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What's your benzo of choice: experiences and reasons...

Nothing quite works like alprozolam for me. Though the beginning period of clonazepam is quite hard to beat.

Very true. With little tolerance to either one of them, clonazepam actually feels stronger than alprazolam IME, and of course it lasts longer. Within the last two weeks I've been going on a little benzo bender (though I do have a prescription for 1mg of clonazepam a day). At first i just started taking higher dosages of clonazepam to get the nice, sociable effects that i desire from benzos (and when I say higher, I mean taking 2mg at a time, on top of my 1mg dose). However, as we all know, tolerance is a bitch, ESPECIALLY with clonazepam.

It's kind of like methadone in a weird way, because once you pass a certain point (for me its taking about 6mg at once to get desired effects), upping the dosage doesn't seem to make much of a difference. For instance, for me, taking 10mg of clonazepam will not feel much different than the 6 mg will.

What I found interesting though, earlier this week, was that one day, my dealer only had xanax bars. I said fuck it, i'll get those instead. I popped 1mg of alprazolam and I got really buzzed off of it. I'm sure part of this has to do with the fact that I had taken 6mg of clonazepam earlier on in the day, but it was still odd, considering they're equipotent.

I then took a break from clonazepam for about 24 hours, and just used alprazolam. The next morning I woke up and took 2m of clonazepam and I felt really fucking good from it.

So, in conclusion to this long rambling anecdote, I've found the best way to get the most out of clonazepam and alprazolam is to switch off between the two, and always have more clonazepam on hand than xanax, god forbid you have to detox.
I forgot another important reason why clonazepam is my favourite benzo. I've been addicted to benzos for 7 years (oxazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, clonazepam and in that particular order). I can manage 2 whole days without any WD symptoms with clonazepam. With alprazolam WD symptoms started to appear a few hours after a missed dose. God forbid if I ever forgot to have my alprazolam with me.
Definitely Xanax. Makes you so comfortable. Grinning just thinking about it. Mmmm.
Lorazepam or Xanax for recreational use in my opinion, watch your dose though.
So, in conclusion to this long rambling anecdote, I've found the best way to get the most out of clonazepam and alprazolam is to switch off between the two, and always have more clonazepam on hand than xanax, god forbid you have to detox.
That's pretty much exactly what I do.
Overall it's clonazepam. I liked the minty taste a lot, it comes on nice and even gave me some euphoria. Afterwards its really relaxing but not too sedating, it lasts forever (was buzzed for 2 days when I started doing it) and for the next 2 days I experienced a really really good mood. Also it mixes with weed nicely and for me it even was ok the flip some beers into it w/o blacking out instantly.

However, the best initial effects for me are caused by flunitrazepam. When taken sublingually, it causes a rush-like feeling, as you go from sober to fucked up in less than a minute when it kicks in. Sometimes nice euphoria, too, but those effects are only caused by the first dose after some time of abstinence, the effects after the peak are unspectacular as well as those from constant or re-dosing.

All benzos i've tried are oxazepam, diazepam, bromazepam, lorazepam, lormetazepam, clonazepam, midazolam (in a clinical setting), and flunitrazepam.
Alprazolam, but doctors hate it. :p

Reason: it elevates my mood greatly and totally kills all anxiety.
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Please note that the title states: Experiences and Reasons
I have tried a long list of benzos: diazepam, flurazepam, oxazepam, nitrazepam, flunitrazepam, temazepam, triazolam, midazolam, lormetazepam, prazepam, loprazolam, lorazepam, brotizolam, etizolam, bentazepam, phenazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam, and bromazepam.

Of them all, my favorite is temazepam!

I've had many great, some good and some bad experiences with an assortment of benzos. Temazepam I like because it kicks in very quickly and it totally floors me when I need it to. I can take it in moderate doses and feel nice and euphoric - there's great muscle relaxation, profound anxiolysis, and over-whelming sedation. It is the most euphoric benzo I've tried by far. There are a few very select "euphoric" benzos and temazepam is at the top of that list in all my experiences.

i always seem to hav fun on clonazepam

i love xanax, i think id like triazolam more. rohypnol would also be rad./ same as midazolam.

when i was younger i used to love valium

these threads have been done to death and are boring as fuck

just sayin

id like to add tho that temazepam is a very overrated benzo imo, as is nitrazepam. i know... i bet msny of you disagree.

temazepam, nitrazepam (mogodon) and oxazepam (serepax) are usually the first benzos to be prescribed here. i dont rate oxazepam at all.

i think temazepams bad rep cpmes from when cunts used to IV those 30mg jellies. insane.

xanax got me ramblin.

