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What the hell am I dong wrong? (Dating websites)

I PM'ed you nutskin. Get at me. Just so you know I'm not raping your thread.
There's only one troll in this thread, trust me. My username and avatar are ancient and since I've been back I've seen plenty of other people with silly avatars. And do you really think I'm using those for a dating site? C'mon.

Then maybe you should change them....
Then maybe you should change them....

Maybe you should quit spamming my fucking threads. What are you drunk or something? You're like the annoying person at the party who thinks they're hilarious who everyone else runs away from. Oh well I think this one's run its course. Thanks for anyone who gave me some honest advice. Hopefully I don't feel compelled to respond to anymore of this nonsense.
All I wana say is, I tried the POF route a few years ago and same thing happened, no responses or hardly anything. Like wtf, I'm not that un attractive?!!

So... I made a fake girls profile with a cute pic, no description and had over 100 messages in my inbox by the end of the day. Screw that shit. My 2 cents.
Maybe you should quit spamming my fucking threads. What are you drunk or something? You're like the annoying person at the party who thinks they're hilarious who everyone else runs away from. Oh well I think this one's run its course. Thanks for anyone who gave me some honest advice. Hopefully I don't feel compelled to respond to anymore of this nonsense.

Okay I guess I killed you're thread didn't mean to oh well;).

Good luck with the chicks.

No I'm not drunk! Just giving input not spamming....

To close out my contribution: By the by, POF sucks, IMO. OkCupid and Match have much higher signal-to-noise ratios, especially Match (you do get what you pay for).
From an outsider's perspective, dating sites seem like a numbers game: Contact lots and lots of potential dates.

Also, sites like POF seem to have some super-hot girls, but for the most part these girls have high superficial standards (In order to get a date, You had better have money, or be a really handsome photogenic dude for her to show off).

The rest of the "fish", should just be a numbers game. Send enough messages out (25? 50? 100?) and you should land some fish. Always helps to seem employed, reasonably good looking, and socially adequate.

The only experience I have with dating sites (and this is old school), was when AOL Messenger was popular. I was in college, and I noticed that chicks using match.com and other sites would often have the same AIM Name. Fuck it, it was free... Msg'd like the 50 hottest locals i could find, got like 10 responses, and got a couple dates...
OP: You know, if you're truly looking for a relationship, you need to get out and meet people in real life. The whole internet dating thing is...questionable at best. (unless you just want to fuck somebody)

Get out there and find someone!!! :D
Single male, fit, employed, capricorn dragon. Looking for love, or fun whichever comes first.
I am opinionated, arrogant, and rude. I am happily divorced, but really want to get married asap, because my parents want to use their basement to set up a ping pong table. Potential partners must have a wide screen TV with surround sound.

My Halo slip[s quite often, sometimes to the point where it chokes me.
greeneyes is not trying to be a bitch she's actually a very sweet person it's just me and her don't understand how someone couldn't meet a girl somewhere in daily life and make a real relationship i find online dating to but a bit sad maybe it's a confidence thing idk but unless something is seriously wrong with you it's not hard to strike up a conversation with a girl that could most deffinately lead to a real relationship
I hate POF. I decided to make an account there because i have lots of down time at work to surf internet (like now). In the countless hours i spent messaging, i never once was able to follow thru and actually meet anyone. I have met females online from chat rooms and message boards before too, its that whole dating site thing, it really makes it weird and akward.
I am no stud or anything but bars have just worked out best for me. Not douchy clubs that stink of Axe and fakeness, but bars and pubs that cater to alternative types. Even if you don't leave with anyone that night, a number is 100x more promising than a POF message.
If you are not the bar type there are many groups you can join. I go to one of those exercise boot camp things, i am always the only guy, they always invite me out for coffee after too. And now that i think about it someone always ask me if i have GF. Better to have ratio on your side.
Good luck!
your problem is that women get a shitload of messages every day so you have to be super hot or wealthy or something to attract them on there. in real life your personality/game is the great equalizer but there's no way to show your personality on a dating website.
Tell me about it... I've been browsing some transgender dating websites...and there like based solely on sex.. It's really hard to find a site dedicated to LTR.