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What's your benzo of choice: experiences and reasons...

Hey Guys,
Just to make this more interesting, let's give reasons as to why we like these specific benzodiazepine's, rather than just listing the ones we like. I'm guilty of exactly what I'm talking about too, so I'll go in to more depth:

My favorite benzodiazepine is by far Xanax out of the ones I've tried (diazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam, librium, triazolam, and clonazepam). Though tolerance does build up (like any other benzo), I've found that I'm able to consistantly get therapeutic and "recreational"(if you can really call benzo's recreational) effects out of alprazolam for the longest period of time at the same dosage. If I take 1mg of clonazepam for a month each day, I'll feel good for the first two days or so, but after that, the effects diminish drastically, until I virtually feel nothing but relief of withdrawal. With Xanax however, I can usually feel the same intensity out of the same dosage for at least two weeks, and once the tolerance kicks in, I can get that calm back by adding as little as .25 mg to my routine intake.

Xanax is also one of the few benzo's that actually gives me a speedy buzz. Don't get me wrong, it's great for sleep too, but having a football in the morning with a cup of coffee is as close to heaven as it gets (well, as far as all drugs but opiates are concerned). I'm also incredibly fond of the insanely fast onset of this benzo. As an IV drug user, I like my gratification as immediate as possible, and Xanax delivers that without having to stick a pin in my arm. I can feel the drug hit me before the thing even finishes melting in my mouth (that's right, I take it sublingually, and I LOVE that chalky taste!)
Of what I've tried:

I like alprazolam because it makes me probs the most social/giggly, but it lasts the shortest and also makes me the sleepiest!

I like clonazepam because it is so strong in that "im ucked up" way, but the same thing is also its detriment as more than 1mg is too much for me. clonazepam blacks me out very easily.

I like lorazepam because well actually I don't like lorezepam it sucks it's weak it sucks.

I tried etizolam and it was okay I guess, but it isn't a benzodiazepine.

Now I love diazepam, I don't think it's too weak; it's gentle and relaxing, as a benzo should be. Diazepam is the best.
Valium (diazepam) is my benzo of choice. I like how it is subtle, but then lasts very long with its anxiolytic effects, and its muscle relaxant properties are great for easing tension headaches and stiff muscles. They don't knock me out like other benzos do, but they certainly prepare my body and mind for sleep. I also like its long half-life which allows me to be able to skip days that I dose it which is always a plus.

I used to like xanax when I was younger, but it's more of a "let's get really fucked up" type of benzo, and I'm not really looking for that effect anymore. I have always experienced rebound anxiety from clonazepam, so that has never been one that I liked. Temazepam is pretty good, but I like it more for sleep, and it doesn't always put me in a good state of mind which is why it is kind of hit or miss for me. I have very limited experience with ativan, but I thought it was alright.
temazepam, klonopin, and valium are my favorites
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Diazepam always felt the best to me. Super subtle, just the way I like my benzos. Easily the nicest for putting me in a good mood. Xanax, not so much, the dose-response curve is just way too intense. Its far too easy to go overboard with it in my opinion, and isn't very euphoric at all.
How many threads are there out like this? Jesus H., all benzos are rather similar. I wouldn't discount any benzo, and I wouldn't tout one to be superior in all ways to the others.
i always seem to hav fun on clonazepam

i love xanax, i think id like triazolam more. rohypnol would also be rad./ same as midazolam.

when i was younger i used to love valium

these threads have been done to death and are boring as fuck

just sayin

id like to add tho that temazepam is a very overrated benzo imo, as is nitrazepam. i know... i bet msny of you disagree.

temazepam, nitrazepam (mogodon) and oxazepam (serepax) are usually the first benzos to be prescribed here. i dont rate oxazepam at all.

i think temazepams bad rep cpmes from when cunts used to IV those 30mg jellies. insane.

xanax got me ramblin.
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How many threads are there out like this? Jesus H., all benzos are rather similar. I wouldn't discount any benzo, and I wouldn't tout one to be superior in all ways to the others.
Different strokes for different blokes. Some are more effecient for Social Anxiety, some for Insomnia. Even though theyre all somewhat similar, they still have a different effect on everyone just like any other substance.
Different strokes for different blokes. Some are more effecient for Social Anxiety, some for Insomnia. Even though theyre all somewhat similar, they still have a different effect on everyone just like any other substance.

