WET - Springfield, MA 8/10/02

^^ couldn't have said it better myself...
now begs the question: interesting good or interesting bad? good = the music. bad = foam-soaked ravers with super soakers. hmmm we shall see...
For the record, it would not be wise to aim any of your waterguns at me, as I will be 1)hungover from friday night and 2)forced to kill you. Feel free to soak the perky little girl next to me, Shana's all about the foam and "wet" aspect of the party. :)
Peace ~Katie
:) You have my hopes up now Pauly, you better be there! Aww what am I saying, I know you will be ;)
I think I just got quite a bit more excited for this party! Is it Saturday yet?
<-can't wait to soak red :) u are whareing a skimpy baithing suit like you said right? i know you can take that contest and win no problem! ;)
Hmm.. I still dunno. I can't decide if I want to go to this. One one hand I don't want to be wet all night. And I really can't afford it, and my friend just turned 21 and is having a party, and I kind of have job obligations. On the other hand... I haven't been to a party since Shocked, and I won't be able to go to another one until the end of Sept. Hmmmm my life is sooo difficult with all of these important decisions. :)
Note to all who are bringing water guns:
"Please make sure your water guns are empty for faster entry. No full waterguns will be allowed. All full water guns will be emptied at the door. You will be able to fill up your guns in the bathrooms once you enter The Asylum."
Originally posted by MrJaMaL:
Note to all who are bringing water guns:
"Please make sure your water guns are empty for faster entry. No full waterguns will be allowed. All full water guns will be emptied at the door. You will be able to fill up your guns in the bathrooms once you enter The Asylum."

BTW, Teddy, GO!! Now you really don't have a reason not to!
We at Kingsize & True regret to inform you that once again, DEEJAY PUNK-ROC will not be able to make it out here for our event due to
personal reasons. We apologize greatly for all whom are disappointed by this will explain more about this issue later. In his replacement, we have added DJ VENOM. VENOM will be spinning
a Booty House set in Punk Roc's original time slot (1:00-2:00 am) Main stage. The hours of 1:00am-2:00am will also be the be the hours of the *bathing suit contest*, so we felt that a booty house set was an appropriate replacement.
We hope that you agree..
Again, we apologize for all who are upset by this news; and we hope you understand that we are doing the best we can to make it up to you..
- kingsize & true
oh boy 'nother set by venom **craps pants** oh well shit happens
and yes, teddy, you should go!!! i mean c'mon, foam, wet slippery fun, oh yeah
oh and i just got a very nice paycheck, watch out is all i gotta say!!! :)
^was just about to post that, but also i jut talked to jeff and he told me that the party gonna sell out most storesare almost out-a tickets so get them in advanced i don't wana see blers missing out...
Originally posted by MrJaMaL:
Note to all who are bringing water guns:
"Please make sure your water guns are empty for faster entry. No full waterguns will be allowed. All full water guns will be emptied at the door. You will be able to fill up your guns in the bathrooms once you enter The Asylum."

Ah! YES!!
So much for my rather antiquated theory of sketchy ravers with super soakers filled with bleach and piss. haha!
Heard ya loud and clear Jamal and Kev! I'm going! :)
*/waves "not so anti-plur" flag with Kev. lol
[ 10 August 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
*doing best Mr. Burns impression*
Excellent... :D
Most of the crew will be represented here. My girl and I got our ticks today, so I'll see everyone tomorrow night.
Just a question.. from everyone's experiences at Foam parties.. (This is my first), what is there to expect as far as how it affects clothing and such? I don't really want to wear something I enjoy wearing if the foam will just ruin it, ya know what I mean jellybean? =P
It would be phat if you can go...It was fun chillin with ya at One Nation.
Originally posted by TopRocka:
Just a question.. from everyone's experiences at Foam parties.. (This is my first), what is there to expect as far as how it affects clothing and such? I don't really want to wear something I enjoy wearing if the foam will just ruin it, ya know what I mean jellybean? =P
I've been to about three foam parties. The foam tends to be very similar to that of dish washing liquid suds and smells like bottled bubble liguid. Depending on the strength of the solution and how it's diluted, it may leave a slight soapy film on your skin/clothes etc.
Foam solution seems to be pretty fabric friendly... unless you have something that is specially treated and is dry-clean only.
Cotton dyed with rich colors that easily bleed could pose a problem.
In most cases, it washes right out with no trace, so I'd say it's pretty much a "no hassle" affair.
In any case, I'd just play it safe and wear something I didn't mind getting messed up a little.
Who's stupid idea was the whole watergun thing? Personally, I'm not going to this event solely because of this. I don't care to be around a whole bunch of people trying to squirt me and others in the face all night.
I think the idea of a foam party at Asylum is awesome. I've been waiting for this for a while and then they go and ruin the whole thing by bringing waterguns into it. WHY?!?!?
I certainly hope they decide to do another foam party at a later date but get rid of the whole watergun thing.
Lets get a motherfuckin' * BUMP *
New York wil be in the house without a doubt.. :)
Foam party, oh gosh..Having SF memories.
Can't wait tonight....
:) :) :) :) :)
[ 10 August 2002: Message edited by: x lolita x ]