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What Kind of Heroin/Opiate user are you?

I'm 25 years old and I live in Southern Oregon. I've been an opiate addict for 4 years, off and on heroin, methadone and suboxone.
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Atlantic Canada. Coke both in powder form and rock is the DOC here and the most common but opiates are plentiful if you know a connect. It's a very small place so if you have a bad rep you are fucked altogether as noone worth a fuck will sell to a fuckin grass or cop bait. Also if you are not from here which would be rather obvious by the lack of a accent you had better know someone who can vouch for you or you aren't getting fuck all. However if you have a good rep you will have no trouble scoring anything so it works both ways.

The main opiates on the streets now are morphine, hydromorphone and methadone. Of course codeine is easy to get as it's OTC and it's not very hard to get a doc to script you Tylenol#3's or 4's or the 30mg codeine pills with no acetaminophen or the high dose codeine contins. Oxycodone used to be the opiate most sought after here but after they got rid of the oxycontins the price for Oxy IR's and Percocet went right through the fucking roof with percs going for as much as $8 a pill for fuckin 5mg percs! That is fucking insane. So now instead of people eating oxycontins, Oxy IR's and percs you get people eating or shooting morphine or snorting or shooting dilaudid or hydromorph contins. Methadone is easy to get to but goes for about $1 a mg which is a tad pricey.

I have watched the opiate scene change alot since i was a wee lad. Fiorinal-C's, Tylenol#3's and 4's, 30mg codeine pills, Demerol, morphine or if you where really lucky dilaudid used to be the most common opiates on the street here back around the mid to late 90's. Now most people younger then me wouldn't even know what Fiorinal-C's or Demerol are
Norcal. It's kind of hard for me to get opiates now but a several months ago I could get stop-sign opanas and dilaudid all the time for cheap. Now all I can get are lower-tier pills like vics/norcos and percocets, in addition to the occasional OG oxycontin if i'm lucky. H is semi-available, but it doesn't really appeal to me seeing as I dont IV and I usually get pills for good prices
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I'm clean now, but this interests me too.

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
22, East Coast

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
All about the heroin. Pills never did anything for me really.

3. How often do you use opiates?
At my worst, at bundle a day on average, depended on the money.

4. Why do you use opiates?
They just feel amazing. Nothing could touch me. I was on top of the whole damn world.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Now it's different, left all my old buddies behind. Now it's more of an RC, weed, coke, alcohol atmosphere. If my friends did do opiates they are kind enough to keep me from finding out.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV only, only way I'd feel it.
I too live in a NE college town. Assuming NE = New England or Northeast and not Nebraska.

Not a current opiate user. I'm from a NE college town as well oddly enough.

Probably why in part I seem to get on whith u two alright. It's great we have like hundreds of them.. and goodies are always flowin. It's those damn Euro's that keep beefing with me... :\

As for LA, well la is hard to describe.

no it's really not: scummy. ;)
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
20, turn 21 on Friday, live in Poland now (originally from England)

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate I tried was Codeine. Then Buprenorphine. Then Loperamide (Yep, got effects with a high enough dose, albeit rather uninteresting ones). More recently I tried Poppy Seed Tea which I've come to love.

3. How often do you use opiates?
It varies, though the last few weeks I've been using them every 1-2 days. I usually choose Buprenorphine when it's available because it's incredibly cheap for me and beats Codeine, falls a little short of PST but the duration and being MUCH cheaper make up for it. I usually go for 1-2mg sections of 40mg Transtec patches, but chew them up or extract them. Failing that I take 500g of PST when there are good seeds available, and if they aren't I'll go for Codeine, 150mg or 300mg.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Because they feel great. As for why I'm using them more frequently lately, I enjoy getting high on various substances regularly, and lately that became rather heavy stimulant use. Knowing that stimulants often carry more serious long term risks like organ damage, damage to receptors in the brain etc, I decided that while they're more addictive in many ways, opiates and benzos are a safer choice for me. It's worth mentioning that I tend to find opiates and benzos less addictive for me personally, and can much more easily stop using them than I can stimulants though, so while this may have been a good choice for me, it might be a bad one for a lot of other people.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I don't think I have a single friend over here in Poland who isn't involved in drugs, for some it's just weed and the occasional trip, for most it involves heavy amphetamine abuse, and for a lot it's a little bit of everything.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral for Codeine and PST. Sublingual and nasal for Buprenorphine.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
25, Metro Atlanta

