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What's your benzo of choice: experiences and reasons...

Recreational use? I don't know, I just use benzos for comedowns, tried clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, bromazepam and alprazolam, the last 2 are my Benzos of choice.

May combos like pot+ benzo or opiates + benzos could be euphorick, I usually add 1mg or 2mg of alprazolam to 20mg oxycodone and the oxy becomes more enjoyable... but no more euphorick
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bromazepam or rohypnol... they compliment weed so damn well

with bromazepam i could impulsively dose as much as i wanted without suffering any real bad memory loss...

with rohypnol the world seemed fluffier and lighter too, and when i had a joint euphoria smacked me in the face, removed EVERY negative side effect from smoking cannabis too. also made my pupils huge which i ADORE =D
i've only tried lorazepam, clonazepam, temazepam, and some other underrated benzo, started with an o. the first two barely did shit, even after taking 9 mg of clonazepam. so i'd have to say temazepam.
I had alprazolam, bromazepam, diazepam, oxazepam, lorazepam, etizolam, midazolam and phenazepam.

My favorite benzodiazepine for General Anxiety Disorder and tension related pain is diazepam. It's anxiolytic, long-lasting, subtle and just works for me. Its extra muscle-relaxant effects in higher dosage feel very nice, especially if you have stiff legs, arms, or neck and pain. For potentiating opiates, especially depressants like heroin (smoked) it's the best as the alprazolam/etizolam type benzos are way too sedating.
Finally for what it's worth, the pills taste really good. ;)

Phenazepam on the other hand is more sedating and hypnotic than diazepam, and for me it's more useful the day(s) after coming down from drug (stimulant) binges. The long duration can be useful or a problem if its amnesic effect overwhelm you.

For panic attacks or acute anxiety relief in difficult social situations I prefer lorazepam in low doses - it kicks in in just a few minutes (sublingual form) and the disinhibition makes me feel quite comfortable and puts me in a good mood. Overall, I prefer bromazepam.

Bromazepam is very good for the problems above, with few side effects and gives me a very nice mood-boost. In higher dose it is quite euphoric. One of my favorites.

Alprazolam was very useful for coming down from longer binges and was always able to knock me out. Its short duration sucks and OTC hypnotics or promethazine + diazepam worked better. I have only tried it a few times recreationally and I was kinda too sluggish and stoned. For the latter etizolam was way better, but YMMV.

Midazolam, well, obviously one of the best recreationally, but snort too much and you forget the whole euphoria ;). As it's very hypnotic and depressing, you better be careful combining it with opioids.

@Ms.Martini Oxazepam is the only benzodiazepine starting with an O [EDIT: of the standard -azepam -zolam names, I don't know about brand names] but hard to believe, as it's generally considered to be light and it feels more like lorazepam or diazepam, the duration obviously shorter, like lorazepam or alprazolam.
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I didn't wrote down my reasons and I don't want to get this topic closed.

So.. I made me a top 5 with my personal experiences with the substances.

#1 Bromazepam
Lexotan, no benzo ever got me even remotely as euphoric as bromazepam. in the 12-24mg range it works wonders for anxiety - and on top of that it makes you feel, well as I said, euphoric. Atleast that's my experience with the stuff.

#2 Alprazolam
Good old xanax. Was one of the first benzo I got prescribed, the 1mg XR ones. They heavily clouded my mind. In a good way. Well, if you wanna be stoned, not if you wanna be productive. :D

#3 Clonazepam
Rivotril/Klonopin - the xanax with the long half-life. (Thats how I see it, lol) It's not as potent though. It doesn't cloud my mind like alprazolam does, but the anti-anxiety properties are somewhat comparable. And unlike xanax you don't have to look at the time constantly thinking "can I take my next dose yet?" Very big advantage. I think it's better than xanax ime when used for therapeutic reasons because of the long half life, while I find xanax more suited for recreational use. Clonazepam is still a pretty potent and fun benzo though.

#4 Diazepam
Dem valiums - LOVE this substance, it gets me so relaxed. But they should really make a 50mg pill (lol) because I don't really think it's all that strong. I usually need a lot too feel anything. Maybe (just maybe.. teehee) it's because of my tolerance. Because friends report feeling good after 10mgs. Clonazepam and diazepam are the best benzos for therapeutic use IME.
#5 Lorazepam
Ativan. It feels like the weaker version of xanax to me. Gets my mind clouded, but it also affects my judgement more than other benzos. What I mean by that is: Most benzos don't cloud my judgement unless I take very big doses. Lorazepam is an exception to that rule. Even zolpidem doesn't do that to me.

Turned it into a top 10. There are a few I didn't mention. Oxazepam for example should be in this top 10, above prazepam but I forgot. Also didn't mention the Z-drugs. (They don't work well for me at all anyway.)

#6 Flurazepam
This would probably get a higher rating, but it's the first benzo I tried. I ate the whole box within a week. Never had them again after that. They were fun I remember, but it's been too long to compare.

#7 Lormetazepam
Supposed to be a hypnotic, but 2mg of lormetazepam is a weaker hypnotic than 2mg of ativan IME. 10mg doses or so can be fun, but other benzos are more fun.

