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The 'quit smoking' thread

i quit on monday after 8 years, it is now friday.
i went and got pissed last night and survived.
i worked at my cafe today.... and survived.
i miss it so much.
but i already feel so much better.
i know i can do it.
i wish everyone the best of luck
what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.
pEaCe beats
Still on the wagon.
It's been a couple of weeks, and I don't think I could even enjoy smoking a cigarette now (unless on drugs).
I have been using this method, which I don't think is cheating, although some may disagree-
Whenever I get the urge to smoke a ciggie, I go grab the bong and pack myself a cone full of tobacco. One toke is usually enough to end my cravings.
I only have to do this once every few days, so I don't think I'm prolonging my addiction.
anyway, best of luck to anyone quitting. You can do it!! Smoking (tobacco) is stoopid
I failed im smoking again but i think i might be able to keep it sociable, as long as i always have a mate over drinking a few, then i should be set right? 8) anyway time for bed
I smoked for about 2 years so I guess I wasn't fully addicted, but it still was hard..
I haven't had a cig for about two weeks now, I know it's not long, but I seriously think i'm through the worst of it and it can only get easier from here...
I'm gonna quit that weed, end that speed. But what a really need is that tobacco, without it i would turn wacko and degenerate into a smacko.
Dr Tabs 3 point plan has stepped onto the second level, i guess it the last time i harp on about vegetable rights and peace!
Yeah im quitting until 2 tribes... ill be happy if i can make 2 weeks... then maybe well see.
This is something i have thought about doing for the past few weeks, and now is the time!! Okay 12 hours without a smoke, its not a bad start!
i'm still smoking :( even after months ago i made a big entry in my journal that i was stopping (to make sure i did quite because i did it publically) *sigh* i'm so shit :(
LOL... I said back then i was going to quit till 2 tribes... lol... that was fukin ages ago and i wasnt addicted back then lol... FARK!

I didnt know i was bitchin about smoking back then !!!


LOLOLOL when i finish my exams ill give up LOL!
Well, I quit for obvious reasons. It did take some doing - I couldn't quit right away like most women seem to be able to. I've always felt that I needed to have a cigarette when I felt anxious, although since I've stopped smoking, I've realised that the reverse is true.
I went from smoking a 25 pack of 12mg per day. Then I smoked 2 packs of 8mg over about 4 days, then a pack of 4mg over.. well, that was over one day, because it was a bad day. Then I smoked a pack of 2mg over a few days, and then a couple of packs of 1mg.
The first time I went a whole working week without smoking, I had a cigarette to celebrate. And it tasted AWFUL! But then, I always knew that.
I still have cravings. A lot. And I always feel really bad when I have cravings, because I know I shouldn't. And it's haaaaaaard and I struggle at times because apparently I'm not allowed to use gum or patches, so I have no choice but to quit cold turkey.
Yay for not smoking!

It's been a year since I "quit" smoking. I didn't smoke at all for 10 months and now I allow myself one a day, if required. With a crying baby, a Burmese cat and an anxiety disorder, sometimes it's just the 5 minutes out of the day that I need for myself.

I don't consider myself "a smoker" anymore though. If I can't smoke for a week or a month for some reason, it doesn't faze me.
After 4 years of hardcore smoking I quit about a month ago... I have been out drinking and pilling and gassing and still havn't had so much as a drag... I quit cold turkey which seemed to work as opposed to the previous two times I have tried quitting with patches...

Got a mad cold now and am coughing up all sorts of shit so hopefully my lungs are finally starting to clear themselves out :)
^^ I'm finding it hard just to get a cough out these days.
I'm down to $0 in my bank account, about 10 smokes left and i seriously considered quiting. Then i though about it some more and i came up with a big "naaaaah"
^ Well right now I can't say that you would feel better for it but I'm sure in a few months I will be raving on about the benefits of quitting smoking.... Hopefully :)
i'm about to hit the quitting warpath again.. exams and uni finish on friday.. so i'll be destressed... right?
i think this time i might go for patches. gum is just disgusting, and makes me feel sick.
I am still smoking a packet of Benson & Hedges Special Filter a day.........on and off since I was 15..... fuck been smoking for nearly 10 years. The longest time I have lived without ciggies was 8 months...... these gums gives me heartburn. These patches my my skin feel itchy and I get werid and bizzare dreams if I forgot to take them off before bed......
Anyone used cigarettes as a weight loss aid?
Cos i'm not eating much these days, i find myself smoking like a chimney. Hence one of the reasons why i won't quit