience with the stuff.

#2 Alprazolam
Good old xanax. Was one of the first benzo I got prescribed, the 1mg XR ones. They heavily clouded my mind. In a good way. Well, if you wanna be stoned, not if you wanna be productive. :D

#3 Clonazepam
Rivotril/Klonopin - the xanax with the long half-life. (Thats how I see it, lol) It's not as potent though. It doesn't cloud my mind like alprazolam does, but the anti-anxiety properties are somewhat comparable. And unlike xanax you don't have to look at the time constantly thinking "can I take my next dose yet?" Very big advantage. I think it's better than xanax ime when used for therapeutic reasons because of the long half life, while I find xanax more suited for recreational use. Clonazepam is still a pretty potent and fun benzo though.

#4 Diazepam
Dem valiums - LOVE this substance, it gets me so relaxed. But they should really make a 50mg pill (lol) because I don't really think it's all that strong. I usually need a lot too feel anything. Maybe (just maybe.. teehee) it's because of my tolerance. Because friends report feeling good after 10mgs. Clonazepam and diazepam are the best benzos for therapeutic use IME.

#5 Lorazepam
Ativan. It feels like the weaker version of xanax to me. Gets my mind clouded, but it also affects my judgement more than other benzos. What I mean by that is: Most benzos don't cloud my judgement unless I take very big doses. Lorazepam is an exception to that rule. Even zolpidem doesn't do that to me.

Turned it into a top 10. There are a few I didn't mention. Oxazepam for example should be in this top 10, above prazepam but I forgot. Also didn't mention the Z-drugs. (They don't work well for me at all anyway.)

#6 Flurazepam
This would probably get a higher rating, but it's the first benzo I tried. I ate the whole box within a week. Never had them again after that. They were fun I remember, but it's been too long to compare.

#7 Lormetazepam
Supposed to be a hypnotic, but 2mg of lormetazepam is a weaker hypnotic than 2mg of ativan IME. 10mg doses or so can be fun, but other benzos are more fun.

#8 Tetrazepam
Relaxes your muscles, if you have no tolerance 3x50mg will give you a nice feeling of relaxed.

#9 Prazepam
A weak version of diazepam, it's actually one of the active metabolites from diazepam. It works just as long and for benzo-naive people it might be a good anxilotic. (I was taking xanax when they switched me to this, no can do.)

#10 Clobazam
A very weak benzo. Only tried it a few times (recently) and it's a long lasting anxilotic benzo too. It's weaker than prazepam.

Wow, reading back my opinion of lormetazepam was pretty low when I had only tried it a few times. Now that I have more experience with it, I'd rate it as #2 on my list (just under bromazepam, the king of benzos IMO) both therapeutically (for sleep) and recreationally.

+the oxazepam bit is still true, but I should also note that I have little experience with this benzo and it's been a long time since I had these. (Just once I had a box of 25x15mg that I ate in no time when my tolerance was still HUGE.) The other stuff I have far more experience with. (Months or some even years of daily use, usually combinations of benzos.)
The First Benzo I tried was Oxazepam, some Russian pharm stuff most likely brought over by my parents when they escaped the USSR. I remember not getting much of any effect off it and when I tried to up the dose I stalled out my stomach which I read later could happen. So that is by far my least favorite due to the experience but it may have been too old or just bad stuff.

I also have tried several different sources of Diazapam which didnt give much effect either regardless of the source. However, I have never had enough to really experiment much with dosage.

