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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

The third time I dosed Oxycodone, oh wow I will never forget. It was my first opiate, and I had tried it twice beforehand, both times feeling only small amounts of effects. I rwelaised that I had not been crushing up the time release enough, and so used a hose clamp to grind a 20mg OC into a fat pile of powder, which I dosed down orally. I left my dorm room and went for a morning walk through my college city. The oxy took over and I was in heaven. Literally felt like god himself had leant down from the clouds and kissed my soul. I had a massive stupid goofy grin on my face, and had to resist the urge to tell every stranger I saw how good I was feeling. The morning light literally seemed to bounce off the skycrapers and into my body, filling me a perfect warmth and happiness.

I had thought that alcohol was euphoric up to that point, but the opiate euphoria was so much more "deep", it felt as if I were a kid waking up on christmas morning, or that I was in love. The thing that struck me was how "perfect" the experience was. It was intense, but subtle at the same time. Everything was just right. I came back to my dorm room afterwards and slowly the high left me, although I felt much more motivated to work on my various college assignments. The come down was like being lowered on silk ropes into a pile of feathers, and a slight relaxation feeling stayed with me for much of the day.
Definitely eccies here, ice relaxed me and lifted my mood but I didn't get the amazing euphoria than comes from taking ecstasy.
Plus I found coming down from ice to be an absolute nightmare, I was paranoid for days and just a general mess.
A decent shot of crystal is a breath-taking blast of euphoria with a high to last. I spent hours upon hours shooting crystal and drawing. I always end up consuming a boatload of drugs when I'm tweaked, because I feel like I can take on anything and/or I need some landing gear. Of course, when you gotta heroin habit you gotta shoot a lot of dope to get right when you're spun.

I love shooting cocaine, but it's just too short-lived for me to consider it utopia-esque.

Ketamine and MXE are majorly utopia-esque for myself. I love the strange, reflective wave of thoughts I get and the warm dissociation just tops it off. It's a perfectly strange euphoria that suits me well. I once truly thought I had the power to telepathically send good vibes to my friends after doing a fat shot of MXE haha. You get a most interesting headspace with euphoric dissociatives. It certainly doesn't suit everyone though.

MDMA/MDA need I even explain? MDMA + MDA was possibly the most euphoric high I've ever experienced. Of course, I usually had some oxy, clonazepam and weed for the comedown. The good shit left me with a trippy afterglow that was heavily enhanced by cannabis. Oh I miss those days when I had that connect. Certainly some of the best times of my life.

IV heroin- the utopia that almost ruined my life and/or took my life. There's nothing like a good shot of dope, you're wrapped in warm blanket of a hedonistic euphoria unlike anything else, and all your worries and problems wash right away. Unsurprisingly, I ended up wanting to feel that way for the rest of my life and it ended up being 4/5 years of hell and plenty of track marks. Not something I'd ever want anybody to try.

LSD and psilocybin- both very different trips, but ultimately very spiritual. If one is good at keeping a positive mindset, you can achieve complete nirvana IME. I can just sit there with a shit-eating grin on my face and laugh, while drifting off into the visuals. As well as euphoria, tryptamines provide very deep, reflective and spiritual experiences. I always come out of it wanting to be a better person.
A candyflip (high dose LSD + 4 hours + MDMA) is the most utopian drug I can imagine. Euphoric, gorgeous, advanced, tribal, spiritual hedonism.

Only psychedelics can claim the title of utopian. They are going to revolutionise our entire planet. They are our only chance of actually creating a utopian society.

There's absolutely no way that opiates can claim this title.
Any dissociative with weed feels like I'm in heaven.

Opiates, supposedly causing "orgasms for hours, but better" never did shit for me. I've done a variety at high doses.
Hydrocodone or MDMA. Hydrocodone just has that utopia-esqe feel more than any opiatee IMO.
Methaqualone (qualudes)
Back in the 70's while in college qualudes wear easy to find. Between quack doctors and on the street (2.50) each it seemed like everyone in the bars were loaded on ludes. Qualudes were a love drug. It made both guys and girls horny as hell. The medicinal use for the drug was prescribed for insomnia, but they did not knock you out. However it they did give you a good night sleep with no hangover the next day. Just made you feel horny in the morning. It was unfortunately so abused they stopped making them. Then the Mexican market tried making them for a while. They were good, but not as good as the Roer 714's oe the Lemon', or the Parest brands. I have heard they are made in Africa called Mandrax. But not sure.
First MDMA dose. If you haven't ever done MDMA and you're listing something else, get a test kit and make sure you've got (as well as you can, they're not definitive) MDMA. It's likely it will change your answer.
Would have to be a toss up between :
1. MDMA + Dexedrine + Ciroc Vodka + Weed + Cigs
2. Liquid Roxi + very nice bho (shatter)

probably the 1st one

DMT is comparable but it's more of an eye-opening, what-the-fuck experience than euphoria. IV cocaine and heroin are also comparable but they don't come close to the right combination of music, atmosphere, lights, and dancing on a big dose of acid.
gotta be mdma. opiates have been my drug of choice for a long while now but i must admit ill never forget the late nights (early mornings) of absolute bliss being in an afterhours club rolling my ass off with friends. nitrous balloon in one hand and a vicks inhaler in the other, feeling the music in my soul. spinning around in a swivel chair watching the light trails in amazement while my gf massages me. even when the cops busted the door down to raid the club one night and i had to hide under a tarp in the bed of a random truck in the parking lot to avoid getting locked up, i still remember describing it as one of the best nights ever.
4-FA low dose 2C-E and common dose MXE was heavenly divine... but not too sure ebout the safety of that combo...

it's allways been a huge part of set and setting as much as the chem / plant etc....

I agree i hydromorphone for example flash is amazing, but it's not a utopiesque vision of how i would like to consume recreatively.....

My "Honeymoon" period with MDMA was intensely full of strong sensations and empathy / love all round.

Last but not least, love, sex, and chems make for some of the most amazing combos sometimes :D

stay safe with the combos... i'm not very good at practicing what i preach sometimes, still trying HR...
MDA was the most overwhelmingly euphoric experience.

Spent 2 hours sitting in a public bathroom just moaning in sheer pleasure.

Incredible afterglow, felt great for days later too.
1st The kiss of the girl of your dreams + a come up on mdma lol

Be careful though mdma has caused some psychosis to me before when come bind with weed.
2nd dihydrocodiene large dose pissing shitting spunking euphoria

3rd All trips just make me have a bad one except truffles, the first time felt like a king while I was tripping dick thought I knew the answer to every question, then comedown "internal thought Ffs I've just forgot everything ive learnt"
3-MeO-PCEr or PCEy or whatever it was named. Take a dissociative, remove the weird wobbly bodyload parts, add some heavy rollercoaster-like gravity and intense closed-eye landscape visuals together with some opioid warmth and coziness and you have it.

I want to do this again so badly. ;)

But it was really on the borderline of PCP psychosis. The whole day after I heard some tiny bits of melodies in the air humming through open car windows and such stuff. Nothing too bad, it was a really overall amazing and intriguing experience (and I never felt so euphoric like on that day too), but I can easily imagine that this can come out very ugly in some.