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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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Miracle- I believe that if your insurance is responsible for cutting your meds the very first thing to do is inform your ordering physician. The doc (&/or his office staff) should be able to give you alternatives that insurance will cover.
Look at it this way, the physician gives orders to the patient for treatment he/she deems necessary for treatment. If specific orders are for meds not covered by insurance there must be an alternative that the docs staff is usually very informed about because other patients have more than likely experienced the same issue. Although they try insurance companies are not allowed to dictate to the doctor on how to treat his/her patient.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.
Shroomy- Movantik (from Astra Zeneca pharma) is a new OIC medication that I plan on discussing with my Pain Mgt. doc at our next appointment. I have never used it myself and just recently viewed commercials about it, but it was enough good info to spark my interest. There are a few side effects and only one that really heightened my concern. It is said that some patients may experience opioid withdrawal symptoms. That would be the deal breaker for me. I think that if that side effect would occur it would be noticeable early enough to stop taking before the medication caused any serious harm.
That is what I have for you. Good luck.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place I am still learning.
WOW...where do I begin again?

I'm ALIVE. That's a start, I suppose, though I feel like Lazarus. I've missed being here with my CP PEEPS. :eek:

Looks like I've missed a lot happening here, including new members and such. I want to first extend a warm WELCOME to all of you who arrived here via the Pain Train. It's a bitch of a ride that none of us chose to take. It's a comfort to know that we're not alone in this. We can lean onto each other for information, support and the much needed distraction. I personally seek the humor in all things...even my own health crisis. Laughter, even macabre, is the BEST medicine...Soft toilet tissue is a close second!!!

Some of you know that I was hospitalized for almost half the month of October. Good news is that I'm gonna live. Bad news is that I've got to continue to live "with" it. My long, laborious life in pain is detailed in my threads and posts, so no need to repeat. I believe it's important to say that I believe my pain specialist's negligence caused this latest round of agony for me.

OPIOD INDUCED CONSTIPATION seems to be the "trending topic" of the last few posts. Perhaps my experience can HELP to answer some of your questions. My PM doctor was made aware on day one that I battle constipation without opiates. He chose to ignore this, claiming he'd never heard of Linzess. Most recently I'd asked him about Movantik. His response was "too expensive", which it is but WTF am I supposed to do? Not his problem, obviously. Since I have no script insurance, my GP had me taking Miralax twice daily. I also took Senna softeners and laxatives. BEWARE...both the Senna and the laxatives have damaged the mucosa of my colon.

I sought help through the ER twice, writhing in pain in my left side (to back). I was sent home the first time after a CT scan that revealed, and I quote "a colon full of stool and a bladder full of infection". I spent the following several days taking massive amounts of softeners, laxatives and enemas seeking relief. I had a partial bowel obstruction in my transcending/decending colon that I COULD NOT move. It felt as though something inside me was about to rupture.

The second trip to the ER included contrast dye with CT. The doctor admitted me for IV fluids and attempted to move the obstruction with bowel prep meds. I was in SO MUCH pain, but refused opiates because well you know...They make constipation worse. I was given Toradol in my IV, which helped me to endure the agony. The GoLyte, Magnesium Citrate, etc. blasted the blockage at a snail's pace. It looked like surgery may become necessary to avoid colon tissue death. Thankfully, surgery was avoided for now.

I was transferred to Baptist Hospital 2 hours away after 6 days in local hospital. My GI docs needed to do a plethora of tests and "emptying" studies, both upper and lower GI. The barium contrast causes constipation BTW, something I truly didn't need. I'm only now feeling like I've birthed all of the barium babies...maybe. No cancerous lesions or tumors were found inside my bowels, which I am ever so thankful. However, my colon was tattered, battered and heavily bruised from sub-human DISTENTION. It's still not healed, but it's much better. Although I have extensive bowel/bladder issues from trauma and subsequent surgeries, namely a crimp/twist in my left colon...It's plain to see that the opiate trials through PM made this MUCH WORSE. I've not taken the Oxycodone since this latest episode. I can't risk another obstruction.

