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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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Hey Freddie :) Thanks for your understanding. I'm a firm believer in keeping a thorough paper trail for my medical records. I'm old school, so my preference is LARGE 3 ring binder with tabs for individual doctors, specialists, hospitals, tests performed, surgical reports, discs of scans, MRIs and prescription trials. I leave NO stone unturned.

Even my own PM specialist has his head so far up his ass, he doesn't know me from one visit to the next. I think he's taking the good stuff, rather than scripting for us fuckers who are writhing in pain 24/7.

It's good to have new members here on the forum for support and sharing info. Please don't be offended by anyone here. Often times words typed in text convey an emotion totally opposite from that intended. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you new arrivals, including closeau, bluemonkey, shroomy, etc. Lots of new cyber siblings I've yet to meet.

On top of everything else, my Dell laptop is dying a SLOW death. Geek Squad says don't bother with attempted repairs. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! Who can afford $1500 every couple of years? I don't like to type on my phone beyond brief texts. I don't like IPads, so I will eventually get another laptop...It won't be a DELL for damn sure...second one in 5 years. Yea, I murdered the first one by dropping it, but this one...not my fault!

FWIW...Someone on BL said to me early on that any doctor worth his salt would try to do anything possible to relieve (at least some) of the pain and agony of my 54 year old body. I have no "red flags" as I've never "used" much less "abused" meds of any kind. I can not afford to "nod" my way through days on end. I have to be alert, sharp minded, and highly competitive. Most pain meds are not conducive to my heavy work load, both professionally and personally. For me, sedating myself would equal surrender. I can't do that. I don't need perfect, just POSSIBLE.

Freddie...It's good to hear that you have established a reasonable treatment protocol with your pain doctor. I'm told that perhaps CBD/THC oils/tinctures/sublinguals may ease my pain a little. I don't have a resource without driving cross country. My body can't cash that check!
Dixi you rarely if ever take your oxy so you are in the best position with that med - maximum relief at a minimal dose. You don't have to worry about increasing tolerance and WD and all the horrible shit those of us that use day in day out have to deal with. Treat yourself occasionally.

If you ended up with a colostomy bag could you take opiates without drama?
But SKR...That's just it. I don't take it because the rebound pain outweighs any smidge of relief. If it helped and I trusted my batshit crazy PM doc to have my back on scripts, I'd risk it.

Idaknow about the effect of opiates with colostomy bag, but Jeez I can't stomach that visual. I've been far too mutilated already. I wish they could just remove most of my intestines and create what was called a "straight gut" to the rectum. Everything you eat comes straight through. It was found to be destructive to the cardiovascular system. I had a friend die @ 41. I don't believe they perform that procedure anymore.

I'd like to have informed stats on whether my body can absorb the ER formulation of Oxy in it's current abuse-proof state. I wouldn't want to abuse it, just take orally. My fear is that the tamper proof shell would pass through without delivery of pain relief. I can't know without trying. Common sense tells me he could write for 5 day supply for trial, so that I don't lose the cost for an entire month supply.
I'd also be willing to try Zohydro or Hysingla, but too expensive. I suppose ALL opiates will constipate me even further. Lose, lose. :X
Thanks Dixie.
Sorry about my rant. I am posting from my phone and that post was the 5th draft because my phone and msg box was forcing me to delete my text. It's fixed now. Yeah!
Sounds like you keep great records. I posted that not specific to you although it did seem that way.
I use the 'new' oxy and have never even seen the old tablets that abusers love. I do think the only way for you to know for sure how it reacts with you system is to try it. Sounds like you are not at that place now, to chance it and deal with results if it goes bad. I'm sorry.
My Moma has the straight out the shoot intestines. They had to do that because so much of her intestines were removed after a colonoscopy went bad. She does well with it. It has been a few years since the surgery and she is as good as new now. Thank God. So there is that bit of good news.
I have been on oxy for years and am just now needing something to help my bowels along. I do not think it is due to oxy more or less than it is due to other meds I take. Which are roxi or some refer to as percocets. Pain pills in general have always given me trouble.
Guess I may be your opposite because I would deal with not having a BM ever, over not taking meds. Haha. Bet I have gone a whole week without having BM. I've heard something about a colonic. Maybe I should check that out?
Does anyone experience intense itching ? Maybe after you take your meds. If you do get the itchies what do you think causes this to happen?
^ Hey Freddie, welcome aboard man. If you are referring to itchiness related to meds then it's likely a histamine reaction usually easily combatted by taking, you guessed it, an anti-histamine. On the odd occasion I have to take codeine, usually to avoid withdrawal until I pick up more oxycodone, I'll perform a cold water extraction to eliminate the paracetamol to leave me with 300-600mgs of codeine solution. Well I imbibe that and then swallow 50mgs of phenergan (Sp?) to combat the extreme itchiness and flushed red skin
Hey...SKR is spot on with the opiate itch. Nobody bothered to tell me this when I started PM a couple of years ago. I thought at first I'd had an allergic reaction to the salon products my stylist uses to hi/lowlight my hair! Of course, it wasn't...instead the meds. I think it eventually subsides. Unfortunately, I also got a raging case of SHINGLES VIRUS in my eye (yep) and face within 2 months of PM start. My GP told me at the time that the stress of it all was killing me.

