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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

Anaesthesiologist monitored, high dosage combination of I.V Midazolam+ Fentanyl, that I was awake through the entire time. The room temperature set at 60 degrees maximum. A doctor provided, ipod controlled stereo, that was played at a comfortably loud level, was also provided. Unbelievably, they kept asking me what I wanted to hear and this guy had a surprising amount of music. I listened to Mr Bungle, a lot of Grateful Dead and Frank Zappa, to name a few, but there was much more. My dosage was high enough, that I kept a +++ buzz for 12 hours afterword and had a next day afterglow. To conclude, I am getting the exact same surgery at the same place, within the next 3 months. I have time to prepare for pre surgery, by fasting, liver cleansing, detoxing to increase sensitivity and off the record chemical enhancements to make the last surgery for this issue, at least double the experience. I have no reason to have this drug experience again any time that I can see, so I'm going to get close to epic with it. This is all based on harm reduction. I got it, Phish mix recording!
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Morphine. Don't think there's any real need to explain. Opioids take the prize for me for being reliable in producing excellent euphoria and this at-peace-with-everything feeling.

Also, one trip on a severely larger-than-normal dose of HBWR left me in a stupor where the only thing I could feel was... peace and euphoria. Not unlike opioids, but orders of magnitude more intense. I was in that state for about an hour, then a few hours later when I came to I realized I was suffering an acute kidney failure, but luckily it was very subtle and no lasting damage was done. Haven't done HBWR since then because I'm afraid of injuring myself.
High dose LSD-25 (esp in combination w/ an arylcyclohexylamine e.g. MXE)
MXE (esp IV ROA in M-hole doses + cannabis)
S-Ketamine (IV + staggered insufflation ROA's + cannabis)
Oxymorphone (never got to IV, but insuffL was highly euphoric and noddy)
MDA + MDMA (alongside cannabis and oxycodone + benzo's for the comedown)
IV high-potency Heroin (or IV heroin/hydromorphone cocktail)
Mushrooms (esp strains that contain Baeocystin: it has such a cozy, gentle hallucinogenic effect)
Temazepam (~90-120mg) + Oxycodone (oral + insuffL ROA's)
IV Fentanyl/Midazolam + Nitrous + Diazepam "Twilight Sleep" (prior to surgery; I was laughing my ass off and the rush got me off so much, I had to go do a shot of heroin later to ease the desire)
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5g Psilocybin Cubensis trip. Other than that its any Opiate. I really want to put marijuana in here too but idk if it qualifies.
The first time I got high on tramadol, i really like this opioid (was kind of my first one to)
DMT "breakthrough"
LSD with the perfect set&setting
High dose of Psylocybin alone

Nitrous. I had some nitrous at the dentist a few months ago and it was very euphoric and psychedelic, i was laughing hysterically in my mind without moving a single muscle. They have me a 70% nitrous 30% oxygen mix for 1h15, i believe thats actually kind of a high dose which explains why it was more intense than even ketamine (I could be wrong but i read somewhere that they usually give you less than 50%N2O)
MDMA & MDA - long time ago that mix used to be my favorite. It always happened to be the 'cut' (MDA) in our best MDMA pills, which always turned out well when you knew what you were getting, which I usually did.

There are very few occassions I can say it, and trying to find them (those memories) as I write this seems impossible, but I know I had some euphoric experiences on cocaine that had to be something - those real chatty coked up highs, same thing with MDMA - the ultra feeling of wanting to share everything you have, the jaw jittering like you've been out in the cold, but like you're on MDMA (love that) along with the eye wiggles :) nystagmus. That sense of letting go and allowing the effect to just be - it's blissful.

I've had crazy euphoric experiences on the nbomes but they usually were quite scary at the same time, it was very hard to enjoy - it would be like a mix of feeling like spiders, and electricity while the body felt like it was orgasming - and when you can't seperate the two it becomes well... odd.
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aciiiiiiiid + ketamine = paradise ... and if u add just a little bit of molly it better than paradise (but i added just a little bit 30-40 mgs, i hate mdma...and it was good clean md)

otherwise...i had the most extrme euphoria on coke, a few weeks ago , got the best coke ever, and drinking with it, and some ketamine with it...

How are you still alive my dude?? Lol??
wow i posted in this thread 4 times and didn't mention DMT, shame on me. DMT DMT DMT DMT DMT DMT DMT DMT DMT

I miss DMT
A stiff dose of high-purity d-methamphetamine, delivered intravenously

Best high on earth IMO, if we're just talking about hedonistic, golly-gee-I-feel-good highs. Don't do it anymore, though.
Clearly the best feeling I ever had from drugs was absinthe. More euphoric than I could imagine anything to be, and it does "something" in my mind, which I can't realy describe. It's a "dark" hedonistic feeling of passion. This picture somehow comes very close to the feeling of absinthe, in a way I can't realy expain