YES...HELL YES, I need pain relief but I also need my bowels to move once in a while. Tough choice, huh? I knew this. That's why I steered clear of opiates for decades. I used Darvocet for minimal relief (and side effects of constipation) for decades until it was banned. I'd still take Darvocet if I could get access to the real McCoy. I digress. For now, I've got to white-knuckle through my spine/joint pain and endo pain with nothing more than Motrin.

My GI insists I MUST take Linzess 290 every day of my life, with Miralax at night. He told me to STOP ALL SENNA and laxatives before it destroys the lining of my colon. I told him that the cost of Linzess @ $300 per month will destroy my budget. He gave me some samples and told me to FIND a way to afford it. smfh

BTW, I think Movantik is even more expensive, running upwards of $400 per month. As for me, the Linzess 290 is inducing bowel movements of some degree (daily) which is not something I've had for 20+ years.

Of course, though, I said I'm not taking the Oxycodone for about 3 weeks now. I never took the full prescribed dosage, because I feared the consequences. I've typed endlessly about my feelings on the subject. I've just never felt Oxy IR was right for me, personally. I need ER version, but unsure about ability to absorb ER Oxy form. Again, my PM "specialist" is a terrorist dick. Otherwise he could "manage" my pain without shutting down my bowels.

I still want to try the CBD/THC products for chronic pain. FUCK ME, because they aren't legal here. Yes, I tried smoking some herb but couldn't function and still felt equal pain. I want to try the oils or tinctures, but I can "want" in one hand and...

I need to stop my babbling, but let me get on my soapbox first...I was SO low physically and emotionally while hospitalized, my husband said he could see death in my eyes. Yep...I gave up. I watched the nurses method of administering meds through IV and considered shooting a vial of air into my vein. I just want the suffering to end. I feared urban legend wasn't accurate, and I'd survive, perhaps in a vegetative state. I've always kept a plan of exit tucked away "just in case" existence became too painful to bear. Macabre, but it comforts me to know that I can end this on my terms if need be. I share these thoughts because I feel that others certainly share these thoughts of exit when the pain is intense and never-ending. I know, it's a permanent solution to a "not so temporary" problem.

Yet we must soldier on, my fellow CP PEEPS. We must advocate for better treatment of our pain. I must say it's a war on CPPs...We stand little chance of empathy rather than the profound APATHY that is evident in the eyes of medical personnel. I try to refrain from painting all doctors with a broad brush of generalization. I wish they would return the courtesy for us pain patients.

Apologies for the long post and rant. I empathize with those of you who are battling cancer or have loved ones who are. It's a vicious beast. I appreciate all of your messages, emails and posts for me during my absence. I want all of you to know that I'm here for you.

Y'all mean a lot to me. I hope each of you are keeping warm and feeling at least some "relief" from pain. ((HUGS))
Hey Dixi, glad to see you're alive and back to "normal" - alive and kicking and suffering terrible pain! Not glad that you're in pain but you get what I mean.
Meh, wishing for a new spine and endless opiates without physical addiction and tolerance. Not asking for the impossible but asking for a miracle.
'Tis the season for miracles! 8)

Yea, my entire spine is fucked, too. So are my joints with 0 cartilage, so I feel ya with the scream worthy bone on bone pain. I've yet to find the opiate that alleviates even a little of my pain. Of course there's also that side note of vaginal/rectal pain best described as rape via bread knife. Just a minor inconvenience, right?

I don't need perfect, but "possible" would be a breath of fresh air.

Meanwhile, I'm thankful that my sprained (not broken) wrist is healing and that I can still stand upright after such a hard fall onto rocks. My chemo-brittled bones could have shattered. I'm guessing my fall lead to the discovery of my bowel obstruction. I'm told it could have been there for some time...maybe even since trying Kratom several months back.

Hubby bought me a sweet hand blown device upon discharge from hospital. Sadly, weed just makes me shit-faced, with no pain relief. We are toying with the idea of an MMJ tasting tour (road trip) to Colorado for Christmas. Although extreme measures...These are extreme times for me and for him, as he witnesses my living death. Our last hope (aside from euthanasia) is tinctures or oils, apparently available only in legalized states.