#8 Tetrazepam
Relaxes your muscles, if you have no tolerance 3x50mg will give you a nice feeling of relaxed.

#9 Prazepam
A weak version of diazepam, it's actually one of the active metabolites from diazepam. It works just as long and for benzo-naive people it might be a good anxilotic. (I was taking xanax when they switched me to this, no can do.)

#10 Clobazam
A very weak benzo. Only tried it a few times (recently) and it's a long lasting anxilotic benzo too. It's weaker than prazepam.
How is loprazolam taken orally/sublingually? Does it produce a noticeable euphoria?

loprazolam is a great benzo in my books, i was on it for a long time, then switched to temazepam for a change, and now that temazepam is being taken offf the market, i'm going back to loprazolam, for both therapeutic (insomnia) and recreational purposes i think it's tip-top it's very powerfull orally, a high BA, never tried sublingually (can't imagine theres much to gain), and (allthough this was not in your question) i thught it interesting to mention that it can be IV'ed simply mixed with water (which is rare for a benzo. see captain H's "benzo solubiliy" thread), if thats your thing. Midazolam IV'ed is great too, but only having had it once, since only hospitals are allowed to use it here, it would be unfair to make a real judgement
flunitrazepam without any hesitation.
Those were the days when I could get repeat scripts for it.(6 years ago)
why - Kicks like a mule, amazing with weed, king for comedowns.
oh and....lol....food tastes sooo good on it.
Great memories and miss it terribly.
consumed: alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam

im much of a kpin fan. im prescribed it, it's the only one that works for my psychological stuff, and take 4 mg's and things get funny.
Triazolam- super potent, super short acting, the ultimate KO
Flunitrazepam- An alternative to alcohol for me since I can't drink.
Alprazolam- potent, very effective for use with stimulants.
Temazepam- excellent hypnotic, guarantees me a solid 10 hours of sleep.
Midazolam- very good amnesic, and hypnotic.
For me Alprazolam is the most effective when it comes to helping out with stimulants and is also very good for sleep and panic attacks. Clonazepam is great for anxiety in general, but not as good as Alprazolam in treating stimulants binges and what-not. For the sole purpose of getting high, I would have to pick Diazepam, hands down. It is extremely euphoric when taken with opiates and is not as sedating as Alprazolam, it can actually be quite stimulating.
Diazepam is the best all-rounder (sleep/anxiolytic/muscle relaxant/hypnotic). Good anxiolytics are alprazolam (acute panic), clonazepam (anxiety, long half-life, however takes ages to start working). Temazepam is a good hypnotic if you have no benzo tolerance. If you have a bit of a benzo tolerance go with higher dose diazepam fro sleep or try and get triazolam (to fall asleep) or nitrazepam (to stay asleep)....they shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of. Benzos which are common but not that great IMO are oxazepam (weak and takes ages to kick in), lorazepam (wishy washy feeling benzo) flunitrazepam (too strong-sheer madness) and Bromazepam (diazepam substitute common in France). I am not sure what to think about Bromazepam, but it seems to make some people a bit depressed the days after. It's an odd one. The other one I had for a colonoscopy is Midazolam which is somewhat similar to Triazolam but probably milder IMO. That's all I've tried! I'd want to reiterate again that diazepam is the safest and most versatile. I keep it on hand, and one alprazolam (2mg) if I need to knock myself out for whatever reason (panic/too many stims or whatever)
Best RC Benzo

So, what's your favourite RC benzo? As far as I'm aware, there are only 3 commonly available (please do correct me): phenazepam, etizolam, pyrazolam.

I would rank them thusly:

Decent all-rounder; seems to possess most effects and have a short duration like lorazepam, although I find it slightly more 'euphoric' (as in, I experience a subjective high) and hypnotic, and less anxiolytic. Not my #1 choice for anything, but a great last resort for ending binges or pulverizing hangovers.

I found this to be very strongly anxiolytic, relaxing, sedative, but unfortunately also quite amnesic (with a long half-life). If you can keep your dose under control, I found this a very good, long-lasting benzo - great to take right at the beginning of a meth binge, it'll smooth out the whole ride.

Orally, this had anxiolytic action equivalent to around oxazepam - weak - and no other modes of action to speak of. Pretty useless benzo unless you only need it to combat mild anxiety. IV administration yielded somewhat pleasant results, but still by far the worst intravenous drug effect, and still far from most benzos taken orally. Skip.
This isn't on your list, but lorazepam (ativan) is a good benzo to try. 1 mg ativan is equivalent to 10 mg diazepam (also not on your list but probably falls under one of them). It lasts 10-12 hours though stops being felt after about 4-5 hours. I find it gives me a bit of a buzz, in that I get a bit confused and silly/giddy, followed by moderate sleepiness. Throughout the entire time though, it is extremely effective against anxiety, covering social, agrophobia, claustraphobia and all other phobias commonly associated with anxiety. It helps hangovers, stim come-downs and is good in social situations, though not to be mixed with alcohol. I find there are a lot of gaps in my short term memory associated with use of ativan, though the benefits outweigh the 'bad', by far, in my opinion.