I have to disagree with you regarding both nitrazepam and especially temazepam. Temazepam's rep didn't come just from people using it IV. There was a huge market for temazepam in Europe, one that was bigger than all other benzos combined. Interpol and local police in towns and neighborhoods helped crack down on the temazepam epidemic of the 80's and 90's. It was going global - Australia and NZ got into the scene. They even started naming trance remix songs temazepam in Europe.

Here is one I found on youtube!
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For recreation, Temazepam, now that my benzo tolerance has dropped. It is very euphoric and fun, makes me feel like a little kid again. Lasts a good 6-8 hours with a 6 hour afterglow, and doesn't affect REM sleep. 15mg is the sweet spot, so low tolerance is necessary. Plus, it actually synergizes with cannabis, while other benzos dull down the psychedelia from cannabis.

For anxiety, Valium. Very subtle, relaxing both in a physical and mental sense, and long lasting, which means no rebound anxiety whatsoever.

For panic, Xanax. Sublingually, that shit knocks out panic faster than a speeding bullet. It has absolutely no legs, though, which means rebound anxiety, which leads to compulsive redosing.
For the sake of having this on the next page. This thread is damn close to being closed. Its up to all of you.
Please note that the title states: Experiences and Reasons
I'll go ahead and expand upon my original post:

I prefer clonzaepam (klonopin) to all the other benzodiazepines as it's similar to xanax (alprazolam) in its floatiness, opiate-potentiating-ness, and its more sedating, relaxing, sleep-inducingness... all that (and yes those are all the very technical terms lol) but longer-lasting than xanax.

I've taken diazepam (valium) and lorazepam (ativan) on more than one occasion, but I wasn't too impressed by either one of them. It could be that neither valium nor ativan are as potent as xanax or klonopin, but I've always been under the impression that valium is to benzos what lithium is to anti-depressants; in other words, I've always imagined that valium is the less-refined, more tried-and-true anti-anxiety medication. I could be wrong...

But, at any rate, I will say this about ativan: it's the one benzodiazepine with an intranasal bioavailability that isn't totally worthless. It still makes more sense just to swallow the damn thing, of course, but if you're already blowing down lines of dope or whatever and have a few of these lying around... well, why not crush a few up and throw it in the mix? (HR NOTE: It's what I might do, but only very carefully, as benzodiazepines potentiate opiates and so one's chances of overdosing increase.)
I really like bromazepam. Alprazolam is nice too but doesn't work long enough imo. Then there's valium, which only gets interesting in high doses.
I didn't write down my reasons and I don't want to get this topic closed.

So.. I made me a top 5 with my personal experiences with the substances.

#1 Bromazepam
Lexotan, no benzo ever got me even remotely as euphoric as bromazepam. in the 12-24mg range it works wonders for anxiety - and on top of that it makes you feel, well as I said, euphoric. Atleast that's my experience with the stuff.

#2 Alprazolam
Good old xanax. Was one of the first benzo I got prescribed, the 1mg XR ones. They heavily clouded my mind. In a good way. Well, if you wanna be stoned, not if you wanna be productive. :D

#3 Clonazepam
Rivotril/Klonopin - the xanax with the long half-life. (Thats how I see it, lol) It's not as potent though. It doesn't cloud my mind like alprazolam does, but the anti-anxiety properties are somewhat comparable. And unlike xanax you don't have to look at the time constantly thinking "can I take my next dose yet?" Very big advantage. I think it's better than xanax ime when used for therapeutic reasons because of the long half life, while I find xanax more suited for recreational use. Clonazepam is still a pretty potent and fun benzo though.

#4 Diazepam
Dem valiums - LOVE this substance, it gets me so relaxed. But they should really make a 50mg pill (lol) because I don't really think it's all that strong. I usually need a lot too feel anything. Maybe (just maybe.. teehee) it's because of my tolerance. Because friends report feeling good after 10mgs. Clonazepam and diazepam are the best benzos for therapeutic use IME.

