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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

MXE/Ketamine in the early days
IV Heroin/IV Hydromorphone
LSZ + 5-MAPB combo
LSD/Molly/AL-LAD combo
HQ Cocaine
Alcohol + Weed in the early days
DMT can round off any trip, or bring it to a beautiful close. With some many chemicals running about in the neuronal pathways its hard to escape the physical form without a heavy dose, but give it a shot and beauty shall ensue.
Let's be fair and say any psychedelic/dissoc. + nitrous = bliss. Have yet to try DMT, heard it's in PA...

But, on the lighter side of highs, sniffing some Oxycodone, notice the "some", and smoking muchas cannabis, one can feel righteous.
I may have posted here before, can't remember, but my answer has changed.

Poppy Seed Tea + Cimitidine + White Grapefruit Juice + Habanero Sauce + Nitrous Oxide.

A good acid peak feels really nice with strong beer too imo.
A long time ago, if i could get my hands on it, I loved the combo of whatever opiates i could find (oxycontin, fentynol, ms contin) washed down with a lot of booze, and some meth. I loved singing and playing guitar like that at shows. But it can be so exhausting to have to constantly be searching for all these required chemicals you need to function properly. Opiates are the main thing you need cuz you're gonna be sick without 'em. If you're inthe middle of a meth binge and you run out and can't find or afford any more, you are going to barely be able to get out of bed and you can't or don't want to do anything because your body now requires the meth to give you the enrgy and drive u need. You body has stopped producing the chemicals that make you have the energy to do stuff (like brush your, bathe, and make it to your gig and try to not look like your'e in such terrible shape and feeling sick).

And i gotta say, alcohol is the worst drug to detox from. U can easily die. Especially older people. You have to go to some detox in order to get the meds u need stay alive and not experience so much hell, which are all mostly benzos like, ativan, serax, or librium. Of course a person like me is now going to be turned onto the benzos. I especially liked the Ativan. I was in serious alcohol withdrawl and feeling like i wanted to die. When i finally got to see the doctor, he prescribed Ativan and it seemes like it instantly took away a lot of, if not all, of my withdrawl symptons. When my Ativan dosing schedule ended, I could realize that i wasn't just feeling better because the alcohol was leaving my system and i was seeing what it was like to to not be completely drunk at all times. The Ativan was making feel alright even as the doses were slowly tapered down.

So i don't drink at all any more, but i do have a constant jones for benzos and i do take 45 8 mg films of suboxone every month.
What is cimitine? And what is habanero sauce? Is it from The Olive Garden? Can you bring some over to my house?
acid reflux medication and a capascian containing pepper.

They are potentiators through absorption and enzyme inhibition.

and no. no olive garden for you..
The come up on mushrooms. It makes everything fun, cool visuals, totally acts as a stimulant for me. It gives me lots to talk and think about and makes me incredibly happy.
Ugh it's too hard to say right now. I change my mind every 5 minutes..

So what I got high in the past, I wanna get high in the present :D
Methamphetamine mixed with a lose dose of hydrocodone and soma.....happy, horny and SPUN with a warm opiate/soma blanket thrown in. My wife and I will do an line, pop half a norco and soma, lay back and dreamily talk for hours, cuddle, kiss and hours into this give each other a booty bump of meth and have the freakiest most sensual love making for hours after.
Dissociatives and/or psychedelics + nitrous

DMT if you get the dosage right

Opioids + benzos + gabapentin/lyrica + muscle relaxers (like somas)

^only attempt that last one if you have a tolerance and extensive knowledge of how cns depressants effect your body and mind
First time I tried MXP...

every time after that was nowhere near the same and tolerance builds so damn fast it's stupid.
There's different kinds of amazing drug induced states.

Meth is pure rush and dopamine, not for everyone but its one hell of a blast off. Your body feels tingly and uo for anything.

LSD was my first real WOW! moment. I has 15 and it changed my life. Nearly every experience (10 ranging from one decent tab up to 4 great tabs give or take) has made my life that much more amazing.

Heroin is more full on. Some dont but many build up to H coz its strong stuff. I always IV'd and find the experience beautiful and intimate. As long as you don't go ballistic you can indulge in a drug in a league of its own. Course like most people, too much is never enough and to me it is the most desired feeling of any other drug.

I got close but never got to try IV Hydromorphone. Aside from oxymorphone(not available here) I've done just about every other opiate available here and IV of course except fent which I did once and was too paranoid to mess with it. They were all wonderful. Sure oxy has no rush but it's overated. 90mg IV of morphine at a fraction of the equivalent price of oxy is my fav. Its got the rush, the length and the deep, long nods. A long time ago I used to have 4-6mg xanax then an hour later IV 40mg Ritalin with 180-220mg of oxy mixed in the same rig(neither coke or H had been discovered yet) and fuck me! The xanax eliminated any negatives of the ritalin so the rush was pretty amazing. Its not worth the risks. That era of my drug career only lasted 6 months. I cut the rit out due to how hard it is on the body.

Many won't agree but a good proper deep nod takes you far away to a place where problems don't exist (until you come down).

Then there's the MDMA/MDA, 2C's, cocaine, mushrooms to me feel beyond orgasmic. I had a great euphoric latter peak & comedown from a recent 2c-e trip. was very clear and strong but not too strong.

Most drugs can hit your spot. Set & setting is everything!
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Meth is pure rush and dopamine, not for everyone but its one hell of a blast off. Your body feels tingly and uo for anything.

Its amazing. tried it twice now and its so much smoother than i thought it'd be. wired tingly smooth-ness, makes me wanna do everything at once, wicked stuff. feel it rushing through me. isnt half the beast the media portay it as, altho that isnt surprising