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Television The Simpsons

Homer: You don't know what it's like. I'm the one out there putting his ass on the line, and I'm not out of order! Your out of order! The whole freakin system is out of order! You want the truth? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. Cause when you reach over and stick your hand in a pile of goo that was your friends face, You'll know what to do. Forget it Marge, it's China town!
The Conan Years were simply unparalleled when it comes to TV comedy genius:

Homer gives up beer for 30 days / Lisa's Experiment ("Is My Brother Dumber Than A Hamster?")

The B-Sharps.

As mentioned earlier, Cape Fear.

People who think Seinfeld is funnier then The Simpsons should be forced to wear a scarlet NSOH on their foreheads for No Sense Of Humor.
Another favourite of mine is the one where Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate the alien (Mr Burns) Homer finds.

I swear the whole - "I bring you love" and the diluted eyes on Mr Burns are a direct reference to ecstacy... love it

I think its an attrocity that Diamond Joe Quimby and myself are yet to post in this thread...

Simpsons Avatars Rock :) Anyone want to join the team>?

If you don't have a Simpsons avatar, you're not a true fan :)
I love the simpsons and try to follow in Homer's footsteps as much as I can :D

BTW love You only move twice
Homer: Uh... you have any sugar around here?
Hank: Sugar? Sure. [fumbles in his pockets, takes out a few handfuls
of sugar] There you go. Sorry it's not in packages. Want some
Homer: Uh... I... no.
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Definitely one of the best shows ever created. As if that really needed to be said. Sadly, it should have gone off the air with some dignity and class a little while ago. By biggest problem with it now is how Homer's character has changed so much. He used to be a well-meaning kind of bumbling fool that people could identify with. Now he's just... well, I don't even wanna get into it. I guess after so many hundreds of episodes the idea well starts to run a little dry.

I love the episode where Homer tells the story about Maggie's birth.

Homer: "It's a boy. And WHAT a boy!"
Dr. Hibbert: "Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord."
my new favorite pic... Simpsons meets Dali
Lenny and Carl are a great team.

"Carl, can I die first? I couldent bear watching you die!"
Marge: Homer, what are all those explosions coming from the basement?
Homer: Marge, I'm not going to lie to you..... Well, see ya!

What was the trainspotting spoof? I missed that one!
Does anyone else find themselves comparing their life or family to the Simpson's? I find myself doing that on a regular basis. I don't know what I'd do with out them. It's time to get a TiVo or Replay TV since I miss the show working nights now:(
Everything in life can be related in some way to an episode, or quote from the Simpsons. Everything from Darwinism, natural selection, urban sprawl, why I ran out of cereal this morning, why I have cold feet, and the reason fo good times.. 'celebrate good times, woo hoo', 'I will' (Someone finally bought a copy of your book sir!)

I am the same. Everything is Simpsons related. I could spend a lifetime recalling, discussing and drawing analogies from this significant part of my life.

"I'm full of piss and vinegar.. before it was only vinegar"
I was watching an episode the other day and I noticed a subliminal message. When Homer was coaching gridiron Rod and Todd were in the team, one of them was wearing number 66 the other 6. In one particular scene they stood next to each other with the numbers 666 evident. Was this a subliminal message or have I been on too many drugs?8(
Definitely has nothing to do with drugs. The makers of the SImpsons always throw in little things that can be deconstructed, analysed, or in this case outright blatantly controversial. I think the point is that they know that people will watch the Simpsons no matter how wacky or nonsensical the story line gets. The audience is more interested in the witty remarks, and implied messages, and general funny shit that goes on. Being unable to recall the exact episode you refer to I can only guess, but I'm sure someone out there will be able to confirm it for you.
Mr-E-man said:
Best show on TV IMO.

Fav episode is prob medical marijuana where Homer gets prescribed Texas THC by Dr Hibbert for his wounded eyes after the crows turned on him and tried to drink his sweet sweet eye juices.

"they call em fingers but I aint ever seen em fing" (otto)

Close second when they adopt Hans Moleman because Bart moves out.
Gotta Love Hans.

=D =D =D hahahahahaha
"Homie, you don't need drugs anymore, your eyes are all better now"!

"Eyes??? What the hell are ya talkin about"?

"Smooooke on tha waaater! dunh dunh dunh dunh du da da dunh dunh duuuuuuh dun dun"

Best episode eVa
Yeah the Simpsons is funny as fuck...I remember when I was little and my mom wouldn't let me watch it.....I was so deprived.
Maggie is found by child welfare mob with sign stuck to her back, "I'm a stupid baby"

"Stupid babies need the most attention!"

"..err light switch?"