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What Kind of Heroin/Opiate user are you?

1. Age and Location
I'm 23 and I live in Western North Carolina

2. Opiate experience and Opiate of Choice
My opiate of choice is Oxycodone 30mg, we call them "Blues" around here. I've been using for around 4yrs, don't know exactly how long. I've also tried Heroin once(the powder but I think it was cut bad with something else so my first time sucked), I've done Hydrocodones, tried OxyContin a couple times and Vicodin.

3. How often do I use.
I use almost everyday but usually it's only on Fridays-Sunday and maybe a couple times durring the weekdays if I'm lucky so I experience W/D's A LOT! I'm usually scared of the weekdays because I know I'm gonna withdraw.

4. Why do I use.
I use them to get high, it started with smoking bud and then I graduated to opiates but I wish I never would've. But now I use them to get high and to just feel normal.

5. What kind of drug scene.
I'm not really in any scene, I get my stuff from the streets and just stay home and get high. I don't really hang out with other people and get high. It's just me and my fiancé. So more of a lifestyle.

6. Administrative
I snort mine. If I'm taking a pill to get high than I'm gonna snort it. I feel like if i take it orally than it's not gonna give me the high I'm looking for. It could be all in my head but that's just how I feel. But if it's hydrocodone than I take it orally because I'm not snorting all that aspirin. Some times I'll shave a little off to snort but that's because, for me, snorting stuff is part of my addiction.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24, East Coast

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Dope but im clean now, just subutex

3. How often do you use opiates?
1 8mg sub per day

4. Why do you use opiates?
im am addicted0 and subutex helps with my knee and elbow pain (2 ACL reconstructions and my growth plates are shattered in my right elbow.
5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
just a small circle of benzo and opiate users, the best in my opinion since they know what its like to be sick. mostly jusy subs and once in a while before we go paint a wall my boy will bring some blow over.
6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV, the only way i use since it stuck mysrelf.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location? 27, Texas

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use? hydrocodone, codeine, oxycodone, oxycontin, methadone, heroin, suboxone, tramadol

3. How often do you use opiates? its been at least 4 months since I've used any opiates

4. Why do you use opiates? euphoria and relaxation. they make a great combo with weed. also great for stimulant comedowns and hangovers.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in? weed, psychedelics and "club/party" drugs mostly (ecstasy, coke, nitrous, alcohol...) .

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use? oral, nasal or smoke
Opiates are obviously my DOC. And I prefer a potent pharma Opiate to BTH (no ECP, CW out here, only found 2 bags of CW in the 5 years I was on OC/H and I had a lot of connects).

ROA doesn't matter to me. Of course I'm gonna shoot up Dilaudid every chance I get, but will I become a human-pincushion? Never. My favorite ROA is oral consumption. Half of my truly junky-status days were on the original OCs, when you could still get them for $xxx a mg or less. And fuck man, the Norcos! I was (un maybe?)fortunate enough to cop <$xxx Norcos constantly, even when picking up a small amount. $xxx would earn an OGOC40 (as in you can sniff them, smoke them if you're a retard, sniff them or slam them).

I think this was all right before the statute of limitations would apply, as is the case with any illegal activity I may have accidentally participated in.

The Painkillers became Hollywood and almost socially acceptable, "painkillers are medicine; they're not dangerous or Heroin is so scummy". Then the price of Norcos, Dilaudid and OC sky-rocketed to >$xxx for an OGOC 80 (the 40s seemed to have disappeared (the OGOC 40s were a little better for sniffing/shooting due to less filler/binders).

Finally, due to rising prices, caused by a rapidly rising demand was the proverbial straw and made the switch to H. With smack I sniffed, smoked a katrillion times, shot-up hundred times. Dilaudid I only sniffed and it did nothing (acquired it before accepting the needle; wrote it off like a fool). Norcos I obviously only swallowed, and OC I ate many-many-many times, sniffed many-many-many times and shot-up 4-5 times. Sniffed some Fentanyl by accident once and would have overdosed had I not shared with my friend.