#5 Lorazepam
Ativan. It feels like the weaker version of xanax to me. Gets my mind clouded, but it also affects my judgement more than other benzos. What I mean by that is: Most benzos don't cloud my judgement unless I take very big doses. Lorazepam is an exception to that rule. Even zolpidem doesn't do that to me.
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Very true. With little tolerance to either one of them, clonazepam actually feels stronger than alprazolam IME, and of course it lasts longer. Within the last two weeks I've been going on a little benzo bender (though I do have a prescription for 1mg of clonazepam a day). At first i just started taking higher dosages of clonazepam to get the nice, sociable effects that i desire from benzos (and when I say higher, I mean taking 2mg at a time, on top of my 1mg dose). However, as we all know, tolerance is a bitch, ESPECIALLY with clonazepam.

It's kind of like methadone in a weird way, because once you pass a certain point (for me its taking about 6mg at once to get desired effects), upping the dosage doesn't seem to make much of a difference. For instance, for me, taking 10mg of clonazepam will not feel much different than the 6 mg will.

Yeah, back when I was prescribed clonazepam, (2mg per day, instructed to take it as I see fit...or all at once, or divided in quarters, halves, etc), I noticed that particular benzo seems to have this sort of "ceiling" effect. I was on it for about 9 or 10 months, and 2-4mg always worked exactly the same way. Taking more didn't really do much, maybe make me a little drowsier. After a while, with my tolerance and such, sometimes I'd feel like taking a "recreational" dose and take 10-16mg at a time. Didn't really make any difference at all. It seems like once you go past the 6-8mg point with clonazepam, the effects don't really increase in any noticeable way. Clonazepam is probably the most well-rounded benzo, IME, it lasts the longest, and puts me in the best mood, without feeling too sedating (and with a tolerance, I would feel pretty much no sedation at all). Sure, it's not very "recreational" in a "let's-get-fucked-up" kind of way, like the stronger hypnotics (midazolam comes to mind...probably because it's the one I've been abusing the most recently to get recreational effects; 15mg sublingually, a drink or two, then another 15mg sublingually and another drink would feel really euphoric.

As for alprazolam, I don't know why, but I used to find it quite euphoric back in the day, 4-6mg would put me in a really giggly, happy mood. These days it doesn't really seem to do anything but make me act a fool and stumble around (especially when combined with alcohol...and I almost always combine benzos with alcohol if I'm looking for recreational effects due to my tolerance...makes any benzo + 2 beer feel like I just drank 6!), without me even noticing it, and without much of a euphoric quality to it. Last week (or was it the week before? damn benzos messing with my memory...), I took 5.5mg of alprazolam over the course of a couple of hours along with more than half a bottle of wine...I didn't notice it but everybody says I was stumbling around and basically a complete mess. And it didn't even feel euphoric, to top it all off.

Diazepam, these days only seems fun in really high doses, but either way it just tends to make me feel kind of sluggish (...amusingly, I can take 50mg one day and feel sluggish and slightly euphoric, then the same dose the next day and feel speedy and chatty as hell), and even though it has a long-ass half-life, the noticeable effects don't seem to last more than 6-7 hours or so.

As for temazepam, when I used to have a script for it, I remember the first month or so I had the script, it was actually pretty fun. 45mg would put me in a pretty good mood, and 60-90mg would have me feeling pretty euphoric and giggly, with that "dreamy" feeling to it. Last time I took it, then again, after being on a ridiculous benzo bender for a good 10 days, I took about 180mg over 4-5 hours along with a liter or two of beer, and it just kind of felt like the temazepam intensified the alcohol more than anything, or the alcohol distorted the temazepam's effects. Either way it didn't really hit the spot like it used to.

Clonazepam, though, even after all these years, always seems to do the trick, and it seems that regular dosing actually improves the effects without having to raise the dosage (I'm talking on a short-term basis though, 4-6 weeks). It's just so well-rounded, subtly euphoric, and makes me feel quite social. I'm not so anxiety-ridden as I used to be, so maybe that's why apart from the hard-hitting hypnotics I don't find benzos all that recreational anymore, but I like taking them for social situations, they just put me in a good mood and make me feel like everything is okay. Clonazepam seems to be the only benzo (then again I haven't experimented with bromazepam, along with a few others, in a long time...) which retains all its original qualities even after abusing and fucking with my GABA receptors for so long, and without the need for ridiculous dosing.

