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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

^ Good to hear!
Was waiting on a report on these before ordering for myself next time.


Hey no problem friend, I hope you enjoy them.

Just don't enjoy them as much as I do...because this weekend, me and my girl went through so many that I now have absolutely ZERO tiz from now until the next shipment comes in on Tuesday. Lol oops. Guess I'd better start hitting up friends for emergency benzos or gabapentin, but if I can't find any then I'm sure I'll survive 24 hours with no tiz, I should have enough weed and hard ciders to coast thru till tomorrow...

Apologies for mini ramble/off topicness but yeah lemme know what you think, it'd be good to hear other input since there's nothing on the internet about these right now. I personally won't be ordering any other brand...for the time being, I think Etizest-MDs are the best out there.

EDIT: Update in case anyone cares (unlikely) I found a friend who was able to source me enough etizolam to get me by for the time being...slid under the wire yet again %)
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So the serotonin release of Etizolam shouldn't be a problem then?
No, it shouldnt be a problem.
Olanzapines activity at serotonin receptors is minimal and will likely act as an antagonist or inverse agonist at sert receptors.
Before my next order (will be Etizest as always) and a couple posts up saw that the new MD version is good.
The only thing i have left to ask is: between etizest and etizest-md.. equally dosed or does one seem a bit better?
Basically I'm saying is one greater than the other or are they basically the same in different forms? Effect wise do they differ?
Because with the Intas Etilaam I found the MD's were better than the regular ones (may be all in my head tho).
Thanks anyone with info..

Placebo effect. I started on Etilaam then saw Etizest - they looked better produced and made Etilaam in their flimsy silver packs and blue form look a bit cheap. Etizest felt better for a while but after going back to finish my remaining Etilaam off before they expire they seemed just as good. I always put great faith in them as they are professionally produced and I genuinely want them to work so letting doubt ruin the several hours of calm I need seems counterproductive.

If they were generic ones I would worry I was getting my money's worth.
got 50 2mg pellets coming in the morning hopefully these wont get eaten like smarties
Yeah I've always just got the pink etizest-1. Everytime... now I'm stuck trying a couple boxes of Intas etilaam-1.

I see a lot of love for the etizest lately tho... I'm hoping its not because they are any better active ingredient wise.

I bet the hype of these new etizest-1 MD is part of it. May just have gave the brand more attention overall, MD and the pinkies.
hey guys etiz user coming from 8-5mg within 4 weeks, using for over 6 months approx 8/15mg a night, 2mg for about a year on and off when i first started...

anyways down to approx 5mg cnt sleep for shit :-( got sum clonaz here maybe sublingually taking 2mg will help ( i will say clonaz doesnt knock me out) i habe some weed but it does fuck all ( too high tolerance) shud i just pop another 2mg of etiz, i need some sleep ( doubt 2mg etiz will help, have got morphine sulphate here , suggestions without fucking my taper plan up? or jus ride it out?
Thought I'd see what all the fuss was about so ordered 100x1mg tabs... Probably be here Friday.
Can anyone suggest the best (readily obtainable) solvent for powdered etizolam? My tolerance is such that I could probably get away with just scooping out of the bag, but I'd rather be a bit more precise.
Thanks, although I'm having trouble finding a source that either sells it locally or ships to Australia. Would propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerine work (I vaguely remember reading something about the former being used for benzos)? I can easily order some of either from e-cig websites.

Alternatively, would just plain vodka work?

Finally, any info on how soluble it is in these substances (if at all) and how stable the solution would be (stored at room temperature) would be vastly appreciated... I'm not much of a chemist :p

I'm thinking in terms of dissolving 20 - 50mg in 1 - 3ml of whatever ends up being the best option (maybe more of both, depending on the stability question), stored in a syringe from which I can then accurately dose.

