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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

By itself: Oxycodone

But with alcohol, benzo and weed, any opiate is at least 5x better IMO.
I remember getting the most euphoria of any drug just from smoking some delicious heady bud on the comedown from a 4 gels LSD trip. I no longer remember exactly how it felt, but I remember using the mind manifesting effects of acid to push the trip towards a more pleasurable experience was on my mind due to all the shit I read online, in places such as here. I had used coke and H at this point, though probably not together. At the time I knew for certain it was the best drug experience of my life, but my whole memory of this period in my life is a haze
DMT joint. FUCKING BLISS. Not too rough but interesting enough to be mind blowing.
It's hard to say cuz there r so many different types of highs out there. Idk maybe the very first shot of a WHIP IT-WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA

oh yea forgot about that. A double or triple whippet is the most powerful thing i have ever done, but its over so quick! I love the feelings of whippet more than anything, but those are just kinda a fun thing to do once in a while, i dont really see them the same as regular drugs
I would have to say MDMA or possibly my favorite combo of smoking a tray of quality coke followed by smoking a few balloons of heroin. I guess thats as close as I have had to a speedball as I don't IV anything. Also when I sniffed some oc and then some very high quality coke. I thought this was great til I tried smoking coke and then smoking heroin.
i've tried a lot of shit, coke/crack, heroin, meth, an assortment of opiates, benzos, stimulants, and marijuana.

the best buzz i ever had was about 3 years ago...IV morphine, oral 37.5 mg of hydrocodone, and 30 mg temazepam and was drinking bacardi.
i was noddin like a mother fucker...the best nod i ever had... havent had anything like it since.

i've had some really good highs with mdma and meth also, but that one time i explained above was very memorable.
Probably when i did bomb of methylone and a little mephedrone.
MDMA, I feel perfect on a good roll with some good electronic music and close friends. Everything is perfect and I feel 100% myself. Anything I say seem to come straight from my heart/brain. All inhibitions and other social stupidities seem like a joke.

LSD and shrooms can also be really good.
i dont know how to compare a strong nod versus tryptamine euphoria they are both awesome but the ladder just feels more pure. i would have to settle on my first nndmt experience when realizing a lot of things within a few minutes. it was very significant to me and the euphoria that followed was more pure than most of my best nods.
Stims: IV Meth, I think when meth is IV'd the negative effects are lessened as well as the comedown. For some reason it feels so much healthier than other ROA.

Psych's: 2C-T-7...One of the times I tried this I tripped like never before. The most amazing CEV's while the real world was barely visible due to everything just swirling around. A very amazing drug. I also had very bad experiences on this drug that were barely psychedelic and felt toxic, but this dose was very clean and totally amazing.

Downers: IV heroin or IV Oxy

Combo's: LSD+MDMA or IV meth then IV oxy and oral xannax on the comedown...yum :)
oxycodone puts me in a land of beauty. something about sitting in the woods playing my guitar increses my euphoria.
2ci+MDMA+DMT is very pleasurable. Great bliss for 15 minutes... coming down to the mdma and 2ci buzz is awesome. I was very nervous about smoking the deemstirs... but I went ahead and did it anyways. I was told it was possibly the happiest I've ever been or looked... and that is coming from a friend that has seen me in some pretty happy moments.

I was giving out hugs after the experience. It was very awesome. intense visuals for a few minutes... then I took off my shirt and danced around... It was beautiful. Dancing on dmt is really awesome if you get the right dose and right combo.

DMT is generally very pleasurable... very erotic with hallucinogens. Shrooms and lsd mix well with it. Its hard to have a bad time when you enter the dmt space during a trip.

Those have been my most pleasurable experiences.

Hippy-flipping is very pleasant.

sometimes I like small mushroom doses and small mdma doses by myself. These can provide for very content times if in the right state of mind. It doesn't always need to be intense to be wonderful, in my opinion.
1.) a good chunk of an oxycontin 80, preferably half or more, the high is well...its certainly debatable whether its the funnest drug to do per say..its more of a general nothing can go wrong feeling, not as if I were on top of the world but more like..if I recieved a call that my parents were dead or that I had cancer it wouldnt affect me much at all really, not that I wouldnt care but Id be able to put aside what would normally be an irrational emotional panic. Thats why I call it my most euphoric drug. However, for a "fun" time, ie: music enhancing, complete change of mind state drug I would not put oxycontin for the running, I have to say all drugs are fun but applied differantly to each mood or setting.
It would probably be MDMA just because it is forcing all the pleasurable neurotransmitters to work through your brain. But with that obviously comes with recovery time since you lost most of your happy juice the night you take mdma. So my vote goes for mdma but it's a double edge sword, be ready to go through some anxiety and depressed down feelings after the mdma use : (