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I guess I shouldn't complain so much, but I really wanted to scoot around outside today, but nay... boner kill. Oh well, still have the fav substances at least :)
Smokin bong, dabbing on a significant amount of 2cd. Love dabbing. Got an eighth of shatter recently, for the first time in ages and it is a nice haze. Still craved a bong rip when I got nauseated from the 2c-d a bit. It hasn't been the easiest night.

I still feel like shit over 2 weeks after I quit. Not sure why that is. The past several times, I have been good after 10 - 14 days I'd be at least be able to half-enjoy life by now but I still don't sense my spirit this time. That vitality, awareness it's still not there and I am stuck here waiting. Trying to be patient. Chronic relapsing is wearing me out, although last time I made it 2 months, I started feeling better a lot sooner and also didn't do anywhere near as much to help me start to feel normal again as I have this time. This time has been a gnarly withdrawal, for whatever reason, in some respects... really irritating ones too. It has been a very irritating withdrawal, and I feel like my life has been on hold for a month now considering the time I was high and I'm getting impatient... then I eventually find the euphoric stimulation of the oxycodone pill. I don't really mind being a burnout. I'll smoke my herb and shatter and see how things are in a week.

Haven't thought in a while about how bad I still feel. It has been more than 2 weeks and with definite withdrawal symptoms like restless legs which really doesn't bother me it's the fucking depression. Kills my creativity and energy and I still don't have it back this time. Feels like I fried myself. I don't know what I am going to do.

p.s. the bong rip didn't help the nausea situation. I can get nauseous on higher doses of 2c-d. I dabbed some shatter and that helped. I don't feel nauseous anymore. Now, I am noticing the restless feet. Unlayering an onion of irritation, lol. Really it's kind of like yoga in a way, but just chilling out trippin out. I typically get really stoned for yoga too though, and often take a more reasonable dose of 2c-d, like 20mg for that. My experiences with that have been real trippy.
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What kind of dosages you taking of 2c-d? My preferred dose was 80mg though sometimes I enjoyed 40-60mg if I wanted a lighter trip. I also enjoyed it up to 120mg but I found 100-120mg to be usually bordering on overwhelming.
Smokin bong, dabbing on a significant amount of 2cd. Love dabbing. Got an eighth of shatter recently, for the first time in ages and it is a nice haze. Still craved a bong rip when I got nauseated from the 2c-d a bit. It hasn't been the easiest night.

I still feel like shit over 2 weeks after I quit. Not sure why that is. The past several times, I have been good after 10 - 14 days I'd be at least be able to half-enjoy life by now but I still don't sense my spirit this time. That vitality, awareness it's still not there and I am stuck here waiting. Trying to be patient. Chronic relapsing is wearing me out, although last time I made it 2 months, I started feeling better a lot sooner and also didn't do anywhere near as much to help me start to feel normal again as I have this time. This time has been a gnarly withdrawal, for whatever reason, in some respects... really irritating ones too. It has been a very irritating withdrawal, and I feel like my life has been on hold for a month now considering the time I was high and I'm getting impatient... then I eventually find the euphoric stimulation of the oxycodone pill. I don't really mind being a burnout. I'll smoke my herb and shatter and see how things are in a week.

Haven't thought in a while about how bad I still feel. It has been more than 2 weeks and with definite withdrawal symptoms like restless legs which really doesn't bother me it's the fucking depression. Kills my creativity and energy and I still don't have it back this time. Feels like I fried myself. I don't know what I am going to do.

p.s. the bong rip didn't help the nausea situation. I can get nauseous on higher doses of 2c-d. I dabbed some shatter and that helped. I don't feel nauseous anymore. Now, I am noticing the restless feet. Unlayering an onion of irritation, lol. Really it's kind of like yoga in a way, but just chilling out trippin out. I typically get really stoned for yoga too though, and often take a more reasonable dose of 2c-d, like 20mg for that. My experiences with that have been real trippy.

