WET - Springfield, MA 8/10/02

APC? wtf is that? ;)
Dave, go, don't even think about it, just do it.
Well if what Scary said is true about the foam being 4-5 ft deep, I might have some fun beating the living shit outta anyone who shoots me, I know I wont get caught cuz I will just do the sneak attack by grabbing them under the foam. I know this party is definitely gonna be weird. lol. But I will have a "ton o' fun" nonetheless.
Allright, foamsluts!
The very unofficial and laid-back "Wet Meetup" is arranged.
The time is MIDNIGHT.
The place is the COAT CHECK (across from the bar).
There will be 750 to 800 rabid bluelighters with supersoakers filled with liquid PLUR, foaming at the mouth and prepared for the wetest meetup and possible afterparty since... something really wet.
Party hard, SAFE, SMART, and wet!
the meet up can suck my bolas. I don't do those. Don't get me wrong, if I meet u, it's all good. I just don't like whole "BLUELIGHT" big raver meet ups. lol. You can't miss me, big dude who looks Asian or Black or both, but you just can't tell. lol. Sleeveless T and Tattoos. That's all you gotta remember. Yah dood! Pissah dood! Rock out with ur cock out! I just might under the foam, ya never know. haha. j/k
At least I can recover from getting soaked. Probably take you at least a week to recover from ur bruises :D
Right, but a night of sloshy sneakers is no good.
Ok, so Jen, you said you might go...now's the time when you pop back and say you ARE going, got me? :)
oh, btw, Spore....lets make another meetupat a later time too, just in case peeps dont get there or in by 12, how bout 2am as well?
Finally Jen wont ask me, "Where's your boy?"
Kev, you don't bruise? EVEN BETTER!! I wont know how much pain I inflict! Yay! ;)
shiiiiiiiiiittttttt, so i did some comparison shopping, it doesn't matter super soakers, i'm talkin the big ass buzuka (sp.) cost a crap load of money, grrrr......guess i'll have to go to the nearest gas station and pick up the 99 cent deal,
p.s., meetup sounds phatty
dave gotta help me convice jen she hurt her foot and is being stuburn about going...
Ohh no, she's not gettin outta this one that easily... it's time to lay the smackdown, Pat. :D
ya hear that Jen??? You're coming!
I'm going to have Liquid LSD in my super soaker. Everyone is going to be tripping nuts. It will be great.
Spore is now at his old college in Vermont (from which he dropped out) and visiting his hippie friends. They are camping out in the woods and working on this sustainable agriculture garden project and doing research on "hemp" and whatnot. It's weird though cause they are all "back to the land" types, mostly stick to organic drugs, and don't appriciate rave culture or music :(
But they are wicked cool, they just got back from some Dead reunion "Other Ones" show in Wisconsin or sumthin'. The coolest part of hanging out with them is they are (and have) good buds and they know all these awsome hidden wood spots for camping/partying- this one cabin in particular. Dayum we've had too much fun out there. Perfect location for a psy-trance party some night- a long-time dream of mine.
(and from 1:00 - 4:30 everyone should be in the DNB room anyway!!) By the way, is dancing to DnB "unacceptable" or what? Why do I feel like I should be chilling motionless like most jaded, sketchy looking homies who are junglists? Good DnB makes me want to get down and LIKWID DAMMIT!
Only a couple days left! Gots ta find my watergun...
Damn right Spore. I'm going to be dancing my lilly white ass off all night in the DnB room.
Spore, interesting how your description of your vermont friends just described all my vermont friends to a T. Either we have some of the same friends or there's a bunch of vermonters working on sustainable farms and hemp agriculture (which I don't doubt).
I'll not be at this party. I just realized that I have 20 dollars in my bank account and no ride. Me thinks that I'll take a party break until late September for that Columns one. :(
^i'm driving matt you can sit in the back seat i'm bringing my best friend and he's usein' my comp i've never taken him to a rave and he never wants to go but he heard foam party and i was able to convince him :D i can give you a ride tho jut gotta get a ticket