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What is the most addictive substance?

Buddy of mine says here I don't like these (4mil dilaudid) and hands me half a bottle and ohh my I been chasing them ever since. So mine definenitly is opiates but have to admit I love them. It's hard to say hey don't take this anymore they make you feel better gotta be the hardest habit to kick.
i don't know how many times this has been said but...heroin /thread.
Buddy of mine says here I don't like these (4mil dilaudid) and hands me half a bottle and ohh my I been chasing them ever since. So mine definenitly is opiates but have to admit I love them. It's hard to say hey don't take this anymore they make you feel better gotta be the hardest habit to kick.
What are dilaudid withdrawals like on a scale of 1 to 10??

And lets assume methadone and heroin are 10/10
Dilaudid wd's are just like all other opiate wd's the first week of physical hell the from there the next couple of months with no energy and the flu like symptoms just keep ya feeling down. I would give it a 8/10. The worst wd's I've ever encountered really was when I tried to get clean and went to a suboxone doctor for bout year the wd's from suboxone had me thinking of shooting myself two different times. They lasted forever I just started back on dilaudid/hydrocodone after it had been almost three month and I was still in major wd's. 11/10.
The worst wd's I've ever encountered really was when I tried to get clean and went to a suboxone doctor for bout year the wd's from suboxone had me thinking of shooting myself two different times. They lasted forever I just started back on dilaudid/hydrocodone after it had been almost three month and I was still in major wd's. 11/10
I heard that aboot subs. Plus they get worse every time you relapse.

I heard kratom works excellent for sub WD's, you should try it next time
If it's just codeine.. you're lucky :p. Benzos are on the list too though. Less fortunate...

Offtopic: ARGH I'm being swarmed by mosquitos. :|
Killed like 5 in the last 10 mins. And they're still all over the place. FML.

*Puts on mosquito hunting hat.*
Comon you fuggers!

I'm gonna turn the light on in the hallway and close my windows eventhough it's superhot. I feel like way too many of em have managed to get to me already. :X
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Killed like 5 in the last 10 mins. And they're still all over the place. FML.

*Puts on mosquito hunting hat.*
Comon you fuggers!

I'm gonna turn the light on in the hallway and close my windows eventhough it's superhot. I feel like way too many of em have managed to get to me already. :X
Dude dont you have a screen in your windows lol
I heard that aboot subs. Plus they get worse every time you relapse.

I heard kratom works excellent for sub WD's, you should try it next time

every wd is subjectively different but much the same symptoms occur each time.

are you dosing higher and higher each time you relapse? that'll be why the wd's get harder. if you're able to flow at a constant rate i find that they're generally more prolonged symptoms but the severity of them is a lot less than kicking a mules habit.
IV coke for the immediate stupid behavior it inspired,
Heroin for the bits that never leave,
Nicotine for the sneaky insidious way it weasels into each day.
Quaaludes had a definite hold for a time, actually was kinda glad when they were gone.
hi quality meth, mdpv, and A-pvp....and I have done everything (heroin, oxy, everything!!!!) the urge to re-dose is rediculous....fuck these drugs
Currently IVing heroin and I still have to go with methamphetamine. Haven't used for 5 years as of August 12 and I still have dreams about it. Those go away … right?