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whats the big deal with klonopin?

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Heres "the big deal with klonopin" for me personally.

I've been on adderall since 7th grade. My body just can't take certain negative aspects of this medication; and my 2mg of klonopin honestly saves my ass every night. My doc didn't like the idea of this combo at first, but I just told him strait up; look this is what works for me. The clonazepam takes the edge off the adderall real good, and the adderall makes it so you don't get loopy and forgetful on the klonopins.

I don't even need to smoke weed everyday like I used to. I'm also off a pretty tough two years on suboxone. Once I got my RX's in order, I finally had the nerve to ditch those last little bits every few days of bupe.

Now I feel happy. My only complaint is that for some reason this combo makes lights very sensitive to my already sensitive eyes. At night the lights actually glow and have a "trailing" effect! lol. Honestly its not so bad, but it can make it hard to drive really late.

I think its because I also take Sam-E a lot. Which I love too.
I don't really see why anyone would say or take Kpins over other benzos. In my experience Kpins are pretty low but the weakest benzos are valium then Temazepam (which just so happens to be the one that I get). The best benzo pill that u can get is Xanax in my opinion and YES i've tried them all.

Id happen to put temazepam over xanax klonopin and valium. hypnotic benzos are where its at euphoria wise.
I've tried many times to use kpins recreationally (as much as 4mg) and never really gotten much out of it. I would say it's weaker than xanax but better than ativan, which I've had IV'd in the hospital and still felt absolutely nothing.
yeah klonopins make me a different person. I am mean to people that I love. However, the first hour or two after I swallow them, I feel euphoric and I am nicer to people. Klonopin lasts a very long time compared to every other benzo, the longer into the day, the more irritable and mean you will be. My favorite is Xanax but xanax lasts like 2-3 hours tops. Klonopins are strong like Xanax but last way longer
Yeah sry I have to repeat myself , but costco/walgreens generics are weaK! Roche is the only way to go!
Yeah sry I have to repeat myself , but costco/walgreens generics are weaK! Roche is the only way to go!

Perhaps that's why I don't enjoy em that much?

But today I did feel the effects significantly for the first time ever. Around 8:30 AM I took 2mg, then at 4:30 PM I took another two mgs (I had just gotten ahold of 6 1mg pills), and then I layed in bed and listened to my ipod. I woke up at 6:15, and my mom told me she tried to wake me up earlier but she couldn't wake me. At 9 PM I was about to take more because I still didn't feel inoxicated, but when I looked in the bottle there was only 1 pill left! So sometime in 1 hour and 45 minutes I had blacked out and taken 3 more pills. But the wierd thing is, when I woke up I still felt completely sober, and again I say, I had no recolection of ever taking any more pills. After that I decided I might as well take the last pill because one wouldn't effect me at all, but around 10 or so I started to feel really relaxed, kinda had jelly legs, and I wasn't walking very straight. I felt quite euphoric, and decided I liked the high... if only I didn't have to take so much.

I guess it just takes me 8mg to feel anything? I wouldn't have ever thought about taking that much at once, because I didn't think I had that high of a tolerance to benzos. So perhaps the walgreens generics are weaker? I wouldn't think so but...
Clonazepam is by far the best benzo ive been prescribed for general anxiety, its not to sedating and i can still remember everything ive done....and unlike xanax you dont have to take it every four hours to stay level ....when it comes to recreational use of course people want what comes on the quickest and hits the hardest , for the people who truly need hep with there anxiety Clonazepam i find to be as if not more effective as the rest of meds in the same class .....good luck
I think clonazepam is good because it allows Nero transmitters (serotonin or dopamine) to still function without inhibition.

for instance, I take my klonopin for "neck-tension" and "anxiety" related to my adderall intake.

Before klonopin, i tried xanax and diazepam; but they seemed to block any "happy juice" from getting through. Klonopin allows you to feel "stimulated" whilst being somewhat sedated or relaxed.

So even if you are not on adderall I would say Klonopin is the best (once you can stay awake on it) because it can actually make you feel good without "dulling your senses" too much anyway.

Actually I love Klonopins!

