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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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Hey guys,

So a long while back someone posted a link to a series of pages which were essentially reports of ecstasy pills ranging from very late 1990’s to early 2000’s. In it they discuss their reagent reactions, the look of the press, as well as a brief description of effects.

Could anyone link that or remember that? Really not keen on hunting back through 200 pages but I’ll do it if I have to.

Hey mate. Could that have been myself? Here is a link to the site I shared anyway:


Thanks for posting those videos. I am watching them now.

It seems to me that I can proceed by:
  • Purchasing a chromatography column
  • Purchasing silica gel
Then, I would basically load the column with cotton/sand/silica/solvent.

Then I would need to add the MehDMA to the column, and allow it to separate as it runs through. I would need a UV light to see the MDMA separate from any contaminant. Then, I use beakers or other glassware to catch the separated compounds.

I am going to watch more videos, but here are a few of my questions so far:

1. What solvent would be ideal to mix the silica with for this specific purpose?
2. Should I dissolve the MehDMA in water or some other liquid before pouring it through the column?
3. Once I have the separated MDMA in a beaker, how would I go about removing the solvent and re-crystalizing?
4. How would I dry the contaminant so it could be sent to a lab?

Thanks for your help!
1. What solvent would be ideal to mix the silica with for this specific purpose?
I think the local chemistry experts should answer that, e.g. sekio, vector, etc... but the solvent should be very clean IMO.
I would not be surprised if they suggest some mixture of solvents.

2. Should I dissolve the MehDMA in water or some other liquid before pouring it through the column?
I don't think it should be water. I think it should be that solvent in 1

3. Once I have the separated MDMA in a beaker, how would I go about removing the solvent and re-crystalizing?
Pour it on a clean sheet of glass and let it evaporate while protecting it from dust. Scrape the dried residue off with a razor blade. The pros would probably elevate the temperature a little and pull a vacuum in some sealed vessel because it makes it faster.

4. How would I dry the contaminant so it could be sent to a lab?
The same way as in 3

I would need a UV light to see the MDMA separate from any contaminant.
Contaminants can be colorless too, so UV might be needed to see them too.
I think it is important that the UV light source does not emit any visible light. Maybe this one.
The chemistry experts can probably make an educated suggestion what wavelength the UV needs to be to fluoresce these molecules and not be blocked by the glass of the column.
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So what im reading in here as of lately is, its mainly all meh mda around like a offline friend was already saying? Hoping to get my mits on something worthy asap. Photos and test results to follow, aswell as a report :). Good to see this topic is still alive and I still see familar posters posting. @G_Chem and co. Lost all my photos of that fine glass I was sat on back when I was posting in here, and it's all since long gone so :/ people's verdict? Any good magical stuff to be had.
Ok, chemistry experts. Advise me. Tell me what to buy. Looks like I need a chromatography column, solvent, silica, and a UV light. (Bonus points if I can also use the UV light to sterilize my cell phone...LOL)

If both the presumed contaminant and the MDMA are colorless and only visible with UV light, then how do I tell them apart? Is it just a matter of how quickly they move through the silica?
If both the presumed contaminant and the MDMA are colorless and only visible with UV light, then how do I tell them apart? Is it just a matter of how quickly they move through the silica?
I can answer this one!
The MDMA fraction would be the largest one because it would represents the majority ingredient of the mixture in the Meh MDMA powder.

If you are not dealing with Molly but with a tablet, then the excipient might be the largest fraction. However dissolving it in a proper solvent will dissolve the MDMA and leave the excipient behind as a solid when you filter it.
Anyway, you can always put a little of that dried fraction in a reagent like the Marquis and confirm that it reacts like MDMA - excipients will not.

Side note:
I would suggest that any newbie first practices separating a mixture of cheap products like aspirin and paracetamol and/or ibuprofen....and then graduate to the expensive stuff for real.
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How are the other precursors responsible for Meh MDMA when they go through the same PMK step as the synth from Safrole?

Remember the worldwide shortage of E just before 2009 roughly? The authorities found and destroyed a huge amount of saffrole I think it was about 150 tonnes of it.

When E started to come back on the scene again in the uk London was the first place it appeared and instead of £3 a pill (like it had been), the price was now £25 a pill and all the ravers said the same thing "its not the same any more" and the word was that it was because it wasn't saffrole any more but a synthetic version. That was the end of E. It has never ever been the same since. I don't know anything about chemistry etc all I know is that it changed forever. 7 or 8 years later I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"
Remember the worldwide shortage of E just before 2009 roughly?
Yes, I remember and I notice the correlation.
However correlation is not causation.

I don't know anything about chemistry etc all I know is that it changed forever. 7 or 8 years later I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"
That is a valid but subjective proof to you that there is a difference. To make it objective you'd need to feed one and the other kind to virgin users and measure their responses in an objective manner.
For all it's worth, I have my own subjective proof, but I would like to take it to the objective level, so the serious chemists can take us seriously and do a full and diligent comparison between the Meh MDMA and Magic MDMA using some kind of combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.

The only way this situation is going to change is when we learn what the culprit is exactly.

You must learn some chemistry to be a valuable contributor to this discussion and avoid annoying some members here.
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Well, this was almost exactly my experience. So, honestly, glad to know it was not just me. There is hope for me yet!

"More stimulating than couch-locking" This one was 50/50 for me. I found it a bit more pro-social and stimulating on NYE (possibly due to the setting), and found it very couch locking the last time I tried it.

I think I even used the phrase halfway between magic and meh when I posted about it after NYE. I was less pleased the second time I tried it, and felt like it was most likely just a highly clean meh product. I agree that there is a minimal amount of openness, but the enhanced touch and musical appreciation are just not there at all. Sex was good, yes, but when is sex not good? I didn't feel like it made it that much better than normal. There was no significant loss of inhibition like there usually is with MDMA.