Doctor isn't giving me enough medicine, what do I do about thisthis! I'm in dire need

Well I have chrons disease, ulcerative colitis, a hole in my stomach that leaks fluid into my hips which causes them to pop out of place and very bad arthritis. I'm only 23 so my doctor thinks I'm abusing my medications when in fact I take them exactly as prescribed. I'm in so much pain and my oxy is the only way I can get out of bed to go to the bathroom or get dressed and even sometimes the pain meds aren't enough. My doctor gives me 60 5mg which is nothing since I need to take 15mg every 4 to 5 hours just so I feel like I'm not dying and not havin a feeling of being stabbed multiple times in the stomach. I usually go to the hospital when I run out but I fear my primary care physician thinks I'm abusing my meds an that's why I'm running out when in all reality I'm not getting the correct dosage or enough what so ever to get thru the month. I don't have health insurance so the hospital is really my only option. I don't abuse my meds an I'm scared they think so. Can someone please help me and give me some advice for how to go about this. Because my intestines are already eating myself alive and the pain meds make me feel somewhat normal. I don't want to get flagged for abuse when I'm not! Please help!
Thanks, Zach
Man, I can't think of any advice. Wish I could. I had my colon removed in June and that shit still hurts. I go to pain clinic but they treat me very conservatly cause my battles with drinking in past years. Once Drs think you're abusing meds they clam up. Hospital works for a diagnosis and temporary fix but not much else. If your pcp thinks you're abusing you need proof you're not like a blood test to check for levels. You could try a pain clinic. With your health issues they'd treat you but you gotta go thru hassle of getting your transcripts unless hospital has pain clinic like me. Tough sit bro. Keep trying everything you can and you'll fine someone to prescribe you what you need.
Dixiechik, wow, what a story!!! I feel so bad for you. I can't think of anything but def go to Colorado. They got strains for everything and the lovely hash oil. I hope you're blessed with some relief soon. Hang in there?
Zach, I feel for you & whilst I don't have the stomach issues you do, (except, hello recently diagnosed kidney disease), I do have arthritis in my hips which started when I was not much older than yourself & completely feel the pain especially first thing in the mornings!

If you don't have the type of r'ship with your doctor to sit them down & have an open discussion in regard to your ongoing pain & running out early, as well as the worry each month that you'll be flagged as a drug seeker, I suggest two options.

Educate him/her on the signs & behaviours of psuesdoaddiction, & ask for a referral to a PM dr of your choice. I was sent to a horrible, mean pain specialist, when I'd gotten to the point years ago to think to ask my doctor if there's such a specialty as Pain medicine.

Surprised that there actually was, disappointed by the epic fail & increased pain the visit incurred, it took me at least twelve months & my friend google to find a doctor I felt could be a good fit for myself.

Not being in your country, I don't fully understand your insurance scheme. We have a totally different one where basically, if you can afford it, you can see any specialist,- if you can't, sadly it can be a long wait but sometimes at reduced fees.

If you've been going to the hospital due to running out early on a medium-term basis, perhaps there's a pain team there that could assist you better than your current dr? Even an anaesthetist might be able to help make a recommendation to your primary care dr?

All the best,

'Tis the season for miracles! 8)

Yea, my entire spine is fucked, too. So are my joints with 0 cartilage, so I feel ya with the scream worthy bone on bone pain. I've yet to find the opiate that alleviates even a little of my pain. Of course there's also that side note of vaginal/rectal pain best described as rape via bread knife. Just a minor inconvenience, right?

I don't need perfect, but "possible" would be a breath of fresh air.

Meanwhile, I'm thankful that my sprained (not broken) wrist is healing and that I can still stand upright after such a hard fall onto rocks. My chemo-brittled bones could have shattered. I'm guessing my fall lead to the discovery of my bowel obstruction. I'm told it could have been there for some time...maybe even since trying Kratom several months back.

Hubby bought me a sweet hand blown device upon discharge from hospital. Sadly, weed just makes me shit-faced, with no pain relief. We are toying with the idea of an MMJ tasting tour (road trip) to Colorado for Christmas. Although extreme measures...These are extreme times for me and for him, as he witnesses my living death. Our last hope (aside from euthanasia) is tinctures or oils, apparently available only in legalized states.


