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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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I'd be very interested in someone doing a survey of what year people feel the "mehDMA" arrived. One of the reasons I'm skeptical of it is that everyone seems to say the majority of MDMA became crap at a different time (I've heard as late as 2015). It would be interesting to see that graphed against when people started rolling and the total number/frequency of rolls before the "mehDMA" hit.
They simply don't know because its been made with PMK way before they started to blame PMK or PMK glycidate for the reason. MDMA is still been made the same as it has been for the last 17-20 years.
I'd be very interested in someone doing a survey of what year people feel the "mehDMA" arrived. One of the reasons I'm skeptical of it is that everyone seems to say the majority of MDMA became crap at a different time (I've heard as late as 2015). It would be interesting to see that graphed against when people started rolling and the total number/frequency of rolls before the "mehDMA" hit.

I think there are too many regional variations for this to yield relevant data, but it would be interesting to see. I can add it to my chart as I go through the thread and document all of the anecdotal reports. Just from memory, there are people in the thread who only run into Meh-DMA sometimes, so it is not as simple as there being one point on a timeline that users suddenly can only find Meh-DMA. A lot of the posters here still encounter Magic MDMA from time to time, others mostly encounter Magic MDMA and only sometimes run into MehDMA. Then you also have new users who have only experienced Meh-DMA.

I would guess it all comes down to who is importing the product and where it is coming from. Also, who is making the precursor chemicals and where are they coming from.
I'd be very interested in someone doing a survey of what year people feel the "mehDMA" arrived.

I think it would be more interesting to see the regions where Meh is acquired or the DW sources.
No problems here or in my previous locale.
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while i agree MDMA and THC is a godly combination,
I wouldnt advises it for preventing physical side effects as both vastly increse blood pressure and can put tough strain on the heart.
Mentally though yes ive never had bad comedowns because i always smoked dabs during my rolling days, doesnt work repetedly though as if you are going at it every day brain zaps are unavoidable.
I always found THC to kill a roll not enhance it

Maybe you posted it already and I missed it, but did you finish your full reagent testing?

I just re-tested 2 batches this morning with Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin and Simons A/B.

Batch 1:
Confirmed meh (for me and my wife anyway, have some friends who said they enjoyed it)
DN sourced from Canada
White powder with small white/grey crystals

Batch 2:
Haven't tried yet
DN sourced from USA (same vendor indigoaura got her last batch from that she said was just ok)
White powder that looks like sugar

Reagent Results

Batch 1 (Meh)
Marquis: Straight to black
Mandelin: Straight to black
Mecke: Straight to black
Simons A: No reaction
Simons B: Bright blue

Batch 2
Marquis: Flash of purple to black, purple around edges
Mandelin: Straight to black
Mecke: Flash of green to black, green around edges (the green edges could possibly just be traces of leftover reagent)
Simons A: No reaction
Simons B: Bright blue
Bright blue means secondary amine correct?
Ok. Felt the first alerts after about 10 minutes. Knew straight away it wasnt going to be overwhelming. Straight away had an intense desire to redose (first sign of meh product - always want more but never get there). So after half an hour did another 90mg. Went very cold and sedated. No pupil dilation but nice body rushes and some eye wiggles. Felt slightly horny, but couldn't be arsed to do anything about it. Hit the 2 hour mark and I was fast asleep!

Never had mdma kick in that quick.
The 30min mark was always bare minimum with me.any hint earlier than that tells me it's not md
It’s the risk of LTC that worries me as well. For myself and others... I have theorized (and still do) that the rise in LTC cases correlated with this supposed change in effects/synthesis route.

I’d forever hate myself if I accidentally ruined someone. Hence why the 1-2 potential “meh” batches sit in the back of the closet. Too scared to do anything more with them.


Do u have the ability to do a few basic science experiments with it?
Have you ever heard of a polarimeter ?

Did you read the posts in this thread about this issue ? There was a guy that tested the stereoisomer ratios with a second method, too, so more than one test for this ratio exists.

Yes, it is harder to obtain, but other precursors can take its place.
How are the other precursors responsible for Meh MDMA when they go through the same PMK step as the synth from Safrole?

I've been saying that finding the production route of meh is super important.find out if it's different methods or one single method

Thanks for posting those videos. I am watching them now.

It seems to me that I can proceed by:
  • Purchasing a chromatography column
  • Purchasing silica gel
Then, I would basically load the column with cotton/sand/silica/solvent.

Then I would need to add the MehDMA to the column, and allow it to separate as it runs through. I would need a UV light to see the MDMA separate from any contaminant. Then, I use beakers or other glassware to catch the separated compounds.

I am going to watch more videos, but here are a few of my questions so far:

1. What solvent would be ideal to mix the silica with for this specific purpose?
2. Should I dissolve the MehDMA in water or some other liquid before pouring it through the column?
3. Once I have the separated MDMA in a beaker, how would I go about removing the solvent and re-crystalizing?
4. How would I dry the contaminant so it could be sent to a lab?