Obviously I love the rush and instant high the needle provides, and I really don't mind shooting up at all if it's a new(ish) clean diabetic style needle (still, would only use a needle 3-6 times max before throwing out), the first time I had no clue what I was doing and I used a steroid syringe and fuck are they huge. And I was always able to register, but after the end of day 2 or early 3 I'd have to poke myself only 3-4 times for a shot if I was lucky. My veins bounced back real fuckin quick, but they also hid real fuckin quick when I was shooting for days in a row. I was terrified to raise my tolerance to IV H and then have no more stronger/cheaper opiates to move on to once the tar stopped getting me high, plus I hated acquiring needles, as if getting the opiates wasn't enough of a pain. In my experience IV usage was always more intense and required less, but that's about the only other pro besides the rush. Just too many cons.

When orally consuming hydro/oxycodone, hydro/oxymorphone you always know what you're getting, it's so clean, it's so discrete, almost always easier to hide... pills are the way to go. And eating them is generally the best way to take them, imho--with exception to hydromorphone.

As far as frequency is concerned, in the past 6-7 years I would bet I've only been without Opiates for a collective month or so. I'd be on them all day every day if I could. Problem is I'd get bored and want to work in an Amphetamine, which in turn would lead to benzos.

I'm currently on Bupe, which I hate... but take because I can't afford Methadone or anything else atm. Oddly enough Methadone is my Opiate of choice, followed by OGOC (when the prices were proper, before my tolerance would kill 99% of the population, excluding BLers), followed by Heroin. But I would really love to try Opium, and I'd never kick a hydro-variety out of bed. Never got to try Opana :-( Not impressed by Codeine, but I wouldn't turn it down if in WDs; if I was past the hump a shit-ton of Codeine with a lot of benzos would probably be more than tolerable.

I've been steadily using Opiates for 10 years now. They are a cure-all for me. No more anxiety (which plagues me, I'll frequently vomit upon waking up at the thought of facing my day, no matter what's on the agenda), no more insomnia (which is terrible for my mood/health). No more stomach issues and pains. No more lower back pain due to tension. Nice warm glow. Farewell to depression.

I hope to stay on for life, and Methadone seems the best choice. With occasional breaks to mix things up. The hard part is avoid speedballs.
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1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
23, Suburbs of Detroit

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was hydrocodone, then Heroin. Heroin is the only opiate I have access to. Except for suboxone

3. How often do you use opiates?
I have zero rev-limiter built in to regulate my use. Currently on suboxone but once I use heroin I don't stop til sometime makes me. Although Ive never attempted to regulate my using right off the start.
4. Why do you use opiates?
It give me what I feel Ive been missing. Although I am never satisfied with my last night

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Actually I had lost friends I started it with. Since then I never made the drug friendships that I once sought. I have clean friends through NA but drug scene is mostly just myself. I like to isolate when I am getting high.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV since I only have access to heroin and there is no better route to get where I want to go.

I have been clean now for a matter of days. Heroin for me are a means to my end. Not suicidal but it always throws me into a situation of being homeless and without the people that have helped me the most. So in that situation I try to stay clean because the bus system around here isn't to friendly for a user without a car.
1. Age and Location
28, Ohio

2. Opiate experience and Opiate of Choice
First marijuana and hydrocone then oxycodone and roxy and heroin

3. How often do I use.

4. Why do I use.
I have high tolerence and my back pain from in serious car accident and addicted and love being high and relax and more energy.

5. What kind of drug scene.
I'm not really in any scene, I just stay home and get high. Love to make new friend and need to find more dealer in Ohio area where I live who selling oxycodone, roxy and heroin.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Snort only

Also I just find out about this website and I was trying to find how to make heroin at home because when I want to get high from heroin and I have hard time to get ahold my friend who selling heroin.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location? 30 in Florida

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use? Ive used em all at one time or another. But for the last 2-3 years mainly dilaudids aka hydromorphone and if in a bind or cant find the roxicontins or mscontins.