Ive been prescribed Alprazolam, Lorazapam, Clonazapam and Temazepam for anxiety and insomnia in recent years and Clonazapam, Lorazapam and Alprazolam have given the best results for relieving Anxiety, Insomnia and producing Euphoria. Of those three the most consistently euphoric one has been Alprazolam. I love benzos and opiates more than any other drugs so subtle highs and clean euphoria is what I enjoy most. Alprazolam never misses the target unless I have built a tolerance and dont have enough. What amazed me is that when I did build a tolerance to Alprazolam after using it to kick a opiate habit, I stopped using it for some months and when I restarted I could feel the effect of as little as .5 mg... I wish opiate tolerance went down like that :/ Oh well. Now days I need the anti anxiety effect more than anything. So long as benzos keep working I will remain happy ;)
my perfect little benzo cocktail would go as follows:

clonazepam 2mg early in the day, because even though it'll take me awhile to feel it, once it kicks in it'll have legs.
diazepam 10mg to dose up on throughout the day as neccessary, since it takes me at least 6/7 to get my desired effect.
alprazolam 2mg for when im feeling like throwing social graces and responsibility to the wind, preferably at the very end of my day.

and since i would have plenty of all 3 i could switch the doses up and fiddle around throughout the month to keep my tolerance from any single one from absolutely skyrocketing.
1. Alprazolam- the only benzo that I find abusable, Xanax has the ability to knock me out and make me feel "high." It's not always super pleasurable, especially if I want to take the benzos for legit reasons, but if I am just looking to pass a couple of hours and feel super relaxed it is the go to for me.

2. Clonazepam- Easily number two, the long lasting Klonopin has the ability to both work medicinally and give me somewhat of a buzz. It is ideal for a day where I just need to be calm for whatever reason.

3. Temazapem- Similar to Klonopin but much shorter acting. Works well to calm my nerves and ease me into sleep, but is not overpowering.

4. Diazepam- Valium is my least favorite, in that it is fairly long acting but also the weakest benzo of the ones I will mention. I hardly ever feel the effects when taking recommended dosages, and when I exceed the medical dosage I just end up passing out with little to no memory of the night.

5- Nitrazepam and the rest---I have very little experience with any other benzos so I will just put them last on the list for that reason.
Etizolam at the moment I think. I have tried alprazolam, diazepam, clonazepam, lorazepam, and phenazepam. Diazepam is my favorite in terms of the high, it has the best body high and is the most euphoric. Alprazolam is the best in terms of potency, but etizolam strikes a nice balance between the two, it is more potent than diazepam and has a better body high than any benzo besides diazepam.
Alprazolam (xanax) is my favorite benzo by far; mostly because it's so anti-anxiety and I have a history of anxiety; I find it rather euphoric and in lower doses not too tiring; I like the duration of effects too for me it's quite the perfect benzo in every aspect. Strong second favorite is flunitrazepam (rohypnol); that stuff was really, really nice, great for sleeping, wonderful to be awake on; that one strip of fluni's I had went really, really fast... Least favorite would be diazepam; I never cared much for it. Half life is annoyingly long and in terms of effects I like alprazolam and flunitrazepam much more.
xanax all the way, this is the only benzo when taken in high doses doesnt make me a complete douche bag and black out. If i do black out im just very mellow and sit there
I can't really take benzodiazepines but if I had to pick from my limited usage I'd say Alprazolam
The almighty Xanax. First time I took alprazolam, I was in heaven. Not a care in the world, talking with anyone I wanted, flirting with girls in college, very confident, happy, calm and speedy in a certain way. Weird good feeling. Love it.
Klonopin, mostly for its long half life. I like being able to dose around noon and know I'll be less high strung until at least 8 PM. Xanax rapidly became meaningless to me, and while I was scripted lorazepam I thought it was OK. I hated when it would wear off because I didn't like dosing more than once a day (or dosing daily for that matter), and taking more than 2 - 3 mg would result in an odd body load. Eventually I switched to klonopin and am much happier with it.
I would rank them in the following order:

1. FLUNITRAZEPAM - Not quite as sedative as nitrazepam, perhaps, and more amnesic, but decidedly more recreational: kicks in faster, is more anxiolytic, is a stronger muscle relaxant, and is as close to euphoric as oral benzos get. Long-acting metabolites also mean it'll stave off withdrawals for a few days.

