WET - Springfield, MA 8/10/02

Originally posted by KayDUB:
...someone started to spin zombie nation????
WTF!!!! and some retards were actually cheering, i shudder at the thought...

HAHA!!! Guess that makes me a retard! lol
I thought it added for a comical bit of nostalgia.
It was cheesey, but I guess it's allowed sometimes. :)
I told her I'd hose her again if she'd let me suck them.
She declined. lol
Muuuuuuch love to tha crew. :D
Nothin like startin my night bein greeted by Kev Sara and Teddy right at the Koat Check.. then ending the night seeing Hootie McBoob revived, shirtless, and covered in a layer of foam 6 inches thick.. absolutely fucking priceless.
Oh, and Pat.. I was comin after you when I was equipped with Teddy's infamous water canon, but unfortunately I ran out of water before I could find ya.. Though you didn't shoot, you gave me a scare when you aimed your gun at me, sending me running for cover. Just consider yourself lucky I didn't stumble upon you when I was fully equipped. :)
The lady and myself split roughly around 2 am, but only because the "aroma" of the foam, the heat, the humidity were just getting out of hand, and the allure of dry clothes in the car was just too tempting.
[ 13 August 2002: Message edited by: TopRocka ]
Originally posted by Speekah Phreekah:

Some girl wanted me to hose her down with my huge gun..(that didn't sound right, did it? lol) I told her I would, only if she showed me her tits.
She DID!!!!! They were perfect, and had the most beautiful pierced nipples.
I told her I'd hose her again if she'd let me suck them.
She declined. lol

Check out the big balls on Teddy!
Btw, I made those cds, brought them with me, and my stupid ass left them in the car.
Didn't realize it til I was almost back in Boston.
I forgot to say that despite the "aroma" of the foam and the unbearable heat, I, too, had fun at this party. I also amused myself by tackling Hootie into the foam. heheh.
I would like to experience another foam party sooner or later, just not @ The Asylum. A club would be better such as Buzz or something.
I think my next venture to the Asylum will be Skool'd. Probably gonna skip Tables Turn 2k2 and I will be in FL during Mercury Rising.
Until next time...

