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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

whats the big deal with klonopin?

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Well Valium is my only love, 60mg of them(spread out within an hour), I feel at peace I only wish they lasted long...No Anxiety, Nothin...

Klonopins I don't know yet, I just took 3mg, I'll see I guess...

Xanax. I hate it, I feel absolutely nothin from them, I increased the dosage a few time to make sure, after taking 12mg and still nothin...Their crap to me...
And yeah, just finally got some real RochE brand Kpins again. They are 4x as potent as the average equi-potent generic.
Well clonazepam is a powerful anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and moderate muscle relaxant. Very weak sedative activity.
It's not euphoric, not in my experience at least and I've done them plenty of times in big and small doses. Another undesirable thing about clonazepam is the fact it takes a while to kick in (up to 1 hour for me).
Klonopin has a tendency to make me snap as opposed to other benzos, but that's just me. Last time I took 12 mgs and I felt good without any bad reactions though
clonazepam is essential

ive tried a variety of benzos... and i just dont get why anyone would ever WANT kpins.

i mean, they ARE benzos, but the crappiest ive had by FAR. its like a pure body high--i feel like im not fucked up at all, but then i cant walk and i slur my speech.

wheres the fun in that?

with diazepam or lorazepam or even alprazolam, theres some fun mind-altering going on, but kpins just make me mad.

am i the only one like this? are there others?

i see a lot of praise on this board for clonezpam, and from my real life experiences with it, i think its evil. everyone that i know that tried it had some sort of horrible emotional breakdown within a day of taking it. one of my female friends tried to kill herself. one of my guy friends got into a fist fight.

i punched a bunch of holes in my wall--which really isnt like me.

i already know--klonopin isnt for me. but does anyone else hate it like i do?