Benzos are definitely the drugs which have the most subjective effects on people...some people hate clonazepam with a passion (actually before I got used to it, it used to make me go into fits of rage and irritability, like I would literally bang my head against the wall because I was so mad...just like my first few times experimenting with diazepam provoked extreme irritability and short-temperedness. After getting used to it though, these effects seem to go away. But I've noticed many first time benzo users get these so-called "benzo rages." Also, my first few times experimenting with clonazepam I would take ridiculous doses...like 15-20mg at once. Ceiling effect once again, didn't seem to improve any of the positive qualities, just completely fuck up my motor coordination to the point I couldn't even climb up a flight of stairs without tripping and stumbling (but not like alcohol, where you feel the stupor and drunkenness ...it actually felt like I was walking fine, until I'd trip and fall head first right to the floor. Same thing would happen, but with slurred speech).

Anyways, maybe nitrobenzodiazepines might be my thing, if clonazepam seems to work so well for me? Too bad it's the only one I've ever had access to, the other ones being hard to get a hold of...flunitrazepam, nitrazepam, nimetazepam. I live in Portugal but unfortunately I don't think Rohypnol (flunitraz) is sold here anymore, and I don't think Mogadon (nitraz) is sold here either...as for Erimin, well, maybe one of these days if I go on a visit to Thailand or something... *sigh* However, it's widely prescribed in France (along with Lexomil (bromazepam)), good thing I grew up there so I go there on a regular basis! I'll try hitting up the docs for some next time I'm in Paris. :D
How do the effects of those compare to clonazepam? All I know they seem to have in common is their long-lasting effects. I hear nitrazepam is very drowsy, and seems to have a hangover effect, but what about the euphoria? And is it a straight "knock-out" sleeping pill, or can you function fine on it in social situations? I've heard contradicting opinions regarding this benzo.

Anyway, thanks for the input. :)
Temazepam! The reason is because I actually get euphoria when I use it. It kicks in quickly and when taken in the right doses, I get this incredible "rush" of relaxation and calmness. It's almost blissful.

I like the stronger hypnotic benzos anyways, the anxiolytics (clonazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, oxazepam, etc) are a bit too weak or "subtle" for me.
Temazepam! The reason is because I actually get euphoria when I use it. It kicks in quickly and when taken in the right doses, I get this incredible "rush" of relaxation and calmness. It's almost blissful.

I like the stronger hypnotic benzos anyways, the anxiolytics (clonazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, oxazepam, etc) are a bit too weak or "subtle" for me.

You might want to lay off the benzos a bit since you made the same type of post in this thread already (read: post #50). ;)
I actually just had some temazepam a couple of days ago. I like it, but I feel like it's missing something. I've already made my list though so I'm not going to get into it again.
You might want to lay off the benzos a bit since you made the same type of post in this thread already (read: post #50). ;)
I actually just had some temazepam a couple of days ago. I like it, but I feel like it's missing something. I've already made my list though so I'm not going to get into it again.

You are absolutely right!
That's what happens when you've been using/abusing benzos for the past 12 years, unfortunately. :|
Yeah, back when I was prescribed clonazepam, (2mg per day, instructed to take it as I see fit...or all at once, or divided in quarters, halves, etc), I noticed that particular benzo seems to have this sort of "ceiling" effect. I was on it for about 9 or 10 months, and 2-4mg always worked exactly the same way. Taking more didn't really do much, maybe make me a little drowsier. After a while, with my tolerance and such, sometimes I'd feel like taking a "recreational" dose and take 10-16mg at a time. Didn't really make any difference at all. It seems like once you go past the 6-8mg point with clonazepam, the effects don't really increase in any noticeable way. Clonazepam is probably the most well-rounded benzo, IME, it lasts the longest, and puts me in the best mood, without feeling too sedating (and with a tolerance, I would feel pretty much no sedation at all). Sure, it's not very "recreational" in a "let's-get-fucked-up" kind of way, like the stronger hypnotics (midazolam comes to mind...probably because it's the one I've been abusing the most recently to get recreational effects; 15mg sublingually, a drink or two, then another 15mg sublingually and another drink would feel really euphoric.

As for alprazolam, I don't know why, but I used to find it quite euphoric back in the day, 4-6mg would put me in a really giggly, happy mood. These days it doesn't really seem to do anything but make me act a fool and stumble around (especially when combined with alcohol...and I almost always combine benzos with alcohol if I'm looking for recreational effects due to my tolerance...makes any benzo + 2 beer feel like I just drank 6!), without me even noticing it, and without much of a euphoric quality to it. Last week (or was it the week before? damn benzos messing with my memory...), I took 5.5mg of alprazolam over the course of a couple of hours along with more than half a bottle of wine...I didn't notice it but everybody says I was stumbling around and basically a complete mess. And it didn't even feel euphoric, to top it all off.