I took some Benadryl to calm the itch, yet would awaken myself at night clawing at my flesh. Strangely, the trial of Fentanyl was the worst of all, with mind-bending itching and night sweats as the med "dumped". It didn't work out for me we think due to the reformulation of the patch (no gel). The original Duragesic had been a miracle for me back in 2005-06.

Freddie...Happy to hear your mom is doing well post colon removal. My GI says the Senna softeners/laxatives are damaging the mucosa lining of my colon. As for pain relief over BMs...Well, the human body rebels when stool is trapped in the colon. I was in excruciating pain in my left side, freaking that either my kidney, my pancreas or my colon was about to rupture. Folks love to point out that I'm "full of shit"...I guess they're right!!!

SKR...Hope you're okay, friend. Always good to hear from you. Do YOU think ER Oxy would be absorbed effectively by my body? It's terribly expensive, with no generic...right? Toradol helps so much with internal inflammation, but my understanding is that it can be dangerous long-term.

So can lead lozenges...Yet again I digress.

Oh, mercy I'm just now seeing this chaos in France! :(
Yeah I'm ok Dixi, hanging in there....unlike you I at least have 2 things to look forward to each day - my morning dose of oxy and my afternoon/evening dose. Significantly reduced pain for a few hours after each dose, the first half an hour being almost heaven - it was absolute heaven when I used to get high/buzzed on my meds.

If I was you I would definitely give the ER oxy a go. You really haven't got much if anything to lose. It's unfortunate regarding constipation and opiates because when you use them chronically your body gets used to them to the point where you no longer get constipated and are in fact quite regular. But you've got to get to that point which for you is not doable really. How much is Roxy ER where you are?
Dixi, find someone to assist you and run a Linux distribution on your laptop. I run Linux. Easy enough to learn and they have os's that are real light and make an old computer work much better. Hopefully someone can add to this post. F, geek squad. If your in the know, or at least sound like it they can be cool. Feel better. I❤️ Dixi .
Thanks SKR for sharing and using such a good vibe. Appreciated mucho dude.
I've been on Oxy 80mg tabs x2 daily for at least 5years give or take. It was after I put last month's Rx to use that I experienced severe itchiness. There had been no change to my meds what so ever. That is why it was confusing. Along with Oxy (OxyContin ER, making sure I give correct info) I get Rx for Roxi 30mg (again so I am not being misleading- I also know my roxi as 3 Percocet 10's minus all the Tylenol) tabs every month for past 3years. So nothing was new to my system. There were no manufacturer changes etc. Simply put no change what so ever to my monthly Med menu.
Idk why it happened but now the intensity is fading. Just a lil itch here and there now. Weird huh?
Granted I take a big girl does of pain meds daily and have a high tolerance for just about any other substance when added to that list. EXCEPT when it is an anti-histamine. Benadryl knocks me right on my ass. So if the itching gets intense for me again that will not be an option.
I already take mucho Adderall daily to keep up alertness and energy levels. I suffer muscle spasms and panic attacks so add benzo' to list as well.
The other things you mentioned were kinda over my head. I have never performed a water extraction but interested in learning more about that.
I also wonder if you are saying my pain meds were the cause for a histamine reaction??? If so, then why? I can not for life of me figure out how that equation works in the body. Again, very interested in learning more about that.
While I am wearing this Dunce hat why not admit that I am also at a loss to think of any common names for meds made of codeine. Except of course cough syrup or it's well known product, lean. Which I only know about from Rap music.
I am a hot mess. ;)
So please, if you are up for it, share more. I am very interested in your vast knowledge!!
^Freddie you're pretty much on what I'm on which equates to about 200mgs per day, though lately it's been more like 240-300 mgs per day until the week before my script where I have to drop to about 100-120mgs and that week is horrible and I promise myself "never again" until I find myself in the same position 3weeks later - fuckin junkie status.