Well I find it a big deal that H.laRoche use that brand name in the US. It means absolutely nothing to anybody in the rest of the world. Even the two brands that Roche licence to other companies - ICN Galenika of Beograd and Nicolas Piramal in their several Indian facilities are branded 'Rivotril', which is understood probably in the yurts of Inner Mongolia, whereas 'Klonopin'...? could be anything!
If you suffer from severe acute panic attack, status epilepticus, a very high level of GAD, or even the very occasional seizure, you will find many thousands of docs whose first choice when picking up the pad is to write up 'clonazepam', normally 500mcg tds, but my script is for 2mg qds. A VERY large dose, as is my anxiolytic, brand Xanax 2mg tds when I can afford it (in the UK 500mcg is the highest dosage unit available so I end up with having to take a wheelbarrow to the pharmacy) and when I have to rely on the NHS, lorazepam 2.5mg qds. Very few pharms even STOCK that strength, only the 1mg.
You sound like a purely recreational BZD user. You are correct. You will not get a 'dunt' like lorazzies or high doses of diazepam (BTW are there actually any really good diazepams in the US, because I have tried many and have yet to find any to rival the European ones, with the exception of the execrable and expensive Ratiopharm crap. And we all know that the only Valium worth buying is that from the Argentinian or Belgian/French factories. How Roche can make extremely poor benzos at most of its factories is a mystery. I hope that if you are an Internet buyer that you are aware Roche Valium, Lexotanil, Dormicum, and, yes RIVOTRIL have not been made in Pakistan for many years. All BZDs purporting to be made at the Karachi factory are fake and have been for some years.
Back to clonazepam. It is a wonderful drug which does exactly what it says on the tin, and in this case, Roche's product is actually one of the better ones. Try the very fast-onset CLONOTRIL which I think is made by Sun in India, a country with excellent generics amongst a plethora of poor ones. Check forums always when buyingnIdian meds and avoid Pakistani ones. Funny, the 15, 22.5 & 30mg RESTORIL (a brand of temazepam which comes in capsules) are just as good, and in the 30mg case better, than the worldwide favourite 20mg 'jellies' or 'eggs' branded Normison and Euhypnos.
If it were not for Rivotril or the excellent AudenMacKenzie generic (CLN2 white 2mg) I may still be falling down rigid and causing nasty cuts to my cheeks or tongue-biting. It is an excellent adjunct to my admittedly very strong anxiolytic, and, importantly, does not turn me into a quivering mess as would the equivalent 40mg diazepam, which also interferes with one's intellectual capacities so that for several hours, you're incapable of proper organisation of thought processes not to mention staggering all over the place and talking shite, seen also in high dose fenazepam and almost any dose ethanol use.
Look mate, if your BZD needs are intoxication and not the targetted treatment of a medical problem, then by all means go overdose on some high quality diazepam like Apaurin, Bensedin, Terapia, Lembrol, PLidan or Fabotranil (I know, a lot of people don't like those tan coloured Argentinian diaz by Fabra, but I have used them plenty and they DO have the strong intoxicating ffect, the alcohol-like staggering and amnesia etc. I actually read one guy who wrote 'if they're so cheap they can't possibly be any good.'
Or hit the highest grade alps from Agentina, and not only Gador's ALPLAX or the green DenverFarma generics. You want good pharmaceuticals then Belgium, Argentina, a few Bago products from Ecuador, and, for the best generic benzos, the Balkans. Slovenija's APAURIN is recognised widely as the highest quality diazepam, certainly much better than non-Argie Valium, closely followed by Bensedin from Srbija (where they also make KSALOL which is every bit as good as ALPLAX) and Romania's legendary Terapia generic, which company I believe Roche has a high shareholding in. Must be because they make so much better diazepam than the overrated and expensive VALIUM. Even the Indian Piramal/Roche Valium is better than most of Roche's output.
But my whole point is quit the pathetic whingeing about Rivotril. It is along with Rohypnol and Lexotanil and Dormicum 15 one of Roche's finest products, dependent on where they make it! I for one am so grateful for its anti-seizure and sedative effects along with millions all over the world. Wanna just get benzo blasted? So take a cocktail of Ksalol, Apaurin, Flormidal, Alplax and Seresta Forte. Then have a great time countng the bruises the next day while them and the whisky wear off, unless you can just check the notes at the foot of the bed you spent the night in (presuming hossie and not cop shop!)
Clonazepam is 20 times more potent than diazepam by weight and just because a couple of white ones don't make you tumble doesn't mean you're not getting the full clonnie effect... An OD of Rivotril is more serious than an OD of most BZDs.
I should have mentioned that Rivvies DO have a strong sdative action. Just, I fear, not the particular oblivion you're after. Go get scripted for some barbitals or go to Canada and bring back a car full of methaqualone. Clomethiazole might suit you as well. When you talk diazepam, you're talking about only the second BZD discovered - before they refined them to be useful for certain treatments. Remember my phrase 'chemical cosh'. I do not understand why so many quacks still prescribe it for a simple GAD, it's most useful function is as a ten day taper when the booze has made DTs a very high possibility.
Don't eyeball MDPV. The difference between not enough/too much is a very fine line, you don't want to cross it.
No scale. And so far(knock on wood) ive been very good on dose. Without a scale. Im more worried about the two mixed. (Klonopin and Cloud 9)
A benzo and a stimulant at the same time? I'd take the kpin after the mdpv.
Clonazepam can cause mood swings for me sometimes. If somebody interrupts me when I'm trying to relax myself I can get a little angry.
Many people find that, paradoxically, BZDs can make them aggressive. I don't THINK this off function of anxiolytic sedatives is yet fully understood, but last I heard, they were working with people whose consistently high intake of particularly heavily intoxicating BZDs (diazepam, nordazepam, medazepam, cloxazolam, temazepam and high doses of 2mg flunitrazepam) may well have permanently changed the parameters of their reaction to GABA. I know a guy who takes like 150mg diazepam as a single dose, and claims he barely feels it. BZDs are as bad as alcohol for this type of tolerance effect. When it seems to go 'on the turn', then you'd be in danger of getting a condition not unlike Korsakoff's. Check the literature, you'll find it also happens to be more common with nitrobenzos with half lives of up to 250 hours, yet triazolobenzos are often touted as the wicked ones and 'more addictive', just because their much shorter L/2 (c. 6hrs in the cases of alprazolam and lorazepam) results in a necessary more frequent redosing. Fuck it, a benzo is a benzo, and their abuse rather than enjoyment can cause problems - aggression seems to be becoming more common in those who take what I'd describe as ridiculous dosages. They probably don't even give a thought to the fact they're permanently fucking up their GABA receptors, either, so will NEVER feel a proper benzo buzz again. May also become a big problem with midazolam at the dentist's or IV/IM diazepam or lorazepam emulsions as premeds before surgery.
Yes, I exceed the recommended dose of my benzos, I take up to 36mg bromazepam or 80mg prazepam to deal with the after effects of a fully blown panic attack, but generally would consider 4mg alprazolam or 7.5mg lorazepam as pushing the boundaries of enjoyable recreation without fucking up my receptors for the rest of my natch.
If your prone to getting angry or in-appropriately emotional on klonopin ; then it is simply not for you. . . .
Don't eyeball MDPV. The difference between not enough/too much is a very fine line, you don't want to cross it.
I agree totally. Personally Ive never weighed MDPV pure or Bath Salts. Or Mephadrone for that matter. Just start VERY LOW DOSES and I guess Ive had good luck on not "doing too much". BTW that mix of Kpin and MDPV was amazing. ;)
30-50 mg of klonopin in a weekend finally got me to kick out my loser ex husband after being together for 5 years. Never really partied with benzos - they always made me fiesty and mean...

a friend came to town and had a fistful, so we ate them.. all.

Best weekend of my life - it took me getting THAT out of it to finally make the life change I so desperately needed. I said everything I'd been holding back for years, and god DAMN it felt good!

I don't use them anymore other than the VERY occasional medical use - .25 mg maybe 2 -3 times a year, tops.

I noticed MDPV was mentioned - I had fun with it - and am very glad it's gone. It affected me for weeks after I quit - and I had a very short run. For me, bud and kratom, and I'm good to go.
Clonazepam can cause mood swings for me sometimes. If somebody interrupts me when I'm trying to relax myself I can get a little angry.

it causes me mood swings too sometimes hwen i overdidi i would start weeping for no reaosn at all weird but i still lvoed it especially with a few bowls or beers(even tho ik that mixing these aint a good idea)last time id id i sort of blacked out faded memories..drunk call to an ex weird i was drnker than usual it was prob the clon
klonopin is a great benzo with nice muscle relaxing effects and slight mental relieving qualities, not as much as a kick as xanax for the mental, but it does the trick grezt with the right dose, long haLF LIFE,, mild withdrawls compared to xanax, thats why i got off of xanax cuz its too addictive, so im on 2mg twice a day,, yeah xanax feels great mentally, but klonopin can too and less of of a monkeyo n ur back..sorry im drunk if id ont make sense, but klonopin is better for benzo adddicts
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