Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!


I guess so, I just wish I had more social intelligence and not that useless shit. Oh well.

It takes special kind of dumbness to like my poems... 😏👽🤗
I better stay up the night, I got stimulants after all -> I become fucking paranoid schizophrenic hobo on the second day every fucking time I have stayed up for the last fucking three years.
I can’t work out if Americans are hard to understand or is us Australians.

Anyone know how many other Aussie’s there are here?
There should be loads in a place like this
It feels useless to live with 10 times worse memory than before benzos and lyrica. Getting fucking deliriums and shit out of nowhere. They are propably gonna diagnose me as early alzheimers in few years, since I can barely even fucking remember my passwords and stuff. Not even talking about what I read/see/say since I can barely fucking remember anything or learn something new.
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I cant get a fucking job. Cant get a decent crop. Cant get loan. Live far away from friends. Cant get to school. And most importantly, I cant kill myself with the drugs. What a bunch of shit.
Mdma comedowns so been somewhat manic, then fucking depressed, crying, feeling empty. Also over 200€ on damages for getting hacked/virus.
Fucking owners of Finnish drug selling site have leaked all their posts to police. Jail timesssssssssssssssssss
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Ok when I was 7 months pregnant and had been clean for over a year and a half, my supposed "close, longest term friend", invited me over for coffee one morning. I went, when I got there it became obvious she had been up all night using speed with her friend who was also there. She didnt even make the coffee. I seriously think she was trying to trigger me into using drugs while pregnant. I didnt though. And that was the ultimate revenge. Staying clean. Fuck her.
I hate how America has some of the best people on this planet, but the people in power include very good people and some of the biggest piles of dog shit on the planet. Terrorists.... ? You fucking assholes are some of the biggest terrorists on this blue ball. Corrupt.. Your so corrupt you have legitimized your corruption through manipulation of language. Lobbying is bribery. Support the troups even if you totally disagree with the war. Fuck the troops that are manipulated into fighting your dog shit war. There are entire homeless communities being constructed for the soldier victims of your insanity. Your health care scam is total shit. The good people are going to reclaim this country and then you will fall in line with the true new world order. The days of the oppressive manipulative controlling overloads are ending.. Fall in line with a system thats desighned to benifit the standerd of living of us all or get fucked.
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It feels useless to live with 10 times worse memory than before benzos and lyrica. Getting fucking deliriums and shit out of nowhere. They are propably gonna diagnose me as early alzheimers in few years, since I can barely even fucking remember my passwords and stuff. Not even talking about what I read/see/say since I can barely fucking remember anything or learn something new.
How long have you been on benzos? I get the same way when I'm on high doses or using for an extended period of time. On the bright side, your memory and ability to think clearly will come back quite a bit if you stop/lower your dose... idk if that's possible for you, but I understand your struggle... it's a very tough one.

I'm personally so sick of dealing with my father. I have wasted years in hopes that things can be even decent between us. Truth is tho, it never will- he is a complete narcissist and holds grudges dating all the way back to his childhood, which is why he doesn't speak to any of his family. have any friends, is divorced, and none of his children go around him. I guess i'm the only one foolish enough to keep doing it. He started sending these sob texts about how he loves me and wishes we would spend time around him, and so on... so I caved and go out there. Same. Fucking. Shit. All my life I've dealt with. I pray that I can remember this hurt and anger until the day he is laid to rest so that I don't have to keep putting myself through this. I wish he would change, but I'd be foolish to think it's going to happen in his life.... I just want to cry and fight. Maybe I'll just sleep it off.
I'm personally so sick of dealing with my father. I have wasted years in hopes that things can be even decent between us. Truth is tho, it never will- he is a complete narcissist and holds grudges dating all the way back to his childhood, which is why he doesn't speak to any of his family. have any friends, is divorced, and none of his children go around him. I guess i'm the only one foolish enough to keep doing it. He started sending these sob texts about how he loves me and wishes we would spend time around him, and so on... so I caved and go out there. Same. Fucking. Shit. All my life I've dealt with. I pray that I can remember this hurt and anger until the day he is laid to rest so that I don't have to keep putting myself through this. I wish he would change, but I'd be foolish to think it's going to happen in his life.... I just want to cry and fight. Maybe I'll just sleep it off.

Wow, are you able to Express this too him ? ! Does he listen ?! Maybe he doesn't even realize that he is like that ?!
That would be even more horrible if he really was a narcissist.
However, I really am sorry.
It feels useless to live with 10 times worse memory than before benzos and lyrica. Getting fucking deliriums and shit out of nowhere. They are propably gonna diagnose me as early alzheimers in few years, since I can barely even fucking remember my passwords and stuff. Not even talking about what I read/see/say since I can barely fucking remember anything or learn something new.

that happens to me also from benzo's. it scares the god forsaken buuujeezus whatever the f#cks outta me. bad!
plus don't do sooo much.
and believe me !
everything gets better when it
CAN'T get any worse.
build a cabin or an igloo 😁
c'mon dude! or matey
finny winny
you can be tougher than most of us.
raise wild mustangs. get out the shipload and get me a send some anchovies and some Swedish fish. Mmmm please send fish 😁.
anyway dont be soo sad, you are better than that !