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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

the a) fentanyl (powder form russian analogue)*+ b) triazolam 0.75mg, 3 tabs, halcion brand) combo i did the other day.
doing the same thing now. extreme epicness pwn %)
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IV Meph was the most euphoric rush/feeling I have ever experienced.... Saying that, NEVER AGAIN
shortly after coming back to reality on DMT i felt fucking amazing

or perhaps lots of booze and meph. that always seems to make me feel ontop of the world
shrooms then e. maybe in that order or maybe the other way around.... depends. hard to explain the diff in the euphoria each has. shrooms give me and overwhelming sense of well being and everything is perfect. e makes me feel great and everything fun and interesting.
That would be for sure, the time I candyflipped at a rave in Arizona. The visuals were slow-motion and filled my entire field of view. I went with a group of kids and didn't know them but we were all having a great time and dancing. I get into a shamanic state of mind on psychedelics and that night I was walking around there at the right hand of God, just taking it all in how fun it was.
Shit for me id have to say (h) and fentanyl are my thing but running up some oc 80's ant to far behind eather ;)
mdma just cuz i can be more social and shit but also definately heroin...im superman on that shit..job interview and everything perfectly
Crack?, though I've only smoke it once.. It was like this rush of pure euporia.

Fentanyl and Heroin are my favorite though, they make you feel good all around, not sure if I would describe it as "euphoric," but maybe someone else would.
Surely has 2 be Crystal MDMA .
Alot cleaner than most uppers / stimulants .
Did some about a year ago, lovely not to intense . I usually can't stand uppers apart from the odd pipe tis is due to doing loads as a kid and feeling those nasty comedowns .
But i will always make an exeption 4 some pure MDMA i have IVed it and that was unreal .
Also i ve mixed it with a bit of H and IVed that wicked combo.
Almost forgot H and cyclazine that was a long time ago don't see that about at all round here now
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Easily MDMA, before I completely played it out and it lost it's magic. Still the best drug I have encountered when it was good. (And btw, it was good for YEARS before it stopped being fun)

A close second was my first Mephedrone experience. Shortlived, but amazing nonetheless. Waves of euphoric rushes.
Oxy fucking contin; hence why I've been so mentally incapible of quitting for the past year and a half. :\ But really though, those first few months of the first real "binge" of daily use are incredible. You haven't got much of a tolerance yet so you are just getting obliterated off like 40mgs.

The good ol' days.
Is there even a question that MDMA is the most euphoric utopiesque drug there is? The first time I did it I kept repeating to myself " There is now way I can feel this good, there is no way I can feel this good. Its fucking the bees knees its arms and its legs. There is no drug that can make you feel better than MDMA> I dont even think its a matter of opinion really!? I mean heroin feels good but no where near as good as MDMA!! If you want a more euphoric experience do mdma at a RAVE with electronica blasting, girls rubbing your shoulders and giving you sea breezes with vix inhalers, and if you are lucky a blow job at the same time. I mean I honestly dont think there is a way to feel any better. Seriously.
<3 plur <3

Easily MDMA, before I completely played it out and it lost it's magic. Still the best drug I have encountered when it was good. (And btw, it was good for YEARS before it stopped being fun)

A close second was my first Mephedrone experience. Shortlived, but amazing nonetheless. Waves of euphoric rushes.
Oh ya if you want some rave info try http://www.hyperreal.net or http://www.lolli.org/
Enjoy... Ps if you cant find a rave in your area go to http://dnb-sets.de/ and download some drum and bass and listen to it while you are rolling. Some suggestions are to search for Evol Intent, Sp_, or Dylan. Enjoy ;) Oh ya forgot to mention, Candy Flipping is amazing as well ( a combonation of LSD and MDMA ) this is for the more experienced however. First off try MDMA on its own, by a VIX vapor inhalor, and get someone so blow it under your eyes and under your nose while you are peaking, then inhale it in your nose your self.. Your eyes will start fluttering and you will be in pure heaving.
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Ive tried pure MDA iv'd (aka molly mda) and it seemed better than IV MDMA because it isnt as hard core and is alot easier a come down.

Surely has 2 be Crystal MDMA .
Alot cleaner than most uppers / stimulants .
Did some about a year ago, lovely not to intense . I usually can't stand uppers apart from the odd pipe tis is due to doing loads as a kid and feeling those nasty comedowns .
But i will always make an exeption 4 some pure MDMA i have IVed it and that was unreal .
Also i ve mixed it with a bit of H and IVed that wicked combo.
Almost forgot H and cyclazine that was a long time ago don't see that about at all round here now
Last post, if you like oxycodone as your high of choice, I think that you will like OXYMORPHONE WAY better. In the 60's it was called blueies, then it was outlawed because the abused potential was too high.. Its back out again in the form of opana and is much better than oxys. However opana IR is WAY better than opana ER. Enjoy

oxycodone puts me in a land of beauty. something about sitting in the woods playing my guitar increses my euphoria.