I suppose. It just seems a bit trivial to go over and over about a favorite benzo. They do have their different effects, but most can agree which are hypnotic, and which are more anxiolytic in nature. I was just in a less than perfect humor when I posted that, maybe my clonazepam hadn't fully kicked in yet. ;) Yes, I find clonazepam to be a really good benzo in all areas, though with tolerance I can't feel it much anymore, just its absence should it not be there. And I guess that is my benzo of choice, since that is the one I use daily and more regularly than any other benzo. But, I haven't met a benzo I haven't liked.
I have tried alprazolam, bromazepam, chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, diazepam, etizolam, flurazepam, lorazepam, lormetazepam, midazolam, nitrazepam, oxazepam, phenazepam, and temazepam.

I've got four main uses for benzos - insomnia, panic/anxiety disorder, hangovers and comedowns, and recreational use.

INSOMNIA - Nitrazepam was the best. It retained its sedative and hypnotic power - which was unrivalled among others I tried - with fairly prolonged use. Its duration is slightly longer than the typical person's need (or time available) for sleep, though, so you may sacrifice 2-4 hours of your waking time a little "out of it". Lormetazepam was almost as good, though not as physically sedating or heavy.
PANIC/ANXIETY - Clonazepam is my general go-to benzo and the one I've used through about 85% of times when I've suffered from panic attacks and anxiety. Clonazepam is not sedating, but instead motivates me to get stuff done. It works for long, relaxes both the muscles and the mind effectively, and isn't very amnesic.
For the most debilitating panic attacks, alprazolam has proved the best. It has also worked well when I only need short-term, immediate relief (eg. for the duration of a lecture) but need to maintain full cognitive ability later on. Its lack of sedative qualities also make it ideal for that purpose. It tends to be amnesic, though, so for use in situations which need to be recalled in detail, doses need to be quite low.
Lorazepam is almost as potent as an anxiolytic as alprazolam in my opinion, and also hits very fast. It has more potent muscle-relaxing and hypnotic properties, and is slightly less amnesic. Its longer duration makes it more suitable as a maintenance drug (alprazolam is more of an acute treatment), and it can be combined as a hypnotic without having to mix other drugs.

Hangovers, stimulant comedowns, post-binge depressions etc. are often different in character. Some are more emotionally depressing or paranoia-inducing; others nauseating or otherwise physically discomforting. Generally all benzos will do the trick, as they all possess favourable intrinsic properties for combating such ailments. Diazepam and lorazepam are among the best, in my opinion, since both begin to act quite quickly and possess anxiolytic, hypnotic and muscle-relaxing properties. For the comedowns and episodes of a more psychotic nature, alprazolam and lorazepam are among the best, although alprazolam's short duration may require re-dosing if the hangover or comedown is a long one. Physical discomfort has been perhaps best aided by nitrazepam. Overall, if I had to take one, it would be lorazepam - acts quickly, is potent in all benzodiazepine effects, and has a fairly long duration of action.

Alprazolam, lormetazepam and phenazepam all produced somewhat euphoric effects which others benzos I have tried have seemed to lack. Alprazolam gives the best mood lift, lormetazepam brings a general carefree, relaxed feeling, and phenazepam feels very dopey and stoney.

If I had to choose only one benzo for the rest of my life, I think I would go for lorazepam. Clonazepam is the one I use the most, but I feel that lorazepam has the widest and most balanced range of potential uses.
Very nice post! ^
Yes, I find clonazepam to be a really good benzo in all areas, though with tolerance I can't feel it much anymore, just its absence should it not be there. And I guess that is my benzo of choice, since that is the one I use daily and more regularly than any other benzo. But, I haven't met a benzo I haven't liked.
Completely agree with this.
have a fast metabolism, Klonopin only lasts about 4 - 5 hours for me and thats a good thing! Its also a muscle relaxer which I find to be nice as it aids me in sleeping and helps with GAD. Nobody would believe the anxiety Im experiencing these days.
Am I the only one who thinks temazepam isn't that insanely great mindblowingly euphoric benzo everyone says it is? I've had it scripted for about a year, and after a couple of years abstinence, I ended up taking 280mg in about 2 days (in 60-80mg doses, re-upping 20-40mg after a couple of hours), and only really noticed any noticeable effects when I mixed it with a few beers. Then I ended up just passing out for 2 hours, in a comatose-like state.