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
It all started with hydrocodone in syrup form. Pancof I believe. I was 15 years old, then I got a hold of some tablets and I've found myself taking them more often. Tylenol 3s and vicodins, moved to norcos and percs, to roxicodone and oxycontin, to heroin and dilaudid IVs, but I really do enjoy a methball/speedball shot.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I used to have a steady habit, but now it's here and there. I was about to develop another habit, but luckily I've stopped myself before it got worse, so now it's here and there. like 1-3 days out of the week

4. Why do you use opiates?
because they're freaking great. It's great for a relaxing day off of work. It's my "beers/toke" after work. It's the feeling I enjoy; to sit absolutely still in a state of apathy and relaxation

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
some of them are tweakers, some of them are mollyheads, some of them are heroin addicts, and some of them are coke heads. There's also alcoholics, potheads, and chainsmokers. I guess my scene is "diverse" :-\

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral for the pills containing APAP
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
27/m/ Central FL area

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate I used recreationally was oxycodone progressed to hydromorphone, and finally heroin

3. How often do you use opiates?
I used to use daily, but have since detoxed and am currently 1 week clean.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Initially I enjoyed the feeling of euphoria and the nod, in the end I was using just to feel 'normal'

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Most of the people I know are all daily users of opiates. I used to be more involved with the music scene in my area, but as my drug use progressed I surrounded myself with like minded people.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV. Occasionally I will smoke heroin but not often.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
29/f/ Tx

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you
First opiate I used recreationally was Norco, Percs, Oxycodone, Lortab, etc. Still fond of the same poison. 75-120 mg is a typical dosage for me in a 24 hr period.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I use almost daily or as money permits..

4. Why do you use opiates?
It makes me feel happy and normal, I crave the euphoria :/. I also have begun to believe I like the opiate version of myself more than my actual self.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Not at all, bud smokers and pk poppers that's about it.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
I orally ingest almost 100% of the time.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you
Been prescribed 5x10/325 for 20 years

3. How often do you use opiates?

4. Why do you use opiates?
Pain management.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None. Contributing member of society with successful job and career. Do enjoy fresh cow pasture mushrooms when visiting relatives in the south and the weather is just right.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
I orally ingest almost 100% of the time.

Opiates have been used by Homo Sapiens since the beginning of time.

The key is to work (job, physical activity) on a low maintenance dose for your 40-50 hour week. Then by Saturday your body responds to a 50% increase, then come Monday go right back to working.

If weed is becoming legal there is hope one day Poppies will, they are much safer and better medicine IMHO.

Never IV, its not natural. RA and Oral is good enough.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
39, nyc

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
heroin. came up on good ol dominican ecp from the 90's. ive done most pills.

3. How often do you use opiates?
6-8 times a year

4. Why do you use opiates?
cuz thats dat shit

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
i stay away from the drug scene, as its easy to fall into the that lifestyle.... just cold cop whenever i feel like it... easy in ny/nj

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Nasal, IV
So Im interested to hear what kind of a user you are, what opiates you use, the frequency of your use, age and a few other things.

