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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

K coke mdma or acid.
Lots of opiates as well

Never done coke while drdrunk all the readin on here makes me thinks.it's super bad for you.

That being said I'd like to.get down
Never done coke while drdrunk all the readin on here makes me thinks.it's super bad for you.

Well they combine to make cocoaethylene which is a different drug made in the liver which feels great

Coke by itself is cardiotoxic though, no one here ever seems to acknowledge that which is kinda weird. I mean its pretty much poisonous to your heart... F that S.

Idk that kinda does sound like opiates actually, to me at least.

But my first MDMA experience was incredibly euphoric, I don't think I've felt that good since.
Oxycodone and heroin together. Good heroin has to be good heroin. Wow a line of raw china + an oc 80 mixed in = :):):) like smacked it the face with happyness - and the H gives it legs.
MDMA defo the best ever.....then trippin be it on LSD shrooms or 2cb/2ci.....ketamine they r my top 3 for fun, happy feelin gud avin a ball highs.......n heroin is but the addiction part ruins it n makes it not worth it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wishi never got hooked on opiates in the first place :( now on methadone daily how joyful....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the first time i ever tried LSD it was a candyflip. i took 1 hit of some legit, pure LSD and chilled with 3 friends in a car during a lightning storm. it wasn't raining at all, just nonstop lightning for hours. it was me and my homie's first time doing acid, and we were with 2 other friends that didn't take acid (the driver and some hot chick). we smoked a few blunts and just chilled and talked for about 3 hours in the car. it was amazing just feeling what it was like to actually trip for the first time. i'm not good at describing my trip but i can remember just how i felt. well after the 3 hours we all decided to go to an after hours rave club. this was part of the plan because i had just recently got into raving and i wanted my first trip to be nothing short of perfect. oh, and not to mention this was my 2nd actual "drug" that i had ever tried. prior to this i had only smoked weed and then about 2 weeks before i tried mdma for the first time, so i wanted to start experimenting with other drugs. well anyways, i saved a molly from the weekend before. after about 3.5 hours i dropped my molly so i could come up just as i was peaking off the acid. i timed it perfectly! once we entered the club and got bombarded by all of the exciting stimulation that is a rave club, i could feel the molly hit me like a brick while i was peaking from the LSD. i don't know how to describe it but basically it felt like a super intense rush of complete euphoria and clarity. i remember telling my friends that i was having the most happy moment of my life. i felt like i was in a blanket of happiness and nothing could bring me down. nothing but good vibes were flowing through my entire body and mind and spirit. i don't think my smile left my face at all the entire time we were at the club. man i wish i could describe my thoughts better so i could explain my trip more clearly. it was seriously one of the greatest experiences that i've ever had. there was still more to come! i started to peak from the molly! everything was only getting better. all of the sudden i see this girl dancing. she was a friend of mine that i hadn't seen or talked to in over 5 years. i always had a huge crush on her but thought i would never see her again. the best part is that she recognized me and we totally hit it off. it was like a dream come true. she is seriously the most beautiful girl that i've ever met, even to this day. we ended up getting together a year later. i felt like the universe put us together and i always think that if it weren't for the candyflip, this encounter would've never happened. this was the icing on the cake! not long after, the night was over and my friends and i went home. we smoked a blunt to ease the comedown. it definitely wasn't the nicest comedown either. reality started to settle in and i was exhausted after such an amazing, beautiful, wild, overly-stimulating night. i got some sleep but it wasn't restful at all. my brain felt fried but i had so much to reflect on. i wanted nothing more but to rewind the night and do it all over again! i experienced the perfect candyflip. it was my first time to try LSD, and also the first and last time i ever candyflipped. i would love to do it again but i know it will never be as good as that night, plus i haven't been able to find pure LSD since. i was very lucky to actually have legit LSD and MDMA. if timed correctly and in the right setting, a candyflip is the perfect cocktail for real euphoria. real ecstasy. if you ever get the chance to try this, go for it! it will not disappoint. guaranteed!
My first aMT trip, heroin,dilaudid, and MDA. I can't choose just one, they're all different types of euphoria with the exception of the opies.
some of my other top euphoric moments:
-first time hippyflipping on a new years eve and losing my virginity, that was weirdly amazing lol
-first time IVing heroin, felt like i was walking through clouds the whole day
-first time breaking through on dmt, just perfect
-first time MDA, was at my first edm festival, plus i thought i was getting MDMA, so i was surprised
-unexpected overwhelming trip induced by half a blotter of 2cb mixed with 1.5g of shrooms, and smoking dmt after the peak
-first time 2ce solo trip, best rc i've tried
-first time speedball (coke+h), best nod i've ever had
-getting STUPID off of 3 xanax bars, 2 tallboys, and smoking a dub of tar, and then taking 3 blotters of 2cb (DO NOT TRY THIS!!! I WAS RETARDED!!!)

it's hard to pick a top moment but i'm gonna go with the candyflip!
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For me,

1. Ketamine hands down any time, anywhere. Can be mixed with lsd and with ganja or hash for an extended journey. It is a bit of a "miracle" drug for me, anti-depressant and anti-cravings. Just so morish

2. Freebase or meth, but I prefer the freebase just for the orgasmic flash and the god-like feeling.

3. Heroin snorted and smoked. Nodding out in Heaven but bad physical dependance ...

The best for me will be a combination of the three (K,C,H) even if I never done it all in one time.
25c-nbome IS the single most euphoric drug ive done.
best combos have been mdma+shrooms along with alcohol and weed.
another combo that was insane was alcohol + benzo big line of cocaine (was lab tested at 94%!) the smoke a spliff
The best high I had was while in hospital and over a 24 hour period I had 20 mg morphine every four hours but the pain was still with me so I had 20mg oxycodone and a few hours later ketamine.
It made me feel so good I tried to get up and walk home, bad idea, the oxycodone became a problem when I was discharged with a dose of 10mg four times a day and 20mg OxyContin at night and in the morning.
I was on a constant high but reduced and finally stopped after I realised I was going to lose my family.
I do still use oxycodone occasionally for it's intended use, it does it's job but makes me high too, lately however I have been snorting the odd pill which has a good high too, but I'm not requesting anymore from the doc because I know it's going to end up in tears
MDMA and acid candy flippi ng......waited a few hours after takin the MDMA b4 taking a pipette of acid....da best tym of my life for sure......pure luv n empathy of the scale shamazballs :)
Crack cocaine.....that was a no brainer! Why else would you do it??

4 reL MAN.......CRACK CAUSES NO EMPATHY AT ALL ....... how strange each 2 their own n all dat but very starnge glad it doesnt cause these effects mind or id b a full blown crack head....i dunt mind a snowball every once in a while (crack n smack IV ) but not worth doin all da tym just nice as a treat on paydays etc !!!!!!!!!crack is to sketchy for my liking!!!!!!
MDMA + shrooms. (also known as, 'hippie flipping')

I did this once at a Phish show, and it was truly euphoria.