2. NITRAZEPAM - Much like the previous one - strong, sedative, definitely has recreational value. Best hypnotic I've had on prescription.

3. LORMETAZEPAM - Like a stronger, more anxiolytic, more chilled temazepam. Ideal duration for a hypnotic, less amnesic than most.

4. LORAZEPAM - Strong in all intrinsic areas, highly anxiolytic, kicks in very fast, not sedative (good for anxiety/panic). Unfortunately produces horrible WDs.

5. ALPRAZOLAM - Rapid onset of a strong anxiolytic rush makes this one very recreational. Unfortunately prone to producing amnesia and paradoxical reactions, mostly dickish behaviour.

6. CLONAZEPAM - Long-lasting, strong anxiolytic, non-sedative, motivational (gets me doing shit). Good anticonvulsant.

7. PHENAZEPAM - Amnesic effects aside, this benzo was definitely recreational - relaxing, sedative, great mood lift.

8. FLURAZEPAM - Good, mellow hypnotic, with long-lasting residual effects from active metabolites (which are not particularly sedating, but anxiolytic). I think it's also water-soluble and thus easily injectable.

9. ETIZOLAM - Decent anxiolytic, good hypnotic, good all-round chill pill.

10. TEMAZEPAM - Decent anxiolytic, good muscle relaxant and hypnotic. Suitable duration. Not very strong.

11. MIDAZOLAM - Amnesic and short-acting, but a good hypnotic if you need a quick knockout. Also quite recreational if you stay awake, kind of a drunk high. Water-soluble and thus IVable.

12. BROMAZEPAM - Good anxiolytic, pleasant all-round effects at higher doses.

13. DIAZEPAM - Jack-of-all-trades. Relatively short-acting, with long minor residual effects. General purpose benzo.

14. TRIAZOLAM - Hypnotic and not much else. It'll put you to sleep. Doesn't help to keep you asleep.

15. PYRAZOLAM - Would be the most useless benzo if it were not water-soluble - at least that made it recreational. Otherwise it's just a moderate anxiolytic, lacking in all other effects.

16. CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE - Weak, metabolizes into diazepam, but at least has a long half-life to make it useful for tapering or easing withdrawal.

17. OXAZEPAM - Takes forever to come on, works for only 3-5 hours, and isn't strong in any way. More sedative than anxiolytic, so you need to either be tired not to panic, or take your sleeping meds 3 hours before bedtime.


Still want to try nimetazepam, loprazolam, brotizolam, delorazepam, estazolam, and flutoprazepam. And possibly flubromazepam.
Flunitrazepam is the best hands down, no competition whatsoever in my books. produces an opiate like high in itself, hypnotic, dreamy, floaty and just pure calmness. it's like being hit by oceans of euphoria and bliss. it's calm, peaceful and you float away to the land of happiness.

literally if a person handed me opiates or flunitrazepam and asked me which i'd like to take, it would be the flunitraz. i think it might even be my favourite recreational drug in all honesty. i just can't compare the high to anything else.

the only other benzo im waiting on to try recreationally is triazolam. ordered some, but its a long time waiting for that stuff to arrive.
i dont have very extenxive benzo list

ive used

pretty sure thats it

diazepam > all the others
Haven't tried too many benzos even though I really enjoy them. I guess my two favorites are clonazepam and temazepam. I'm looking forward to trying etizolam soon if all works out.
Clonazepam is the shit, but, according to my last psychiatrist, when you gain tolerance to it, you would gain tolerance to all the other benzos.
Lorazepam was my last benzo of choice, I feel weird with everyone saying it's weak and everything, but I loved it <3
Ethyl Loflazepate was also great, also the benzo of choice of my psychiatrist, for anxiety. It was available in Mexico, in the US, I wouldn't know. It would be my third.
Diazepam would be my fourth, if I had no tolerance, last time I tried it I took 100 mgs and felt nothing. Couldn't even sleep earlier.