Oh Ffs Dixi! I'd be shooting smack if I had half your problems, and quality cocaine to be applied topically and internally for the vaginal/rectal breadknife thing. Damn. I hope you find some peace.
Hey Everybody 8o Sorry for the graphic description of "pelvic" pain. I can imagine how it'd make you wince and cross your legs!

I gotcha, SKR...Sometimes I think "Why not?...How could this get any worse?" Invariably it DOES get worse.

My arms look like I'm an IV user, but nope...never. The nurses mutilated my arms while hospitalized for belly issues. They go after my hands, because I have bulging veins there. I refuse to allow it, so they seem to get off on hitting my arm veins HARD. Some of my nurses "seemed" to be accessing the pharmaceuticals for themselves. Even my husband noticed. Our state of "health non-care" is frightening.

There was ONE male nurse at Baptist that actually seemed to give a rat's ass. I went down to GI lab for testing. He was taken aback by my condition (after 6 days in local hospital). He started a banana bag IMMEDIATELY and stood there massaging the bag to force the fluids to flow more rapidly. I remember when he administered the Versed (sic) the second time, I asked him to "Please make this all go away". I meant "forever"...

Thank you, closeau...Right back atcha! It sounds as though you've hugged HELL many times, too. I'm sorry for ALL who suffer pain and agony. I was being "flip" about the trip to Colorado. That's about 6 states away. I'm unable to travel that far, unless by plane. I'd never make it back with the goodies via air. Long drives at this point, for me, are out of the question.

It's a crying, screaming, bat shit crazy shame that legit CPPs have to suffer, while users for kicks seem to obtain pretty much anything. I'm not hating as such, I just think those of us trying to soldier through daily pain...well, you know.
:! YOO-HOO...Anybody home?

Where is everybody? I would like to think that my CP PEEPS are "healed" and dancing joyously in the streets. Somehow, I think not.

I was SO HOPEFUL that Shain and SN would update their trials with THC/CBD for pain. I know that my state is not legal for use. IF I can get relief and obtain by other means...I won't blink twice before doing so.

I don't want to get HIGH. I want to get UP out of my bed, GO to work, and take care of my family (including my demonic mom).
Pain management people. Oxymorphone ER 10mg (tested) and possibly higher dosages

To Speed King. I doubt you oxymorphone ER will be crushable. I'm pretty sure it's law now that the non crushable reformulated are standard to dispense and crushable form are gone. Maybe I'm wrong but I tried my ass off to get crushable kind and no go. And about anxiety. I have super panic attacks and haven't had one since switching from Valium to Kolonopin. I take 1mg 3x day. It keeps me pretty calm but my life is crazy right now so yesterday she gave me hydroxizine which will help with leftover anxiety, itchies and nausea. I used it last night 30 min before my oxy dose and it did boost the sedating parts of the meds. Had a small effect on euphoria but not much. That's it.
I have included a few links, to help whoever can find this information useful. I just moved from 60mg of Morphine ER a day to 20mg of Oxymorphone ER a day. I get a medicine, find the right dosage that controls my pain, regardless of my activity( obviously within reason. household work, shopping, daily activities, physical therapy) with minimal pain. Dull pain at most. I research my medication thoroughly. Use as prescribed and go as far as to tune my diet for optimal effects. I apologise, I'm in a through, educational mood. My pain management doctor told me that the generic Opana ER 10mg, in my case Oxymorphone ER 10mg was crushable and as far as was known at the time, was original formula, as in no bullshit wax matrix, uncrushable gum, whatever, stuff to hinder effectiveness. Here is a couple of good links: www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm351357.htm and www.americannewsreport.com/generic-opana-painkiller-coming-to-u-s-8817251 . I'm pleased here, because, in this case, original formula Oxymorphone ER, works better,hits harder, and lasts longer at the strength that a moderate pain medication user is expecting. Fortunately, I do not have an excessive tolerance. To wrap this point up, I figure, I could be happy at 40mg of Oxymorphone ER a day. Hopefully a Pain Management doctor will see it my way. I hope at least part of this helped someone. Also, didn't mean to interrupt flow of thread. Everyone, relax and try to have a better, pain free day. Speed King
If you think that tylonol might be killing you at normal doses I would like to share the things I finally found helpful. My dad is a chemist so he suggested I try L-Glutathione ( reduced) zinc and D3. Today is the first day I woke up from very deep real sleep not the kind that makes you wonder if you slept but real sleep with dreams. Yesterday was day 3 on glutathione and day one on the D3 and zinc. today, I was even able to take my precosett without triggering chills fever, dry skin, and muscle aches. I feel great not much pain relief from my meds though but I was able to take it and stop my morning w/ds without triggering hell. I think my dad might have saved my life!! sure my hip is screaming at me but I dont feel like I just want to die (faster).
Excellent information!!! I was on high dose Percocet 5/325 and there were days where I was easily pushing 12 pills a day, due to the pain levels. Tylenol has an IMO, nice, additive effect to certain painkillers like oxycodone, morphine and similar drugs. However, its obvious that the dose of Tylenol is way off. 60mg of oxycodone via Percocet, may be a little high, but instead of 3900mg of Tylenol at that dose, it should be more like Percocet 5/125. That would be equivalent to 60/1500. Its still too high, but much better overall. Back to original point, I found when the side effects happened, and I got paranoid, I would eat a few multi vitamins and if on hand, spinach, broccoli and detoxifying vegetables, either raw or in a blender. Its so easy to eat a half a pound of vegetables, via a blender, when its important. I apologise, but it's posts like this that inspire ideas like a thread on liver detoxes in general and emergency situations. Thanks bluemonkey, nice harm reduction.
Hello, Hel-l-l-l-l-l-o-o-o-o-o-o echoes into the darkness. Yes, I'm in misery and I'd like some company. I need someone to "type" to. I need to laugh, if only at myself. I'm really struggling with pain, with no hope of "better". Yes, I have pain meds (Oxycodone IR) but I didn't get relief from them PRIOR to partial bowel obstruction. I am afraid of Oxy on so many levels, having read the horror stories of increased tolerance and dosage...with less pain relief as time passes.