Diazepam, these days only seems fun in really high doses, but either way it just tends to make me feel kind of sluggish (...amusingly, I can take 50mg one day and feel sluggish and slightly euphoric, then the same dose the next day and feel speedy and chatty as hell), and even though it has a long-ass half-life, the noticeable effects don't seem to last more than 6-7 hours or so.

As for temazepam, when I used to have a script for it, I remember the first month or so I had the script, it was actually pretty fun. 45mg would put me in a pretty good mood, and 60-90mg would have me feeling pretty euphoric and giggly, with that "dreamy" feeling to it. Last time I took it, then again, after being on a ridiculous benzo bender for a good 10 days, I took about 180mg over 4-5 hours along with a liter or two of beer, and it just kind of felt like the temazepam intensified the alcohol more than anything, or the alcohol distorted the temazepam's effects. Either way it didn't really hit the spot like it used to.

Clonazepam, though, even after all these years, always seems to do the trick, and it seems that regular dosing actually improves the effects without having to raise the dosage (I'm talking on a short-term basis though, 4-6 weeks). It's just so well-rounded, subtly euphoric, and makes me feel quite social. I'm not so anxiety-ridden as I used to be, so maybe that's why apart from the hard-hitting hypnotics I don't find benzos all that recreational anymore, but I like taking them for social situations, they just put me in a good mood and make me feel like everything is okay. Clonazepam seems to be the only benzo (then again I haven't experimented with bromazepam, along with a few others, in a long time...) which retains all its original qualities even after abusing and fucking with my GABA receptors for so long, and without the need for ridiculous dosing.

Benzos are definitely the drugs which have the most subjective effects on people...some people hate clonazepam with a passion (actually before I got used to it, it used to make me go into fits of rage and irritability, like I would literally bang my head against the wall because I was so mad...just like my first few times experimenting with diazepam provoked extreme irritability and short-temperedness. After getting used to it though, these effects seem to go away. But I've noticed many first time benzo users get these so-called "benzo rages." Also, my first few times experimenting with clonazepam I would take ridiculous doses...like 15-20mg at once. Ceiling effect once again, didn't seem to improve any of the positive qualities, just completely fuck up my motor coordination to the point I couldn't even climb up a flight of stairs without tripping and stumbling (but not like alcohol, where you feel the stupor and drunkenness ...it actually felt like I was walking fine, until I'd trip and fall head first right to the floor. Same thing would happen, but with slurred speech).

Anyways, maybe nitrobenzodiazepines might be my thing, if clonazepam seems to work so well for me? Too bad it's the only one I've ever had access to, the other ones being hard to get a hold of...flunitrazepam, nitrazepam, nimetazepam. I live in Portugal but unfortunately I don't think Rohypnol (flunitraz) is sold here anymore, and I don't think Mogadon (nitraz) is sold here either...as for Erimin, well, maybe one of these days if I go on a visit to Thailand or something... *sigh* However, it's widely prescribed in France (along with Lexomil (bromazepam)), good thing I grew up there so I go there on a regular basis! I'll try hitting up the docs for some next time I'm in Paris. :D
How do the effects of those compare to clonazepam? All I know they seem to have in common is their long-lasting effects. I hear nitrazepam is very drowsy, and seems to have a hangover effect, but what about the euphoria? And is it a straight "knock-out" sleeping pill, or can you function fine on it in social situations? I've heard contradicting opinions regarding this benzo.

Anyway, thanks for the input. :)

Nimetazepam is a nitro benzo that behaves more like a 3-hydroxy benzos in the way it is metabolized. You won't find it in Thailand, either. In Thailand, nimetazepam, temazepam, flunitrazepam, and triazolam are Schedule II drugs. Of the 4, only triazolam is available on prescription. You'll get fakes anywhere you go in Southeast Asia, believe me. I'm on a quest to try every benzo possible and I'm planning a trip to Asia. The ONLY place where you can get legit nimetazepam is Japan because it is actually available on prescription. Japan is a highly developed nation and they produce good pharms, unlike most other Asian countries or even China and India. In fact, most of the prazepam in the US is imported from Japan in powder form and pharmaceutical companies in the US make them into pills. Japan has some serious hypnotics on the market - nimetazepam, temazepam, triazolam, and flutoprazepam.