So in saying that, it's not like you've changed meds or amounts that may normally be a cause for your itchiness. I've noted in folks who suffer hives that the weeks and days leading up to a chronic episode of hives they will experience light amounts of hives which suggests to me that there is an accumulative action going on in the body and it then reaches a point where the build up of things that cause hives in that individual is so much so that it spills over and they get hives. But if the sufferer knows what some of the things that cause hives are and they cut them out of the diet, eventually they cease getting hives. Then eventually can return to a diet that has foods that would normally cause an episode but are ok until after a while it builds up again.....i may have babbled a bit, I'll go back and read, take care.
And Freddie with all the oxy you take codeine would be useless I reckon except for avoiding WD as I do. You can research it online about cold water extractions (CWE), the reason this process is critical is to make sure you don't consume liver and kidney destroying APAP or paracetamol amounts.
Thanks to all! I am very happy to be a member.
Little note to Dixi- You come off as a very happy/kind spirited person and at the same time you seem to be dealing with so many heavy issues. Good for you! I really think a good attitude is the best thing you can have most of the time. And thanks for you nice words about Moma.

My own experience with OxyContin makes me think that it may be less problematic for ppl with intestinal problems than various other opiates.

When you break down an OxyContin tablet it becomes a pliable and if it is introduced to pretty much any liquid it forms a gel-like capsule around each piece of itself. So chewing it before swallowing does nothing positive toward getting a buzz or making it work faster. Maybe it binds back together once in the stomach.
I soaked tablets in vinegar & cola (Coke & Pepsi) and that only created a gelish liquid that had no different effect when ingested from an un-tampered with tablet.

When the tablet exits your system, yep - when you poop it out, that same gel-like substance remains with no trace of meds attached to it.
This leaves me to think that it travels out of the body in this same slick non-adhesive form. Therefore causing little to no problems in the intestines where other opiates bind and cause the well known discomfort and constipation.

For me OxyContin is a life saver. It tackles my pain and allows me to be a functioning person again. Nothing like the high- out-put person I was but much more than I would be without it. . Oxy stays in my system a long time so I rarely have to go through hellish withdrawals before I get my hands on more. I have taken pain meds for long enough now I no longer get a buzz. I must admit that was the ultimate, the best. Nothing lasts forever and I will take what I can get when it comes to pain relief.