I sound like a broken record. I apologize for that. It's same shit, different day with me. There simply HAS TO BE some type of pain med that I can benefit from (without increased constipation). Oh, God...words can't describe the continued pain from my crimped colon being distended like a mylar balloon.

I don't want to burden my dear husband, as my recent crisis took its toll on him. He has HBP requiring 5 separate meds daily. His work is deadline oriented and extremely stressful. His dad died of a massive heart attack at 45. My husband is 58, so...I try to keep my ills to myself as much as possible. He sees through the façade and asks "Baby, what can I do?" My reply..."just love me through it". He does just that, but we both are really DOWN right now.

Should hit "delete"...:!
It is one of the saddest stories I hear about too often, that people in pain are not getting what they need, what they are asking for, simple pain relief. After years of searching and seeing different medical professionals someone has finally got it right for me. I still need some help adjusting medication dosages to get optimal performance but finally I have relief. Hopefully I can share my knowledge and get you there too.
Number 1thing I suggest is to keep your own notes from all doc visits. If for no other reason than prof. The medical industry is built on kept records. Keep them neat, organized, and simple. If you are not getting what you need ask for it again. Then tell them you aren't and even go so far as to ask for a referral to someone that can help you get the results you need. You have to be as persistent as your own pain is.
I fear I may be close to a line or rule I don't want to cross. So I will move on.
As for painless BM's I'm still searching.
:! YOO-HOO...Anybody home?

Where is everybody? I would like to think that my CP PEEPS are "healed" and dancing joyously in the streets. Somehow, I think not.

I was SO HOPEFUL that Shain and SN would update their trials with THC/CBD for pain. I know that my state is not legal for use. IF I can get relief and obtain by other means...I won't blink twice before doing so.

I don't want to get HIGH. I want to get UP out of my bed, GO to work, and take care of my family (including my demonic mom).

Dixie- I hear you! I understand. It is harder when you feel you must hide how you really feel to save someone else. It's what we do for love.
Rtp- you made me feel pretty bad about my post that you disliked so much you were willing to leave the site??? Or at least that what I took fro your post.
Now I'm trying to move on and when ever I reply and try to post it just re post a copy of your message! Hells bells. I need to be adopted and taught how to post!
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