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What is the most addictive substance?

God damn cocaine is proving it has earned its spot. Not only have I (unsurprisingly) eaten my words about never shooting it up again - twice, and with amounts twice what nearly ODd some dude shooting the same blow - but all this has not made me stay away from the stuff. I don't think I'll inject it again, at least for a damn while after that scare, but I've been sniffing and smoking it for a few days now.

And just this morning when I hoovered up the last line of a bag I was supposed to use on something other than myself, when I thought I could finally lay off the stuff, a friend shows up with a sample of some new stuff. Best cocaine I've ever had, I think, based on the test sniff - waiting for that base to dry right now. Feel like such a crackhead, cooking up freebase at 3AM for a few more hits.

IMO more feindish than any other drug ive tried
God damn cocaine is proving it has earned its spot. Not only have I (unsurprisingly) eaten my words about never shooting it up again - twice, and with amounts twice what nearly ODd some dude shooting the same blow - but all this has not made me stay away from the stuff. I don't think I'll inject it again, at least for a damn while after that scare, but I've been sniffing and smoking it for a few days now.

And just this morning when I hoovered up the last line of a bag I was supposed to use on something other than myself, when I thought I could finally lay off the stuff, a friend shows up with a sample of some new stuff. Best cocaine I've ever had, I think, based on the test sniff - waiting for that base to dry right now. Feel like such a crackhead, cooking up freebase at 3AM for a few more hits.
Hoeveel mensen doen nu ongeveer coke in Holland (percentage)??

Whats the percentage of people in Holland doing coke nowadays??
Cocaine and Mephedrone. Put them in front of me and tell me I can only do them in public with crowds of people passing by, I'll agree to do it.
I feel like sucha lightweight with my kratom habit compared to you guys :D
Hoeveel mensen doen nu ongeveer coke in Holland (percentage)??

Whats the percentage of people in Holland doing coke nowadays??

Voor de mensen tussen 15-64 jaar in de buurt 3-5% (ooitgebruik) denk ik. Regelmatig of in de laatste jaar miscchien een half tot een procent, beetje hoger voor de jongeren.

What does my Dutch read like? I'm an immigrant and still not quite caught on.=D
Food..... I was 455 pounds at one point, had gastric bypass to loose the weight... still have a eating disorder minus the weight. Weight about 210 now... but no matter if im on drugs, off drugs, in the hospital, in jail, no matter where I go eating has been a problem.... even sober even when im eating healthy I can never stop thinking about food...

I have my times where I don't think about drugs, when I don't think about a smoke, or a drink... but food.... I always think about food... sounds silly but its not... I mean at one point I was eating my self to death its what started my drug addiction and its never left me it haunts me forever and will haunt me forever... because you have to eat.... every time I eat something I think of more more more

.... silly... but true. food
Voor de mensen tussen 15-64 jaar in de buurt 3-5% (ooitgebruik) denk ik. Regelmatig of in de laatste jaar miscchien een half tot een procent, beetje hoger voor de jongeren.

What does my Dutch read like? I'm an immigrant and still not quite caught on.=D
Its pretty good, actually ;)
Heroin and crack. Both equally controlled mt life at diff points of my life
Marijuana is extremely addictive. From the age of 17-22 I smoked an absurd amount of cones day and night. I couldn't go to the shops/work/anywhere really without having the pipe and mix in the car, I'd even hold the wheel with my knees and rip comes while I was driving! I was pretty much a skeleton at age 22, bones sticking out everywhere (and somehow i was convinced I was overweight) and the drawn look on my face. During those 5 years smoking completely changed me as a person, and I'm sure there's permanent damage (i get paranoid a lot and I'm not very social i've actually wondered if I have "social awkwardness". Never had these problems before I started smoking about 3grams a day to myself, sometimes more!) just haven't presented to the doctor to find out all the things wrong with me lol. 2 days without being able to buy Budd was just excruciating, no sleep and felt like my stomach was being shredded on the inside. And the sweating UGHHH it was just hell..Couldn't eat anything, even the smell of food made me sick and was bringing up bial ( worst taste ever! ). I love it too much. I have to pinch myself to say no when offered! I'm currently on Meth and haven't had to withdrawal,yet.
Sorry about the super long comment haha damn crystal! Xx
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I have to reconsider my statement about stimulants and in particular Cocaine and Ethylhphenidate if we take physical addiction and withdrawal into account.

Have been going through benzo withdrawal (clonazepam 3 mg/day, but I've been using oxazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, phenazepam and temazepam too now for 8,5 years) the last 4 months and it has at times been hell on earth. At times I've had horrendeous heart palpitations and a rise in BP which feels dangerous and has resulted in me calling an ambulance one time. I had two ECG's, blood pressure tests and oxygen monitoring done. My heart was fine, but I was scared shitless. And my pulse and BP are now continuously much higher than before, although not at dangerous levels. Then add some panic attacks, extreme anxiety and feelings of terror, depression and racing thoughts that can keep spinning in loops for hours. Yeah, I'll say benzos.
mdpv was by far the most psychologically addictive. Meth it's easy to see how you could burn out on it smoking it all the time, but idk it just fucked my shit up for a while ig if I had more I would have fucked myself over for longer
I've tried some hard drugs such as meth, all opiates except heroin, cocaine... But I'd definitely say benzos. More specifically for me, Valium.

Haven't been addicted... Not that I think anyway lol... And haven't had any for a couple months now. But shit, when they're in my possession... Oh boy
Oh youd know if youve been addicted to Benzos. Just ask any BLer whos been through Benzo WDs.
Oh youd know if youve been addicted to Benzos. Just ask any BLer whos been through Benzo WDs.

Vouch. Lol.

Voor de mensen tussen 15-64 jaar in de buurt 3-5% (ooitgebruik) denk ik. Regelmatig of in de laatste jaar miscchien een half tot een procent, beetje hoger voor de jongeren.

What does my Dutch read like? I'm an immigrant and still not quite caught on.=D

"Voor mensen tussen de 15-64 jaar in de buurt van 3-5% (ooit gebruikt) denk ik. Regelmatig of in het laatste jaar misschien een half tot één procent, beetje hoger voor de jongeren."

=D Pretty good. How long have you been living in The Netherlands/Belgium?
Holy shit, you guys arent kidding about benzo withdrawals.
The WD's can last up to a couple of years!!! 8o


Withdrawal symptoms from low-dose dependence typically last six to 12 months and gradually improve over that time period. Symptoms may lack a psychological cause and can fluctuate in intensity with periods of good and bad days until eventual recovery. For this reason, many experts agree that after withdrawal from long-term or even fairly short-term use of benzodiazepine drugs, at least six months should have elapsed prior to re-evaluating the symptoms and updating a diagnosis.

The acute benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome generally lasts for about two months, but clinically significant withdrawal symptoms may persist, although gradually declining, for many months or even several years. The severity and length of the withdrawal syndrome is likely determined by various factors, including rate of tapering, length of use and dosage size, and possibly genetic factors

How the fuck can the FDA allow this stuff to be legal?? Thats insane!!
i came out of high school an adrenaline junky and found my way into the mdma scene and soon after the speed scene and straight into IVing it. my affinity for the needle and stims aren't a good mix at all so i try to avoid at most cost.
How can they be legal? There are people who can't live without them. Tons of drugs have withdrawal symptoms, that doesn't mean the drug itself it's to blame.