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What is the most addictive substance?

This is a tough one.... Crack i will fiend for like no other...but after a good run of it i'm able to stop it whenever.

HEROIN i cannot stop worth a damn...I always want more of it and when i want to stop i have to puke out my ass and shit out my mouth so i'll have to go with heroin.

I hear meth is really addictive, but i never tried that stupid trailer trash drug and dont plan to.

How is meth any more trailer trash and stupid than crack? And don't even get me started on heroin and it's withdrawals. They're all drugs. They're all equally dirty in their own special ways. It all just depends on a person's preference.
Eh this one is hard, well weed has a super strong psych addiction because people see it has harmless thus leading to daily use very easily.
Opiates and benzos (xanax), just because they make any shitty day turn into a nice relaxed one where you literally don't give a fuck about things.
Lastly, methamphetamine . I'm not a big amp/uppers person and never thought i would try meth, but let me tell you the pull that drug has is quite intense and scary. You feel like your most purest form, and at the top of your game literally.
is meth really that addictive

i snort meth at least 6 times a year but i never craved it and the comedown doesn't bother me because i like to be back to reality. also does meth mouth happen if you just snort meth? i also end up falling asleep on meth but maybe that is because i only snort 1 line. what do you think?
If you fall asleep on meth you aren't getting high, and you probably arent getting meth.
Meth is a dominant drug. It begins as something that makes the person feel more productive, social, aggressive and sexual. All of which are Positive things.

The problem is that meth is so dominant, that the person needs meth to continue getting positive effects. Part of getting meth is getting money and the problem with getting money while on meth is that you only have so long to get the money before you're not high anymore.

You're tweaking. Life is simple. Beautiful. Sweet Jesus! More meth, less problems!

So the person earns X amount of cash for a few grams of their pure pure ice. Puff puff, then they need to make more money to stay aggressive, sexual, and "productive". When in reality the person is probably not being productive.

More meth, less problems!

Suddenly it becomes about not coming down. Not falling asleep. Not having to eat.

Yes, meth is extremely addictive and almost no body (less than 3% I would estimate) can keep using without becoming a full-blown junkie. If you're already doing some other drug 24-7, then you're probably less capable of getting addicted to meth since you'll probably not want to switch DOCs without a good reason.

On my above statement, I don't care if the person uses "once a month" and is careful, it's almost always a matter of WHEN the addiction catches control and never WHO it catches.
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opiates but if i remember correctly that started slow once i started smoking weed it took off i smoked everyday alll day as im packing my bong right now!..............................................benzos and suboxone has/had me hooked for geeezeyears klonopin years are all faded! stay offf benzos
LSDMDMA&10344798 said:
If you fall asleep on meth you aren't getting high, and you probably arent getting meth.
i don't know because when me and my friends take meth at the same time from the same pill they stay awake for over 24 hours but not me. i just feel like sound is different and more confident and more alert. how come my body responds so different from everybody on meth?
Hey guys, I'm going to merge this with The Most Addictive Drug Thread:Oppinions and Theories.
i don't know because when me and my friends take meth at the same time from the same pill they stay awake for over 24 hours but not me. i just feel like sound is different and more confident and more alert. how come my body responds so different from everybody on meth?

Do you have ADD? Could be it...
i snort meth at least 6 times a year but i never craved it and the comedown doesn't bother me because i like to be back to reality. also does meth mouth happen if you just snort meth? i also end up falling asleep on meth but maybe that is because i only snort 1 line. what do you think?

Yes, you can get meth mouth from snorting meth. My ex has really bad "eye teeth" (or the "vampire teeth"). The chemicals drain from your sinuses and drips down those teeth. Those were really the only ones rotted on him though. Had huge, black holes in them. With every ROA, A lot of what contributes to meth mouth is dehydration. Another factor is fluoride, like in toothpaste, mouth rinse, and gum. Mixed with the chemicals in meth, it is very acidic to your teeth, especially when smoked. That's a lot of the reason I injected. I've only had 2 cavities, and that was *before* I ever did drugs.
Hey guys I was just thinking about it and realized it's probably different for everyone. I'm talking about psychological dependence... Personally I've tried quite a few like hydrocodone, oxycodone, d amphetamine, l amphetamine, DXM, drinking, smoking tobacco, smoking weed, and a few more I can't think of right now. Weed is by far the most treacherous for me. It's pretty fun IMO, but holy shit I smoked pretty much every day for a couple months, blew through a lot of money, and didn't even realize I was hooked until I realized I was making excuses to smoke more and more often all the time. I've used both the amphetamines and opiates more than weed and I never got hooked on those not even close. But weed is a whole different deal for me... What about you all?

Btw if this belongs in dark side my bad wasn't sure.
Other than nicotine, definitely cocaine.