I wonder if the product is inconsistent. I may try cleaning it further or re-crystallizing it myself at some point.

Please post and let me know if you or your wife experience nausea/indigestion starting tomorrow.

@F.U.B.A.R. It looks like white table salt. Very teeny-tiny white crystals.

No nausea or indigestion for me, but my wife got home from work today and said she felt nauseous all day.

So far neither of us feel any post-MDMA blues, but we are both exhausted.

Think I'm done with "MDMA".
Both of our jobs require a high level of mental capacity and the physical and mental tiredness in the days after meh product (which is all I've been able to find for the past several years) just isn't worth it to me.
I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"

This is my wet dream, for real. Rumor has it that an acquaintance of mine found an old bottle of pills, but he denies it. I would pay so much money for that stash!
No nausea or indigestion for me, but my wife got home from work today and said she felt nauseous all day.

So far neither of us feel any post-MDMA blues, but we are both exhausted.

Think I'm done with "MDMA".
Both of our jobs require a high level of mental capacity and the physical and mental tiredness in the days after meh product (which is all I've been able to find for the past several years) just isn't worth it to me.

I have found that I need a 3 day weekend to really be able to deal with it. If I don't have the 3 day weekend, my ability to function at work is hindered, and I will usually end up calling in one day due to the nausea aspect.

Hold on to your product. If I run mine through the chromatography column and find that the effects change, I will let you know and you may be able to repeat the procedure with your batch.
Any advice on which solvent to use to run a chromatography column on MDMA?

That would depend on what sort of impurities you were seperating. Usually, what works well for a TLC plate, will also work on a larger scale, all other factors held constant,

...and what wavelength the UV needs to be to fluoresce these molecules (incl. contaminants) and not be blocked by the glass of the column.

Depends on what kind of glass the column is. I don't think MDMA is fluorescent though, at any wavelength. Usually the UV visualization on TLC plates comes from the fluorescence of the silica itself: the compounds are visualized because they have a quenching/supressing effect on flourescence. That is, you see dark spots on a bright background. I think you can buy fluorescent silica for big columns, look into it.

Back in the olden days, people would run columns solely "by feel" and without visualization. Collect and number all your fractions. Test every Nth one on TLC with staining to see the seperation. Be patient and diligent. Arbeit macht frei, ya know?.
Yes, I remember and I notice the correlation.
However correlation is not causation.

That is a valid but subjective proof to you that there is a difference. To make it objective you'd need to feed one and the other kind to virgin users and measure their responses in an objective manner.
For all it's worth, I have my own subjective proof, but I would like to take it to the objective level, so the serious chemists can take us seriously and do a full and diligent comparison between the Meh MDMA and Magic MDMA using some kind of combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.

The only way this situation is going to change is when we learn what the culprit is exactly.

You must learn some chemistry to be a valuable contributor to this discussion and avoid annoying some members here.

You've been here ten minutes and you think you have the right to tell me what I should and should not do?

I've been here 10 years and I will contribute to whatever thread I like whether it annoys conceited arseholes like you or not.

Hope that's clear enough for you.

You've been here ten minutes and you think you have the right to tell me what I should and should not do?
Yes, because quality is more important than quantity.

I've been here 10 years and I will contribute to whatever thread I like whether it annoys conceited arseholes like you or not.
I am not the only one.
10 years and you haven't learned the basics of chemistry?
Remember the worldwide shortage of E just before 2009 roughly? The authorities found and destroyed a huge amount of saffrole I think it was about 150 tonnes of it.

When E started to come back on the scene again in the uk London was the first place it appeared and instead of £3 a pill (like it had been), the price was now £25 a pill and all the ravers said the same thing "its not the same any more" and the word was that it was because it wasn't saffrole any more but a synthetic version. That was the end of E. It has never ever been the same since. I don't know anything about chemistry etc all I know is that it changed forever. 7 or 8 years later I found an old stash of pills from back pre 2009 and there it was again full scale magic, so I proved to myself, finally, that it was not "loss of magic" it was "change of recipe"
I would disagree as I had extremely quality euro and US pills up until idk 2013? Then I stopped for a while, came back in 2018 and it was just hyper dosed meh,

Though I found some legit MDA beans around my way!
@sekio Your chemistry knowledge is much more advanced than mine. I do not know the best solvents for TLC. I also do not understand what you mean when you say that you could do it without a visual. Would you just release the smallest amount into every glass vial? I feel like I would be likely to fuck that up without a visual.

Would you recommend buying the fluorescent silica instead of buying a UV lamp?

I can buy any type of column. What kind of glass do you recommend? I see them priced on Amazon from $50 up to $200 or more.

Bottom line: I am willing to throw down $ and buy whatever I need to buy in order to run a proper column on the Meh-DMA to test whether running a column will change the end result. I recognize that my knowledge is not to the level it needs to be to decide what to purchase. Would someone please advise and direct me to the proper purchases?
@user666 and @rainey - Appreciate both of your contributions, but no need to bring negativity into the thread.

I don't think the long-time posters here have any issue with people who post without chemistry knowledge. There have been a lot of anecdotal posters in this thread over the years who have not been able to contribute with specific chemistry knowledge, but they added to the value of the thread nonetheless. What people get frustrated with, in my opinion, is people who come on and ask the same questions that have already been addressed many, many, many times, or people who are just outright rude and disrespectful and throwing around a lot of shade.
I'd be very interested in someone doing a survey of what year people feel the "mehDMA" arrived. One of the reasons I'm skeptical of it is that everyone seems to say the majority of MDMA became crap at a different time (I've heard as late as 2015). It would be interesting to see that graphed against when people started rolling and the total number/frequency of rolls before the "mehDMA" hit.
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