[ 13 August 2002: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]
Oh yeah, Mr. JaMaL, I too felt very patriotic at the sight of the chick in the flag suit + boots. "Two Times", ha.
But I had a much sweeter encounter with a pretty loved-up girl on the couch next to me in the "puddle zone", who gave me a bracelet. I gave her one too and she smiled so ridiculousely happy and said "Thank you so much! Thank you!" like she was about ready to die from happiness. So after chilling with her for a minute I ran my finger down her arm really slow and gentle and she practically came from just this small friendly touch! Moments like this are why I will always love the ASYLUM forever!!!
By the way, did anyone party there when it was Club Kaos??? What was it like and why was it closed down?
it wasn't really closed down jeff bought it (he used to be the manager of kaos) and made it the asylum.
Originally posted by ScaryRaver:
it wasn't really closed down jeff bought it (he used to be the manager of kaos) and made it the asylum.
Um, no. Ben owned and ran it. Ben made it the Asylum. Jeff managed parties thrown at the Asylum (mostly the True parties). Jeff bought it from Ben.
well, i'm glad to hear everyone had fun... i wore my favorite of most favorite pants, and was sitting on the floor, and the waistband got stained with dirt :( they're not really fit for direct light anymore. *grins* now they're my asylum pants. oh, and next time i go to a foam party, i'm either wearing drawstring pants, or bringing a belt. having to stop dancing to pull up my dripping wet, stretched out pants was *not* fun.
teddy, i'm glad you found your big gun, and also glad i never got shot with it.
the only time during the night i got mad (or was jaded, which ever you want to call it) was, riiiight after walking in, when some kid with a pretty big water gun shot me point blank. he thought i was one of his frends, i'm obviously NOT, and i threatened to break him in half if he came near me again. i had not a single problem for the rest of the night ;)
i had a blast meeting new people, and fun seeing the kids i already knew... kinda sad i didn't meet a few people, but c'est la vie, it usually happens like that. i remember when we didn't have meetups, we had the bluelight booth... back when area 51 still ran the asylum... but that's when most BLers were still unjaded kandy kids, and stayed in one place due to pill consumption :)
and i must admit, i am still grinning from the weekend, although there was a distinct lack of sleep. strangley, monday morning i was cheerful and full of energy... i think my body just released all my endorphins, and i was running off of adrenaline. hmm... strange.
well teddy, wasn't directly makin fun of ya, yeah the song was nostalgiac (sp.) and all, yeah it reminded me of mornings on the roof in hartford, but it loses credibility when it's played at a football game and drunk 40 year olds are gettin down to it...
endorphins are gooooooooooooooooooooood
that's my input on the endorphins
it really shouyld have ben named Swet !!
the people really are what made the party!!
also it had a kickin sound system through out the whole place :) alltho they would have to paid me a lot to bring my pa into that place!!
KayDub...I know exactly what roof your talking about....that place was my home away from home...........
I have to say that I had a blast! Thanks for the ride Nate. I seem to be suffering from some foam induced skin problems lately. I'm all dry and itchy. Or maybe it's just from being WET for 6 hours....
*/Misses the roof in Hartford. :(
System is where it all began for me. Thats the only reason I got so excited when I heard that song...cuz it reminded me of my favorite afterhours spot on the planet in another life..hehe
Sources indicate that System is re-opening soon as "Matrix"...
True System headz know that there will NEVER be another place anywhere like System..
Remember..JJ Blades, Maddam Buddafly and Quixotic spinnin' Dnb and breaks in the Jungle room?
Sean Cunningham, Maa Bell, and James Fusion spinnin' progessive trance and house in the Main Room? Pheonix rising on the Rooftop Lounge? The Bar back that spun in the basement with the pool tables and shit? Remember the huge JBL speakers the entire place was outfitted with, and woofers with bass so deep it almost made you sick? (and deaf.lol) Remember the weird Drag Queens?
Remember the beefy "Size Does Matter" bouncers with no necks? lol Remember the bouncer that looked like "the Rock"? hehe How 'bout the bouncer that always caught you, but let you go if you offered him a pill?...lol
Sorry for the lengthy dissertation, but you guys got me reminiscing...
Damn, I miss that place.
Remember JJ gettin fired for beating up that kid? Remember how much of a drug haven it was? lol
Originally posted by MrJaMaL:
Remember JJ gettin fired for beating up that kid? Remember how much of a drug haven it was? lol
Hehe... I do remember. I was there that night.
I saw enough to conclude that JJ's actions were justified....
Calling System a "drug haven" would be a misnomer..in comparison to the parties we now attend where drugs of all sorts are trafficked.
Back then, it was just e and K and the occasional coke..
I've been hanging out at system since it opened in Jan. of '99. I watched it grow from an intimate gathering of people who respected music with none to moderate drug use... to becoming commercialized and blowing up with over capacitied crowds of serious drug abusers/sellers.
When JJ left, so did Maddam Buddafly, Quixotic, James Fusion and others. That's when I stopped going.
People can say whatever they want about System. To me, it was a place that shed light on a once unfamiliar culture, vibe and style of music.
Damn, I miss those days... it was a much happier time.
[ 14 August 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
I was there since January 2000 and miss that place like no other. I truly felt at home there. There were drugs there, but no more than at the Asylum or any New York party. The people were just friendly beyond belief and everyone felt like a close friend even if you didn't know there name. It really bothers me that System got busted over "Vibe/Insomnia". That place was just as much of a drug den as System was, yet the better of the clubs got shut down...
Speekah: Do you remember "War", and all the enormous bouncers running around with paintball guns with glowsticks on the end? Or how about Toxic, with the radiationsuit clad dancers on stage covered in glowing goo? Ya also can never forget the endless stream of trannies that wen't there, they were always a good laugh.
Are they going to open "The Matrix" as a 21+ martini bar like they were planning on a year ago?I don't think anything can compare to the old System, there was most definately something very special about that place that is now gone forever...
Originally posted by Speekah Phreekah:

Hehe... I do remember. I was there that night.
I saw enough to conclude that JJ's actions were justified....

Oh, I am not saying what JJ did was a bad thing. I was not there that night, but I heard what he did was definitely justified. I mean we all know JJ isn't like that for no reason.
Also, I deinfitely don't doubt that it was a cool place for a long time, just not towards the end.
I, myself, didn't like that place that I would rather not discuss here.
[EDIT]In response to xtcvitality[/EDIT]
War was phat!! Everyone in Camo gear.... the overhead helicopters dropping glow sticks and stuff over the people waiting in line..lol.. the entire place looked like a battle zone...
HA! I remember those parties as clear as day! lol
Remember "Freedom"?... no police, no bouncers. Just pure fun!
Omg..lol. */wipes tears.
I believe it's gonna be 18 and over. I was in that area last week for a meeting at the civic center across the street. There's all sorts of building permits and stuff posted on the premises.
Didn't see a liquor permit... so I doubt the martini bar thing is happening.
[ 14 August 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]