It must obviously effect people in very different ways, I like XanaX more, but Kpins are a very close 2nd.
I've come to realize klonopin is my favorite. I love it by itself , but its my favorite benzo to take while on methamph or any upper. Takes the edge off just right and it has a long duration
alright well last night i was with my girlfriend and she gave me 3 1 mg k pins after awhile we started messing around and she tried to give me a blowjob but my dick would not get hard at all, frustrated i found a bottle of my dads Viagra and popped 2 of them, after that i could get a full erection. But i couldn't cum we fucked for a good hour and half but it just wouldn't happen can someone please help me out ?
dont take benzos and fuck. help received.

my buddy took some kpins a couple days ago but damn that shit made him angry at everything. way more irritable.
When Klonopin makes you violent... it is in fact your fault, not klonopins for punching holes in the walls. That is pent-up rage, and klonopin simply un-inhibited your ability to mask it.

Klonopin is great for me; it actually makes me more peaceful! But i have seen people flip the fuck out on it before.

This! I am prescribed 1mg twice/day. I only take them as needed and they work great. I'm fucked without them if I feel overwhelmed or in a crowded place.
Klonopin is a gift from GOD. take a few dissolve under your tongue, put your favorite band on the head phones andjust fucking CHILL bro.. your eyes will close, nod out a little (if you take enough) full body and mind high, its amazing
My previous post stated that I liked xanax better, than Klonopin.. But, now, after taking kpins for 2 days, then taking xanax for 2 days, for almost a month.. I like Kpins better.

There is a difference. And while I still do like xanax, the kpins seem stronger, longer and for sure TASTE BETTER.

I get RX'd Kpins 1mg and XanaX 1mg.
I can't take xanax without falling asleep, so klonopins are my benzo of choice. They give a nice high that you can even stay awake on if you need, and smoking weed goes really well with it.
ive tried a variety of benzos... and i just dont get why anyone would ever WANT kpins.

i mean, they ARE benzos, but the crappiest ive had by FAR. its like a pure body high--i feel like im not fucked up at all, but then i cant walk and i slur my speech.

wheres the fun in that?

with diazepam or lorazepam or even alprazolam, theres some fun mind-altering going on, but kpins just make me mad.

am i the only one like this? are there others?

i see a lot of praise on this board for clonezpam, and from my real life experiences with it, i think its evil. everyone that i know that tried it had some sort of horrible emotional breakdown within a day of taking it. one of my female friends tried to kill herself. one of my guy friends got into a fist fight.

i punched a bunch of holes in my wall--which really isnt like me.

i already know--klonopin isnt for me. but does anyone else hate it like i do?

Firstly, remember that different people can have different reactions to drugs. Not everyone will experience the same effects (in the 6 years I've been taking them, I've never punched a hole in the wall). Secondly, what dose were you doing? For someone with no tolerance, you would probably need around 4mg's or more to actually feel recreational effects. I've been on clonazepam daily for years, and when I occasionally abuse them, I need a good 10-12mg's to get "high" due to my tolerance. Admittedly, the euphoria isn't very intense... at least not as intense as the euphoria from opiates. It's more like a feeling of total stress-free relaxation. I don't have a care in the world when I'm high on clonaz. And on a high enough dose I even find myself nodding, just as someone would on opiates. Clonazepam is one of the most potent benzos available.
I like Klonopin. The only other benzos that work for me are temazapam and ativan.
I just joined this site and as someone who has been on both Xanax (which after hallucinationg due to a withdrawl switched to Klonopin for anxiety/attack
I have taken Tuinal, Seconal, Nembutal, all the hypnotics not around anymore, ludes, , I cant get high if I tred these days,
I feel like Im reading a bunch of teenages posts. 1-3 mg and getting HIGH? Cant help but tell ya all to jump off this wagon of your on it for "fun" these pills are no joke kicking, if ya dont need em, like I wish I did NOT, be happy and move the fuck on! trust me. Oh and shooting pills, stupidest thing I have ever heard of.
wish there were some people here with real tolerence so I could gauge my feelings. Thank god for Ryan.
etizolam, a thienodiazepine.
Simply wonderfull..

Unfortunately it is not maketed in the US.
Sux for you!!

I think i'ma get anotherone....lol
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