Either it's my tolerance, or I just don't get much euphoria from benzos on their own anymore... Since I've started taking benzos again, I've found the most euphoric to be midazolam (sublingually...IVed is cool and all but just too intense and overpowering to truly enjoy) after having a few beers. Also clonazepam seems to put me in the best mood just on its own, but also feels kind of speedy, and again, only truly feels relaxing when mixed with alcohol. Diazepam used to be my favorite, back a few years ago (I rarely drank alcohol back then, thought I'd mention that), 30-50mg on its own would put me in a great, giggly, dreamy state. Now it just kind of relaxes me...but it's hit-or-miss, some days I'll take it and feel real speedy and talkative, on others I'll just feel kind of sluggish.

Well, I just ate a whole red grapefruit, about 30 minutes ago, going to pop 40mg of diazepam (still have about 200mg left + 8mg of alprazolam left in the stash of benzos I accumulated over the last few weeks) and see how it goes. Also I'm still feeling kind of itchy and maybe a little high from the shot of dope I did last night around 10-11pm (it's 8am now...haven't slept all night, not even with the last 30mg of midazolam I had, which I took sublingually a few hours ago accompanied by a glass of wine...I just can't fall asleep on heroin!).


Anyways, I've been cooking this idea of going to the doc and getting a script for two benzos, ideally one long-lasting (doesn't have to be clonazepam long, but 4-8 hours would be nice) and a shorter-lasting one for sleep and recreation (them hypnotics are real good for that! =D).
Or probably not, getting addicted to benzos again is not really what I need at this point in my life, and since I can get a box of whatever pills I want at the pharmacy without a script (just gotta know the right people), and for ridiculously low prices, getting a script and being on a stable regimen I'll eventually have to taper off from is probably not the best idea...

But if you guys had your choice of two benzos, what would they be?
this is about the 100th thread on this topic but anyway. ive tried valium, xanax, temazepam & lorazepam
high doses of valium are the best. its the perfect balance between antianxiety & sleepyness.
temazepam makes me the most sleepy & xanax is the best antianxiety but valium sits right in the middle.
I need about 150mg though if i want a decent high :\
I could probably handle 300mg if i wanted even though the highest ive had is 150mg. but ive set a dose limit to 150mg. I dont wanna abuse it. hmm i guess some of u think that that dose is abuse but it honestly only has a subtle effect. I rekon taking 300mg of valium would be bliss though. I could only imagine the feeling it would give falling in & out of sleep. hmm i might actually need more than that to reach that effect.
I once jogged 16kg (which is the furthest ive ever run without walking some of the way) after taking 8mg of xanax (I think it was 8mg, cant remember lol, that figures) & 200mg tramadol. benzos dont make me tired unless i i were to take an extreme dose which i havnt ever really done. ive stupidly mixed alcohol with xanax before though & i was sitting down falling in & out of sleep.
btw if ya gunna mix benzos with alcohol make sure u take the benzos first & wait till they kick in before u have a drink unless u have a death wish
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ive tried all of the main ones and i would say valium is my favorite, its the best benzo for GAD imo, less abusable then xanax.

It's long-acting and is very effective for anxiety and panic attacks but also has strong muscle-relaxant properties (one of the strongest of all benzo's). Alprazolam has a too short duration and isn't especially relaxing physically (although mentally very effective for panic disorders) compared to clonazepam. Clonazepam feels like the most nice benzo both mentally and physically. It's not as sedating as diazepam and much more effective for anxiety IME (I've used both and also alprazolam and oxazepam for many years, switching from one to another, until I finally found clonazepam which I like most). It's also the most effective benzo for seizures and is sometimes prescribed to epileptics for its anticonvulsive properties.
I really like bromazepam. Alprazolam is nice too but doesn't work long enough imo. Then there's valium, which only gets interesting in high doses.
Nothing quite works like alprozolam for me. Though the beginning period of clonazepam is quite hard to beat.
Xanax. I suffer constant anxiety and panic attacks without this medicine. Very effective for medical use.