I became obsessed with doing it again after my first few times doing it.

Apparently, coke is not physically addictive, whereas amphetamine is.

But man, I've gotta say, the psychological addiction associated with coke is so powerful you might as well consider it a physical addiction.

You just can't stop thinking about it.
Hey guys I was just thinking about it and realized it's probably different for everyone. I'm talking about psychological dependence... Personally I've tried quite a few like hydrocodone, oxycodone, d amphetamine, l amphetamine, DXM, drinking, smoking tobacco, smoking weed, and a few more I can't think of right now. Weed is by far the most treacherous for me. It's pretty fun IMO, but holy shit I smoked pretty much every day for a couple months, blew through a lot of money, and didn't even realize I was hooked until I realized I was making excuses to smoke more and more often all the time. I've used both the amphetamines and opiates more than weed and I never got hooked on those not even close. But weed is a whole different deal for me... What about you all?

Btw if this belongs in dark side my bad wasn't sure.

You got it with your first sentence.. everyone is different and you are likely to get a lot of people arguing for their DOC and getting upset/defensive if others disagree in a thread like this.. It is an interesting topic, however. Addiction is often less about the specific drug IMO/E and more about the addiction as a whole, or self-medicating, or escapism. Some drugs are more likely to cause a physical dependence than others, but it is possible to become psychologically addicted to most (if not all) drugs. Why certain drugs appeal to certain people interests me a great deal; why do some people become opiate addicts where as others become tweakers? Why can't some people stop popping benzos where as others need to put a needle in their vein? With me, it has definitely been more about the addiction (and later on the ROA) than the specific chemical and I used to switch round drugs a lot.

This would be triggering in TDS, and we don't do long discussion threads in BDD (check the guidelines in my sig and the "state of BDD" sticky) so I'm going to try it in DC - but it may not be quite right for there either..

Other than nicotine, definitely cocaine.

I became obsessed with doing it again after my first few times doing it.

Apparently, coke is not physically addictive, whereas amphetamine is.

But man, I've gotta say, the psychological addiction associated with coke is so powerful you might as well consider it a physical addiction.

You just can't stop thinking about it.

that is similar to what i experienced with weed... i couldnt stop thinking about it and i could barely stand to face any day without being high. as for physical dependence on amphetamines, and all stimulants as far as i know, the effects of withdrawal are much less pronounced than say opiates. Typically after a week or two of taking amp every day then abruptly stopping, i get no cravings whatsoever. i have never craved anything besides weed. even nicotine isnt addictive for me, it really just feels like i got a really bad headache but in a good way (rather difficult to explain sorry). anyway, the only withdrawal i experienced from amp was just one or two days of low to moderate lethargy and a dramatic increase in appetite i.e. play video games all day and eat everything in sight. kind of like weed but not as fun because you feel like you just got done exercising a LOT and your really tired. never tried cocaine personally though, too expensive and not many around here have it.

Without a doubt in my mind. After 2 days straight on it (my first time), my entire body was shaking from the craving for more.

Without a doubt in my mind. After 2 days straight on it (my first time), my entire body was shaking from the craving for more.

never tried it. i know the d and l amp are supposed to be a lot weaker... but honestly no stimulant has ever gotten me 'high' like other drugs. I have ADHD, so that probably plays a large role, but i never felt any euphoria from stimulants. i just take em cuz it makes working a million times easier. i actually think much faster, remember things better, and can do 5 or 6 different things at once when i dont take them. but im lazy as fuck without them... no idea why really.
Haha, meth, oxycodone, and a few benzos all really addictive drugs I have tried. But the one that hit me the hardest was tramadol. One small dose and next thing I know im 3 months down the road. Really dumb I was doing doses up to 1800mg just to catch a high. Fucking stupid cus of seizures.
Haha, meth, oxycodone, and a few benzos all really addictive drugs I have tried. But the one that hit me the hardest was tramadol. One small dose and next thing I know im 3 months down the road. Really dumb I was doing doses up to 1800mg just to catch a high. Fucking stupid cus of seizures.

never tried that one... opiates just became a bitch for me after the first 10 or 15 times because for me oxycodone does very little (vs hydrocodone, supposedly weaker, which gives me around 8 times stronger euphoria than oxy) and my tolerance went through the roof even though i spaced out doses to once every week or 2 weeks. even when i did that and tried potentiators, i basically just stopped getting anything out of any opiate i tried other than very minor euphoria and strong sedation. hell i did a cwe on 20 7.5mg oxy my last time before i decided i was done with them and i didnt feel a thing. i just stopped because the cost vs benefit became very unbalanced and it just didnt make sense anymore. i never craved them, just liked the euphoria.
Nicotine (why ffs?)

In that order. I mean psych. addiction, not phys..