Thanks for your help!
Answers to the above questions are
1: I'm not sure but someone will answer it.
2: no water.use solvent.
3: once u have the different fractions
you boil a pot of water then place a pyrex baking dish over the top of it pour in the solvent and let it evaporate
until you r left with solid residue
4: your product should be dry enough
after evaporating.
Remember the worldwide shortage of E just before 2009 roughly? The authorities found and destroyed a huge amount of saffrole I think it was about 150 tonnes of it.

When E started to come back on the scene again in the uk London was the first place it appeared and instead of £3 a pill (like it had been), the price was now £25 a pill and all the ravers said the same thing "its not the same any more" and the word was that it was because it wasn't saffrole any more but a synthetic version. That was the end of E. It has never ever been the same since. I don't know anything about chemistry etc all I know is that it changed forever. 7 or 8 years later I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"
They also found a couple of tonnes of pills coming out of Belgium hidden in ovens or something.
Remember the worldwide shortage of E just before 2009 roughly? The authorities found and destroyed a huge amount of saffrole I think it was about 150 tonnes of it.

When E started to come back on the scene again in the uk London was the first place it appeared and instead of £3 a pill (like it had been), the price was now £25 a pill and all the ravers said the same thing "its not the same any more" and the word was that it was because it wasn't saffrole any more but a synthetic version. That was the end of E. It has never ever been the same since. I don't know anything about chemistry etc all I know is that it changed forever. 7 or 8 years later I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"
I had the same magic buzz after they came back so it was definitely seen again
That would depend on what sort of impurities you were seperating. Usually, what works well for a TLC plate, will also work on a larger scale, all other factors held constant,

Depends on what kind of glass the column is. I don't think MDMA is fluorescent though, at any wavelength. Usually the UV visualization on TLC plates comes from the fluorescence of the silica itself: the compounds are visualized because they have a quenching/supressing effect on flourescence. That is, you see dark spots on a bright background. I think you can buy fluorescent silica for big columns, look into it.

Back in the olden days, people would run columns solely "by feel" and without visualization. Collect and number all your fractions. Test every Nth one on TLC with staining to see the seperation. Be patient and diligent. Arbeit macht frei, ya know?.

I know that cathinones aren't fluorescent with a handheld UV light
and I doubt mdma is either.niacin was the only thing that turned blue in all different batches tested with the UV light
@sekio Your chemistry knowledge is much more advanced than mine. I do not know the best solvents for TLC. I also do not understand what you mean when you say that you could do it without a visual. Would you just release the smallest amount into every glass vial? I feel like I would be likely to fuck that up without a visual.

Would you recommend buying the fluorescent silica instead of buying a UV lamp?

I can buy any type of column. What kind of glass do you recommend? I see them priced on Amazon from $50 up to $200 or more.

Bottom line: I am willing to throw down $ and buy whatever I need to buy in order to run a proper column on the Meh-DMA to test whether running a column will change the end result. I recognize that my knowledge is not to the level it needs to be to decide what to purchase. Would someone please advise and direct me to the proper purchases?
As seen in the videos about column chromatography a few pages ago
U don't need a UV light to notice different colored fractions coming thru.also MD cathinones won't show up under UV so I doubt mdma will.
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Never had mdma kick in that quick.
The 30min mark was always bare minimum with me.any hint earlier than that tells me it's not md

On an empty stomach when dissolved in water after not having had any for several weeks that is standard for me. Usually it's the better stuff that kicks in that quickly, but not in this case as it turns out. The longer you've been doing drugs, the more you become attuned to recognising the effects.

By the 30 minute mark it was quite apparent it was going nowhere, that's why I redosed so soon - but to no avail..
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With magic product I used to always start coming up around 15-20 min in. The Meh stuff is more unpredictable, but it usually takes more like 30-45 min. At least, that has been my observation. On very rare occasion I might feel the start of the Meh before 30 min.

As seen in the videos about column chromatography a few pages ago
U don't need a UV light to notice different colored fractions coming thru.also MD cathinones won't show up under UV so I doubt mdma will.

Some of those videos were using dyes.

@fasterfb I am in Texas, and I am not connected to any scene here. I have not come across any decent local product since around 2005 or a bit before that. As I already mentioned, there was a huge bust in this area that broke up the largest distribution ring, then my guy quit. So, I don't know how much my experience will connect to worldwide changes in production methods. Here, different people started bringing the product in.
Would you recommend buying the fluorescent silica instead of buying a UV lamp?
The fluoresent silica does not fluoresce without a UV to stimulate it.
In my words, in this scenario, fluorescencence is the conversion of UV light into visible light.

I can buy any type of column. What kind of glass do you recommend?
While Sekio will know much more about it, I think that some glass can block UV, so if it happens that the glass blocks that wavelength which the fluorescent silica needs to fluoresce, then the fluorescence will not happen or will be attenuated.
I know that quartz lets UV through, but I do not know if such columns exist or are really needed.
I always found THC to kill a roll not enhance it

I agree. For me, I still like to smoke cuz I’m literally high 24/7 but I’ll reduce how much I smoke by a little bit cuz too much cannabis can kill it. Edibles really kill a roll too.

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