3. How often do you use opiates? Daily and then some, and steadily for 4-5 years approximately.

4. Why do you use opiates? Originally just to party for a jight. But oncd in a while turned into once a day and more a lot faster than i realized. Now its so i dont get sick ontop of the euphoria I surprisingly still g et.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in? Party type drugs, meth, coke, and opiates.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use? If It can be Injected, then my rig is out n ready to go unfortunately. If u havent shot, dont ever start. Best rush for any drug, worst thing to hafta try n quit. :/
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
53, Western NY

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
I have been using opiates since I was 16 or so. Usually just abusing Tylenol 3&4. Then a long break. The last 12 years I have used pretty much any opiate based drug I can find. These days I use Suboxone, Heroin, Fentanyl on a daily. Small amounts to keep the sick away and I only need 2 bags of H to feel a good rush. One 8mg. sub can get me through the week. I consider myself lucky as I never let my addiction get too out of hand.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Daily. Maintenance for minor pain & recreational for fun

4. Why do you use opiates?
I really truly enjoy the feeling I get from them. I also use for pain control as I have a bad knee.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I mostly am just home or at work. Usually just copping from people delivering or friends. I am not the bar person or street person at all.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV the H (I was sniffing up until 3 months ago), smoke, eat, wear Fentanyl, Oral on the pills usually unless they can be sniffed

If I was asked by a young person I would say: Go ahead, use drugs... but.. know yourself and your limits.. be able to put things in check. A person using Opiates can function fine on a daily but be prepared for the ups & downs. If you are weak.. prob not for you.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
28 M and in NE USA. Not a college town, btw

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
I've used a lot of different ones here and there, but primarily oxycodone for 2-1/2 years and then heroin for 1. Managed to use various opiates since 16 on irregular basis without a problem, then got addicted at 25. Oh did have a few runs with poppy tea but those usually just developed back into an oxy habit.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Daily, right now its suboxone daily but its only been a little over 2 weeks.

4. Why do you use opiates?
I much more enjoy life on them. The real question is why I would not be using them, and that is because they are awfully expensive.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I don't consider myself in any drug scene, I just pick up my drugs and use them while living my life. I use to go out drinking a lot, but getting high means I don't have money for that, so I am more introverted on them. I work, when I can lots of OT to afford my habit.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Snort, snort and snort.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
31, Boston - since it says it in my name I cannot be too private.

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
started at 19; when OXY 80's TOOK OVER THE SCENE in late 90's early 2000's. started SELLING by the pack; moving 10 packs, 50 packs and eventually moved on up and only took larger orders; had money, never cared or thought about jail, life outside of drugs, or how dangerous drugs were/could be. I didnt understand because I was blind sided by the MONEY and also the SUPPLY I had. its like asking Scarface if he had a coke problem; he has no idea. it was FREE and ALWAYS THERE! anyway, I went TO JAIL eventually for trafficking and it was dropped to distribution and I got out and kept clean; then got back into 80's/30's/dope and ran hard for 3-4 years. now been clean for 6 months (slipped us twice in 6 months; not slips, I used on purpose).

3. How often do you use opiates?
I use suboxone daily now; not a TRUE opiate but I still consider it one. I used dope daily and oxy daily during my USER days.

4. Why do you use opiates?
at first they were FREE during my 80 supply days; so I used what I had. later I picked up again just thinking back to how GOOD I FELT while on opiates and how they came in handy during the down times and also out of pure boredom.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
dope runs rampant throughout Boston; opiates in general do. addiction is widely spread/known around here. my friends mostly DONT use anymore but I have opiate addicts of past; some still USE and some are recovering. opiates hit hard and continue to destroy.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
oral, nasal and needle. oral when first started, nasal after oral got old and started the needle when nasal got too expensive. and like most others will say and tell you, once you hit the needle, your tolerance shoots back up and youre using just as much as you once have before, so its pointless to turn to that needle.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
23, New Jersey.