Hopefully my at home experimentation can help someone in using Oxy. I am a total fan and always will be.
I get you SKR. Thanks for explaining. Now if I can figure out how to take the pain meds and Adderall in combination or any way that doesn't cause me to zone out I will be real good.
That mostly happens on long and short road trips. I need pain meds when in a car because it's so damn uncomfortable. Then the Adderall to be alert but almost every time behind wheel I feel like it's nap time.
Do you agree..... It's like a prescription speed ball Coke & heroine. I have never done that before but wonder if it is the same effect???
I would use CWE to just remove the Tylenol or acetimeniphen (sp?)? If so that's not necessary in my case. None of my meds contain that.
Hi. I have an ostomy bag and I don't have a problem on opiates. If anything they help slow output which can become helpful at night. I've been having a real problem with it last 2 weeks. Can't get up to my alarm for some reason so my bag fills up and I wake up in a mess. I'll leave it there for those of you with weak stomachs. I've also started to taper off my meds with Drs help. We believe I have opiod induced hyperalgesia. Wiki has a good description. Basically patient becomes oversensitive to pain and meds have opposite effect. I'm in so much pain all over and twisted my ankle the other day and it felt like I broke it. Didn't even Swell it was so minor. That's when I messaged my dr and she said it sounds like I have it. Great. Just what I need. Chronic pain now can't take pain meds. We're tapering it down slowly thank God. I've done cold turkey once and never again!!! We see eachother the 24th so she said we'd talk about options but now I'm down just one pill a day each med. 2 opanas and 5 dilaudids instead of 6. I can feel the irritability but could be worse. My output of ostomy is gonna skyrocket when I'm off opiates but I'm sure I'm gonna feel better. Just gonna use cannabis and maybe some Kratom. My tolerance is too high for Kratom now. Took 11g this morning and nothing. Ityll all work out......I hope. Dixie, you're an inspiration to me. You're in a very tough situation and you seem like your spirits are ok. My prayers are with you. I'm gonna stay up tonight to empty my bag. Music and ephedrine. I have appt this week with neurologist bc my pcp thinks I have narcolepsy. I would love a stimulant in the morning instead of ephedrine and coffee all day. I know it's not healthy but I'll fall asleep during day, even if I sleep 12 hrs. I'm gonna get thru it. I hope those out there struggling will too! Peace!
:) Hey Y'all...I'm gonna try to "catch up" on posts since Friday night. I try to avoid NEWS, period, for self-preservation. The terrorist shit in France though is screaming through every piece of technology this weekend. Such a FUCKING SHAME these degenerates with no value of human life can annihilate the lives of SO MANY innocents...never mind my soap box.

I'm a firm believer that I personally should BE the change that I want to see in the world...a part of the solution, rather than the problem. I have to work hard at not being a bitter old bitch. It's a day to day, sometimes breath to breath "thing". I'm not always upbeat, by any stretch. I have a strong faith, though I still ya-ya with God, sometimes crying out and cursing in agony and pain...WHY ME?? I even joke that I feel fucked over like Job. Just wanta go sit in the ashes and whine. Every time I get a fire built, someone pisses it out. Oh well.

Yes, I have a potty mouth (Captain Obvious, there). "Fuck" expresses like no other word for me. I also have an irreverent sense of humor. I've just gotta believe God has a salty sense of humor, too. I need only look at my family members for confirmation. I'm a red head (blonde highlights) so I have a crazy temper, mostly riled by incompetent gods in white coats...and my extended family. They're like a bunch of damn cockroaches...scatter when you hit the lights.

I have 5 older siblings who don't even "phone it in" to help with my 89 year old mom's healthcare. She's a bonafide BITCH...spawn of Satan...but even so deserves the best medical care a facility (not me) can provide. My siblings don't visit, don't help physically, emotionally or financially. I try to go nightly and tuck her in. Granted, I wear riot gear because she threatens to knock my Goddamned head off. Some nights I'm conflicted as to whether to fluff the pillow under her head or over her face...press down tightly. :\

Sorry, I got off in the ditch with OT stuff, huh? I DO think we should share ourselves and experiences. We can find strength from knowing we are not alone. We can make it through for one another, though we're siblings who've never met. Ya never know who may smile or laugh out loud at your shit...literally or figuratively. I cry the big ole ugly cry a lot, too. I think we all do, if we're honest. I send my arms to embrace you, if only through my keyboard. It's REAL. ((HUGS))

SKR and Freddie...I want to try the OxyContin. I'm going to insist at my next appointment. It's terribly expensive, though (I think around $400+ per month). FFS, this new Linzess 290 for constipation is almost $300 per month. Thankfully, my GIs nurse gave me samples to cover 2 months. Bless her heart, a rare commodity in these tough times.

Speed King...Your I heart Dixi made me smile. I needed that, I promise. I don't think the Linux will help my Dell. It's the power adaptor that even though we've replaced, it still won't charge. It's less than 2 years old, so I'm fucked again.

closeau...I'm so sorry you're having issues with your O bag. I so fear that procedure is in my future, though my GI says the Linzess should get my colon active again. I've heard of the hyperalgesia, which is one more cluster fuck for a person in pain. I pray for you as well to find the answers you need to feel better.

I'm thankful for the kindness and willingness here to share not only information, but our experiences. If I've made one person smile, my day is good. I have to find the humor, and keep a shovel in hand. My folks dump shit onto me constantly. I try to spread it around and plant seeds of hope and a few flowers along the way.