You still with that girl bro?
Hey Shroomy, you gotta see this, it's a behind the scenes look at chinese RC manufacturers. You should see the size of these rotovaps and industrial reaction vessels. It's nutz. It also has the roots of BZP and Methylone from New Zealand.

Watch 1:15 to14:50 --at the very least check out 5:15

Folks need to wake up and look at their drugs and get confused! And ask questions. Easy ones, preferably about stimulants.

Stimulants. I don't have any. That's making me angrier than expected.

If I had stimulants I would have made up some excellent questions by now, with really witty answers that people would complain they didn't understand.
I too am wanting stims, it's a phone call away, but that would be a bad thing.
It would be a bad thing. I could make a phone call too, but it would be . . . awkward. And then I'd be out again real soon.
I'm not going to lie with my zero tolerance/self control with meth, I'd probably end up in the er. Damn metropolitan area making sourcing easy.
Don't listen to this, readers at home, who should be having their harm reduced: the dozens of times I've been scraped off the pavement by EMT and ambulanced in to the ER, intubated and catheterized, trying to find where I was bleeding from, the neuro exams to make sure I hadn't stroked before being booted back out, all from our friend ethanol--meth seems like playing with safety scissors.

But I don't slam it either.

No, really, some folks here worry about their brains after an MDMA binge, and I think back to the fucking CT scans and IV thiamin and my head in styrofoam blocks, all the fucking indignities, all from booze, I always want to say, Trust me, you're OK.

After that, irony means I'll probably die trying to plug gabapentin or something. Setting the house on fire trying to smoke a bowl with my propane torch, probably high on the list.
Lol I lit a buddies seat in his car on fire trying to smoke a bowl once, lit the torch and fell out, dropped it and poof. Up went the seat, saved the bowl though, I don't slam either, have probably 5 times. Lol the highest on my list when I was using was probably the blackouts, I drove 46 miles once totally blacked out, stopped to get gas and everything. Came to In the middle of nowhere, amazing I didn't get murdered for some of the shit i did.
You had blackouts on meth? I admit I've lost three hours looking at a stretch of carpet, but I never blacked out. Yet.
I have blackouts sober, but yeah especially if I over did it. Scary stuff to wake up and not remember how you got there, or how it'd been half a day.
Yeah, that's something a fella might want to look into. I've had my share of waking up in a train station in the wrong city, but I knew what to blame.
I'm about 90% positive I'm bipolar 1, went to a shrink at 16 for a bit they threw around a couple things, that was one, but I quit going before a formal diagnoses. Was just a kid afraid of having a mental health diagnoses, really do need to get back in though.
That's a 10% chance you don't want to mess with. I'm pretty sure meth is contraindicated for bipolar, what with the psychoses and the mania and staying awake for days.

I've always thought that's something you want to let your friends and family in on, so if you start talking about how you really work for the secret service and have these big plans for how you're going to meet a Russian spy and turn him and find out who the real owners of Bluelight are and reveal their secrets, and thus saving the world, they'll know what's up and sneak some lithium in your drink.

I guess that's the difference, huh: manic psychoses you're gonna save people, Meth psychoses, you gotta save yourself from people. Schizophrenic ones could be anything, at a more leisurely, complicated pace.

I've only had "delusions" and hobo trips. When you maintain an almost black-out drunk but for days, usually on the move, semi-hallucinating, you remember a lot, but don't know how much was real, usually involves magic and tunnels through the oleanders.

Edit: I hate to say, but I look back on those fondly. I always got through with a nice tan, lost a lot of weight, scratches and tears and blood stains, have to throw away my clothes. But fun.

Made some friends, learned where to spend the night from hobos, these are the kind where you get arrested, but then released and keep on going.
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Yeah meth was a bad idea, poor impulse control is a symptom so might explain a little bit. I usually end up hearing stories from friends about how I flew off the handle and shit got scary, I'm not such a good person when blacked out, like night and day.
Not a lot of people black out and turn into benevolent angels. Yeah, it's a state to avoid.