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whats the big deal with klonopin?

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BTW Clonazepam kicks ass, I hate trizolam and to some degree alprazolam(xanax).

I'm looking forward to try Flunitrazepam(rohypnol).

Btw some non-benzo drugs are awesome.
I absolutely love Zolpidem (ambiem). That shit is actually psychedelic on me!!
I just like to get hammered on ambien 30-40mgs at a time.
The best damn sleep you can get.

K-Pins are the shit to me, I take 3 mgs at six in the evening, go to sleep at 12, wake up at 9 still fucked up! YES!!!!!!! *arm pump*
In my experice kpins give me avery euphoric kinda high. if i'm in public while on heavy clonazepam i end up starting conversatons with rndom people, laughing, doing funny things....

I like that drug a lot, but my addiction was not worth the fun....
kpins are the best tasting drug period
they dont make me as stupid as xanax so thats a plus
they are fucking delicious
I just can't figure out why they would make it so good tasting.

I remember I spinkled peices of the wafers on a small bowl of vanilla ice cream! OH, MAN!!!!!!!!!
I wan't to go to my doc and say I hate the taste of the regular pills, and swap out again.
its due to the aroma a gues (that peachey minthy checalal taste).
The aroma ws so high that i could 'taste it' even when IVn oral drops.
update: the new walgreen generics are kick ass ... not the ones with the big M on one side
A lot of people like K-pins, but for me they just made me super sleepy. In Canada, we get the orange pills and it was nasty going down.

I'm familiar with several benzos and Temazepam is the best if you want to totally forget what happen the night before. The best benzo for chilling has got to be Lorazepam. Love that stuff.

Benzo by themselves don't really give me the HIGH I'm looking for , like in an opiate.

They're best saved for a rainy day when you need something to come down from binges.
Not to mention anxiety from boredom.

K-pins just kick ass!

K-Pins are the shit to me, I take 3 mgs at six in the evening, go to sleep at 12, wake up at 9 still chilled out! YES!!!!!!! *arm pump*

i love klonopin ive been addicted to benzos for over 5 years and my doc has me on 2 mg a day klonopin and personally i like the benzo high and with klonopins u can get a high like no other benzo will give you i started out eating xanax and still do i can eat 8 9 mgs a day of xanax but i feel like a zombie where as if i eat the same amount of klonopin im active and more alert and still high..
i couldn't really be that into benzo's without the adderall rx... cause it makes me say / do strange things ..... I hate feeling tired at all as well
Had 2 1mg k-pins last night on empty stomach (snorted 1). Chugged 2 beers and smoked a blunt. Walked a block or 2 to a party and had trouble walking and controlling my balance. Felt like I was flying. I drank a few more beers at the party and smoked and was straight up blacked out. Woke up on my floor late for class with all my clothes and shoes still on with no recollection of how I got there. Will definitely be doing the same tonight.
Debates over subjective opinions of drugs are stupid. That being said, I always favored klonapin over any other benzo except halcion. It made me feel more euphoric and more fucked up (I love being dizzy, it's one of my favorite things about GABAergic drugs) for way longer then any other benzo.
I haven't had the pleasure of trying it yet, I've heard too many different opinions on it so I don't look to hard for it. Some say it's the best benzo ever and some say it's fucking shit.

If it's anything like Xanax than I'll gladly turn it down. Makes me feel exactly what the OP said K-pins feel like.
^ It's not like Xanax at all. The only thing they have in common is the potency, mg for mg. I don't like Xanax, and I love Klonopin =D
Give it a try, you'll be surprised.
klonopin is a godsend after being on xanax daily for 2 years, it controls my anxiety and keeps me pretty even due to it's long half life. I don't use it to get high though, just as prescribed, if I run out early I'm screwed. It's a great drug for what it's prescribed for when you need it.
Klonopin is definitely an effective anxiety reducing drug, perhaps the best because of the long half life. As far as recreation; I have taken 17mg of ativan with 20mg of klonopin, and lived, but it wasn't all that fun. Xanax is my personal favorite recreational benzo, clonazepam is what gets me through the day.
Combining Klonopin with amphetamines is great. Its longer duration keeps it working for as long as the amphetamines and really takes the edge off. By taking the edge off I mean it diminishes the ugly side effects.

K-Pins are also great as muscle tension pain relievers and of course for anxiety. Its longer duration makes it effective for insomnia and also due to its duration it works like a charm for comedowns.
Klonopin is definitely an effective anxiety reducing drug, perhaps the best because of the long half life. As far as recreation; I have taken 17mg of ativan with 20mg of klonopin, and lived, but it wasn't all that fun. Xanax is my personal favorite recreational benzo, clonazepam is what gets me through the day.

Holy shit man I'm surprised you lived. I had 4 K-pins the other night and a few beers and thought I might not make it. Makes me black the fuck out like no other when combined with alcohol.
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