Y'all try to have a good one today. Stay safe.
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Keep on truckin Dixi! I thought the love heart was sweet too, nice touch SK! Fuckin pain this morning singing it out like Florence and the machine!
I used the little red heart emoticon a lot when I first joined BL last Spring. For some reason, it "stopped" showing up, as in POOF! GONE! and everything following the red heart. If anyone can explain how to "fix" that, please tell me. I'm a "heart" kinda gal. =D

SKR...So sorry the pain is so intense for you. I know that you know ALL of the tricks beyond meds to help get you through the roughest pain, so I won't insult you with suggestions. Just know that I'm here if I can be of any comfort. I care. I've even attached my TENS unit to my tummy, trying to stimulate bowels. I personally HATE the TENS vibrations, but it can be helpful at times. I've burned out more heating pads than I can count, not to mention the recliners I've nearly set on fire, with me in them. I hope that by now, with our time zones, that you've found some relief.

We attended the funeral of a close friend this afternoon. It was heart wrenching, though I have to believe he's in a better place and that his body is whole again. I lost it when the bagpipes began to play "Amazing Grace". He had lost his 41 year old son to alcohol poisoning suddenly in 2012. He never stopped grieving. How could he? The daughter-in-law never brought his granddaughters to visit him afterwards "because he was in a nursing home"...smfh Today they carried their pawpaw's ashes down the aisle. He was only 67. Sad to think our friend died of loneliness and a broken heart.

We CHOOSE to think happy thoughts and reminisce of the fun times we spent together. He loved the Dallas Cowboys. We love the NY Giants. We'd spend game days taunting each other, and sharing football food! He was a great cook (soul food) and enjoyed our cooking. We'd share suppers, calling each other to say "don't cook tonight---I've got it". We'd watch Giants vs. Cowboys with him in his little room after he moved into the nursing home, taking foam fingers and pom-poms and full regalia! He loved our meatball sliders---the last thing we made for him.

It's getting late here, so I'll sign off for now. TTYS
Rtp- you made me feel pretty bad about my post that you disliked so much you were willing to leave the site??? Or at least that what I took fro your post.

Now I'm trying to move on and when ever I reply and try to post it just re post a copy of your message! Hells bells. I need to be adopted and taught how to post!

Freddie, firstly, you took a insult to a post on the adoption thread that was in no way & with no intention directed at yourself. It was a general post regarding my feelings, in my own time & space, & certainly without yourself,- a stranger being implicated.

I can understand being a newcomer that it could be misinterpreted once, but to continue on & on about it, especially when no one else saw it in such light, is beyond me.

As I'm sure you've now seen, one of the mods sees my point. Prior to now, I'd engage fully & totally in the pain forums, but emerging requests for adoption took my time & energy away from my friends there. Which I know regret as many of these I miss dearly & am looking fwd to reengaging with.

I had no idea you harboured such ill thoughts until I was asked by PM what the go was!

I re read my post to you, & yes, I did comment that your med combo could well have you feeling drowsy behind the wheel & elsewhere.

I also welcomed you to the forum & invited you to begin your own thread with NMI & to introduce yourself & your personal situation.

Also, to read up on the list of willing adopters & seek out to ask whom you thought best would fit in with your adoption.

I hope this is not a taste of things to come, as there is simply no need for any more negativity than we all experience in our day today life's as Cpp's.

Dear Dixi,

Sorry to hear life is still so painful!! MJ is also illegal where I am, if I haven't mentioned this before... But not to the lengths you'd have to go to!!

I smoke it sometimes, at best it makes me go to sleep,- not practical until late at nite with young, energetic sweetchildofmine!

What are the penalties in your state? I know of parents who've bought tbh (?) oil for their children's seizures here in OZ, to their detriment, though it's helped young kids hvng 160 seizures per day down to five, so they're willing advocates of the stuff!

Also, sorry to hear you were hvng a lonely time when I was up Ina sky high Ferris wheel & eating hot jam donuts!

SK, glad ur on oxy morph, seems like where you always wanted to be & hope it's working well for you. Just don't be too hasty in trying to escalate. As there's not too much wiggle room & you don't wanna become a junkie ;) ;) as well as suffer. Believe me!

Many of the newbies, I've not yet had the chance to meet/chat with u guys, but soon will.

All take care xx

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