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What opiate gives you the best NOD.

Its from norco of all things. Only 4 10/325s. LOL
I am such a newbie.

enjoy it while it lasts

i remember those first few norco n percocets nods being some of the most enjoyable ive ever had

hell first time i got oxycontin it was the best nod i had had up until that point n its easily still top 5, i sat back in my chair, did nothin on the computer for 4 or 5 hours had an extremely blissfull time n remember tellin my buddy who i got it with how amazing it was n how i had found my 'thing' n that if i could get it on the regular it'd be game over for me :\
Yes enjoy it while it lasts!!!

I remember when I first started opies back in 2003 I would be set for a day with 4 7.5/mg Lortabs. Yes I would take just 2 in the morning and 2 at night. How I wish I could go back to that tolerance. I start my methadone taper this week. I currently take 105 mg's a day and still get a nod...not euphoric but I still can nod out. I am going down to 95 mg's this week and worry I will be able to tell the difference.
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Yes enjoy it while it lasts!!!

I remember when I first started opies back in 2003 I would be set for a day with 4 7.5/mg Lortabs. Yes I would take just 2 in the morning and 2 at night. How I wish I could go back to that tolerance. I start my methadone taper this week. I currently take 105 mg's a day and still get a nod...not euphoric but I still can nod out. I am going down to 95 mg's this week and worry I will be able to tell the difference.

Do you want that little as you said "not euphoric" nod to come between you and a happier life?

Best nod? Heroin. I like oxycodone better than even good IV heroin because the high is more energetic and functional.
Heroin gives a helluva nod. Weirdly though, tramadol gives me the heaviest nod, especially when combied with buprenorphine.
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For pure nodding: Codeine. Haven't had a Codeine nod in ~3/4 years, but can vividly remember being absolutely annihilated, drooling and dreaming and itching and scratching and mumbling in the perfectly warm and comfortable opiate blanket. Codeine always had a special ring to it, and if my tolerance was low enough it still would, in that the come-up was like a rocket with a level of sedation no opiate has ever matched - I'm not one for 'mild, smiley, a little warm' highs, I aim for 'full throttle, head in your lap, somatically orgasmic, dreaming Morpheus' dreams' sort of highs.
However, the best high overall, in my opinion and experience, is Poppy Tea. It gets so much hate by people who either tried 200g of seeds and didn't nod or never tried it at all and just reiterate what the former group stated. If you can find a reliable source of good quality seeds, yes; they actually do exist, then the high from the right dose is *Ace Venture voice* B-E-A-Utiful! True, it doesn't have the punch-in-the-face-euphoria that comes with Oxycodone and Oxymorphone (or Heroin, but my experience is limited), but it lasts an obscene amount of time: low doses can be felt for 8-10 hours, medium doses for ~12, high doses for 16-18, with my longest actual high (as opposed to removal of WD symptoms) being 26 hours, though careful manipulation of enzyme inducers and inhibitors was needed. The Thebaine content was something I hated at first, but I came to appreciate it as part of the high, allowing me to function and remain conscious for up to 8 hours if I needed, before my beloved Morphine took over.

P.S. Now that I think about it; I came into possession of a small sample of 4-Acetyl-Loperamide a few months ago. That was absolutely obscene stuff, in such a weird way: the initial high was almost stimulating and didn't begin until 2 hours post-ingestion, then came a NMDA style dissociation until around hour 8, then the opiate high took over, and grabbed like a vice. I was in Heaven, scratching my arms until they bled while writhing in opiated beauty for ~28 hours before I had to consciously down coffee in order to be close to functional.

God-damn, I love my opiates! <3
Heroin gives a helluca nod. Weirdly though, tramadol gives me the heaviest nod, especially when combied with buprenorphine.

Tramadol gives a totally different kind of nod. It's almost like some weird mix between a very minor dose of ketamine+a weak opiate. I like it combined with heroin or weed. Alone it's kind of insufficient though.

I don't know. I don't think I've ever nodded harder than from a big shot of good dope. The kind of nod where you can't even keep shit in your hand, and you'd look like someone stole your bones to anyone looking at you from the ridiculous and impossible contorted positions you end up in. Ha.

IV Heroin, that fire ECP or China.

Methadone + sedating benzodiazepine (i.e. Diazepam).

I don't know. I don't think I've ever nodded harder than from a big shot of good dope. The kind of nod where you can't even keep shit in your hand, and you'd look like someone stole your bones to anyone looking at you from the ridiculous and impossible contorted positions you end up in. Ha.
Hahaha, agreed. One of the greatest things in the world. :p
Do you want that little as you said "not euphoric" nod to come between you and a happier life?

Best nod? Heroin. I like oxycodone better than even good IV heroin because the high is more energetic and functional.

word. oxy ftw and ultimately ftl.
but never ivd heroin, can tell it wudn't rock my socks tho. had iv dipipenone, morphine ad nauseum. heroin in the noise, raw stuff my best nod but i hate nodding. why am i typing this?
between methadone and hydromorphone (dilaudid) of course methadone orally and dilaudid IV but idk they are similar to me but its hard to pick one cause I love them all
and mostly all makes me nod if its a big enough dose bahhhh I cant choose 8(
Oxycodone always gave me the best nod, I'd always burn everything from nodding off with a smoke..
The best nod I ever got was from methadone.

I get take homes, and I'm on 80mg daily, I get 2 wafers everyday.

One day I took an extra half wafer, to make it 100mg total, the most I've ever took. It was SO euphoric, the nod was amazing. It felt like there was a warm blanket of euphoria inside my body. I LOVE methadone. I was an oxycodone/heroin addict before I got on methadone. Methadone is just as if not more euphoric than both oxycodone and heroin.
Goddamn fentanyl for sure, buccal. Aside that, Hareon, Opana, and M-dones. Of course, mixed with benzos.
high dose oxy
Opana would not for hours at a time, honestly it might have put me to sleep haha