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
My first opiate was percocet. I was more of a weekend warrior, and did any pill I could get my hands on.. Oxycodone, percs, tramadol, valium.
I did NOT have an addiction in my pill using days. Then a couple years later I tried heroin & fell in love.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Every-single-day. Every day is the same. There may be times where I use every other day, but that's rare.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Because I love the feeling I get from them, and it makes me normal. Without opiates, I'm a mess. & Yes, I know how hypocritical that is.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Well, I'm certainly not a bum junkie. I guess you could say I'm the guy who has 2 different sides to him. If you knew me IRL, you probably wouldn't think I'm a junkie unless I told you. I have a handful of friends who use. Maybe 15-20 people total.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV. The only way.
^^ I would never guess your a junkie if I saw you!? I guess you couldnt guess if you saw me either; well, unless, of course, I was junked out and had short sleeves or a tank top on; then you would see me nodding w/ tattoos of drugs on me and other whacky shit. but when I pretend to be sober and dress up for work, you'd never guess. then again, I am a little whacky even w/o drugs so when I tell you I use you prob. would say, "yea, I figured that". ha.
One who views his opiates as a need, therefore a responsibility. - aqua teen hungerforce lol. So I generally try budget accordingly and try as hard as I can to keep things sustainable. < Sometimes I'm more successful than others.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24, SoCal

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First use goes back to getting Darvocet after getting my wisdom teeth out. That was pretty much it until I was 18, almost 19. That summer I was first introduced to stronger opiates. I was selling bud at the time and someone I sold to would trade me 8mg Dilaudid and 10mg Methadose for bud, at ridiculous rates (once got 56mg of hydromorphone for like ~2g of bud because she was irresponsible and would promise more for having to delay, lol--but usually it was a more normal hookup). Anyway, this progressed for the summer but I was only home for a couple months before I went back to school. That was my last semester at that college (transferred after), and the next year I started doing opiates more heavily.

So fast-forward a few months of little-to-no use (which wasn't hard as during that summer I'd never become dependent, and had only used occasionally, despite starting with strong ops and sometimes using quite high doses). Then we're at the winter/spring of '09, when I was 19 and really depressed. It just happens to me, and opiates help take the edge off (obviously). I've had cycles of depression but this few month period was the worst I've ever experienced. I'm lucky to be alive. I had money from selling bud, so I spent my profit on all the OC I wanted, plus dozens of bars, and Dilaudid when I could get it. Unfortunately opiates were difficult or even impossible for me to get, so I'd have to spend 100s paying retail. This kept me from using daily though and helped me not develop a habit. Later in this period was the first time I ever used heroin, getting some small bags from a friend. I was impressed by their potency and the euphoria it offered in comparison to the sedation of oxycodone.

At the time I was mixing heavy doses of oxycodone+clonazepam or xanax, and found heroin with xanax made a wonderful blissful combination. I'm lucky I didn't overdose during this period as I was suicidal and always kind of hoped I would. Even though I didn't care about life I still didn't want to be addicted to heroin so after the 5 bags I'd bought I didn't get any more from him. My heroin use at this time, as well as the depressive episode, lasted until the end of that semester, after which time I bought a gram of incredible raw, which I snorted for a week along with eating copious amounts of xanax bars. After that week I promised I'd never do heroin again (made it over 18 months and it's still only been a handful times), and I always discovered LSD as the cure to my angst (for a while).

I ended up getting arrested at the end of 2009 and spending 2010 in rehab in Florida, which is ironic, because south Florida was in the middle of the pill mill epidemic. We were on the bus trying to find jobs, all clean and sober... and there's Haitians around hustling blues for the price of 2 footlongs... Anyway, ended up using oxy occasionally when I was there as I could, but still, no habit. Also, not in pain at this time and don't really feel the need to use between, I'm just working 2 restaurant jobs and it's nice to relax.

Through the next 2 years it's occasional use only, what I can afford, as opiates were very unavailable in my college town. I eventually got sick, unknown GI illness, and my use of opiates became more regular, but still not daily, through the end of 2012. Around the end of that summer I started using small amounts of suboxone ~daily for the pain, but very quickly I decided I didn't like how it made me feel. Through 2013 I got what I could from my doctor and friends, which meant Vicodin, OP OxyContin, Dilaudid, and ECP. It developed into almost daily use by the summer, but still very small amounts, never more than 20mg/day oxy equivalent.