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
40 central east coast

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use? Percocet fentanyl oxy Vic's for the past 22 years

3. How often do you use opiates?

4. Why do you use opiates?
I was involved in a major wreck and started using now I have black disc disease and I can walk or function daily functions at all.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, Nasal, Plug

I don't know any heroine users personally and I can't find any in VA it sucks I want someone to help me if I ever decided to start. I know the pain
updating info since a couple things have changed

1. 19, los angeles

2. First started with codeine, which I took a lot when I was staying with my family in the UK for a summer. When I came back to LA I used vicodin and percocet a few times, and after using cocaine for a while, I got turned onto heroin, which I was using for a while. Then there was an opiate drought for about 1.5 years, but then last year they came back, and since then, I've gone through a hydrocodone habit with occasional oxycodone here and there, and now i shoot dope every day.

3. Daily.

4. Analgesia, anxiolysis, blissful apathy, and euphoria.

5. None. My close friends are all avid weed smokers, but I only have a handful of friends who regularly use opioids/stimulants/etc.

6. IV mainly. I only take pills orally, and with dope, I smoke/snort when with others, I don't like shooting up in front of friends. They know that I do it, it just seems like something that would be a little weird to see if you don't do it yourself.
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1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
32, Male, Perth Australia

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Large doses of codeine to start with then benzo's and now mostly heroin.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Now I use heroin a quarter gram once a week. Sometimes a mix of codeine and dihydrocodeine maybe once a month.

4. Why do you use opiates?
It makes me feel content, no desires, no pain, it makes me feel blank and very happy with myself.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Not in one at all, I don't really socialize with other drugs users. Me and one friend user heroin together but other than that none of my friends really use drugs.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV heroin and when I use codeines I drink a bottle of dihydrocodeine cough mixture and drink a cold water extraction a pack of 30 15mg codeine pills.
Sense my last post I went from pill-chipper to $100-200 day heroin plugger and was dependent for 2-3 months. I barely socialized, spent my time nodding, smoking, playing vid games, and watching tv. I tapered down w subs (solely because I spent all my money) and was clean a week before I started chipping again. I think I may catch a habit again because I have aloooooot of dope in front of me.
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1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
22, Detroit

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
I've used Vics, Percs, Oxy's, and Heroin. I currently use Heroin and Oxy's when I have the extra cash to throw down on them.

3. How often do you use opiates?
A few times a week at most, for now, trying to keep the tolerance down but we all know how that ends up being...

4. Why do you use opiates?
I've loved opiates since I first started taking them years ago. It started with Vicodin, then led to oxy's, which led to Heroin pretty quickly. They put me into a state of mind I enjoy above all other drugs.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Mostly pot heads and pill poppers I guess. I have a small group of friends and each has their own DOC.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
I snort it on weekdays before bed and been trying to limit IV use to weekends after long work shifts. So far so good, but I've felt it pulling me under and I think about Heroin more and more every week. Only one of my friends know I use H, everyone else assumes I'm on pills... which I am but... whatever, its just how it is.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
19. Boise, Idaho

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Started off with vicoprofen. (Hydro/acet) now I've done oxymorph, oxy cod, hydro morph, codiene, morphine, and heroin.(Powder and blacm tar)

3. How often do you use opiates?
Definitely not everyday but a lot of them and days woth out are usually filled with weed/benzos/booze fighting off cravings. Mutiple times a week tho.

4. Why do you use opiates?
I use for the release the euphoria an nod an itch and contentness. Opiates are my god send. Also my weekness.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
A shitty one. Friends know I can get the pills dope mdma acid they need. I test all my shit and try to be safe about it for every body.
I'm more knowledgable about drugs then anybody I know or have met. And that's an understatement. Drugs are my life.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
This greatly depends on the opiate.
Eat/snort/smoke oxy. Snort dilaudid. Snort opana. Smoke/waterline heroin. Eat hydro.
I am yet to touch the needle and hope not to.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
25 South Central US, Major Metro area
2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Plentiful. 8 years of experience with EVERYTHING. I use Oxy, Methadone and Loperamide.
3. How often do you use opiates?
Once a month, generally a two week binge, maintain on lope.

4. Why do you use opiates?
I'm an addict.
5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None. I buy weed, that's bout it.
6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, I've done H occasionally (tar), then rectal.