Sorry for asking questions which I'm sure have an answer somewhere back through this thread or it's predecessor, but I don't have it in me right now to read 72 pages looking for the answer.
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Hell, ethanol works, and if you make it strong enough you only need to ingest like .1ml of ethanol for 2mg of etizolam. Just get everclear (don't drink it while using benzos lol)

100mg etizolam/10ml of ethanol is 1mg per .1ml
Awesome. I didn't think anything stronger than vodka was available in Australia, but apparently I'm completely incorrect and we can get up to 95% ABV rectified spirits locally - I also did some more reading and apparently that should work just fine (although I'm guessing sublingual administration is out of the question). Thanks guys.
If your worried about dosing an alcohol mixture sublingually... I take my suboxone with vodka everyday. So its not a prob with that, can't see why it would be for etiz/alcohol. Just burns like hell for a minute if I use too much.

If you're only using .1ml I can't imagine it would burn much at all. Id hate swallowing any alcohol... yuk.

hey guys etiz user coming from 8-5mg within 4 weeks, using for over 6 months approx 8/15mg a night, 2mg for about a year on and off when i first started...

anyways down to approx 5mg cnt sleep for shit :-( got sum clonaz here maybe sublingually taking 2mg will help ( i will say clonaz doesnt knock me out) i habe some weed but it does fuck all ( too high tolerance) shud i just pop another 2mg of etiz, i need some sleep ( doubt 2mg etiz will help, have got morphine sulphate here , suggestions without fucking my taper plan up? or jus ride it out?

How are you doing? I've also been trying to taper down. Seems as long as its done slow enough... its not so bad for me. I had to bump up my sub dose from 1mg to 1.5mg while I started lowering my etiz intake. Are you opiate dependent as well? I sure wish I had some clonazepam to help taper. It works great for sleep for me, better than etiz.

Congrats on getting down from where u were at. I'm about at the same amount u r. Good luck!
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If your worried about dosing an alcohol mixture sublingually... I take my suboxone with vodka everyday. So its not a prob with that, can't see why it would be for etiz/alcohol. Just burns like hell for a minute if I use too much.

Oh cool, thanks, might be viable after all then. How much vodka do you mix in with your suboxone? Just for comparison.
Sry I loged off... umm about half of the cap's worth on a 200ml bottle of absolute. Which is my fav for this. I was surprised that it worked better than belvedere which is my typical favotite. Tried all of the major better brands like goose and ciroc too. I tried silver patron that wasn't great, much worse was whisky ha,

But I imagine I use around 5 ml or so. No matter the dose.

Maybe look into keeping the solution very concentrated for storage like u were told. The .1ml/1mg thing but maybe add a small amount of extra vodka when dosing?

Isure hope my etilaams are in the mail tomorrow. First time trying this brand... always had etizest. Hope its = quality.

To bare_head. I had two days straight of 6mg as of tonite. which is a lot less than what I had been taking. Imsurprised my w/d isn't so bad thus far... hope u r ok. I had went nuts and was on 2-3mg of clonazepam atleast daily aswell as popping 1mg etiz and 1mg alprazolam like candy the whole time on top even some valium too when I could get it so I'm glad to be down to where I am.
Love etiz but not its halflife. That's for sure. Its like xanax and valium had a baby as I once recall someone saying. But damn short action.
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Thought I'd see what all the fuss was about so ordered 100x1mg tabs... Probably be here Friday.

Well it came in the post this morning and I haken 2x1mg today and nothing...

Can anyone give me an equipotency guide? 1mg equates to Xmg Diazepam/Lorazepam/Alprazolam ... ?
Well it came in the post this morning and I haken 2x1mg today and nothing...

Can anyone give me an equipotency guide? 1mg equates to Xmg Diazepam/Lorazepam/Alprazolam ... ?

Etizolam 1mg ~= 10mg Diazepam
Alprazolam .5mg ~= 10mg Diazepam
Lorazepam 1mg ~= 10mg Diazepam
Thanks ^^^

Must just be a bad batch then... 3mg now and doing nothing. I'd at least have felt 10mg Diazepam.