When I moved out to CA in August my plan was to see if would be feasible for me to quit, based on how much pain I experienced clean and how effective a full MMJ program was. I brought some Dilaudid, Vicodin, and H with me but found that I really did need them for pain. I tried going without (all of October actually), and fortunately was still not physically dependent, but did find I do gain a lot from opioids in terms of GI management as well as cramps and pain associated with inflammation, etc?... Honestly it feels kinda like w/d but it's just the nature of my illness (which has been chronic since at least 2011).

With my month clean I decided I had a reasonable claim to an Rx, so finally followed through with a pain management doctor. He started me on fentanyl patches, which I was uncomfortable with on principle. I tried them and didn't like it. Next came 10/325 hydrocodone, which was rough on my stomach. Then I moved onto OxyIR, which I'm very happy with, but is unfortunately low-stocked at local pharmacies (fucking DEA!). So this month I ended up with OP OxyContin but still, I'm happy that I can manage with a prescription (mg for mg it sure as hell doesn't go as far though). Next back to IR, and maybe a dose increase, but I'd like to keep my usage at or below 30mg/day for the foreseeable future. I see that as a reasonable PM dose for someone my age which isn't too impairing and wouldn't be a huge burden to transition from if need be.

abridged version:
15-wisdom teeth; 18-sweet hookup, seed planted; 19-anti-depressant; 20-22 occasional use; 23-increased pain, more regular use; 24-pain mgmt

3. How often do you use opiates?
~Daily since Nov 2013. I've probably taken a day off here or there but not many, pain sucks.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Pain, discomfort, this nagging feeling.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None. The nurse at my doctor's office is really nice though.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral. Sometimes sniff a little, especially if I'm vomiting.
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1. Whats your age and your geographical location?

29, NJ near grimey Newark (love the city, even go to school in it!)

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?

Heroin takes the cake for experience.

Started a real... habit with oxys in college about ten years ago.

I use buperenorphine daily currently in some crazy attempt to quit (ha, the odds are really stacked against me)

3. How often do you use opiates?

Daily. Only time I don't take an opiate is if I am in the middle of a detox from a full agonst to get on bupe.

4. Why do you use opiates?

Cuz they're fucking fun. It's a guaranteed good time. Everytime. Even when it isn't (haha)

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?

I follow Phish and good tance rave music, so I guess you could say I'm a part of those scenes, but I try to keep those experiences to as few a year as possible, because I know that it makes them all that more special. I'm much more into taking MDMA and/or LSD with lots of people around me as opposed to when I'm shooting up! lol

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?

From that last comment, you shoulve realized that I IV heroin. Bupe is under the tounge
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
22, UK

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Addicted to heroin since mid last year Before then, benzos and codeine.

3. How often do you use opiates?

4. Why do you use opiates?
To get rid of the w/ds. They don't get me high anymore as my tolerance is fucked.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None.. I used to have stoner and uni friends, but pushed them away when I got addicted.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
I smoke heroin and inject occasionally.
^^ smoke and only shoot occasionally!? since youre using everyday anyway my advice to you is to get on the needle, man! smoking that shit is a waste of time and money. dont go wasting cash only to not get the same rush as most will get. careful tho, last thing I wan/need to hear is something BAD happened. but it seems you have a good tolerance by now so thats my best advice.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24, PA, USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Heroin addict. Turns out I am allergic to morphine or I may have made myself become allergic. Doesn't stop me. Ultimate opiate high for me is demerol, puts H to shame.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Have not used opiates in 1 year. Used daily, off and on (did a few little bids) from ages 17-23

4. Why do you use opiates?
Umm.... I really enjoy nodding out and the taste of a cigarette in my mouth melting into my comfortable couch wrapped in a blankie.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
My "friends" are not usually heroin addicts.. more into the "party" scene. I go cop with heroin addicts that I normally fight with. I sometimes date a male H addict.. non H addicts can't get down for very long. I go to parties with my little friends, but I am usually very nauseous and lethargic. I like staying home, don't like for people to blow my high.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV, only.
^I like the screen name. Mental images of Renton melting into the carpet.