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What is the weather doing in your part of Australia?

Its windy as hell here :(..I hate how it goes from being 30 degrees, warm and sunny to 19, rainy and windy...

What is the weather doing?? Who fuckin knows mate. It fucking snowed in the Snowy Mountains last night. 5 days out from Christmas.

In Sydney it's been blazing hot and humid one day, freezing and autumn-esque the next.

Seriously, who knows what the hell is going on...
^josh dont move to melbourne then, u could spontaneously combust

its been like that almost all yr
^ fuck that man, Yea Mother Nature is acting hell fucking weird lately.
I joked with my partner a bit telling her that we're back in winter in Sydney and when the sun came out for a few minutes this morning, I was reminded that it actually is summer haha. With a slip of the mind, I honestly thought it was winter again (not being used to the seasons, changing hemisphere frequently).

This over-cast weather is shitting me right off as, given the (supposed) season I've been planting lots of (legal as decorational) plants which require direct sunlight during the germination and sapling stages; hurrah for rot.
The police were charging people in South East QLD for doing stupid stuff like driving into flooded rivers. You gotta be carefull of causeways, they can be dangerous!
The weather has been fucking amazing in Melbourne for the last week and is set to continue. It's times like this that i adore this state <3 Sunny, dry heat.
I think it's finally going to stop raining up here for a few days, can't wait! :D

Apart from the brutal humidity of course.
Meh, it's mild. Strutin' round the house starkers is good. Not too cold.
While Im not in australia, there is a couple of inches of snow outside here
Was good today. Although I was asleep most of it, but it's cold now! I've missed cold nights.
After a scorcher of a day yesterday - 38 degrees - a cool change with some rain came last night and today is a mild 25. Beautiful! :)
Not that I am aware of, there might be some lurkers...

there are always tonnes of lurkers not logged on here in Aus social :)
But seriously, my heart goes out to those in Toowoomba and surrounding towns. Those floods fucked shit up. :(
My heart is breaking for the people in the Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba, and especially Grantham - the stories and images coming from those areas are chilling. It's the stories from those places that have made me cry :(
Keen for a cyclone over here, nothing fun ever happens.

Edit: Fuck that, hot weather and rain is stupid. If I wanted tropical weather I'd move to Queensland.
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Sticky and filthy hot. I know it's terribly un-Australian, but I hate summer :X